Abyss Knight

Chapter 838

"Young man, tell me, where is the book of eternal ashes? Don\'t deceive me, because your deception is of no use to me." kukas stretched out his finger and pointed to the young man. On his finger, there was also a gray light, which was the light of ash fighting spirit.

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about." the young man swallowed his saliva hard, then reached out and grabbed the girl\'s small hand and said in a deep voice: "if you want this armor, take it away, just don\'t hurt us."

"Don\'t change the subject with me. I\'m not interested in the so-called fighting armor. What I want to know is where the book of eternal ashes is. Don\'t try to challenge my patience, or I\'ll let you understand what pain is." kukas smiled in a low voice when he looked at the young man\'s pretended calm expression and the trembling girl.

"You are just a villain who forcibly seizes other people\'s finances by relying on your own strength. Won\'t a top professional humiliate both of us, which will damage your reputation? Moreover, after those people leave, they will say that a top armor has come into your hands, and then many people will come to trouble you. In fact, you should kill those people." The young man took a deep breath and explained in a deep voice.

"Where is the book of eternal ashes? There is the smell of the book in the ashes of your cultivation. Don\'t count others with me. My patience is limited. If you continue to change the topic like this, I don\'t mind letting you watch your woman moan and groan in front of dozens of men." kukas stepped forward and appeared directly next to the woman, Then he reached out and grabbed each other\'s neck and lifted her up.

The woman made a dull low voice. She grabbed kukas\'s arm with both hands and struggled hard, but she couldn\'t escape his palm. The young man was stunned. He didn\'t expect that the bald man in front of him would take people away from him in such a short time, and he felt that the killing smell emanating from each other was stronger. Those killing smells alone frightened him.

The woman cried in a low voice in kukas\'s hand. She tried to bite her tongue and commit suicide, but failed. Kukas easily stopped her.

The young man holding the pendant lowered his head and remained silent. For a long time, he took out a silver gray paper from his arms and threw it into the air.

"Take it! This may be the damned eternal ashes you said. Can you let her go now?" the young man roared angrily, with reluctance and anger in his eyes. He hates himself, hates his weak strength, and has no way to protect the people he wants to protect. He also hated kukas and the villain who robbed him of his hope.

At the moment when the silver paper was thrown out by the young man, kukas felt the smell of eternal ashes. It\'s just that these smells are a little different from the smell of the eternal ashes he came into contact with in those years, but this difference is nothing to kukas, because the smell has not changed at all, so imitation is also prohibited.

Of course, in kukas\'s view, I\'m afraid no creature can imitate the smell of the book of eternal ashes. Even those supreme powers can\'t do it.

He threw the woman to the young man. After catching the silver gray paper, kukas took a deep look at the young man, and then said in a deep voice, "the pendant in your hand should be well protected. For you, it is much more precious than this paper."

"If you can, I hope you can also tell me where the rest of the paper is." kukas wondered why the old books were scattered, so he subconsciously asked each other.

"I bought this thing from a merchant. There was only one. According to the merchant, it was found by a beggar and sold to him." the young man held the woman, stared at kukas and yelled, "the thing has been given to you. Can we leave?"

"If you want to revenge me for today\'s disgrace, then go to the endless void to find me. My name is: kukas! Ash Knight kukas." after a deep look at the young man, kukas is too lazy to stay here. He turned and pierced his hands into the void, then separated left and right, and tore a huge crack, He went in sideways and disappeared.

The space crack healed little by little in front of the young man, while the young man and the woman in his arms looked at the crack not far away, but they didn\'t know how to express their feelings in words. Because they have never heard that someone can tear the sky and tear the space.

Having obtained the remnant pages of the book of eternal ashes, kukas soon forgot the young man. In his understanding, such creatures do not need to be remembered seriously.

When kukas found the blonde general with the remnant page, the blonde general looked very excited: "maybe the eternal Holy See can take advantage of this opportunity to really stand firm in the endless void."

Playing with the page in her hand, the blonde general paced back and forth in the temporary room. After a few turns, she stretched out her hand to release some marks and began to worry about all spell casters and creatures proficient in prophecy in the eternal Holy See, so as to speculate where the level of knowledge is as soon as possible. Of course, it is not very important whether the inferred knowledge plane is the plane of kukas\'s fighting armor.

