Abyss Knight

Chapter 842

Kukas and the blonde general also went to check the soul origin hidden in the broken bloody altar. Those soul origins flowed in the broken bloody altar. Every time they flowed, some scarlet light was born from the altar, and then evolved into countless forbidden streamers, which wound around the soul origin to form a strong defense.

The blonde general\'s secret method of cohesion slapped on the fragments of the altar, but the powerful power was instantly polished into nothingness by the power in the altar.

"Everyone worked together to burst the void around, and there was no way to hurt the fragments of the altar. I don\'t know what means those half step powers used to burst the altar." a top creature sighed.

Kukas looked carefully at the broken altar and found that the shape of the altar was very strange. It was not like an ordinary irregular stone, but like a stone statue.

"This should be a stone formed by a bloody giant." the female doctor looked at the bloody stone carefully and said with some uncertainty: "no, it should be the fusion of several bloody giants."

"What do you care?" kukas murmured and shouted: "it\'s a big deal to blow up the plane. Those half step powers get something in it, but we can\'t get it, but we shouldn\'t."

"You can\'t destroy this plane. This plane is very strange. Even if everyone works together, there is no way to erase this plane." a top creature took a deep breath and said helplessly.

"Let\'s go in together!"

"Some people are willing to go in, but more people want to wait and see for some time." the top creature whispered, "I\'m afraid it\'s unrealistic to want everyone to go in."

"By the way, did you see that empty fortress?" kukas suddenly remembered what had happened to himself and the blonde general. He did not think that only his three people got the message of the void rule.

"I know." the top creature was a little stunned, then nodded and said, "when you came here, those pictures appeared in the minds of all the creatures here."

"What do you think of that thing? Is it the thing dragged by the empty fortress that caused all this?"

"It shouldn\'t be. Before those pictures came into being, the situation inside became like this." the top creatures shook their heads and said, "almost everyone thinks that all this is the killing caused by those half step powers."

Just then, the void suddenly shook. This shock is not the shock caused by the top creatures colliding with each other using secret methods, but the shock generated by the void itself.

"The whole void is shaking, and the void within hundreds of millions of miles is shaking." there are top creatures who urge the secret method to observe the situation around, but they soon found it.

The concussion didn\'t last long, but just seven or eight breaths. Although the time is short, some top creatures, including the blonde general, have found large-scale changes in this endless void.

"The void rules have completely disappeared." the top creature with three thousand joy secrets shook his head, stretched out his hand to puncture the void, searched it, and shouted with a shocked look: "look, is this the same?"

More top creatures heard his cry, all subconsciously urged their own secret methods, and began to search the void, trying to find the rules of the void. However, their discovery, like the top creatures with 3000 joy secrets, did not sense any trace of the rules of the void.

"Damn it, isn\'t it that there are no rules in the void?" some creatures roared, hit the void with their backhand, and then the whole person jumped into the broken void to look around, but there was still no harvest. Not to mention the chain of the condensation of the void rules, not even the fragment projection of the void rules was found.

"It should not be that there are no rules in the void, but that those rules are hidden deeper. If the void has no rules, I\'m afraid the endless void would have disappeared long ago."

"Yes, maybe this is the last change in this era. There is no need to be frightened." someone said indifferently, "the void rule is missing, so we need to get this level of knowledge."

"The soul origins of those half step powers are beginning to die." someone shouted, reached out and pointed to the broken stone man like bloody altar and shouted, "they are all dead! Those soul origins that have reached the top power are also weakening, no, they are dying. They are completely dead."

All the top creatures in the endless void were silent. After learning that the soul origin of those half step powers, even the top powers, dissipated, all the top creatures were silent.

"If so many half step powers or even supreme powers die out in a short time, I\'m afraid some powerful creatures will be born." someone subconsciously guessed.

"Shit, the most powerful top creatures can kill hundreds of thousands of half steps and hundreds of supreme powers in a few breathing times?" someone subconsciously retorted.

"I\'ll go in and have a look." after talking to his companions, a top creature suddenly said that he wanted to jump into that face and have a look.

Other top creatures did not dissuade him, but all wanted him to step in and see what strange things had happened in that face.

