Abyss Knight

Chapter 848

When she had a hard time with the female doctor, the blonde general sat quietly at the door of both of them, waited for the cloud and rain to end, went in and caught the female doctor out, and then went to the bath to wash her well.

The days passed day by day. After catching those young professionals, the pirate ship of the female doctor sailed on the sea for more than ten days, and finally returned to lafalon Island, the territory of the pirate king.

Here, countless pirates gathered to celebrate the return of the pirate king.

Of course, in order to celebrate her return, female doctors held a grand banquet. However, this kind of banquet is very different from that of ordinary nobles. At the banquet of pirates, no one cares about etiquette or law. What they abide by here is only their deepest desire.

**, violence, force, struggle, curse, curse, assassination, murder, revenge, interest struggle. All these sins will happen at this banquet.

It can be said that every time a banquet is held, some pirate leaders disappear, but new people replace them. Similarly, every time a banquet is held, a large number of weak creatures will suffer unfair treatment because of their sins.

"Crazy, degenerate, desperate." looking at what happened at the banquet, kukas felt very boring and helpless.

In his opinion, what happened on the lafalon island was even more ferocious than what he killed the enemy on the battlefield. Unfortunately, he is the only one here who thinks so. The blonde women generals and doctors did not care about everything that happened here.

In their view, all this is so normal. They have no need to stop what they say, because they are now pirates, so there is no need to cover up when they do ugly and evil things like nobles.

The banquet of the pirates lasted more than ten days. During this period, a large number of Pirates came to pay tribute to female doctors to show their respect for the king of pirates. Of course, distributing and adjusting the interests of those pirate leaders is also what the female doctor of the pirate king should do.

In kukas\'s view, this terrible banquet was still as boring as those terrible banquets in previous years, and then there were major changes at the end of the banquet. But this kind of change is so sudden for kukas and them.

"What? Do you want to overthrow me? Establish a new pirate king?" the female doctor sat on the throne of the exclusive pirate king, chin in one hand, a quill in the other hand, and said with strange surprise: "have you considered it clearly? Do you really want to overthrow my rule?"

"Yes, you robbed the position of the pirate king from the last one. You dyed the throne with blood in those years, and today you will also dye the throne with blood. But you are the one who provides blood." the person who said this was a dry old man. His wrinkles looked like he was going to die at any time. But kukas knew that the dry old man was one of the most powerful leaders under the female doctor.

When the female doctor first came here, this man was a strong competitor to the throne of the pirate king. Up to now, it seems that it has not changed.

"Who is supporting you? Those empires? Or people from a big family?" the female doctor sighed softly: "do you think you will succeed?"

"Many people want you to die, so you must die. There are people from a large family, some orders from the military headquarters of the Empire, and even some large mercenaries have supported us." another pirate leader stood up, who is also the leader of the most powerful pirate teams. Only when the female doctor became the queen of pirates, did he rise slowly.

"Do you want me to abdicate? Do you want to kill me? Dye the throne red with my blood?" the female doctor bowed her head and stroked the throne polished with bone jade under her body and smiled in a low voice: "are you so sure of success?"

"No one is willing to follow you on the whole lafalon Island, even the sailors on your ship," a pirate explained in a deep voice.

Kukas sat in the chair behind the female doctor. He watched the pirates\' performance with great interest.

The blonde generals huddled lazily in their seats and let some maids squeeze some cakes into her mouth with their small hands, as if they had never seen or heard these things.

"I\'m not bad for them at all." the female doctor shook her body, lost her quill pen, and then sat up straight on the throne.

"Yes, you are not bad to those pirate sailors, and you have even saved many of them. Some of them have been sailors on your ship even in their parents\' generation. But there is no way to resist the temptation of money and power. You can\'t give them what some of them want, but I can\'t We can give them. "

"The temptation of money? The temptation of power? The satisfaction of dreams? Interesting. Ha ha!" the female doctor smiled softly.

She stood up, looked at the hundreds of top pirate leaders gathered in the living room, and sighed with a long voice: "if you want to be the king of pirates, I can give it to you. But you have to wait a little longer. I once said to relax for a hundred years, but now it\'s only more than 30 years, and I haven\'t relaxed enough."

