Abyss Knight

Chapter 839

"Summon other people to come here. If there is really a stream of supreme existence, we will work together to kill them." the blonde female general snorted and said with an indifferent face.

"We people can go straight to the past without waiting for others." as soon as the blonde general finished his words, a hundred armed giant grumbled discontentedly: "spread the information and let them meet us at that level of knowledge."

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, what we have calculated is just an approximate location. It is estimated that there are at least hundreds of thousands of planes of different sizes. We must observe each plane in person." a prophet said with some embarrassment: "Moreover, the plane breath we get is the plane breath tens of millions of years ago. Now we don\'t know whether that plane is where."

"No matter where he is or not, go and have a look and talk about others." another creature said excitedly, "there are books everywhere. If we get them, I\'m afraid our eternal Holy See strength will be greatly increased."

"Yes, we can\'t be too scrupulous, otherwise we can\'t do anything. I suggest we start right away."

"If we don\'t, we should find another way. At least we should go there now. If we get the knowledge level earlier, we will be at ease earlier."

The people were full of gossip and soon decided to start right away without delaying time here. However, before that, they still released thousands of messages to convey information to other top creatures in the eternal Holy See and let them gather together.

Thousands of creatures have their own plans, so their information is all private except an extremely official information.

The blonde general also sent some information privately. Although kukas saw it, she didn\'t ask anything. The female doctor didn\'t send any information to anyone because she didn\'t have too much intersection with other creatures.

The huge team immediately embarked on the road, leaving a hard hit plane and some knowledge confidence, and then embarked on the road of searching for knowledge plane.

It took them more than a hundred years to tear through the void and cross the extremely long dead void. Then they came to the area they detected with secret methods.

"It\'s dead and empty again." looking around hundreds of millions of miles, but there is no plane, people immediately understand the general situation here.

"It\'s good to be dead and empty. At least no one grabs anything with us." some creatures muttered disapprovingly.

"Everyone, be careful. Don\'t go in the first time after you find the plane. Be careful of the monsters here." the blonde general frowned slightly. Under the induction of her mind, she couldn\'t feel any fluctuations in the void. Therefore, she was worried and couldn\'t help opening her mouth to remind everyone.

"It\'s just a small level of knowledge. Even if it\'s dangerous, I\'m afraid it won\'t hurt us. It seems that there should be no creatures in this void."

Although they said they didn\'t care, they were subconsciously careful.

Across the void, this time people scattered hundreds of millions of miles around kukas\'s ship and began to search for the dead void little by little, hoping to find the level of knowledge.

However, after searching the area designated by the prophets dozens of times, they found nothing.

"There must be some secret method to completely hide the whole plane into the void. We feel that the plane must still be in the void." a prophet said reluctantly, "we must mobilize more people to make our search more detailed."

"Expand the search scope, expand the search scope ten times. I think that the knowledge level prohibition array will definitely have some loopholes with the change of void rules. Believe it again, you can definitely find its trace. Since it is here, we will be able to find it." The blonde general snorted and stabbed her hand into the. Countless golden lights burst out of her hands like poisonous snakes, and then spread wildly around.

The golden light swam away and sent out a crackling explosion; the void was distorted and even tore out palm sized cracks. For a time, hundreds of thousands of miles of void was shrouded by the secret method of the blonde general.

Kukas did not participate in the search, because he knew that his means were much worse than those of these top creatures, so he was too lazy to make a move to avoid shame.

Like him, the female doctor did not search. However, when a creature came to her and asked her to bless some auxiliary secrets, she seriously blessed the other party. Under her blessed secrets, the mental power of these top creatures could be doubled, so the search became more detailed.

As time went by, more and more top creatures rushed here. After obtaining the general scope, they also joined the search work one after another.

In a short period of more than ten years, including those half step powers, all the top creatures gathered in this void and searched it carefully.

Their search even shattered the whole void hundreds of times, but even so, they still didn\'t find the whereabouts of the knowledge plane.

"The knowledge plane must still be here, we can feel it." all the prophets unanimously guaranteed that the knowledge plane was in this void. This result makes other top creatures feel very helpless.