After the mark is released, a large number of top creatures proficient in prophecy will gather here soon, and then begin to search for the whereabouts of the knowledge plane with the help of the breath on the page. Before that, the blonde general felt it necessary to have a good talk with kukas. At least she thinks so.

After carefully storing the page, the blonde general took a chair and sat opposite kukas. Then she took out some drinks and put them between the two.

"I heard you were going to find a place to hide after some time," she said. "After drinking a glass of Baijiu, the blonde\'s face was a little red."

"Yes. You want to join us too?" kukas tilted his head, looked at the blush on the blonde general\'s face and couldn\'t help laughing. He knew that the other party got the news from the female doctor, and she also wanted the female doctor to persuade him not to go to seclusion and rest. Unfortunately, the other party did not know that it was the female doctor who put forward this proposal.

"No, I just hope you can think it over and don\'t do it." the blonde general took a deep breath and said seriously: "The establishment of the eternal Holy See, if we really find that aspect of knowledge, it means that the eternal Holy See can exist forever. Over time, this organization will develop into a giant. Even a giant beyond the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven."

"If such a huge thing is in our hands, I think we will really become the controller of this endless void, so as to completely get rid of the end of becoming a tool for others. No one can command us, no one can instruct us how to do, and no one can exile us wantonly."

Having said this, the blonde general gasped a little, and then continued, "it\'s hard for me to achieve anything in this organization alone. So I hope you can help me."

"I\'m just a ninth order knight. I\'m afraid it won\'t help you. Of course, you can exchange me if necessary, and I\'ll try my best to help you. But I\'m afraid it\'s not suitable for me to stay in the eternal holy see. Unless, unless I find those fighting armor and become a legend, it will be in the eyes of those top creatures After all, I\'m a little person, a dispensable little person. "Kukas frowned slightly and expressed his views in a very serious tone:" now I feel the changes of those people. If you weren\'t strong, I\'m afraid some of the top creatures would have jumped out and swallowed me. "

"And even if I really stay in the eternal holy see because of your strength, I\'m afraid I won\'t control my power. For you, it\'s not helpful, but will make me a means against you."

"There are too many top creatures. After all, we have to clean up some. For a huge organization, there are only dozens of final decision-makers. If there are more, I\'m afraid it will affect the operation of the organization." here, the blonde general looked at the void with blurred eyes: "Unless most people don\'t like power and just want simple practice, some people must be eliminated."

"With the opportunity of searching for the knowledge plane? Maybe there are many creatures of the previous era in the knowledge plane, and they may help you." kukas took the wine bottle, drank it clean at one breath, then paralyzed himself very lazily, lay down in the chair and muttered: "Millions of top creatures will never lose anything if they fight with other creatures in other planes. Unless they find a place with many supreme powers! Maybe the vanishing Empty Fortress can be! What a pity!"

The blonde general knew what kukas meant, but at this time, she didn\'t say anything, just shook her glass silently and thought about something.

"In any case, this time, with the opportunity of searching for knowledge, we will kill some top creatures." the blonde general frowned slightly, drank all the wine in the wine glass, looked ferocious and whispered: "otherwise, it will be more difficult to deal with them when they take half a step of great power or even supreme power."

"Maybe many people have the same idea as you. I think you\'d better do it later." kukas lost his glass, looked at the female doctor lazily and smiled softly: "in fact, an eternal holy see is nothing at all. If your personal strength is strong enough, any power is nothing in your eyes."

"Sometimes it\'s good to have help in the face of some strong enemies." the blonde general shook her head. She didn\'t want to talk anymore, because she sensed that some powerful creatures were coming here after getting the news.

"Maybe!" kukas did not know why. He suddenly remembered the power of the killing scroll and the power of the golden armor man: "maybe in the eyes of some powerful creatures, the number has no effect at all. For example, the thousand winged eyed dragon. He eats the supreme power as food. More power is just more food."

"Can ten supreme powers kill him? Can\'t thousands of supreme powers do it? If thousands are not enough, use tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. No matter how powerful creatures are, there will be limits."

