Abyss Knight

Chapter 846

"I\'ve never heard of anyone who can destroy the pirate king: Islamic Mel." the captain whispered to himself, but did not say his doubts, because he knew that these professionals were extremely arrogant and proud and did not allow ordinary people to refute their suggestions. Of course, if powerful professionals appear, these people will still bow their heads.

Unfortunately, the most powerful here seems to be these young professionals who thought they were aristocrats.

"Kill all the people above except this one," the young man in a black cloak took a picture scroll out of his arms and opened it.

This picture depicts a shy young man. The young man looks very ordinary, but his eyes are very bright.

"If anyone can catch or find his trace, we will pay you a noble name. It is a territory with territory and autonomous jurisdiction. Therefore, I hope you can take this matter seriously. If I find someone deliberately killing him, I will personally detain you in Simono prison and let you feel the water prison system in that prison It works. "

The words of the black robed leader made the captain and the sailors around him honest. They may not care about the pursuit of professionals or the power of nobles, but they have to care about Simono prison.

You know, none of the people who entered the Simono prison came out alive. And they heard that all the creatures who enter that prison, no matter what their previous status and status, will become crazy in three or five days. A terrible madman without any reason.

After the prisoners in these prisons become crazy, they will be performed as pets, so as to win the favor of other creatures.

The leader\'s threatening words not only frightened the ordinary sailors, but also the professionals behind him.

Some professionals make a decision secretly. When fighting later, they will never attack indiscriminately, so as to hurt the designated person by mistake. So as not to be imprisoned by his own people and suppressed in Simono prison, and finally become a ridiculous monkey to die.

The artillery roared. At the order of the female doctor, the ship turned and began a fierce attack with the artillery on the side of the ship.

One by one shells turned red and red crossed the sky. Most of them fell into the sea, but a few fell on the merchant ship.

The iron ball tore the deck. Although it didn\'t kill anyone, it made the crew of the merchant ship scream in horror.

"Damn it, be quiet, fight back, fight back, fight back immediately." the young man in a black cloak shouted wildly, urging the captain to give an order and let the few guns on the merchant ship fight back.

The captain gave the order to fight back in panic, but their guns were too rubbish compared with the pirates\' guns. Their guns are not only smaller in caliber than the pirates\' guns, but also lag far behind in range.

At the captain\'s command, the artillery roared, countless iron balls fell into the sea, splashing a column of water tens of feet high, but it had no other effect.

"Damn it, get over there and sink them," roared the young creature in a black cloak. At his command, the captain of the merchant ship had to bite the bullet and give the order to lean over. Because he knew that if his ship did not come close to the past, he would be killed, but if it came close to the past, he might survive.

It was because of this idea that the captain roared wildly and urged his crew to break the wind and waves and rush madly towards the pirate ship where kukas was.

The cannon roared, and the female doctor stood in the bucket on a mast with a sneer on her face, loudly issuing orders one after another.

At her command, the pirates fired guns wildly in order to defeat the merchant ships and obtain all kinds of materials they wanted.

As time passed, the merchant ship was getting closer and closer to the pirate ship. The two sides staggered. In the fierce smoke or choking smell of gunpowder, countless guns sprayed deadly red light, and then tore each other\'s hull.

The professionals on the merchant ship began to fight. They urged the secret methods, some threw huge fireballs, some condensed hurricanes, and the most dazzling one was the summoner who summoned Griffin knights and small guns.

More than twenty Griffin Knights soared into the air, crossed strange arcs in the air, and then frantically killed them at kukas. The seven guns turned, and a hot mass of light gushed out, like a continuous ball of fire, and poured madly onto the hull. The power of the light regiment is much stronger than the guns of the pirates. Unfortunately, the range is a little close.

From the bucket, the chain with two huge iron balls was thrown out, and the rotating chain severely twisted the mast of the merchant ship. Under kukasna\'s inhuman power, no mast can resist his attack to this extent.

"Kill!" the merchant ship whose mast was interrupted by kukas and two in three could only stop reluctantly. The pirate ship sprayed training guns and pierced each other\'s deck. Then the pirates followed the ropes and climbed frantically towards the opposite merchant ship.

Waving in the bend, just cut off the head of a crew member, and was torn by a griffin knight.

