Abyss Knight

Chapter 841

Just as kukas explained to the female doctor, the battle in the void became more and more cruel.

After giving birth to twelve bloody giants, the millions of mile sized altar suddenly broke into twelve scarlet lights and forcibly integrated into the bodies of these bloody giants.

With the blessing of the altar, the twelve bloody giants changed into millions of feet in an instant. Raise your hands and feet: the void collapses and the plane jumps out.

Some giants specially pierce the void and pull the plane out to explode, so as to trigger the infinite plane origin to burst and move.

A giant explodes the void, extracts the void rules from it, condenses them into chains, and twines one top creature after another.

Some giants use the blood and flesh of top creatures to grind out white bone spears and giant swords, and forcibly cut down those half step powers.

The cruel struggle lasted more than a magic hour, and then there were signs of an end.

Some top creatures could not bear the huge casualties and began to retreat. Even some top creatures directly tore the void and escaped from the battle.

"Let\'s go too." the blonde general appeared in front of kukas. Before they could speak, he directly exploded the void, formed a void vortex, and then dragged them into the vortex and left the battlefield.

"What\'s the matter?" the female doctor looked at the blonde general with some doubts.

"Those half step powers have been procrastinating and killing some top creatures. Unfortunately, the eternal holy see will fall apart if they toss it like this." the blonde female general shook her head and sighed. She had already seen through the essence of the battle just now.

"It\'s the best choice for them to take advantage of the bloody giants. If they delay, I\'m afraid it will take a lot of effort to clean up some top creatures." kukas touched his bare head and sneered in a low voice: "I just hope they don\'t encounter any danger when they enter the knowledge level, otherwise they can\'t even find cannon fodder."

"You mean there are other dangers in that knowledge?" the blonde general frowned slightly, looked at kukas and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, I think there must be some people with supreme power or even supreme existence in that face. Otherwise, it\'s not realistic to seal the face alone with those bloody giants. Those bloody giants are powerful, but they are not that kind of existence against the sky after all." shaking his neck, kukas laughed.

"I hope you don\'t make mistakes in your judgment. I think it\'s only guarding some top legends and gods. There should be no supreme power or even supreme existence. I\'m afraid all creatures like that have gone to the empty fortress you said." the blonde general frowned slightly and muttered in a complex tone.

Aside, the female doctor was not interested in the pursuit of knowledge. She only cared about kukas. Therefore, she was just a silent listener on this topic, and didn\'t say anything else. She trusted kukas\' judgment in everything.

"The top talents of that time were the ones who entered the void fortress the most. As for the supreme power and supreme existence, I haven\'t heard of them."

The blonde general sighed softly. She turned her head and looked into the void. Although there was a void hundreds of millions of miles apart, she still felt the infinite power fluctuation caused by the struggle in the distance. For a time, she sighed: "I\'m afraid those supreme powers and supreme beings will not tell you when they enter."

"We\'ll wait here?" kukas frowned slightly. He could also feel the struggle hundreds of millions of miles away. According to his estimation, the fight will last at least a long time. In a short time, those bloody giants will not be killed.

But I don\'t know why his natural ability to integrate into the natural vision sent him a dangerous message from time to time. And over time, the dangerous information became more and more intense and obvious.

However, after dozens of breathing time, some strange pictures began to emerge in his mind.

At this time, the female doctor suddenly turned pale and whispered, "I feel the breath of danger. The breath comes from the void." while talking, she trembled her fingers and condensed some pictures to show in front of the people.

In those pictures, kukas and the blonde general saw the collapse of the void and the disappearance of the plane. I also saw countless empty rules and pictures of directly strangling countless legends and gods.

These images are almost as like as two peas in Kukas\'s mind, and he also hesitated, and also condensed the pictures in his mind to show them to the blonde.

"All the emptiness collapsed, but not many planes disappeared. These emptiness rules are not strangling those legends and gods, but sealing them." the blonde general frowned slightly and said in some doubt: "no, it\'s not the seal, but pulled them to another place. Look, their flesh and blood jumped out, but their souls were dragged away."

"I feel that the place where they are dragged should be another endless void, or another world." when talking about the other world, a desire and subconscious resistance appear on the blonde general\'s face. She looked at the pictures with some uncertainty, sometimes shaking her head and sighing, sometimes expressionless.