No one doubts that these top creatures are lying, because there are at least 100000 top prophets gathered at this time.

"Go to other planes around to explore and see what legends are in those planes. Maybe we can get the key to finding knowledge planes from the legends in other planes."

Having been idle for more than ten years, kukas thought of a note and told the blonde general. After a little thought, the blonde general told other top creatures his suggestion.

"It seems that this is the only way. Search for other planes. I believe there must be some legends in other planes."

"Yes, search for other planes."

After a simple discussion, millions of top creatures immediately sent a third of them to search around to see if they could find other planes. The rest of them continued to search in the dead void.

The top creatures who went out to search for other plane information soon had news. Some top creatures found a seat plane in the void a year away from this dead void.

In that plane, they got some legends.

Then, other creatures who searched returned, and they also got some legends. Although the legends of these people are obtained in different planes, the contents of the legends are surprisingly similar.

"It\'s said that in ancient times. Well, tens of millions of years ago, there was a terrible demon king falling from the sky."

"The great demon of terror led countless giants to come here. They fought a cruel battle here in order to snatch something crystallized by knowledge."

"The war was very cruel. The king of terror and his giants all fell, and the creatures guarding the crystallization of knowledge were almost killed. Finally, the remaining creatures made an eternal seal with the blood of the king of terror and his creatures, so as to seal the crystallization of knowledge that caused trouble into the void."

"And the key to the eternal seal is something called the clergy."

"Clergy?" when he heard the news, kukas turned his attention to other top creatures for the first time. Among the top creatures, many are of divine origin. And in them, there is no clergy.

"Everybody, those who have the clergy hand over the clergy. We don\'t have time to waste searching for the clergy." a creature suddenly roared and jumped out to explain his view: "the clergy can be reunited, but if it is delayed for a long time, the knowledge may disappear."

"It will take hundreds of millions of years or even an era to gather a priest. Do you think we will be willing to call it out?" a god snorted coldly, burst into boundless divine light, walked out of the crowd and roared: "The crystallization of knowledge is not necessarily the knowledge plane. Even the knowledge plane is just sealed. If we can find the seal place, we can break the seal by force with our strength, regardless of the so-called conditions for opening the seal."

"That thing has existed for tens of millions of years. It\'s nothing to waste three, five hundred or even ten million years looking for a priest. It can\'t run?"

"Yes, that thing can\'t run, but no one can say whether it will disappear. Don\'t forget that the rules of emptiness have changed, and many impossible things can happen." a living creature said coldly, "you must hand over the clergy, or you will be expelled from the eternal holy see."

"Are you speaking on behalf of the whole eternal Holy See? Or on behalf of some people behind you? If you want to deprive us of our clergy, I\'m afraid you don\'t have those qualifications." the God smiled coldly. A divine light shines on heaven and earth, countless divine lights condense into a virtual divine Kingdom, which hovers and may fall at any time.

Everyone knows that for the gods, the whereabouts of the kingdom of God represents the beginning of the battle, and the kingdom of the gods is integrated with natural visions.

"I think all the living creatures want to get the priesthood, even some of you. Don\'t forget to get the knowledge plane, and you can use the knowledge to condense a stronger plane." the living creature sneered. He was not afraid of the smell of the gods in front of him. Instead, he stepped forward and was ready to fight at any time.

"Do you want to kill each other before you get the knowledge level? Do you have any other benefits besides reducing the strength of our eternal Holy See? I would rather not get the knowledge level than fight with each other. You know, the rules of this void have just changed and a new era has just opened. At this time, we can control the whole world Endless void. "The blonde general turned her eyes, stepped forward and shouted. Her voice spread to the void millions of miles, so that all the top creatures could hear her voice.

"Without the clergy, we can\'t open the seal of knowledge. Every day we delay, our advantages may disappear greatly. Now some gods contribute their clergy, which will make them suffer losses, but as long as they find the knowledge level, they will soon make up for their losses." a living creature said in a strange manner: "It\'s just a clergy. It\'s only used to absorb faith, but it\'s useless. Now everyone hasn\'t established a church and has little demand for faith. Why bother about it?"

