Abyss Knight

Chapter 836

The alliance was established and its name was named the eternal holy see. Of course, as for whether this name will coincide with the names of other power organizations, many top creatures never care. They believe that if someone coincides with their alliance name, they should kill each other, because there should only be one eternal holy see in this world.

The establishment of the eternal holy see soon began to work. After a series of tasks were assigned, kukas and the blonde general led thousands of top creatures to find information on the level of knowledge. Of course, the Holy See has also sent other people to do such things.

However, the center of the holy see is not on the level of knowledge, but on the surrounding level. They sent a large number of troops and carried special scrolls to fight, ready to make all the major forces in the surrounding area submit to them.

"Only when there are more people who submit to us, we will find something faster. Moreover, when there are more people who submit, our savings will be richer and more beneficial to us." in the eternal Holy See, there are many top creatures with such ideas, and more than half of them agree with this idea.

"Maybe this alliance will exist forever." watching those top creatures search all planes with interest, then conquer those planes and search for all materials. Kukas could not help sighing.

"It may fall apart in a short time. You know, everyone is a top presence, and no one is satisfied with anyone. I\'m afraid it\'s not easy for them to unite for a long time." the blonde general shook her head and sighed: "unless there are strong creatures and use interests and strength to completely control others, this alliance won\'t exist for long."

"That\'s just a guess." kukas manipulated the ship, tearing the void again and again and jumping in the void. Thousands of other top creatures walked on foot. They tore through the void and jumped no slower than kukas.

As time went by, this time they didn\'t have to stay on the road, so it only took them decades to reach the plane of the book with eternal ashes.

Thousands of top creatures came to this plane, released their own breath without any concealment, and frantically explored everything in this plane.

The legendary breath was released from a mountain not far away. The legendary breath rose into the sky and rushed towards kukas and them.

"This is the plane controlled by the hand of glory. What are you doing here?" the legend was not afraid of kukas. Instead, his momentum was high and his words were full of superior and strong.

"Kill you." kukas growled and sent a message to other top creatures: "kill him. His glorious hand has a deep connection with the gate of heaven and the abyss alliance. They must have been involved in the exile of you."

"You dare. Our glorious hand controls thousands of aspects. Where can you challenge? If you dare to hurt me, the whole glorious hand will not let you go." the legend said coldly. At the same time, he released a very obvious fluctuation of magic signals, trying to send a message to others.

"Gaga! The hand of glory is a fart? From now on, the endless void belongs to our eternal holy see." the hundred armed giant roared and stepped on the void. He suddenly appeared on the mountain. His huge palm fell and tore the legendary defense. Then he grabbed him as if he were eating chicken pieces, and Gaga ate him clean.

"Now the legend is so weak that I can\'t resist it. Is it because of the change of the rules of the void?" after spitting out a crystal skull, the hundred armed giant chirped his mouth and said uninteresting: "I\'m afraid legends like this are of little use to us."

"Come again, there are at least hundreds of legends. Well, there are only such legends in this plane? Where are the gods? Why don\'t those gods appear?" the blonde general\'s eyes showed golden light, tearing the sky like two lightning bolts, and saw a range of thousands of miles in an instant.

"Bah! It\'s terrible. Those gods have gone into the glorious hand. It\'s interesting that the status of gods is higher than that of legends in the endless void. It\'s really interesting!" the hundred armed giant spit out a mass of rotten meat and muttered discontentedly. All these words he just said were extracted from the memory of the legend.

"I\'ll deal with them." the blonde general didn\'t wait for other creatures to fight. She stepped on the void, divided her body into five, and then rushed in five directions with infinite killing breath.

"I\'ll help her. The people who came are too scattered." a one legged monster roared, opened his mouth and tore a piece of sky. Then he chewed the sky in his mouth to form a crystal spear suspended beside him.

The one legged monster took the crystal clear spear and turned into a gust of wind to kill it in another direction.

Other creatures are not willing to be outdone. They use their own means to lock in the legends around them. They are bound to kill several to establish each other\'s reputation.

"They are all people with great powers." kukas was filled with emotion when he watched these top creatures fight. He felt that in front of these people, I\'m afraid he was like the swallowed legend. He didn\'t have any power to fight back at all.

"They live too long. You are not inferior to them at all. When you reach their stage, you will be stronger than them." the female doctor on the side noticed the psychological changes of kukas, so she quietly explained: "they just rely on their own strength to bully the weak."

"The world is the law of the jungle. There\'s nothing wrong with them doing this."

"Yes! The law of the jungle doesn\'t give the weak some room to grow. If the weak survive, they will grow to this point. Unfortunately, these so-called strong people don\'t give them a chance at all. The so-called strong people only do things based on their likes and dislikes. They are not strong at all." the female doctor sighed, She looked at kukas in a daze.

