Abyss Knight

Chapter 847

After hearing the words of the female doctor, all these people were silent. They all know that it is a great favor for them to get the remaining half of their property. Others dare not ask for anything more.

After cleaning up the finances, the merchant ships and crew were released, but the dozens of professionals were imprisoned by the blonde women\'s army.

"Tell me why you attacked us." the blonde general looked at the professionals with great interest and whispered, "you can deceive me, but if I find out that you are deceiving me, I will pull out your soul and torture it carefully. Don\'t doubt whether I have this ability. You need to doubt whether it\'s worth lying."

Silence, these surrendered professionals were all silent. After a long time, the young man in a black cloak suddenly said, "I ask you to treat us according to the prisoner of war convention, and you can\'t torture us without permission."

The young man\'s words made the blonde general laugh in a low voice. She was laughing at these people\'s inability to see the situation and their ignorance of advance and retreat.

"Damn it, prisoner of war convention? We\'ve never heard of it. Well, tell us the reason why you attacked us. I don\'t think you just want to hang the pirate king here." kukas, too lazy to write with these people, stepped forward, reached out and grabbed the black robed young man\'s neck and shouted: "Or you think you can go back to the mainland in this vast ocean. If you really think you can do it yourself, you don\'t have to say the reason here. Well, I think I can cut off your limbs and throw you into the ocean."

"Why do you tease us like this? Yes, we attacked you just to catch someone. I think you know what kind of people we\'re going to catch." a caster took a deep breath, forced down his unwilling and angry voice and said, "can we let us go now?"

"Let you go? You haven\'t told me why you wanted to catch that man. Well, the young pirate who said: Bolong, Gen. yes, that\'s his name. Do you want to get his strange items? Or do you want to revenge him?" the blonde general snorted and interrupted the caster\'s words.

"If we say we want to avenge him, you won\'t believe it. But what I want to say is that we\'re here to avenge him, because he took our Duke\'s little daughter by despicable means." the black robed caster took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "In order to chase him, we have been chasing him here from the mainland. Unfortunately, we still haven\'t caught him."

Kukas shook his head. He sensed that these people\'s words were not lies, but he always thought that these people had hidden something from him.

"Are you really not for the strange things on him?" the blonde general snorted. She looked at the female doctor busy counting her belongings in the distance, and then said softly: "he is very strange. He can recover quickly in case of extremely serious injury. Even after being torn by the hull, he can still survive, and better than anyone."

As soon as the blonde general said these words, the faces of those professionals suddenly became ugly.

"Tell me, what are you hiding from me? You know, I don\'t want to draw your soul to watch carefully, because it will make our captain sad." the blonde general sat down on the couch moved by a pirate, tilted her head and smiled: "By the way, if any of you can be the first to tell what you are hiding, I will reward you with a secret cultivation method of level 8 professionals. Well, any professional has a level 8 secret, just to see if you can seize the opportunity."

"You devil." the young man in the black cloak took a deep breath, lost his magic wand and said with a strange smile, "let me tell you another reason why we chased that Bolong and Gen!"

"I\'m not a devil. I just see through that you people can\'t resist the temptation I put forward." the blonde general smiled softly. She looked at the expression of these people in front of her, but she felt very funny.

The black robed young man took a deep look at the blonde general, then took a deep breath and talked in a deep voice about their pursuit of Bolong and Gen.

It turned out that Bolong and Gen were just a servant of the Duke\'s house at first. Later, he showed some talent and confused the Duke\'s little daughter.

By chance, the little daughter of the Duke\'s house was seriously injured and unconscious. This Bolong and Gen escaped from the Duke\'s territory, because everyone thought that this Bolong and Gen hurt the Duke\'s little daughter at that time.

Later, the Duke found that the blue pendant he gave to his little daughter had disappeared. After finding that the pendant was on Bolong and gen, the Duke roared angrily and gave an order to hunt down.

At first, everyone didn\'t know why the Duke valued the pendant so much, but after that Bolong and Gen escaped from the Duke\'s men again and again, everyone realized the abnormality of the pendant.

"Being able to quickly recover the mutilated limbs, see through the future and avoid danger is the most precious place of the pendant." the young professional said everything he knew.