"You mean you want us to wait another 70 years? Damn it, if we wait another 70 years, we won\'t be dead. If we don\'t wait until then, you will be dead." a pirate leader shouted: "A woman has suppressed us for more than 30 years. Damn it, do you want to continue to suppress us? No, from now on, you woman will no longer be the king of pirates."

"Since these people want to be the king of pirates, let them be the king of pirates! Let\'s go!" the blonde general stretched out, pushed aside the maid beside her and walked to the female doctor. Behind her, followed by dozens of surrendered professionals and the young Pirates: Bolong and Gen.

"Want to go? Hand over all the treasures over the years first, or none of you will want to leave. You know, many people actually want to taste the body of the pirate king. There was no chance before, but now the opportunity has come." there was an obscene smile on the pirate leader\'s face.

"Yes, it\'s said that the body of the pirate king has a natural smell. It\'s better for everyone to smell it."

For a time, various * * languages were spoken by some pirate leaders, but most pirate leaders were not too presumptuous. Instead, they waited extremely carefully and cautiously, waiting for the cards of female doctors.

They believe that as a king of pirates, even if they are too lazy to pay attention to matters in the territory, even if they are too lazy to control the fleet, they believe that the king of pirates will definitely have a card in her own hands. I\'m afraid the king of pirates who opens the card will need all of them to deal with the past. Therefore, they can\'t be careless. As for The leaders who clamored to overthrow the pirate king were just small characters who couldn\'t make it to the table.

The treasure of the pirate king is widely spread not only among the pirates, but also in some empires.

It is said that every generation of pirate king will hide a large number of treasures in the same place. It is said that if you can get one thousandth of what treasures, you can be rich.

Especially since the female doctor became the queen of pirates, she demanded more from the following pirates than any pirate king in the past.

In the eyes of some intentional pirates, they found that the female doctor of the pirate king only asked for countless wealth, but did not take out any wealth for any consumption. Therefore, they more affirmed the legend of the pirate king\'s treasure.

"Our request is not too much, as long as you take out half of your treasure and give it to us, and give us the subordinates behind you. At that time, we will let you leave here safely, and even contact some empires to make you an imperial aristocrat." The dry old pirate got up from his chair, went to the female doctor and said loudly.

"Yes, you want him! I\'m sorry, he looks very interesting, so I can\'t give him to you. As for these people, if you think you can catch them, catch them and do whatever you want." the female doctor tilted her head and smiled softly.

The young professionals who had just surrendered behind her suddenly turned ugly.

Although they are all professionals, and several of them are about to break through level 7 and become a high-level professional, they dare not think that they can escape by virtue of themselves on lafalone island.

You know, among the hundreds of pirate leaders, the weakest one is also a third-level professional. The stronger one is also a seventh level professional who is about to become a high-level professional.

Hundreds of people surrounded and killed them. Even if they had clever means and powerful secret methods, they were not able to escape the killing of these people.

But soon, the nervous mood of these people calmed down because they saw the dissatisfied expression of the blonde general.

These people have a deep understanding of the strength of the blonde general. Ordinary professionals can\'t resist creatures who can tear the sky with their bare hands. According to the legend they know, every creature who can tear the sky with their bare hands can kill an empire alone.

Now, they are only facing a pirate Gang, even if the gang is very strong, but compared with the national strength of an empire, the pirate Gang is still extremely weak.

"I suddenly regret it," the blonde general sighed.

"What do you regret?" kukas, who was watching the play, said with great interest: "it\'s a kind of enjoyment to watch these people toss around. Well, if they know that you have the ability to explode the plane with your bare hands and instantly destroy all the creatures in the plane, do you think they will do so?"

"So I\'m regretting. I shouldn\'t have erased the memory of those sailors. Otherwise, these people wouldn\'t have brought us such trouble." the blonde general shook her head with a sigh. It\'s a pity that she didn\'t have the ability to turn back time.

Although she can reappear the memory of the sailors, she knows that if she does, it will only make the pirate leaders think that she has released magic to affect the ordinary little pirates.

"Yes! If they show their strength, these people will never dare to do so. It\'s just a pity." kukas nodded and recognized the words of the female general.

But his recognition is not all recognition, but part recognition, that\'s all.

