Abyss Knight

Chapter 844

"You\'d better shield the surrounding situation and don\'t let others detect what we\'re talking about." kukas was filled with emotion when he looked at the residual stone pillars in front of him.

"Information is very important?" the blonde general frowned slightly, but the movement on her hand did not stop.

Her hands crossed each other in the air, and then formed crystal balls of different thickness to envelop the three of them. The female doctor also sang a spell and urged the secret method to use strange means to integrate with the prohibition of the blonde general.

"In the days when we walked in the void, all planes in the endless void experienced a billion years. The rules of the void changed and the years passed, and all the books in this plane were lost by the years." kukas took a deep breath and said everything he knew.

"No wonder there are many ordinary creatures in this plane. It turned out that a billion years have passed here." the female doctor sighed softly.

"Ten thousand years, one billion years, how many moments!" the blonde general was stunned for a long time and slapped on the stone pillar beside him.

I don\'t know what material this stone pillar is made of. It hasn\'t been destroyed for a billion years, but under the random slap of the blonde general, the donor who has stood for a billion years collapsed, which is no longer the magnificent scene of the past.

"The rules of the void have changed, and all creatures have life limits. Even if they exist, they can\'t escape the end of natural death." kukas paused a little, and then continued to tell the news he got from Hegel.

"Life limit? Hehe, I\'m afraid that in this endless void, no one will think that their life is too long and choose to commit suicide." the blonde female general was silent, while the female doctor smiled bitterly.

"Really?" the blonde general was silent for a long time, and then began to speak: "those half step great powers fell because of the depletion of their life?"

"Yes, according to Hegel, the thousand winged eyed dragon, all the creatures who first entered this plane died because their life was exhausted. They spent a long time here trying to send a professional to let us save them, but you also found it and finally failed. The professional just said a few words and fell because his life was exhausted "Kukas touched his bald head and smiled strangely in a low voice.

"This is an important question. It seems that many people will lose their lives in vain. By the way, did Hegel say how long those top creatures persisted in this knowledge level before they fell? Maybe we can calculate our approximate life span." the female doctor thought carefully, so as soon as kukas finished speaking, He immediately asked.

"No, I forgot to ask. But it doesn\'t matter. When Hegel left, he left me a residence in this plane. Maybe we can find some special things in his residence." kukas didn\'t think about it and directly said about Hegel\'s residence.

In his opinion, there is no need to hide something from these two women, especially in front of female doctors.

"Don\'t go there for the time being. At least we can\'t go there until most of the top creatures in this plane leave. I think there must be some forbidden Dharma arrays in the residence of the thousand winged eye dragon. Opening those forbidden Dharma arrays will cause great fluctuations, so it\'s better to wait a while." the blonde female general frowned slightly, He attached himself to the ground and quickly wrote some strange characters. After watching, he made such a decision.

"Prophetic means?"

"No, it\'s just an introduction or something. Well, it\'s a secret method for judging knights. So far, I haven\'t found that other professionals can use this method, even the supreme power can\'t do it."

"An introduction?"

"Yes, it\'s very simple and complex. You can\'t learn it. It\'s no use saying it or not." the blonde general shook her head and wiped away the strange characters twisting on the ground.

"Well, let\'s wait until the number of top creatures in this plane decreases, and then go to find Hegel\'s residence." kukas didn\'t care about the problem of time. In his opinion, there is no difference between three or five years earlier and three or five years later.

"That\'s good. Let\'s have a good time in this place. The natives here are similar to our previous places, but their language and customs are a little strange. There are not many high-level professionals among those natives. We won\'t be in any danger when we walk here." the female doctor pulled her long hair in her ear and said excitedly: "How about being Pirates? Pirates in this world are very interesting."

"That\'s a good suggestion. Well, it\'s just that we can relax." before kukas made a decision, the blonde general on the side made a decision instead of him.

"Can your Thrace rescue core be used in this plane? Is it limited by the plane?" the female doctor took kukas\'s arm and said with a smile: "we use that core to make a native ship. I think it will surprise all those who see that ship."

For such a proposal, kukas took the method of trying immediately, but when he took out the ship carrying the core of Thrace\'s rescue. However, it was found that many forbidden Dharma arrays on the ship began to dim, and there were signs of collapse.

