Abyss Knight

Chapter 845

A pirate ship hundreds of feet long sailed on the wakay sea. The pirate ship broke the wind and waves, and its speed was not only faster than those merchant ships, but even faster than most imperial ships. Although it is only a fast line, in naval warfare, the distance of this line represents life and death.

The number of merchant ships on the wakay sea is very large. Most merchant ships are crazy transporting some girls with dreams of making a fortune.

They packed the girls into small cabins and transported them from one end of the coastline to another, from one empire to another. Every year, at least millions of girls leave their hometown through these merchant ships to earn money in strange places or lose their souls in other places. However, most of them had diseases due to navigation and were thrown into the bottomless ocean by the owner of the merchant ship.

On the wakayi sea, in addition to the merchant ships transporting these girls, there are also some ships transporting a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry. These ships are only a transportation system for material transactions on all continents. Most pirates like to plunder such ships.

Of course, in addition, there are other ships carrying goods, but compared with the first two, they are less interesting to pirates.

Ships carrying goods, although those goods are very valuable, but the pirates still need to sell after looting, and the sale of stolen goods will cause many dangers to the pirates.

There is less trouble in seizing ships carrying girls and gold, silver and jewelry. At least they can get enough money without selling stolen goods.

The robbed girls will be transported to lafalon Island, where is the most famous pirate king * * * Mel. The girls receive pirates who come to rest and supply without any reward at all.

This pirate ship hundreds of feet in size is the car of * * * Mel, the king of pirates. There are 100 guns and dozens of small steam lathe crossbows on both sides of the ship. In the bow and stern, there are several medium-sized steam lathe crossbows.

Unless it is a heavy warship, ordinary ships will be destroyed without any suspense when they encounter the pirate king\'s car.

The pirate king * * * Mel is a female pirate. She has a pair of light green curly long hair and bright eyes. Ordinary pirates dare not look at her, even for a breathing time.

But even so, these pirates will secretly sweep the body of the pirate king with their eyes, and sweep the tempting body and beautiful face of the pirate king in their minds. Then secretly have sex at night.

"Come on, you lazy bastards, clean up the deck for me, or you all jump into the sea and return to lafalon island with the ship." * * * Mel shouted with a small firegun.

Just wearing simple clothes, the pirate sailors madly wiped the deck and washed it with sea water again and again, making the deck look much brighter.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The pirate king * * * Mel carried a musket and kept shooting. In the strong smell of gunpowder and smoke, she walked back and forth on the deck in nine inch high black heels. As long as she saw someone lazy, she would not hesitate to wrap a rope around each other, and then throw him into the sea to soak half a magic time.

"Baby, don\'t rush them, they\'ve done very well." a tempting lazy voice sounded, but it was sent out by a woman in military uniform sitting in a recliner.

Beside the lazy woman in military uniform, a bald man almost two feet tall stood aside.

Savage giant! This is the current definition of the bloodline of the bald man speculated by the pirates.

"I should change a group of sailors. They don\'t make mistakes now. There\'s no way for me to punish them." Pirate Queen * * * Mel muttered softly with a small pout. "Kukas, can\'t you go back to the cabin? When they see you, no one dares to object to my order."

"It\'s not because of me, but you are too strong." the bald man is no one else, but the ash Knight kukas who relaxed with the blonde general and the female doctor.

"Forget it, these sailors have been used for more than half a year, and it\'s time to replace them. Well, help me see if there are any prey around. I remember we haven\'t robbed this route in this period of time. Maybe we\'ll find something surprising." the female doctor alias * * * Mel pulled a single telescope from her waist and threw it to kukas. Then she herself was like a kitten just full, lazily curled up beside the blonde general.

"Well, as you wish, the great pirate king." looking at the female doctor who has completely integrated into the pirate role, kukas reluctantly shook his head, and then climbed up the mast with the single telescope.

Of course, he can use his mind breath to instantly detect thousands of miles, but because the female doctor has been a pirate for a long time, the whole person has subconsciously transformed his mind and soul into a pirate with a secret method. Therefore, he must use the method of ordinary Pirates: a single telescope to detect the surrounding situation.

"After thirty years of being a pirate, I have established my pirate kingdom. Beauty, are you willing to surrender to me?" the female doctor curled up on the recliner narrowed her eyes and muttered vaguely.