"Don\'t you feel it?" kukas scattered the picture in his hand, stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "this thing should be transmitted to us by the void, and it must happen soon. If those void rules catch ordinary legends and gods, will they also catch legends and gods like you?"

"I\'m afraid it will happen." the blonde general just wanted to say something, but the female doctor whispered and exclaimed.

"What\'s the matter?" kukas quickly turned to ask.

"Another new picture appeared." while talking, the female doctor looked pale and stretched out her hands to outline in the air. Green lights flew out of her fingertips. These lights twined and formed a light curtain hundreds of feet in size.

The light curtain trembled. After it stabilized, kukas was surprised by the picture emerging above.

"This is the void fortress, which was built by the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven after you were exiled." kukas cried out.

"Empty Fortress?" the blonde general snorted and stared carefully at the picture condensed by the female doctor.

On that picture, you can see a huge building like a city floating in the void. Around the building, countless thick chains pierced out. These chains pierced into the void as if to drag something.

Bursts of dull thunder passed through the picture. Even if it was just the picture, kukas still felt the powerful power contained in it.

The void fortress in the picture falls slowly, and those chains drag out a crystal clear glass like material from the void.

The material of this glass outfit is huge. As soon as it appears, it occupies the emptiness of the picture condensed by the female doctor. Under the glass like material, such a huge emptiness fortress is as small as a child\'s toy.

"The void fortress is dragging something from the endless nothingness. What are they dragging? Is it the world at the beginning of the world? Or is it a strange plane?" the blonde female general on the side stared at the picture of the female doctor closely, watching the void fortress dragging the crystal clear glass like material sinking a little bit, For a moment, countless ideas came to mind, but they were rejected by her one by one.

"You haven\'t felt the warning of the void yet?" kukas took a deep breath and quickly asked the blonde general.

"No, maybe it\'s not time, or maybe people like us are the objects to be cleaned up, so..." before the blonde general finished his words, his face suddenly changed, but he stretched out his hand to condense some pictures.

The picture she condensed as like as two peas from the coconas and the female doctors. And soon the picture she condensed stopped on the picture of the huge void fortress dragging the nameless crystal clear glazed objects.

"There is no change in the rules of the void." the blonde female general realized the rules of the void with a secret method while maintaining the rotation of the picture.

Kukas and the female doctor paid attention to the void hundreds of millions of miles away. The battle fluctuation became weaker and weaker. When the blonde female general detected whether the void rules had changed, they couldn\'t feel the breath of any struggle.

"Forget it, go and have a look at the knowledge level first." the blonde general smashed the picture in her hand and looked at the depths of the void with an ugly face. She couldn\'t feel any breath of the Empty Fortress, so she couldn\'t find where it was dragged. So she temporarily put down the strange situation and was ready to concentrate on dealing with the knowledge plane.

"I hope that plane has emerged." I tried to understand the void with a secret method, but I didn\'t get any results. So kukas just laughed and followed the blonde general to the battlefield in the distance.

When they came to the first battlefield, kukas found that there seemed to be no battle here.

The collapsed void has been restored as usual. In this complete void, you can see a plane of several million feet in size.

The plane rotates slowly and emits bright light. Many top creatures who left at first gathered around this plane and whispered to discuss something. And those half step powers disappeared.

"What\'s the matter?" kukas asked in a deep voice as he approached a top God.

"What\'s the matter? Those people have entered this knowledge plane." the top creature blinked, looked at kukas with a funny face and said, "but it\'s said that there are half steps of great powers ready to hunt those who enter after us. If you want to enter, you\'d better write a suicide note."

"You have to write a suicide note. Your whole family has to write a suicide note." when the female doctor heard that the top creature was teasing kukas, she went up and yelled in a low voice.

"Hehe, I\'m sorry, my race has disappeared from the endless void, but I can\'t write any suicide note." the top creature hehe smiled strangely, looked strangely at kukas and smiled with the female doctor: "you two don\'t even have descendants. You\'d better not go in, otherwise it\'s not worth dying."

"I have three thousand joy secrets. If you are willing to give me one of your offspring, I will choose one thousand joy secrets to give to you. If you give two, I will give you all three thousand joy secrets."