"If he steps on this plane and then dies, it means that there is a real power that can instantly kill the supreme power. Just in this way, I\'m afraid we\'ll give up this knowledge plane." kukas frowned slightly and disagreed that the top creature is stepping on this plane.

In his opinion, the countless half steps of power died instantly, and even the supreme power did not support it, and it disappeared for a long time. Such a strange thing must be considered before deciding how to do it, rather than stepping into it rashly. If there is really anything that can instantly kill the creatures with supreme power, if they are chased out because of the other party\'s steps, I\'m afraid they will be unlucky.

"It\'s good to have such an active Pathfinder. I really hope he can survive." the blonde general doesn\'t have so many scruples. Too many things have happened during this period, which makes her mood a little unstable. In addition, her plans were disrupted again and again, which made her already unstable mood worse.

The bad mood made her judgment on some things no longer so rational, so she didn\'t stop the pathfinding behavior of the top creature at all. As for the possible terrorist consequences, she did not want to.

"They\'re not dead yet." as the blonde general talked to kukas, the top creatures shouted in the distance.

It turned out that just now, hundreds of top creatures entered at different positions of this plane at the same time, but after a few breathing times, the soul origin of the hundreds of top creatures still jumped vigorously and showed no sign of extinction.

Kukas and blonde general looked at each other, then rushed to face and prepared to ask others in detail.

But just when they came to that plane, hundreds of huge openings suddenly opened in such a huge plane barrier, and then all the top creatures stepped out in horror.

"Run, there is a thousand winged eyed dragon in it. It is the first thousand winged eyed dragon that robbed the Rafah emperor\'s Scepter with full power when we left the plane. He will eat us." one of the hundreds of top creatures was transmitted through the altar, so he recognized the origin of the monster in the plane.

"Empty props: Rafah\'s imperial Scepter appears? Rob that thing." a top creature roared, stepped on the empty space and was ready to tear the plane barrier and drill in.

"Roar! Who wants to rob things? Don\'t you know that robbing things should be called the great highness Hegel?" a ferocious dragon head poked out from a torn plane barrier. The ferocious dragon head shook, and the endless killing breath condensed into various illusory images around him. Inexplicable coercion shrouded the void for hundreds of millions of miles with the emergence of the dragon head. All the top creatures felt as if they were facing the coercion of a supreme power alone.

"Hegel, what happened inside? When did you get in?" after the ferocious faucet came out, kukas immediately knew the identity of the thousand winged eyed dragon.

He stepped on the void, burst out all his fighting spirit, forcibly rushed to the front of the ferocious faucet and asked loudly.

"Oh! Reptile? What a familiar reptile. I think I\'ve seen you." Hegel shook his huge head, but refused to put other bodies out of the plane.

"Hegel, have you forgotten? I\'m kukas." the bald evil man shivered in his heart, but he was afraid that the other party really forgot himself. So he ate himself in one bite. He was a little timid at the thought of the scene when the fierce beast born at the beginning of the world opened his mouth and swallowed the supreme power as food.

"Kukas? Let me see." Hegel\'s ferocious faucet sat on the surface barrier, narrowed his eyes and fell into his memory.

Other top creatures peered at each other. Except for a few people who knew that he knew the thousand winged eyed dragon, other creatures didn\'t expect that a little knight could know such a powerful creature.

"Yes. I saw you a billion years ago. I saw you in a unique plane. Ha ha, I didn\'t expect that after such a long time, you reptile was still a reptile, but there was no change." Hegel shook the ferocious faucet and laughed ferociously.

"What are you talking about? A billion years ago?" kukas growled in a low voice, looking unbelievable. Other top creatures also noticed something bad, but most of them dared not talk to the fierce * * who had survived from the beginning of the world. Therefore, he looked at kukas dryly, hoping that he could get from each other what was going on a billion years ago.

"We have been separated from exile for only hundreds of years. How can there be a billion years?"

"Reptile, I didn\'t expect that after such a long time, your reptile identity hasn\'t changed, but your brain is disabled. What a poor little fellow. Well! Since I left the exile, I found this knowledge, and then slept here for a billion years. What do you say is a billion years?" Hegel shook his head, The huge faucet shook, and the whole plane shook.

