Abyss Knight

Chapter 837

"Ha ha! Now I\'m afraid only fighting can make me feel alive. If there is no fighting, I don\'t know what it means to live." a bloodthirsty creature roared in a low voice. In the killing just now, his means are the most bloody and cruel. He even poured the blood of the dead on himself.

According to his meaning: watering yourself with the enemy\'s blood is to make yourself feel warm and alive.

"Yes, if there are no impulses and waves, I think I\'m dead. What\'s alive is just a body." another creature said in a deep voice.

"The dull and stiff days will soon pass, and you will feel the passion soon. At that time, I hope you don\'t hate this passion." the blonde female general glanced at many top creatures, and then proposed to start compiling the major forces in this position, so as to find the eternal ashes as soon as possible, so as to obtain the whereabouts of the knowledge level.

The work is going very well, at least kukas thinks so. However, in just over a year, the top forces of the whole plane were recovered by them.

Even those empires of all sizes were forcibly controlled by them.

In this case, the search for the book of eternal ashes began immediately. For a time, countless creatures in this plane were killed, and the reason why they were killed was entirely because they suspected that they had the book of eternal ashes.

Various books were stacked in front of kukas to let him identify whether it was the eternal ashes. Some of these books are made of wood and some are made of all kinds of animal skins. But when kukas looked at them, he thought they were made entirely of blood and pain.

There are many books, which record all kinds of contents, and even the remnant chapter of some gold treasures obtained by kukas in the previous era. Some books also record the secret method of changing human beings into dragons or other Warcraft.

There are many kinds of knowledge, and some knowledge is extremely precious to kukas. But there is still no eternal ashes book he wants.

The act of looking for books not only brought great disasters to this ordinary creature, but also some big families were destroyed because of this catastrophe.

The city of yerurdo is located in the most remote area of a small empire. Because it is far from the center of the Empire and there are no mineral resources, the living environment here is very calm.

Most residents depend on a forest outside the city for their livelihood. Where do they hunt wild animals, even Warcraft, and collect some medicine.

The city, which should have been calm, was turbulent because of the emperor\'s orders.

In a short night, at least hundreds of families in the whole city were killed. The panicked residents saw that the soldiers who should have protected them killed their former neighbors with strange excuses. It was both grief and anger and helplessness.

The night\'s killing made all the residents in the city spend in panic. At dawn, a large group of soldiers opened the gate.

A large number of residents want to leave the city temporarily and escape the sudden disaster in the countryside or remote places.

The soldiers waved sharp weapons and checked all kinds of materials carried by these people at a loss. Their task is very simple, that is to collect some strange looking books and carriers recording strange words.

One of the leading officers took a small scepter. He crossed the vehicles and people with the scepter. When he found that the scepter had no strange reaction, he would signal these people to pass. If they find strange changes in the scepter, they will immediately conduct a rough search, and even kill some people who dare to resist on the spot.

Kukas hung over the city and checked the books for a long time, which made him feel extremely boring. Therefore, he tried his best to simulate the smell and appearance of the eternal ashes he had seen, and gave it to other top creatures to help them detect. And he himself came out to relax.

Said to relax, in fact, he didn\'t feel how relaxed he was. On the contrary, I was anxious because I couldn\'t find information about the level of knowledge. In his opinion, the sooner we find those fighting armor, the better. You know, those fighting armor have experienced thousands of years in the endless void. According to their normal accumulation, how the fighting Qi contained in them converges into his body can completely promote him to the legendary stage.

At the legendary stage, he would have no scruples when dealing with many things.

Just as kukas was trying to relax his spirit, a riot suddenly broke out at the gate of the city. Soon, he saw a young man with long gray hair rushing out of the city gate with a girl on his back. He carried a long gun in his hand. The long gun shook, and the soldiers who stopped him were instantly penetrated into his throat.

"Catch him, he has the book." the officer holding the scepter looked at the dazzling red light on the scepter and shouted, "Whoever catches him can worship the position of senior general. Moreover, the emperor will marry his daughter."

The information of honoring the general stimulated the soldiers, who shouted loudly and waved their weapons, as if they were in hot pursuit. It is bound to kill the young man, so as to achieve the purpose of honoring the general.