Fireballs were flying, and the strong bodies of the pirates were easily broken into pieces like paper.

The unique roar of muskets sounded. In the smoke, both pirates and the crew of merchant ships died one after another, but their deaths did not attract any attention from their companions.


With a low roar, kukas took a huge siege hammer and jumped onto the merchant ship where the war spread. He waved a huge siege hammer, easily bumped away one person after another to stop him, and rushed towards the professionals not far away. As for the blonde generals and female doctors, they still stay on the pirate ship to prevent someone from jumping on it and giving them a fatal blow.

"Ha ha! Brainless barbarian, your opponent is me." a young soldier in fighting armor appeared in front of him with a two handed sword. Waving the long sword, he drew a strange arc in the air, and then cut it towards kukas\'s chest and abdomen.

"Go away." with a low roar, the bald evil man didn\'t even urge him to fight for half a minute. He directly waved a huge siege hammer and hit the oncoming two handed sword.

The steel collided, and the two handed sword flew out of the soldier\'s hand. The soldier saw the situation and stepped back to avoid the killing followed by kukas.

"It\'s interesting that a barbarian can fly my weapon alone with his strength. It seems that only by showing my due power, can you, a dirty barbarian, also be hit? Is that so?" the young soldier shook his palm. Although he felt that his arm was extremely sour and numb, he still shouted hard to give kukas some color to see.

"Recall the eternal explosive fist." the young soldier roared, and his whole body flew into the air three or five feet high under the urging of a lot of fighting spirit.

The soldier crossed his hands in front of his chest, accompanied by his roar. At the place where his arms crossed, there appeared a huge fist that was completely condensed with fighting spirit.

"Kill! Eternal memory."

The huge fist condensed in front of his arms fell like a meteor and hit kukas\'s head.

When the fighting fist fell down, kukas clearly sensed that the power flowing in the fist had reached the ordinary attack of the eighth order soldiers. It was only a small third-order warrior who urged this secret method.

"Roar!" with a low roar, a trace of ash fighting spirit wound around the huge siege hammer, and then hit hard with the fist smashed in the air.

In the violent explosion, the fists were smashed, and the endless fighting raged around, but seven or eight unlucky people were hanged.

"It\'s impossible." when the soldier falling from the air saw that kukas was still standing in place with a huge hammer, he muttered with shock: "it\'s impossible. A barbarian like you can\'t resist the eternal must kill skill of memory. You\'re also a professional, right? Show your fighting armor and let me see which family you belong to."

"Must kill skill? Funny little guy. It\'s not your own strength. You can\'t give full play to its due power after all." kukas laughed. The huge siege hammer dragged on the deck with him. Those sharp spikes on the hammer head easily scratched deep scratches on the deck.

"Who the hell are you?" the young soldier suddenly roared, and more fighting spirit flew out of his armor.

These fighting spirits wound around his right hand and formed a complex six pointed star array.

The six pointed star Dharma array turned, and countless streamers of light drilled out of the surrounding void and gathered in the Dharma array on his right hand.

"Whoever you are, you must die today." the young soldier roared, wrapped the palm of the six pointed star array and pushed it towards kukas.

Thousands of streamers instantly cross space and time and appear directly around kukas.

This sudden attack easily hit kukas without inspiring his fighting spirit and mind.

Thousands of rays of light hit him like thousands of poisonous snakes. Successive impacts triggered a series of explosions.

The light flickered, and the range of tens of feet was filled with raging fighting spirit.

With thousands of rays of light, kukas\'s skin was cruelly torn apart, but those torn skin only broke a layer of skin. In some places, even flesh and blood are not revealed.

Narrowed his eyes. After the raging fighting spirit in front of him completely disappeared, kukas walked towards the soldier with a ferocious face.

"No, you are a devil." the young soldier subconsciously retreated, but he couldn\'t imagine kukas being so strong and strange.

"Devil? The devil is not qualified for me to join them." kukas grinned and walked towards the young soldier. His speed made the soldier collapse.

"Eternal fan kill fist." the soldier roared, his body blurred fiercely in front of kukas, and then burst out countless golden lights on his fuzzy body. The light shone, turned into countless fists and smashed at kukas.

Thousands of golden fists seemed to be a torrent sweeping over. Kukas just snorted, didn\'t avoid at all, and still walked without haste.