"I just built a new home and invited you to visit. How about it? This is the highest reward given to you by the great highness Hegel." Hegel\'s way of speaking is very different from that of kukas when he first met him, but he doesn\'t know what is the intention.

"I have some friends who want to enter this plane. Can you not chase them?" kukas hesitated a little and made another request after agreeing to Hegel\'s invitation.

"Of course, they are too weak. I don\'t like it. But you must find me some food. I haven\'t eaten for a long time." while talking, the ferocious Hegel glanced at hundreds of top creatures who had just escaped from the knowledge level intentionally or unintentionally: "Actually, I don\'t want to eat them, but you know, I haven\'t eaten for a long time."

"So you chased out? But it\'s good to chase out so that I can still meet you." kukas put on a big bald head, turned his head and nodded to the female doctor and blonde general not far away, motioning them to step on this position as soon as possible.

"To tell you the truth, there\'s nothing in this plane. It\'s all junk. If you came earlier, you might be able to collect good things, but the years are ruthless. No matter how good things are, they will slowly decay with the loss of years." Seeing the blonde general and other top creatures can\'t wait to tear the plane barrier, Hegel just shook his head and sighed.

"The books in the plane of knowledge can be preserved for an era or even several times." kukas fell to the front of Hegel and wondered, "are all the books damaged?"

"Most of them were damaged. Before I fell asleep, those books were still in good condition, but when I woke up, they were damaged. It seems that none of the forbidden secrets blessed above ever existed."

Hegel narrowed his eyes, shook his huge head and dragged his whole body out of the plane. At this time, there was only kukas left in the whole void.

Kukas was stunned when he saw Hegel\'s huge body climbing out of the plane.

His once strong and ferocious body was so weak in his eyes.

Thousands of pairs of wings have shrunk, and most of the inlaid eyes are damaged. Most of the thick scales are broken, and even some scales with some flesh and blood will fall down at any time.

When Hegel\'s huge body completely climbed out of the plane, kukas felt that the thousand winged eyed dragon, which could devour the supreme power and serve as food, could die at any time. On the giant dragon, he smelled an extremely obscure smell of decay.

"Who hurt you?" kukas asked in a trembling voice, taking a deep breath.

"Who? In this endless void, no one can hurt me except some creatures in special areas." Hegel shook his huge body, some scales fell into the void with blood and flesh, and then slowly sank and floated in the void and floated in the distance.

When he dropped the scale, he grew a new scale very slowly, but the new scale was dull. There were not only cracks on it, but also extremely fragile.

"Then how did you become like this? I smelled death on you." kukas was stunned for most of the day before he said in a deep voice: "did you take away the body, resulting in the conflict between soul and body?"

This statement is not a random guess by kukas, but an experience summed up by the creatures of previous dynasties.

After the fall of some professionals, if there is a secret reincarnation and rebirth, or directly take away other creatures, or reincarnate into babies, ordinary professionals choose to directly take away others in order to avoid losing their memory.

However, when you directly deprive others, sometimes the soul and body conflict with each other. In this case, the body you deprive will slowly decay and eventually die. At that time, the professionals who deprive others can use the secret method again, so as to directly incarnate into the pregnant woman and become a baby.

Although being a baby loses memory, the soul will not change. If you have the opportunity to step on the path of cultivation again, the memory of your previous life will recover again after becoming a high-level professional.

Of course, there are some top professionals who can awaken some of the secret methods after reincarnation and rebirth as babies. However, the means are not under the control of ordinary people. Therefore, in most cases, professionals often choose to sacrifice other people\'s bodies in order not to lose their memory. If not, they will finally become babies.

"It\'s not this problem. The body of the thousand winged eye dragon is very harmonious with my soul, and there has been no rejection of conflict." when he said this, Hegel\'s mood seemed a little depressed: "the years are endless, I didn\'t feel it in our time. But in this time, I felt it."

"Do you mean that the life span of your body has come to an end after a billion years?" kukas was stunned for a long time.

"Yes, life has come to an end. Is it ridiculous? A strong creature that can devour supreme power as food also has life." Hegel tilted his head and whispered a strange smile. In his laughter, he was full of reluctance and helplessness. He still has a lot to do, but his life is coming to an end. If you want to have such strong power again, you don\'t know if you have a chance.