Abyss Knight

Chapter 843

"How did a billion years pass? After leaving the exiled plane, we just feel that hundreds of years have passed." kukas shook his head and sighed.

"The rules of the void have changed. Within all planes in the void, the passage of time is a billion years. The passage of time in the void is very normal." Hegel shook his head and his eyes fell on the broken stone altar not far away: "All the creatures who set foot on the plane during this period can\'t get away from the plane. Finally, they forcibly exhaust their life and fall."

"I saw with my own eyes that those half step talents, top legends and gods died of old age because they could not tear the plane barrier." said here, Hegel, a thousand winged eyed dragon, giggled: "A group of poor little guys, after their death, their souls were directly torn into countless pieces, and then scattered into this plane, evolved into all kinds of monsters and birds of prey. They forgot their previous lives, but they never had a chance to set foot in power again."

"Before becoming a legend and God, there was no life." kukas looked at the void around him, and didn\'t know what to say for a while.

"Ha ha! Now legends and gods have life limits, half step power and supreme power have life limits, and even supreme existence has life limits. I just don\'t know whether supreme will has life limits." Hegel roared in a low voice: "The evolution of the void rule is a wrong evolution. In the future, this life limit will disappear. Unfortunately, it\'s a pity that I can\'t go back to my era."

"How far is this era from the one you live in?" kukas asked quickly with a move in his heart.

"Maybe thousands of times, maybe three or five hundred times, I don\'t know. But in our time, I haven\'t seen any trace of your time." Hegel snapped his mouth and changed the topic: "I didn\'t expect that the seal would finally look like this. Well, I\'m hungry. Maybe it should be delicious."

Hegel\'s words made kukas turn his eyes. You know, although the altar was broken into a stone man, the power contained in it was far more than that of the supreme powers. Moreover, millions of top creatures attacked together, but they couldn\'t tear this thing. This shows the hardness of this thing. But now, the thousand winged eyed dragon However, he wanted to eat it, which made kukas feel very speechless.

"I\'ll try it and see what it tastes." Hegel roared, his wings flashed and appeared next to the stone man in an instant.

The ferocious faucet opened, and the sharp teeth bit on the stone man. They only heard a strange noise. After breaking several teeth, they bit off a piece of the stone man\'s arm.

"Crunchy, chicken flavor." Hegel, a thousand winged eyed dragon, took a distressed look at the teeth floating on the side, "these teeth are good for me." looking at the sharp teeth floating on the side, kukas was moved and went to collect them.

"Here you are? Well, these teeth are a little fragile. Do you want to use them to refine any special weapons?" the Dragon roared and asked in a low voice.

"The teeth of creatures beyond the supreme power are rare and good materials for me. I want to use this to refine a spear or other things." kukas did not hide his thoughts and said it.

After he said this, he suddenly remembered the gun and axe he got from the old knight and the golden yoke he got in an adventure. Therefore, he took out both things and asked Hegel to help him identify their functions.

"I don\'t know the names of these two things, but I can guess some of their origins. Well, the yoke is just a semi-finished vanity treasure, which is of no use. As for the gun axe, it\'s not a vanity treasure, let alone a vanity prop, but a very strange thing. Let me see, yes, in this thing There are some strange Dharma arrays, which can kill all breath and soul. But its noumenon material is too ordinary to kill strong flesh and body. "

Hegel came to this conclusion with a faint light and a careful look at the gun, axe and golden shackles.

"That yoke has fused with your arm, otherwise I can find a way to make it evolve into a real vanity treasure. It\'s a pity."

"Kill all breath and soul?" kukas didn\'t pay much attention to shackles. He was most concerned about the gun and axe he got from the old knight: "can the soul of supreme power be killed? Can the soul and breath of supreme existence be killed?"

"Of course. Ha ha, don\'t talk about the Supreme Soul. If you are strong enough, you can even kill the soul and breath of the legendary supreme will."

"Don\'t you find it? Under the pressure of my breath, even those creatures who are about to take half a step of great power also feel a little hard, and you are infinitely weaker than them, but you don\'t have too hard to resist the pressure of my breath. All this is caused by the gun and axe in your hand."

"Hmm! I can feel that the Dharma array is very strange. They should be formed naturally. Like the Dharma array prohibition in various treasures and props, they are recognized by the void. I just don\'t know why its noumenon material is so poor."