A golden fist hit him and disappeared in an instant. It was an illusion. Of course, this illusion is not formed by the illusion of sight when the speed reaches the limit, but by an unknown secret method.

Thousands of illusory fists disappeared when they touched him. When these golden phantom fists disappeared, the soldier\'s fist hit kukas\'s forehead heavily.

The fierce fighting spirit broke out from the soldier\'s fist, then frantically tore his body defense, ran through his head, and drilled out of the back of his head with a lot of brains and a bone.

When the mind turns, the secret method flows. The broken head returned to normal in an instant.

"Dead, finally dead." at this time, the soldier who only noticed that the fighting spirit ran through the enemy\'s head laughed loudly: "this monster was finally killed by me."

"Really?" kukas grabbed the soldier\'s head and raised him high: "do you think people who are more terrible than demons can be killed by you so easily?"

"No, it\'s impossible." the soldier roared and shouted wildly. He waved his hands and hit kukas\'s arm heavily. Under the urging of his full strength, the unknown fighting spirit frantically tore the flesh and blood on kukas\'s arm and exposed Bai Sensen\'s bones.

"Nothing is impossible." kukas smiled grimly and threw the soldier into the air easily.

"Your fighting armor is good. I think it must be a tenth order warrior."

"Unfortunately, no matter how powerful it is, it has no ability to kill me."

Accompanied by the mockery, he waved a huge siege hammer and hit the soldiers who fell from the sky. This time, he instilled a lot of ash fighting spirit into the Warhammer. The Warhammer roared, vaguely distorted the space, and hit the chest of the young soldier heavily.

The hammer wound a lot of ashes and tore the chest of the fighting armor. The fierce fighting force penetrated into the soldiers, but it burned the soldiers to ashes in an instant.

The broken fighting armor circled in the air. After absorbing the fragments scattered in the air, it directly broke the sky and disappeared from kukas\'s sight.

"Come back." just after the air armor was broken and the void disappeared, but in an instant, the body of the blonde general appeared in the broken void. Where, her hands pierced into the void and wanted to catch the escaping air armor.

The blonde general broke into a fight, tore a crack in the air, and put her hands into the crack. Such a strange scene, whether pirates, crew members or professionals, was stunned.

"What kind of fighting armor is she wearing? She can tear the void?"

"It should be a high-level professional. Otherwise, even with high-level armor, there is no way to tear the void."

"Devil, this woman is a devil."

"Hallucinations, everything is hallucinations."

A series of thoughts emerged from these people\'s minds for a time, and the most unbearable ones were the professionals. Because they really know how terrible a creature who can tear space is.

"Ah!" the blonde general who pierced the void with both hands suddenly screamed, and then saw that the sky around her contracted fiercely, and then collapsed in an instant.

Countless strong fighting spirit mixed with a large number of divine powers were vented from them, and forcibly blew the blonde general out hundreds of feet away.

"Interesting." the blonde general was disheveled and planned to tear the void again, but she was stopped by the female doctor.

"We are pirates." the female doctor looked at the blonde general seriously and said, "and there is nothing worth studying about the fighting armor. It is of no use to us."

"OK! Follow your advice. But I hope you don\'t regret it. There are some strange creatures where the fighting armor finally escaped. They have some similarities with the breath of the gods, but they are very different."

"There will be plenty of time to explore that place in the future. Now what we have to do is to fight and rob the merchant ship in front of us first, and then talk about others." the female doctor waved the gun, pulled the trigger fiercely, and then smelled the strong smell of gunpowder and indulged in it.

"Yes, we still have a lot of time anyway." the blonde general narrowed her eyes and slowly swept the professionals below.

Those professionals did not continue to fight, even the black robed leader who showed great confidence at the beginning did not continue to fight. Because he knew that if he continued to fight, he must have been killed. As for the idea of winning, it would never come true.

"Surrender, we surrender. The great king of pirates, we are willing to surrender unconditionally." the captain with one arm cut off struggled to climb out from under the broken deck, and then shouted loudly, "as long as we don\'t kill us, let us do anything."

"Since you dare to resist my plunder, I decided..." the female doctor jumped over a lathe crossbow, looked at the crew waiting for sentencing below with interest and laughed loudly: "I decided to deprive you of half your property and let you leave freely."