At this point, the two did not continue to talk, because the top creatures who came back had gathered together and began to detect the page brought back by kukas by their own means.

At the same time, other good news was brought back: some top creatures also found other pages of eternal ash paper.

More papers come together, making their breath obviously stronger. Some spell casters of the prophecy department are very satisfied with this situation. Because the greater the breath, the higher the success rate when they predict.

After a short consultation, hundreds of spell casters who were proficient in prophecy soon decided on a plan. Then these prophets worked together to extract the plane breath contained in those pages.

The work of extracting breath was not concealed, so kukas could clearly see the means of these prophets.

Under the secret method of the prophets, the pages turned back and forth. Every time they turned, some breath came out of them and fell into the crystal ball already prepared.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of strong and weak smells flew out of these pages.

These breath are the breath of the plane experienced by these pages.

Until there was no more breath flying out of the page, the prophets began to focus on the crystal ball containing thousands of breath.

Their practice is very simple, that is, draw a breath, and then use a secret method to go back to time, so as to re evolve the plane scene where the breath is located.

A prophet drew out a breath. He held it in his hands and sang the ancient language in his mouth. These languages are condensed into words and constantly integrated into this breath, so that the breath is constantly expanding and changing.

The expanding breath splits into tiny threads, and then begins to draw between the prophet\'s hands. A simple framework is built, and over time, the framework becomes more and more complex and clear. Finally, it evolved into an illusory plane the size of a washbasin.

The illusory plane flickered, and you can see some situations inside: some professionals fought with each other, and some ordinary people began to fight under the command of the emperor. More are images of ordinary people\'s daily life.

"Not this." the prophet smashed the illusory plane image in his hand, and then extracted a breath to continue the above work.

Hundreds of prophets made rapid progress, but in less than half a moment of magic, one prophet found the information of that knowledge plane.

The prophet evolved an illusory plane through the breath in his hand. As soon as the plane took shape, he saw huge bookshelves everywhere, all over the sky and the earth. Countless creatures gathered around the bookshelf to read and watch.

However, the face shadow took shape, but it took time to breathe, and two golden eyes suddenly appeared in the illusion. The golden eyes showed infinite murderous intentions. These murderous intentions evolved into ferocious beasts. They drilled out of the face shadow and tore at the prophet.

With a cold hum, the blonde general stretched out her hand to condense the lotus mark and beat the monsters that had just drilled out.

The golden light burst and wiped out these murderous beasts in an instant.

"Hum!" with a cold hum, I remembered from the broken virtual shadow of the plane. The next moment, I saw a big hand sticking out of it.

The big hand rose in the storm, changed into thousands of feet in an instant, and then bowed down and slapped down at the people.

Although it\'s just a lonely hand, the breath sent out surprised all the top creatures present.

"Supreme existence, must be supreme existence!" some creatures roared.

"It\'s just a projection across time and space. There\'s no way to help us."

"It\'s so rampant that only one palm is projected. Does it look down on us?"

Many top creatures have different opinions, but everyone has displayed his secret skill of pressing the bottom of the box in the shortest time.

Because they all know that they are facing a projection of supreme existence. If they put it on weekdays, they are afraid that one finger of this projection can easily crush any of them. But at this moment, thousands of top creatures gather here, but they have the confidence to resist the projection of the supreme existence.

The rotation of the normal array prohibits condensation; Endless thunder and fire gathered from all directions, and big clouds of poisonous smoke rolled, and a ray of light pierced the sky.

In an instant, except for a few top prophets who took the time to lock the plane coordinates, all creatures, including kukas, fought against the Golden Palm shot in the air.


Thousands of secret arts collided with the big hand projection of supreme existence, but in an instant, it shattered thousands of miles of the sky. Even the entire plane barrier was torn out of a crack tens of thousands of feet in size.

The plane is turbulent and the earth is broken. For a moment, I don\'t know how many creatures have lost their lives because of their collision.

"Next time I come to spy on knowledge, I will kill you." the golden light flashes, and there is an illusory voice in the broken hand. It is obvious that the supreme existence does not know who his enemy is who attacks across time and space.

"This plane still exists, still in this endless void. We have locked its approximate position. We just don\'t know whether there are creatures in it." the prophets also came out at this time.