"Yes, at present, for the gods, the effect of clergy is not great. It\'s nothing to take it out and use it. Anyway, it will come out again after some time." a living creature echoed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are trying to start an internal war. Who ordered you to say so?" the blonde general snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and pointed to the top creature who had just spoken and sneered: "If we forcibly seize the clergy of our companions, although they have no words in their hearts, they will bear a grudge, which will cause inevitable disasters to the future rule of our eternal holy see. Is it interesting that millions of top creatures fight each other?"

"Enough, damned woman, look at all aspects now: all creatures think that gods are more powerful than legends, and legends should submit to gods. Is this normal? Some gods make some small moves in private, thinking I don\'t know?"

Half a step on the scene could hear the blonde women general\'s quarrel, but they didn\'t know what to say for a moment.

"Our little moves in private? Damn, the situation in all aspects now has nothing to do with us. It\'s all caused by the people of the glorious hand. How can we force their actions on us?" A god roared and sent out endless divine light to rush to the top creature. If it wasn\'t for some scruples, he would definitely kill each other.

"Well, we don\'t need to argue about this. We don\'t need things like priests. As long as we find the eternal seal, we can forcibly open the seal with our strength." half step powers spoke, and then more half step powers began to persuade, and the storm subsided temporarily.

Although the storm subsided, kukas clearly sensed that there were some gaps between gods and other creatures. Although these gaps were not much at present, he believed that as long as there were more contradictions and conflicts over time, the contradictions between gods and legendary creatures would become more and more intense. In the end, they would even develop to some aspects of the previous era : Gods and legends become mortal enemies. When the two sides meet, they still fight to the death in addition to fighting to the death.

After searching again and again, there was still no harvest. In the last half step, after simple negotiation, the great powers asked other top creatures to forcibly extract the source power from the surrounding planes, and then built an altar with the help of the characteristics of the source of those planes, and began to forcibly find the location of the eternal seal.

More than half of the original power of each plane has been forcibly extracted, and those planes have been turbulent due to the lack of original power. Various disasters have led to the death of countless creatures. But these are nothing for many top creatures eager to search for knowledge planes. In order to get what they want, even innocent creatures who die no matter how much With the slightest guilt.

Kukas did not agree with this kind of thing too much, but he was the only one who opposed it, but it had no effect. Of course, all this was because his desire for this knowledge level was not so strong, because he knew that his fighting armor was not in this knowledge level.

Under the power of the origin of the ruling plane, a large number of half step great powers forcibly searched for the sealed knowledge plane with the help of the power of the altar. After spending more than a year, they finally made a new discovery.

Under the light on the altar, an abnormal distortion occurred in a void. The half step powerful men shot and forcibly tore the abnormal distorted space apart.

Half of the great energy took the lead, and suppressed the sacrificial altar that contained dozens of original sources of strength, and then mobilized all of them to instilling power in order to make that eternal Seal appear in front of everyone.

The eternal seal presents a kind of scarlet, and the whole is a rotating thirteen awn star altar. As soon as the altar emerged, the bloody smell evolved into countless fierce beasts, which were slaughtered by the Chaozong people.

"Kill these fierce beasts and erase the power in the seal." a living creature shouted.

Tens of millions of thunder and fire burst at once, and countless secret methods shrouded the thirteen awn star altar and around the altar, madly devoid of endless bloody breath and all kinds of fierce beasts.

The fierce beasts drilled from the thirteen awn star array are extremely powerful. According to kukas, each fierce beast has the power of legends and gods.

And with the passage of time, the strength of these fierce beasts became stronger and stronger. Even fierce beasts comparable to top creatures were born with the help of these bloody breath.

The thirteen awn star Dharma array with the size of hundreds of thousands of feet rotates slowly, and the blood breath contained in it seems endless.

The struggle between the fierce beast and the top creatures detonated hundreds of millions of miles of void. Countless secrets were displayed and collided with each other in this collapsed void.

Some half step powers began to take action. They forcibly gathered some regular chains. Those chains were different and killed dozens of top fierce beasts in an instant.

More gods directly use the secret method to forcibly collect those fierce beasts into their own kingdom of God and become the guardian of the kingdom of God.