"In our empire, all professionals know this. We are the first to catch up, but I believe that more people will catch up in a short time. At that time, even if you are strong, you can\'t resist the greed of all professionals in the whole empire."

In the face of the professional\'s dangerous words, kukas didn\'t pay attention at all. As for the blonde general, he didn\'t pay attention to his words. How powerful are those who come after them? Can you surpass legend? Can you reach the realm of half step great energy?

In kukas\'s previous exploration, the most powerful in this plane is just a few half step legends and demigods.

Of course, the powerful creatures found by the blonde general when he would detect the fighting armor were not powerful beings in this plane. Because those creatures live not in this plane, but in a strange space on this plane. According to her, the space is just a half plane that is not fully formed.

"What\'s the name of the pendant? It must have other functions." kukas stepped forward and asked in a deep voice.

"I don\'t know. Some high-level professionals say that the pendant is said to be made from the heart of a powerful creature in ancient times. But no one can tell the true from the false." the young man in black felt that he had told other things, so there was no need to hide these things, So he said everything he knew.

"It is said that the pendant made by the heart contains a powerful clergy in ancient times. If you get that thing, you can become a powerful God. No, even surpass the existence of gods."

"The existence of surpassing the gods? Is it a priest with supreme power?" kukas frowned slightly and said his doubts.

"It\'s impossible. If the supreme power condenses the clergy, I can feel the hidden position of the clergy. Maybe it\'s the supreme existence, worship or the legendary supreme will. But I\'ve never heard of the traces of the legendary supreme will. If a supreme will condenses the clergy, there will be news transmission in our time The blonde general frowned slightly, but he didn\'t believe kukas\'s speculation at all.

The young professional clothes shrouded in the black cloak did not know what kukas said about the flow of supreme power and supreme will, but he knew that these people must be more powerful than the gods he knew. That kind of strength, perhaps more than he imagined.

"Your Highness, can you let us go?" the young man in black asked in a low voice.

"Why should I let you go? I think your skills are very good. Why don\'t you join our pirate ship? Here, I can give you everything you want. Well, if you feel at ease to be a pirate, maybe I can make you become a high-level professional ahead of time, don\'t you think?" the female doctor came over, She looked at the professionals as if they were looking at a herd of animals, with a satisfied face.

"Don\'t worry. If you are a competent pirate and do well under my command, I\'ll give you some rewards. For example, um, for example, I\'ll give you a shot with my pirate girls."

"I want to come with you, sister paper." the black robed young man glanced at the blonde general with flashing eyes. A * * thought flashed in his mind, and then he forcibly suppressed it. Because he knew that no matter how strong he was, he was not qualified to fight with the king of Pirates: Islamic Mel. If he did, he believed that his fate would be extremely tragic.

"Boy, put away some of your thoughts, some people, you are not qualified to touch." kukas turned his mind and sensed some thoughts of the young man in black. So make a sound to remind.

"Yes, your great highness, I don\'t think about it. I just think I\'m not qualified to enjoy the reward of his Highness the king of pirates."

"I know you are not qualified, but I reward you for everything, so you must be qualified. Yes, I say qualified, you are qualified, is that so?" the female doctor snorted, "call your people immediately, let them form a small team, and then help us deal with the people coming back."

"Let him go with us to see that strange boy. I think the boy must be very happy to see him." the blonde general reminded the female doctor: "other people can do the same thing when they call his men to form a guard."

"Yes, you ask others to gather your hands and talk to us about that strange boy."

While kukas did not wait for the young man in black to speak, he casually pointed out a professional, and then asked him to gather his hands on behalf of the young man in black.

After dealing with these trivial things, under the order of the female doctor, some pirates ran to the bottom of the cabin and brought out the young sailor who survived the dive.

When the young sailor saw the young man in black, his eyes suddenly widened, and from his eyes, there was a trace of ferocity and hatred.

"You madman, I didn\'t expect you to unite with these pirates. Do you want to take revenge for the Duke? You\'re not qualified. Damn, you madman, why do you keep chasing me? Alice and I agree and are voluntary. No one can break up our union. One day, I\'ll let you who try to break up us, Pay a heavy price. "The young pirate shouted wildly even though he was lying on a stretcher and wrapped with a lot of bandages.