After he took out the energy core, he found that the energy core was completely dimmed and lost the possibility of continuing to operate to provide energy.

"Bad results," kukas said.

"It was expected long ago." this is the view of the blonde women\'s general.

The female doctor, however, doesn\'t care. According to her, since there is no way to play with the natives here with powerful magic props, it\'s better to use the things here to play with the natives here.

"At least a fair fight is the most interesting." the female doctor shook her fingers and smiled: "we can stay in this position for thirty or fifty years, or even three or five hundred years. What do you think?"

"If necessary, it doesn\'t matter to stay longer." after thinking about it, kukas didn\'t explicitly oppose the female doctor, nor did he clearly agree, because he still wanted to find his fighting armor as soon as possible in a short time. As long as he finds those fighting armor, he can become a legend in a short time, or even the existence of half step great power.

Leaving the desert, under the leadership of the blonde women\'s army, kukas and they soon reached the coastline of a continent. Here, he saw the earth in this plane for the first time.

These earthy men as like as two peas in the past were very similar in appearance to their previous masters. According to the doctors, the physical structure of both sides is exactly the same, but the language, customs and the way of development are different.

If we say that in kukas\'s thematic world, everyone pursues individual power, then the creatures in this plane pursue a kind of technology and team power.

The natives here have developed steam chariots, lathe crossbows, warships and even fast flying airships.

According to kukas\' observation, the application of steam power in this plane is far more perfect and powerful than any application of steam power he has seen.

Take the steam lathe crossbow alone. Under the same volume, the arrow power sprayed by the lathe crossbow here is much more powerful than when the war fortress is transformed into steam.

Tens of feet of lathe crossbow, the arrows sprayed from it, can easily tear the defense of the eighth level professionals, that is, the blonde general blocked the Ninth level Knight\'s secret method, but only reluctantly blocked such lathe crossbow attack.

"If the volume of this thing is expanded three or five times, it can\'t directly tear the defense of all creatures in the legend." the blonde female general made this answer after carefully studying a steam lathe crossbow.

Fortunately, the metal smelting in this plane is relatively backward, and there is no scene of large-scale fighting or magic refining of metal. Therefore, super large weapons are very rare, which greatly reduces the threat to high-level professionals.

After obtaining a large number of coins in this plane by abnormal means, the female doctor carried the magic space bag like a money bag and carefully surveyed the shipyard on the coastline. To find the most powerful shipyard to build ships for her.

Collion shipyard, which is the most recognized shipyard by female doctors. Because the shipyard is very huge, and the ships built are the largest on the continent. More importantly, most of the ships built in this shipyard were provided to the navies of some empires. With these foundations, women doctors can trust it.

"Pirate ship?"

After paying a lot of money and showing her power, the female doctor met the person in charge of the shipyard.

But when she said the ship she was going to build, the middle-aged person in charge with only one eye and a steam manipulator roared loudly.

Spittle stars flew out of his big mouth, some landed three feet in front of the female doctor, and some stained his own beard.

"My God! I\'m here to build warships. Those warships are used to eradicate pirates. Now you let me build the most powerful pirate ship on the mainland. Is your brain burned out?"

"Pay attention to your words." the female doctor snorted. She pulled out the slender one handed sword at her waist and put a sword flower in her hand. Then she took off the curled hat of three or five gorgeous feathers and threw it on the table in front of her.

"I pay money and you do things for me. If you don\'t do well, don\'t live. If you do well, this hat is yours."

The female doctor who took off her hat looked very beautiful. In order to look similar to the native people here, the female doctor changed her clothes and wore a tight dress of a female swordsman instead.

The milky white coat and lantern trousers outline her perfect figure. Coupled with her long curly hair turned light green, she looks very different from the previous soft look. A real person is like a proud little princess.

Instead of being obsessed with the beauty of the female doctor, the head of the shipyard turned his attention to the feathered hat left on the table. At this time, he saw clearly that a blue gem was inlaid in the center of the hat.

Gemstones are not very big. If they are sold according to the volume of gemstones, they can\'t even build a small ship.

But the person in charge of the shipyard didn\'t think it was an ordinary gem, because he saw countless strange symbols and some strange line patterns in the gem.

"The crystallization of the memory of ancient times!" the person in charge of the shipyard shook his palm and gently touched the gem on the hat.