"Of course, your Highness the great pirate king." the blonde general covered her mouth and responded habitually.

Lying on the top of the mast, although the bucket under his feet is not more than ten feet in size, it is enough to bear his weight.

Looking down at the mischievous doctors and blonde generals, kukas shook his head and sighed.

In the 30 years since they became pirates, female doctors and blonde generals have been completely immersed in the cause of piracy. In this way, they release their inner depression little by little, but he himself has no way to integrate into the role of the pirate. As for the release of inner depression, it is impossible.

"I really hope those top creatures leave this plane quickly, and then go to explore Hegel\'s residence. Well, I hope there can be a wonderful harvest." thinking carelessly, he didn\'t watch the surrounding situation for the first time, but sat in the bucket and looked at the magnificent ocean ahead and the pirates who finished their work and frolicked.

These pirates built a seven or eight meter long springboard at the bow of the ship and are urging a young pirate to dive above.

Of course, such diving behavior is extremely dangerous. In the diving seen by kukas, for every ten people jumping, at most one can climb up alive. All the others were crushed into meat sauce by the huge pirate ship.

The young pirate looked pale, drank some spirits, and then applied some special ointment to his body. These ointments can make his body smoother and expel carnivorous sea animals.

The prepared young pirate watched other pirates bet on his life and death, and an abnormal blush appeared on his pale cheek.

"One day, I will kill you damn pirates." the young pirate shouted in his heart. He was originally a sailor on an ordinary merchant ship, but he has become a despised pirate since their ship was robbed by the pirate ship a month ago.

"In fact, pirates are very good. Unfortunately, they don\'t have enough strength, but they can\'t survive in pirates." kukas, sitting in the bucket, noticed the hatred and unwillingness of the young pirate, but didn\'t help him. Because all this is according to the rules of pirates, at least under the control of female doctors. No one can violate her rules, even the blonde general.

Because female doctors have almost completely brought themselves into the role of pirates.

At the end of the bet, urged by nearly 100 idle pirates, the young pirate trembled, walked to the springboard, and then jumped down.

"Dead." kukas knew the result when he watched the young pirate fall into the water. Because when the young pirate fell into the water, the hull had hit him. If nothing happens, the young pirate\'s body will be torn to pieces by the strong hull, then fall into the sea, and will be squeezed into meat sauce by the bottom of the ship.

"No, the man is not dead." the pirates ran madly to the stern, waiting for the diving pirate to appear.

"Pull me up." in the rolling waves, the head of the diving pirate was exposed. His eyes were both surprised and angry, excited and crazy: "pull me up, I survived. Damn it, I\'ll kill you."

"Ha ha, he survived. Give him a rope and let him continue to live. Boy, your life lasts another day." the old pirates shouted excitedly. They decided to give the young pirate a dive tomorrow. Until they get tired or die.

When the young pirate climbed onto the pirate ship, kukas subconsciously released his mental power and began to explore the young pirate\'s body.

The subtle mental power carefully searched every corner of the young pirate\'s body, but in the end there was no gain.

"What\'s the matter?" the blonde General lying on the chair noticed his abnormal behavior. She gently patted the female doctor\'s head and talked to kukas with a secret method.

"The pirate should have died just now, but he came back to life. At the moment he fell into the water, I smelled the smell of fresh blood. But now, he stood here undamaged, even without any harm in his body." kukas said the information he had just detected.

"Let me see." the blonde general answered simply, and then was silent.

After dozens of breathing time, the female general talked to him again with secret methods.

"In his body, there is an extremely weak divine power left. That divine power should have been left when he was resurrected. It\'s a pity that I can\'t find anything else hidden in his body."

"Draw his soul out," kukas suggested without thinking.

"No, let\'s see if this little guy will still be favored by the God." the blonde general snorted, and then ended the conversation.

At this time, the young pirate was pulled to the ship by other pirates. The young pirate waved his fist wildly to attack other pirates and beat them to the ground. But his efforts were clearly useless.

These old pirates are all experienced creatures. Even without corners and guns, they can easily beat the young pirate on the ground with their thick palms. Even one pirate broke out a weak fighting spirit and kicked the leg bone of the young pirate.