"It\'s an ordinary gun and axe of an old knight, and then it became like this." kukas thought for a moment and told Hegel exactly what happened on the gun and axe, hoping that the other party could give him a reasonable explanation.

However, the result disappointed kukas. Hegel thought for a long time, and even let kukas condense his previous memory and watch carefully, but he still didn\'t find any abnormal behavior.

"Maybe this void rule is taking care of you." finally Hegel made this judgment.

"Does the void rule take care of me? Has this happened before? No, I mean, has this happened in your time?" kukas looked puzzled, because in his knowledge, he had never heard of the void rule taking care of someone, so as to condense weapons for someone.

"Why didn\'t it happen? The void rules don\'t take care of someone, so why are so many geniuses born? In my time, many geniuses can become top legends and gods in only hundreds or even hundreds of years." Hegel paused a little and then continued: "Some strange treasures and weapons fall into the hands of ordinary people, but those people can never find the benefits of these things. Until they are found by others one day. Isn\'t this vanity care?"

"To tell you the truth, your explanation makes me sound very unreliable." kukas shrugged his shoulders and said with a dull face: "don\'t talk about empty care or fate. I think there are reasons for all this. Maybe it\'s just a small gesture made by a supreme being when he is bored in his spare time."

"Well, in that case, I can\'t continue to talk to you about these things. To be honest, I don\'t believe in fate, but I believe in the rules of emptiness." Hegel tilted his lips and had no desire to continue talking to kukas.

Hegel looked at the stone man greedily, then grew up his mouth and swallowed the million foot stone man.

"I\'ve decided not to wander around in this damn plane. I\'m going to have a good time in other places. Well, this stone man can let me eat for a long time. By the way, you should take good care of my home inside. Forget it, give my home to you." Hagel giggled a few times, condensed a small piece of memory crystal, threw it into kukas\'s mind, waved his wings fiercely, left a surprised knight on his face, tore the void and disappeared.

"What kind of monster is this? He swallowed such a huge stone man in one bite. Well, he swallowed it whole. Does it have a stronger taste of chicken?" kukas subconsciously muttered in shock.

"Damn it, where\'s that damn broken dragon? I\'ll kill him." just then, someone shouted.

Looking at the sound, kukas saw a one eyed dwarf carrying a copper hammer taller than himself, tearing the plane barrier and jumping out.

Later, more top creatures emerged from it, including blonde women generals and women doctors.

Without exception, these people roared and roared, saying they wanted to kill Hegel.

"Boy, where\'s the thousand winged eyed dragon? Tell me, I\'m going to kill that bastard. Where the hell is he? I\'m going to strip his skin." a top creature stepped on the void, grabbed kukas\'s neck and shook it hard.

"Let go of me!" kukas was a little angry when he was grabbed by the neck. His mind turned, and the gold treasure emerged. The mutated gold treasure slowly turned, and countless ashes gathered on his hands, and then formed the power of overlaying the ground and slapped directly at the top creature\'s arm.

The power of covering the ground did not fall on the top creature, because at the moment when kukas urged him to fight, the blonde general snorted, stretched out her hand and clawed at the top creature\'s head.

The white and tender claws are twined with the golden light condensed by countless golden runes. These golden lights flow and tear the void. If they pierce the head, they can definitely crack the top creature\'s head.

"What do you mean?" the top creature immediately threw away kukas and stared at the blonde general. It was like a quarrel and a big fight.

"It doesn\'t matter, my man, you\'re not qualified to hurt." the blonde general snorted coldly, stretched out his hand to point out all the top creatures around and shouted, "I don\'t object to you looking for the trace of Hegel, but if you dare to deal with my man, I\'ll let you die."

Then, she turned her head and stared at the top creature. She hummed coldly, "this time I think you are the first offender. Next time, don\'t blame me for being cruel and cruel."

"Are you threatening me?" the top creature snorted coldly. Although he still showed ferocious eyes and a ferocious face, he didn\'t deal with kukas again.

Of course, if he really wanted to deal with kukas, he would have killed kukas when he threw away his neck, so as not to wait for the blonde general to save him.

The blonde general also knew this, so when the top creature spoke again, she just snorted and didn\'t say anything else.