The young man\'s speed was very fast, and the long gun in his hand shook, and a grey and grey temper permeated him, and resisted the weapon attacks of the soldiers behind.

Seeing the gray fighting spirit surging, kukas\'s spirit suddenly tensed.

"Ashes are angry. I didn\'t expect to be found by me." his mind turned. The bald evil man didn\'t directly stop him, but let the young man run. And he himself, suspended in the sky, stared at him closely.

The young man rushed into the woods and killed dozens of soldiers chasing him with various mechanisms and exquisite marksmanship.

After killing the pursuer, the young man did not stop, but continued to move towards the depths of the woods. Because at this time, more soldiers rushed out of the city to chase him.

Among the soldiers who chased him this time, there were not only experienced soldiers, but also a large number of professionals.

These professionals are crazy hunters in order to get the strange book.

Run! Run! Run!

In the young man\'s mind, he could only keep running away. Because he knew that if he stopped, even if he was a fifth order knight, he could not resist the pursuit of those behind him without a mount and a burden.

But even so, the young people with long gray hair still didn\'t escape the pursuit of those people. Finally, they were surrounded by dozens of professionals by a lake.

"Call out the things and you will get countless gold, silver and jewelry, otherwise you and your woman will die." five fireballs were rotated beside a caster, which could be excited at any time.

"Give that thing away and I\'ll die faster. Do you think I\'m a fool? If you want to get that thing, I\'ll see the emperor myself." the young man laughed in a low voice. He put the woman on one side of the tree, then shook his long gun and prepared to fight with these pursuers.

"I don\'t know why you robbed that thing, but what I tell you is that there is no way for other creatures to see the treasure of our family except those who have our family blood. Even a single touch will kill you."

"Hand over that book, or you will die. Kill you, we have undead casters who will cast spells, look at your soul, and we will find your hidden book." the five fireball caster stepped forward and said calmly: "The whole empire, no, the whole continent is looking for that book. You are just a low-level knight. You have no ability to escape the pursuit of the whole continent."

"If you refuse to give us the books, we will let your female partner enjoy our punishment. You should know that the men in the army are extremely hungry. They will welcome the women who come to the door by the most primitive means. I don\'t think you want your female partner to go to the military camp."

"If you dare to treat her like this, even if I die, I won\'t let you go." the young man\'s mood was very excited. He waved his long gun and pierced the void in front of him.

There, a short knife emerged and resisted his long gun. Then, a lurk was seen to take a few steps backward and disappear into the air again.

"If you hand over that book, you can become a noble nobleman and a general. Otherwise, you will die." the five fireball caster continued to persuade, while the professionals behind him showed fierce eyes and wanted to kill him at any time.

From time to time, a dead caster in the team rattled and muttered words such as human puppets. His words made the young man\'s mood worse.

"I don\'t have any shit books here, only an ancestral pendant." the young man growled in a low voice. Finally, he tore a light blue pendant from his neck and carried it in his hand.

After the light blue pendant appeared in front of everyone, all professionals, including kukas, were attracted by the light blue pendant.

The pendant is not big. As a pendant, it is not a gem or a strange rune, but a little man in armor.

The little man in armor carried a shield in one hand and a spear in the other, emitting a strange light.

Kukas immediately released his mind to detect the pendant. In his detection, he found that the pendant was ordinary. If there were not those strange lights, he would subconsciously ignore the existence of this thing.

"This pendant is a fighting armor made by our family over countless years. Is this what you want? No living creature can use it without our family\'s blood." the young man took a deep breath and sneered: "A small soldier wants to rob our family\'s treasures. You also want to rob them, don\'t you? Hehe, if I wasn\'t weak enough, I would have put on our family\'s armor and killed all of you."

"Fighting armor?" after the pendant appeared, all the pursuers were stunned. They didn\'t expect each other to take out such things.

You know, fighting armor is an extremely precious magic weapon in this era. Not to mention ordinary professionals, even some large families can\'t have fighting armor if they don\'t have enough time to accumulate. Of course, unless it is snatching, but the power of the snatched fighting armor will be greatly reduced due to blood problems, and the snatched fighting armor will never be able to improve its power.

However, because the making method of fighting armor is extremely difficult and time-consuming, many people will rob fighting armor.