The cruel reality made the young pirate recognize his status, but his eyes still showed a trace of hatred and unwilling eyes.

"The divine power in his body is flowing." kukas observed the young pirate with a secret method and found that the broken internal organs and bones in his body were healing at an inhuman speed.


After observing for a while, he gave up his observation, because he couldn\'t feel the residual divine power said by the blonde general at all. He could only see that the young pirate\'s body was recovering five or six times faster than ordinary people.

When some pirate doctors dragged the unlucky or lucky man into the underground cabin for treatment, the blonde general sent him a message again.

"The divine power in his body seems to appear out of thin air, but it\'s a pity that it\'s very weak every time. There\'s no way to detect where it came from."

"It doesn\'t matter. We have plenty of time. HMM! Is he a reincarnated god? I remember that some people seal some of their divine powers into their new body with a secret method when reincarnated, so as to protect the body from the threat of death." kukas thought for a moment and said his findings.

"No, if he is really the reincarnation of a God and seals some of his powers with a secret method, I can feel them when they emerge." the blonde general paused a little and then continued: "The flow of divine power is very careful. It seems that I don\'t want to be aware of its origin at all. Those divine powers are very pure. I think they have noticed our observation."

"Well, interesting little guy. Maybe he will bring us unexpected harvest." turning the single telescope in his hand, he saw a merchant ship in the distance.

"Captain, there\'s prey."

A series of professional terms came out of kukas\'s mouth, and suddenly the whole pirate ship rioted.

The pirates ran frantically to their positions, grabbed their weapons and waited for the captain\'s order.

The female doctor curled up in the recliner jumped up, then waved her firegun and shouted, "prepare the artillery, prepare the bed crossbow, prepare for the side battle."

As the captain\'s female doctor, she commanded the helmsman to change direction. The sail rose, the sea wind blew the sail, and dragged the ship to move quickly.

The steam engine roared, huge smoke came out of the towering chimney, and the shrill horn sounded. All the pirates except the wounded were ready to fight.

Kukas carried two thick chains in his hand. At both ends of the chain, huge balls were wound. This thing was not used to hit people, but used as gunfire to break the ship\'s mast.

In the fast sailing state, the pirate ship finally met the merchant ship.

When the creatures on the merchant ship saw the thirteen skull signs representing the pirate king floating on the pirate ship, all the creatures shouted wildly.

"Surrender, we must surrender. No one can escape the king of pirates." the captain shouted sadly.

As for the sailors, they shouted wildly. When they heard the name of the pirate king, they had given up all the ideas of resistance.

"I can\'t surrender. If anyone surrenders, I\'ll kill him now." a group of young people rushed out of the cabin.

These young people have men and women, handsome and ordinary, but they are no exception. Everyone is wearing gorgeous clothes and a lot of jewelry.

However, the first one was wearing a black cloak and covered all his gorgeous clothes.

"There are magicians on our ship. As long as the magicians do it, those pirates are just rubbish." a young man casually pulled out the thin sword around his waist. However, the thin sword with thick fingers drew some strange patterns in the air, and then a lion roared.

Accompanied by the roar of the lion, a golden lion with wings emerged from the pattern. On the back of the golden lion, a knight with a long gun rode.

More Knights came out of the pattern, more than twenty.

Griffin Knight! After summoning more than 20 Griffin knights, the young man drew the pattern again.

This time, there were no other creatures in the sketched pattern, but seven thick and thin cannons at the mouth of the bowl emerged.

The guns formed a slowly rotating circle over the pattern, and the barrels were all aimed at the pirate ship coming in the distance.

Other young people, some urged fighting spirit to summon colorful fighting spirit armor, while others drew bows and arrows to condense their strength.

More are chanting spells and preparing for their magic.

"Professionals, all professionals. We are saved." the captain shouted excitedly when he saw that these costly passengers were all rare professionals.

Although ordinary professionals are no different from ordinary cannon fodder in a large-scale war, they are not facing a large-scale war, but a single naval battle.

"Push out all the guns and prepare for battle. We have more than 30 professionals. We can escape from the pirate king."

"Not escape, but destroy." the leader in a black cloak snorted coldly, and a small magic wand emerged from his hand.