Abyss Knight

Chapter 840

Some gods took the ferocious beasts as their guards in Shen state, but they were seen by some top creatures with tricks. These top creatures took the opportunity to murmur and complain that those top creatures with the kingdom of God are relying on everyone\'s strength to strengthen their strength, but are unwilling to provide even a little benefit to everyone.

Although there are few such words, and most of the top creatures don\'t care, over time, more and more creatures have some ideas in their hearts, but this idea is still extremely weak.

Kukas was not involved in the killing, so he carefully observed the top creatures who complained, remembered it, and was ready to tell the blonde general his findings. He believes this information is useful for the blonde women\'s army.

Of course, even if it is of little use, the blonde general will take advantage of this information to try to kill some members of the eternal holy see.

The blood altar turned slowly, accompanied by the death of more and more fierce animals. There was a huge roar in the altar.

Later, kukas found that the number of fierce animals jumping out of the altar decreased slightly, and a large amount of blood light twisted over the altar, as if pregnant with something.

Many top creatures were aware of it, especially those who were closer to the altar, and greatly raised their vigilance.

The blood light bred on the altar became more and more huge, and bursts of thunderous roars sounded from the blood light. The killing breath caused by killing began to drill into the blood light like a tide.

"It\'s the smell of bloody giants. This thing is breeding bloody giants." the female doctor on one side frowned slightly and suddenly said, "the bred bloody giants are very powerful, many times stronger than those half step giants."

As soon as he said this, kukas immediately sent a message to the blonde general to prepare her.

The blonde general was only a little stunned, and then continued to wave a pair of white and tender hands, one after another, erasing the fierce beasts around.

However, kukas found that she was slowly away from the altar, and some other creatures began to retreat slowly away from the altar.

When someone retreats, someone advances. When the blonde general and some top creatures retreated, some gods sent out endless divine light, dragged their kingdom of God and rushed to the altar. But he wants to capture more and more powerful beasts and suppress them into his kingdom of God: either as a guard or as an energy core. However, no matter which usage, they all hope to get more fierce animals.

The blood light on the bloody altar began to beat, just like the human heart. As like as two peas, every time he jumbo, he feels a deep sting in his heart, which is exactly the same as a normal heart ache.

Millions of top creatures, almost all of them, feel the pain in their hearts. Although they soon adapted to the pain, tens of thousands of top creatures were knocked out in the moment of physical pain. Although they soon recovered their bodies with secret methods, their faces looked extremely pale and ugly.

At the same time, kukas was also very sensitive to the fact that the breath of the top creatures who had just repaired their bodies had weakened. Although it has not weakened much, it is enough to explain a lot of things.

Sure enough, a top creature was knocked out by a fierce beast. After recovering, he shouted: "don\'t die, otherwise his strength will drop by about 1%. Damn it, it\'s all caused by the damn exile. Yes, everything is caused by the damn plane."

As soon as the words came out, the top creatures around suddenly became nervous, but they didn\'t dare to die when their hearts were in pain. You know, for them now, it will take at least hundreds of millions of years for their strength to decline by 1%. Such a loss is a loss that the top creatures can\'t bear at all.

The heart pain didn\'t last long. After the blood light on the altar stopped beating like a heart, the pain disappeared like a tide.

The blood light on the bloody altar slowly turned, accompanied by a roar that broke through the void, the blood light burst, and a giant thousands of feet tall jumped up from the altar.

The giant has three heads and six arms. His lower body is a snake tail. His long red hair twists wantonly in the void, like hundreds of millions of poisonous snakes.

The blood light emitted from the giant turned into a flame and burned in the air, directly burning the whole endless void and collapsing thousands of miles.

The snake tail swings, and the giant appears directly next to a half step power. The huge palm of his hand was like a mountain falling, and he beat the half step Da Neng severely.

Its speed, even the half step power, did not react. When he found the giant appeared beside him, the giant\'s big hand had crossed the void and time and space and patted him directly on the head.

"Bang!" the blood burst, and the scattered flesh and blood shrouded tens of thousands of miles. Those flesh and blood dripping, stained on some top creatures, and instantly melted most of these top creatures.

The golden light rolled in the flesh and blood, trying to urge the secret method to condense the body again, but the giant\'s eyes stared at the past, and two red lights shone on the golden light in the flesh and blood, but in an instant, the golden light disappeared and the flesh and blood evaporated. One and a half steps of great energy were wiped out by the giant who suddenly jumped out.