Of course, there are other classes of armor. However, the method of making each kind of armor is extremely cumbersome and time-consuming.

"Let us go, this armor is the top purple and gold level. I can use a secret method to erase the blood recognition in this armor and turn it into an ownerless armor. But you must promise: promise to give us the status of nobility and territory when you let us go." the young man took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I know you are from the imperial army. You are capable of meeting my requirements."

"We promise you, but you must erase the blood recognition in the armor first." the five fireball caster looked at each other with a flash of light in his eyes: "at that time, I can\'t say where we will take you to the emperor and let the emperor give you more generous rewards. After all, you have a top purple gold armor."

"It\'s impossible. Unless I see the emperor or get the proof from the nobles and territories of the Empire, I\'d rather reduce the armor fighting power by half than let you achieve your wish. I know, you all want this. Otherwise, you won\'t send so many people to hunt me. Did the damn Prince ask you to hunt me? Yes, only he can So crazy to mobilize so many people to chase me. "

When he said this, the young man\'s mood looked very dripping. He muttered nervously, sometimes shaking his head and sometimes laughing.

"It\'s not the prince who asked us to chase you, but the Emperor himself ordered." the five fireball caster wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the undead caster in the team.

"Everybody, don\'t forget that we came out to find the book, not the top-level fighting armor. Damn it, kill him, search his soul and see what he\'s hiding. I think his words just now are all lies. As for the fighting armor, we\'ll turn it in directly, and I think we\'ll get our due reward." The undead caster hoarse his voice and giggled.

"What are you hiding from us?" the five fireball caster knew the means of the undead caster. After hearing the undead caster\'s reminder, he was angry.

"I didn\'t hide anything from you. I just wanted us to be safer." the young man looked sideways at the woman by the tree, then gritted his teeth and said, "don\'t force me, or even if I die, I will urge this armor to fight to the death with you."

"Young man, call out the eternal ashes, otherwise I will suppress your soul for thousands of years and let you remain forever lonely in the endless darkness." kukas, suspended in the sky, is not interested in the so-called fighting armor. He just wants to get the book of eternal ashes.

In the observation just now, he carefully recalled the fighting breath of the young man. Finally, he found that the fighting breath of the other party was mixed with a little breath of eternal ashes. It was because of this discovery that he landed without hesitation and directly showdown with the opposite party.

"Who are you?" when kukas appeared directly in front of the young man, not only the young man was stunned, but also dozens of pursuers.

"The owner of the eternal ashes." kukas touched his bald head and laughed strangely.

"Legend?" the five fireball caster trembled and saluted.

"Is it important? There is nothing for you here. Go back and tell your emperor that you helped the members of the eternal holy see find the information about the book, and then let your emperor reward you. Of course, I will reward you." Kukas quickly swept the hunters, and then gathered dozens of memory crystals and threw them to them. In those memory crystals, he stored precious knowledge of various professions. As long as there was no accident, these hunters could easily step up to level 8 with the help of that knowledge.

Someone wanted to say something, but the undead caster in their team felt the endless sea of blood and killing on kukas.

"Leave... Go!" the undead caster trembled and ran away quickly.

The other pursuers were a little stunned, and then, including the five fireball caster, quickly left with the undead caster.

Led by the undead caster, they ran to the edge of the forest in one breath. After they contacted the soldiers and other professionals, they slowed down.

"That man kills countless people. I feel more terrible in him than my mentor. If he wants, he can kill us by turning his hands." the undead caster took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his fear and explained to his companions.

"It\'s impossible. When did such terrible creatures appear in the Empire? Your mentor is a legendary existence of the dead. His breath is more terrible than your mentor. Is it a God?"

"Maybe yes, only those gods are more powerful than legends. Moreover, he also said something like the eternal holy see. I\'m afraid he is a god of the Holy See. Damn, I really miss the ancient times. It is said that in that era, legends can compete with gods. Even kill gods." the necromancer whispered reluctantly.

"It\'s just a legend. After all, no one knows anything about ancient times. There is no written record." the five fireball caster frowned slightly: "don\'t talk about these. The power of the gods is not conceivable at all. It is said that they can sense all the words that mention them."