"Alice wasn\'t hurt by me. It was what the Marquis who competed with me for Alice did, and then put the blame on me, in order to make the Duke hate me."

"Alice hates the marquis. She chooses me freely. I won\'t hurt her or a girl who loves me. She is so pure and kind, so beautiful and pure."

"Boy, don\'t pretend to be crazy here. You know the specific reason why our apocalyptic mercenary regiment came after you. Hand over the pendant. What we want is the pendant, not some bullshit hatred. No matter how powerful the Duke is, we don\'t want us to pay for him." the young man in black waved his body and shouted loudly. He had to show his attitude, otherwise he doubted whether he was like the soldier whose body was blown up. Finally, not only his body was evaporated into ashes, but also his soul was forcibly wiped out.

"Pendant?" the young man was a little stunned. Although the time was very short, kukas on one side easily felt it. But he didn\'t say it, but watched the young sailor\'s performance with great interest.

"That pendant was given to me by Alice. Unfortunately, it was lost when you chased me. If Alice knew about it, she would hate me. Yes, I must not let Alice know that I lost the pendant she gave me. I must find a way to copy it again. Yes, I must copy it again, only one In this way, she won\'t blame me. "

"Blame you? Boy, as I said, don\'t pretend to be crazy. That pendant is an ancient thing. You don\'t have the right to have it. Hand it over immediately." the young man in black took a deep breath and scolded loudly.

"I don\'t know what ancient things you\'re talking about. The pendant was given to her by Alice\'s father. Her father said that the pendant was carefully crafted by some jewelers. It\'s not ancient at all. Hehe, do you think I don\'t know? All those ancient things were bought by the Empire at a high price, and even the Duke is not qualified to own them Those ancient things, "roared the young pirate. After he roared loudly, he coughed hard. And he tilted his head and closed his eyes, showing a tired look.

"Forget it, there\'s no need to force the poor little guy. He looks very tired. Let him rest for a while!" the female doctor tilted her head and smiled. She gently patted the young pirate\'s head, swam around his forehead and eyes with a shotgun, and then said in a strange voice: "is your Alice beautiful or am I beautiful?"

"Your Highness the great pirate king is beautiful," said the young pirate quickly. He dared not offend the moody, or completely trapped in the pirate role.

"Well, since you know, I won\'t say anything." the female doctor nodded: "Cultivate yourself. Other pirates are waiting for you to dive. Since you don\'t have the pendant, forget it. He may be the marquis. This is to spread some rumors to confuse others and let more people deal with you, so as to take Alice away from you. But don\'t worry. We\'ll go to your empire in a while. Then I want you to see my little lover. I think she will be very happy to see you. "

"Thank your Highness for all this kindness and forgiveness." the young pirate breathed a sigh of relief and expressed his gratitude.

Kukas hummed all his life and reached out and carefully stroked the young pirate\'s arm.

"It\'s really a pity that your arm doesn\'t look completely good." while talking, the bald head and cold fingers forced and forcibly pinched the young pirate\'s arm.

"Ah!" cried the young pirate with an ugly face, and sweat the size of soybeans rolled down his forehead.

"I\'m sorry I accidentally pinched your pain."

"It doesn\'t matter, your highness, it\'s just some small problems. Just bear it and it\'s over." the young pirate swallowed his saliva hard to express his submission. It\'s a pity that kukas didn\'t bother to pay attention to him. After pinching his arm, he motioned other pirates to take the boy away and threw him back into the narrow cabin.

"He\'s lying." the young man in black took a deep breath and said his findings: "the pendant must be on him. Maybe he buried it in flesh and blood, maybe somewhere else."

"Well, these are just small problems. Go and deal with your former subordinates! Tell them about the advantages and disadvantages of following us. Well, you can make it up yourself. As long as what you say is not too outrageous, I will realize all the benefits you say in the end."

"Well, don\'t say that again, kukas, I want it and have it!" the female doctor showed indifference and indifference to this kind of thing. She took kukas by the arm, looked at him expectantly, and muttered with a blush.