In his opinion, if the blonde general can show the means to tear the sky again, it will certainly make these pirate leaders retreat. But she didn\'t do so, because like kukas, she didn\'t like this pirate career too much. Women doctors who like this kind of life just to relax their inner depression.

"No, I don\'t regret it."

The blonde general whispered again. But kukas didn\'t hear it, because the voice of the blonde general was too weak. The faint is just a mouth.

As time passed, the female doctor sat quietly on the throne, and the pirate leaders below were still shouting to let her blood stain the throne and distribute her treasure to the people.

"What are you waiting for? Don\'t you want the blood of the pirate king to dye the throne red? Don\'t you want to distribute the pirate king\'s treasure? Why don\'t you do it yet." kukas fiercely appeared in front of the female doctor, reached out and grabbed the dry old man and shook him vigorously: "what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for reinforcements? Or are you waiting for the master behind you?"

While talking, without waiting for the dry old pirate leader to answer, kukas squeezed his neck with five fingers.

The smell of blood filled the living room, and the clamoring pirate leaders all stopped shouting. Some of them even haven\'t recovered. They can\'t believe that the evil man in front of them suddenly killed one of them.

"Kill him," someone said in a trembling voice.

"Yes, kill him. Now the whole lafalon island is full of our people. Even if he is strong and has many secrets, he can be stacked with people."

There are more and more cries of killing, louder and louder. But in kukas\'s eyes, these pirate leaders all quickly retreated in the loud cry and wanted to leave the living room.

"A group of poor little guys don\'t even have the courage to fight." watching the pirate leaders retreat quickly, the female doctor sighed in a low voice.

"Let\'s go! There\'s no need to keep pestering with these people. Pestering with them is a waste of time." the blonde general coughed softly and interrupted the female doctor\'s exclamation: "maybe we should change our position and at least help kukas find his gas fighting armor first."

The female doctor was stunned and just wanted to say something, but the blonde general\'s face suddenly changed.

"What\'s the matter?" kukas immediately asked after the smell of the blonde general.

"All the top creatures went out of the plane. At that moment, more than 300 creatures tore the plane barrier into the void." the mental power of the blonde general was much stronger than that of kukas. In this face, if there were any changes related to her life or things she cared about, she felt them all at the first time. All this is because she has realized all the rules of this plane with secret methods in a short period of more than 30 years.

Kukas can also sense some changes related to his life and some things he cares about, but this induction can only be effective on lafalon island and the surrounding waters.

Because he has realized too few rules of heaven and earth in more than 30 years.

"More people have left this position. No, we have to go and have a look." the blonde general frowned slightly and didn\'t want to delay anything. He stretched out his hand to pierce the sky and tore a crack out.

The female doctor gently touched her forehead and lifted the secret law of blessing on herself, but she restored her nature.

"Let\'s go! It seems that my relaxation plan has not been completely successful." after sensing the changes in her body, the female doctor sighed softly, and then stretched out her hand to release the brilliance, which immediately enveloped dozens of surprised professionals and calm young pirates Bolong and Gen.

"Let\'s go." kukas growled, followed the blonde general\'s foot in the crack, and the female doctor hesitated a little, and then stretched out her hand to the throne behind her.

In an instant, countless green lights came out of her fingertips and flowed on the bone jade throne. When you look carefully, you can see that there are countless strange words and patterns in the flowing light. This method was caused by her sealing a large amount of knowledge with a secret method.

The purpose of her doing so is to let the pirate leaders fight with some people who support them behind them.

"Little guys, I wanted to clean you up a little bit, but now I have something to go. It\'s cheap for you."

Shuttling through the void, before going out from the crack of the void, the female doctor suddenly stretched out her hand to explode the channel on one side, and then threw the dozens of professionals and young pirates Bolong and Gen imprisoned by the secret method into the broken channel.

"The boy is of great research value, but it\'s a pity to lose him like this." kukas saw the female doctor\'s practice and persuaded him with some disapproval.

"Don\'t worry. I\'ve set up some secret prohibitions on him to protect him from death. Moreover, I\'ve given orders to those professionals so that they won\'t really hurt the Bolong and Gen. after the matter is handled, I\'ll find this interesting little guy to study it. I really hope he can bring us some surprises." The female doctor shook her head and smiled. In fact, she won\'t pay attention to some things at all.