"This thing is a bloody giant. Be careful," the blonde general shouted to remind other top creatures: "this bloody giant is extremely powerful. Even ordinary supreme power is not his opponent. Let\'s work together to kill this thing first."

While talking, the blonde general drank in a low voice. A golden Dharma array was born at his feet. With the rotation of the Dharma array, a golden bone dragon came out of it.

The golden bone dragon is full of ten thousand feet in size. Its bones are golden and emit boundless divine light. Countless runes and prohibitions flow through the golden bones, emitting towering power.

The golden bone dragon roared and shattered the surrounding void. Even some of the top creatures close to it were shaken by the roar of the golden bone dragon, and the secret Dharma didn\'t flow smoothly.

The golden bone dragon climbed out of the Dharma array and held up the blonde general with his head in the void. Hundreds of golden bones flew out of its wings. These bones intertwined in the air. When they fell on the blonde general, they formed a pair of bone armor.

A knight\'s long gun with the same golden light appeared in the hands of the blonde female general. She shook the long gun, and the shadow of thousands of guns was like a meteor, puncturing the bloody giant in an instant.

The gun shadow that can destroy heaven and earth pierced the bloody giant and made a violent explosion. The powerful explosion power scattered and surged, and directly rolled some top creatures with relatively weak strength out for thousands of miles.

The bloody giant, under the strong blow, just shook his body a little, then roared loudly and swam towards the blonde general.

The snake tail swam away, and the void collapsed and cracks came out thousands of miles. From where the crack, the magma entangled by the turbulent flow of void gushed out. A large number of magma creatures roared in it and frantically slaughtered the top creatures around.

"I will judge you in the supreme name, judge you guilty, and fall into the abyss." the blonde general drank lightly and pierced the void with a spear in her hand.

The void in front of her was twisted, and an illusory abyss image evolved in an instant.

The image of the abyss emerged, emitting an endless smell of sin and killing. Infinite creatures roared in it. Their roaring voices turned into chains and wound around the bloody giant, trying to drag him into the abyss.

"I climb out of the abyss, and who can pull me back?" the bloody giant roared. The six arms pierced the void, but dragged six huge planes out of it.

The bloody giant grabbed a bit and threw it at the abyss. A bit a million miles in size crushed the abyss into nothingness in an instant. The plane then hit the female general\'s long gun and exploded violently.

The endless plane source is vented. In the past, many top creatures would definitely collect these plane sources to serve as various materials, but at this moment, these top creatures are crazy to regress after seeing the vented plane source power.

We can only see that a large number of regular chains are mixed in the original power of these wanton planes. In those regular chains, there are red lights swimming. These red lights give off an extremely dangerous smell.

A top creature did not escape the entanglement of the original power, but was directly entangled by the mixed chain of the original power, and then sealed the whole person in the regular chain.

The plane origin of the collapse shrouded thousands of miles. Just this attack, thousands of top creatures were sealed by the original power stained with bloody light.

The blonde general shook her long gun and drew strange lines in the air. These lines are intertwined around to form a huge cage. But the cage is not for other creatures, but for herself.

The golden bone dragon at her feet roared loudly, and golden flames gushed out of his mouth. These golden flames evolved into countless ancient dragon scripts, and then embedded into those cages, so as to make the cages more solid.

At the same time, the female doctor grabbed kukas in one hand and quickly retreated. In the other hand, she took out a pill and crushed it.

Green smoke flew out of the broken pills. These smoke twined in the hands of the female doctor to form a strange rune. The rune swam and flickered in her hands. The next moment, it directly appeared outside the cage of the blonde general, and then split into tens of millions of runes. It was branded on the cage and formed a strange vine pattern on it.

The vine pattern wriggles and twines with the cage to form a stronger defense.

The broken plane source hit the cage and vine pattern, and burst into dazzling light in an instant. The light twined, making the blonde general instantly back hundreds of miles.

The light is shining, and more top creatures and half step powers show their most powerful power.

Some sit in the center of the kingdom of God, emitting endless divine light to shine on the sky. Each kingdom of God is connected with each other, forming a huge chain and winding in the void. Then he hanged directly at the bloody giant.

There are also half step great powers who show their most powerful natural visions. There are countless top visions, such as nine day parade, bone burial place, abyss virtual shadow, blue sea tide and so on.