The top creature said, and there was some sigh: "you two don\'t think I\'m making fun of you, just because I can\'t find a creature willing to give birth to descendants for me. Otherwise, you won\'t be embarrassed."

"No, we are very comfortable. What descendants do you want?" the female doctor flushed her cheeks, turned her head and hummed softly: "as for the three thousand happiness secret method you said, it is not rare. I also have ten million secret methods. There is no difference between more and less."

"Ha ha! My three thousand happiness secret method is a secret method that can make each other ascend to bliss. If you don\'t use it, you won\'t feel too exciting in daily intercourse. If you use it, you will definitely feel the passion of your youth again." the top creature blinked and laughed strangely.

You know, top creatures like them, should not mean that top creatures above legend enjoy and pursue meat and desire much more than low-level professionals.

The higher the gods, the less likely they are to be moved. Even if it is mutual intercourse, it is only a means for the purpose of descendants. There is no pleasure in mating.

"If you really want a descendant, why don\'t you choose some potential creatures from other planes and give birth to one by yourself? Asking other people\'s children to be your descendant is just cheating yourself." kukas shook his head and refused without hesitation.

"What is the three thousand happiness secret method? If you enter the knowledge level, don\'t say the three thousand happiness secret method, even 30000 or 300000 Happiness Secret methods can be found." the blonde female general on the side snorted softly, stepped on the void to the female doctor and said coldly, "those half steps can really kill other creatures in it?"

"Yes, many creatures said to step into it to check the situation and come back right away. But not long after they entered that plane, all their life information disappeared. But none of them escaped. If those half step powers were not hunting in it, why couldn\'t they get out?"

When the top living creature talked about the aspects of knowledge, tens of thousands of top living creatures gathered not far away. They each extracted a trace of their soul origin and handed it over to other people for care.

Then these people made a commitment and went straight into the knowledge plane.

A large number of top creatures are watching these people\'s souls outside, waiting nervously.

However, after only a few breaths, the original power of tens of thousands of souls began to disappear, and then the original power disappeared out of thin air and completely disappeared from the void.

Tens of thousands of soul origins, and finally only one soul origin burst open, and a vague figure emerged.

"Help me!" the vague figure drew the strength of the void around him to condense into reality, and other top creatures also exercised their secret Dharma blessing on him. However, after a hurried cry, the vague figure didn\'t hold on to a breathing time, and then disappeared completely like other creatures.

"No matter what secret method of reincarnation and rebirth you have, you will end up in the end." the top creature with 3000 joy secret methods sighed in a low voice: "so if you really want to enter it, you must leave a suicide note."

"What a strange plane." the blonde general snorted and pointed to the knowledge plane in the empty air. I saw golden light flickering on my finger, and a myriad of the forbidden condensed golden light seemed to be a meteor falling to ground, hitting that plane hard.

The golden light with infinite power easily tears the plane and leaves a plane crack thousands of feet in it.

The blonde general\'s eyes were golden and looked through the crack to see some clues in the plane. But after the integration of the ruling plane barrier, she got nothing.

At the beginning, I just saw a gray light.

"Those half step powers are really so powerful?" the blonde general frowned and looked unhappy: "if half step powers come out of them, they must be killed."

"Cough!" the top creatures with 3000 joy secrets coughed a few times and said with an embarrassed face: "in fact, we don\'t know whether those half step great powers killed them. Maybe the creatures they protect do not necessarily do it."

"Those half step powers didn\'t come out?" kukas asked in a low voice.

"Yes, those half step powers didn\'t come out, and the secret method they left outside remained. But there was no sign of extinction. Even some of the remaining soul sources of half step powers were strengthened dozens of times, which seemed to have achieved the real supreme power." the top creature sighed in a low voice: "It\'s a pity that these half step powers have hidden all their soul origins in the altar where the bloody giant was born at the beginning. We can\'t deal with the soul origins contained in them at all. Otherwise, we must give some favor to those half step powers."

It is not unreasonable for this top creature to sigh so much. You know, the endless void is boundless, and there are countless secrets. Most of these top creatures are extremely powerful beings in various times, and they have mastered countless secrets of killing souls through the origin of souls.

If it weren\'t for the firmness of the things that protect the source of the soul, I\'m afraid these top creatures would have used various methods to process the source of the soul left by the half step powers in the outside world.