"You can think so. We found this thing in a relic. I think you will make your shipyard stronger if you get it. You can even become a noble aristocrat with real power in your empire." the female doctor raised her mouth and smiled softly.

This gem is condensed by kukas with secret method. It records some knight\'s cultivation and professional methods. Even some cultivation methods of natural ability have been added.

"I must go to test." the shipyard leader swallowed his saliva, grabbed his hat and held it in his arms.

You know, the memory crystal of ancient times is so precious that his empire is willing to exchange the title of marquis for an ancient memory crystal. Even if the crystallization of memory only records some trivial and simple things in ancient times.

"Don\'t try to deceive me. If it\'s not for a better looking ship, I can wipe out the shipyard in the backhand. Even if you have hundreds of giant lathes, crossbows and chariots stored here." the female doctor gently shook the long sword in her hand, then fiercely retracted the long sword, turned and disappeared.

Yes, when she turned around, she tore the space behind her. Under the surprised gaze of the shipyard director, she disappeared.

"The powerful existence of tearing space is comparable to the gods in the legends of ancient times." the person in charge of the shipyard grabbed the hat in his hand, carefully stared at the memory crystals embedded on it, and soon made a decision.

"How\'s it going?" kukas and the blonde general leisurely enjoyed sunbathing on an island. Beside them, dozens of stone puppets moved their heavy bodies to bake food for them to serve them.

"Everything is going well. I believe the little guy will never dare to make any dark moves." the female doctor shook her long sword and smiled softly: "it\'s very interesting. It\'s more interesting than all the things I\'ve experienced before."

"Do you want to relieve your negative emotions in this way?" kukas patted his side and motioned the female doctor to sit over. Then he lay on the female doctor\'s plump thigh and closed his eyes.

"Yes, if I don\'t relax, I\'m afraid I\'ll die before my life comes to an end." the female doctor smiled softly. She tore some roast fish and put it into kukas\'s mouth a little, and occasionally hooked his tongue with her tender white fingers.

"You should also take the opportunity to relax, otherwise the accumulated negative emotions will have an extremely serious impact on us sooner or later."

"In fact, many people have the ability to set foot in the supreme power, but they can\'t succeed because of the suppression of negative emotions in their hearts. Unfortunately, it\'s a pity that many people don\'t believe what I said."

The female doctor seemed a little depressed.

"Isn\'t that good? If there are fewer people with supreme power, we will become powerful in disguise. If most people can step on supreme power, we will be lost and even forgotten." the blonde general also knows that rare things are precious, so she has been trying to persuade female doctors not to promote her theory.

However, the female doctor stubbornly continues to promote the theory of psychological relaxation. According to her words, it is not easy for those top creatures to come to this step. If they can\'t step on the supreme power just because of some psychological conditions, I\'m afraid it will make these top creatures regret forever.

"It\'s not easy for these people to get to this step." finally, the female doctor sighed.

For the sigh of female doctors, kukas did not disdain like the blonde general, but expressed sufficient recognition.

"I think if someone becomes a supreme power because of you, they may remember you and give you appropriate help at some time."

As soon as kukas\'s words were finished, the blonde general retorted with disdain on his face: "more are the creatures who failed to be successfully promoted to supreme power. They think it\'s your reason that caused them to lose the chance of promotion success. In short, some people think that what you do is good, but more think it\'s wrong."

"Don\'t discuss these, I\'m here to relax. Discussing these will put a lot of psychological pressure on me. Well, say something else." the female doctor shook her head, reached out and took a piece of meat and stuffed it into the mouth of the blonde general to stop her words.

"Walking on the magnificent sea, countless pirates waved machetes, bows and arrows and cheered for your arrival. Artillery roared, bed crossbows roared, and a ship only fell into the bottomless ocean under your reputation. Thousands of years later, people will still not forget your reputation."

"Yes, I want to spread my reputation all over any corner of this plane as an ordinary person. Even if I leave, they will praise my legend." the female doctor said and giggled.

"Just some false names! With these time, it\'s better to think about how to re understand the rules of emptiness and how to increase life." the blonde female general sighed softly.

"You should relax."

"I have been very relaxed. At least now, there is no killing, no endless cultivation of secret methods, and no requirements of strange characters."