Visions flow, but they frenziedly devour the scattered plane source attacks around.

"Another bloody giant is coming." kukas, who has been paying attention to the altar, reached out and pointed to the bloody altar to remind the female doctor.

The female doctor turned her head and saw that there was blood light pregnant on the altar. The blood light looked even stronger than the blood light of the bloody giant just born.

The female doctor frowned slightly, but she pulled kukas to continue to retreat. At the same time, she also sent a message to the blonde general to let him be careful of the sudden heart pain that may occur next.

If the pain is put on weekdays, it\'s nothing for top professionals, but it\'s just a temporary half of their strength. However, for the top creatures fighting now, the strength reduced by half is enough to make them lose their lives directly, even if it is only a few breathing times.

After the female doctor sent the message to the blonde general, the blood light on the altar also jumped after dozens of breathing time. The severe pain and the decline of strength not only damaged thousands of top creatures, but also some half step powers.

The snake tail bloody giant swam in the void so fast that ordinary top creatures couldn\'t keep up. It\'s just some half step powers. If you don\'t deal with them carefully, there\'s no way to lock the giant\'s figure.

In this way, millions of top creatures and a large number of half step great powers can only use their flesh and blood to block the bloody giant a little bit, trying to make him pause temporarily, even if only for one breath.

Unfortunately, the bloody giant was extremely strong. In the face of the obstruction of top creatures, he just shook his body and wouldn\'t stay in the void at all.

Some top creatures roared angrily. They even directly released a large-scale killing secret method. Regardless of the situation of others, they directly shrouded an area and wanted to erase the bloody giant.

However, the bloody giant seems to be naturally suitable for scuffle. Under the encirclement and killing of millions of people, in an instant, even the confinement secret method with scope can not lock him. Therefore, a series of range attacks, in addition to hurting their own people, the bloody giant was not affected at all.

The blood light burst, and another bloody giant was born from it. The bloody giant was also thousands of feet tall. The whole giant looked more normal. However, he had twelve teams of wings, wings waved, and fireworks sprayed from it. These fireworks were entangled and burned thousands of miles of emptiness.

After the birth of the bloody giant, a new blood light rose on the altar, and the blood light wriggled, even more huge than the previous blood light.

"If you don\'t think of a way, I\'m afraid everyone will die here." kukas took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to point to the altar not far away and said in a deep voice, "I don\'t know how many bloody giants can jump out of them. But I\'m afraid these two alone can\'t resist."

While talking, no creature could resist what the two bloody giants did. Even the blonde general and banbu Da Neng just blew up half of their body and flew out upside down. Ordinary top creatures are completely blown up.

Fortunately, he survived. Unfortunately, he was directly swallowed up by the two bloody giants, even his soul.

"These people must have means, but they don\'t want to show it now." the female doctor frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "wait a little longer. As long as we are careful, the bloody giant won\'t attack us if we leave again."

Kukas was a little stunned, shook his head and smiled. In his opinion, it is a wrong choice for those half step great powers or some top creatures with killer maces to still not make a move. Because he felt that the two bloody giants became more and more fierce with the passage of time. Every time you kill a creature, their strength increases by a large margin.

If it continues like this, I\'m afraid there is really great power to kill together, and I\'m afraid it\'s not the opponent of these bloody giants.

As time passed, ten bloody giants were born on the altar. The ten bloody giants are stronger and more cruel. Their twelve giants suspended in the void according to a certain direction. When they walked, the void collapsed for millions of miles, and they no longer avoided the attacks of those top creatures.

Because the attacks of those top creatures had not yet fallen on them, they were wiped out by the scarlet thirteen awn star Dharma array under their feet.

The scarlet thirteen awn star array was very strange. Kukas saw that dozens of half steps could attack a bloody giant at the same time, but their attack disappeared as soon as it reached hundreds of miles nearby.

"Regular array." kukas took a deep breath and shouted out.

"What is the regular array?" the female doctor frowned slightly, but she heard the word for the first time.

"A Dharma array forged by rules. If you want to explode this dharma array, unless the opponent\'s understanding of the rules is far more than the builder of the Dharma array, even if you have earth shaking power, you will not be able to explode this dharma array. If the Dharma array is immortal, nothing can hurt the people in the Dharma array."

Kukas took a deep breath and carefully explained everything he knew: "unless, unless you use empty props, maybe only by fully urging the power of empty props can you explode the rule array."