Although he was saved by the blonde general, kukas was not in a good mood, but became extremely bad. He stared hard at the top creature and firmly remembered the other party\'s breath.

"Why, can\'t you revenge me?" the top creature should have stopped talking, but he was angry when he saw kukas\'s fierce eyes.

"I will blow your head when I set foot in the legend." kukas smiled grimly, stepped on the void and returned to the blonde general.

The female doctor on one side drew some Dharma arrays with her hands, and then used the secret method to detect kukas\'s body and soul, so as to prevent the top creature from leaving secret marks or secret methods on him.

The light green light swam around him and finally rolled into the hands of the female doctor. After doing this, she nodded gently, indicating that there was no problem at all, and kukas was completely relieved.

"Then I\'ll wait for you to become a legend." the top creature is wrapped in a black cloak, but judging from his bare hands and breath, he is not a caster, but a soldier good at melee combat.

"Where\'s the thousand winged eyed dragon? Has he told you about this knowledge?" the blonde general snorted and asked kukas first. Because she didn\'t want to make kukas feel inferior because of the questioning of other top creatures.

"I don\'t know where he went. After swallowing the incomplete altar, he tore the void and left." kukas said everything he knew without any concealment. However, he did not condense the crystallization of memory for everyone to watch.

Most of the top creatures were extremely dissatisfied with this. Finally, under the persuasion of the blonde general, kukas had to condense the crystallization of memory for these people to watch. Of course, he just condensed some memory crystals and concealed the memory crystals and things about his residence that Hegel gave him.

When many top creatures saw the scene of Hegel\'s aging and even decaying body, they were stunned. For a time, countless thoughts emerged in their minds, but none of them considered that Hegel\'s body was like this because of the problem of life. Most of them think that Hegel was hurt by a strong enemy, or that he was bitten back by the practice of secret methods.

"Kill him and torture his soul. We must find the whereabouts of those books."

"Yes, kill him. He\'s dying now. We can kill him together."

"At the beginning of the world, the blood and meat of fierce animals must be very delicious."

For a time, many top creatures had different opinions, but most people agreed to search for the thousand winged eyed dragon and kill him.

Either devour his flesh and blood, or use his materials to make something, or raise it in captivity, trying to cultivate a new thousand winged eyed dragon. In short, in their view, Hegel must die.

Some top creatures went to Hegel\'s place where he tore the void, began to detect it with secret methods, and finally locked his destination of tearing the space.

Hundreds of thousands of top creatures scrambled to tear the void, followed Hegel\'s steps and pursued the depths of the void. They want to find the thousand winged eye dragon, and then get some information about the level of knowledge and even other things from him.

Of course, kukas didn\'t know why these people had to find the thousand winged eyed dragon, but this was not the time for him to ask.

"Go, follow me to the level of knowledge." the blonde general didn\'t go after Hegel, because she wanted to go, but she gave up after kukas.

"Just in time, I\'ll take the opportunity to read the books in this knowledge plane. Maybe there will be some good harvest in it." kukas shook his bald head and grinned strangely.

"You will be very disappointed." the female doctor looked at kukas with deep meaning and smiled softly.

"Why should I be disappointed? Even if I can\'t find my fighting armor, I can get a lot of precious books, even if only one in ten thousand is a great harvest." kukas has long learned from Hegel that books in the aspect of knowledge are damaged, but in order to prevent others from doubting, he mumbled in disguise.

"It can\'t be said that there is information about other aspects of knowledge. As long as we get that information, we will gain more."

"No one will gain anything, at least in this so-called knowledge plane." a top creature sighed, tore the void and left here. As for the organization of the eternal Holy See, it was completely abandoned by him when he left the intellectual plane.

Then more top creatures tore through the void and left, but some of them returned to the level of knowledge again.

The blonde general tore the plane barrier and led kukas into the plane.

When kukas appeared in this knowledge plane, he directly appeared in a desert. Here, he saw some incomplete stone columns and stone walls. There are many grids of different sizes, but there is nothing in them.

"This is the place where books are stored. Unfortunately, it looks like this. There is a huge underground space below, but there are no books in it, not even a piece of paper. Tell me, did the thousand winged eyed dragon tell you the situation here." the blonde general reached out and stroked a stone pillar hundreds of feet thick and thin and asked in a deep voice.