"One day, will you become like them?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Who can say clearly about the future?" kukas whispered with a strange smile: "some miss the abyss alliance."

"Evil things, there is no need to miss."

"At least they have made some rules to protect the weak creatures. Instead of high-level beings like this, they can kill low-level beings wantonly."

"They are legends. And even in the era of abyss alliance control, those rules are not perfect." the female doctor sighed. She shook her head and whispered, "I\'m a little tired and want to find a place to have a good rest for a while. I don\'t care about any bloody giants, alliances and control the void. I just want to have a good rest."

"After I find those fighting armor, let\'s find a place to have a good rest for a period of time. What do you think?" kukas was silent for a period of time, then hugged the female doctor and said in a deep voice, "I\'ll accompany you then, just enjoy life."

"Really?" the female doctor\'s eyes lit up, but soon dimmed.

"Really, what are your plans for the future?" kukas patted the female doctor on the back, bit her ear and smiled. "Maybe we can try to cultivate one or several offspring."

"Hehe, I haven\'t thought about future generations, but I think I\'ll be like ordinary people in the future, controlling huge ships, sailing on the sea and exploring secrets." when I said these, the female doctor\'s face showed an excited light again.

"Since I became a high-level professional, I have never felt the excitement of exploring and discovering some strange things. Without that feeling, I feel very lost. Sometimes I have to think that I am no longer a normal creature. There is no surprise, no desire for the future, no vision. There is only a boring struggle."

"It won\'t be long before we can realize your dream." the words of the female doctor made kukas feel some emotion.

"Maybe our pursuit is different. I don\'t think you think so like me, do you? After you find the fighting armor, how about relaxing with me for a hundred years?" the female doctor sighed softly. Her career allows her to easily detect some people\'s psychological fluctuations.

"Don\'t say it\'s a hundred years, it\'s a thousand years." kukas took a deep breath and decided to have a good rest with each other after some of his things were handled.

"Hehe! I thought you would say 10000 years. But 1000 years is too long, 300 years! 300 years is enough for us to feel the emotional changes of ordinary people again."

"In fact, it is very helpful for us to feel the psychological and emotional changes of ordinary people. According to my research, I found that those high-level professionals who committed suicide all chose to end their lives because of long-time fighting or extremely boring and single life."

"If there are more stimuli and accidents in the course of life, it will relieve the deep pressure of people like us. In fact, the general\'s psychology is a little abnormal. I treated her, but the effect is not good."

Talking about the blonde general, the female doctor\'s cheeks suddenly blushed.

"Why? I think she is very normal." kukas shook his head in doubt.

"Normal? It\'s not normal at all. She doesn\'t like men now, especially women." the female doctor bit her lip and said softly, "she still wants me to be her wife, but I didn\'t agree. Later, she met you and said she wanted to be your wife, in fact, to pester me."

The words of the female doctor stunned kukas for a long time. He pushed the female doctor out of his arms and looked at her carefully. When he looked at the female doctor\'s face and was embarrassed, he giggled.

"Interesting, what kind of expression would she have if I had her? Would she be willing to let me spoil her for you? Yes, she hasn\'t tried the taste of men. Oh, damn, the expression at that time was acting!" kukas muttered nervously, which made the female doctor secretly relieved.

"She didn\'t dare to do anything to you. When she said she wanted to stay with you, she decided to let you spoil it. It\'s a pity that you haven\'t done anything over the years. It\'s cheap for her." the female doctor shook her head and smiled softly: "In fact, she has become a habit with me. In the exiled plane, most of the time, only the two of us take care of each other. The rest of us are completely stimulated by male instinct."

"Speaking of the land of exile, I don\'t know what happened to the creatures there." kukas thought of the young deep-sea giant. The other party has always had some ideas. Unfortunately, with the jump of that face, all ideas have come to naught.

And he also wanted to know what happened to the woman buried in his face, and what happened to Hegel who suddenly robbed Rafah\'s scepter. And the caster with the black ball really disappeared?

At this time, the blonde general took the lead in returning. Her expression looks very good. Behind her, there are several embarrassed legends wrapped in chains.

"What are you talking about?" the blonde army threw the chain aside and pointed to the Legends: "this is my man and this is my sister. You should respect them, or I don\'t mind letting you follow others and disappear from the world."

Several legends looked at kukas and the female doctor. Although they found that kukas was just a ninth order knight, they all followed etiquette to show their respect.

For the etiquette of these legends, kukas returned according to the previous rules. Of course, these legends can\'t understand his return, but they know what it means. Therefore, the discontent of these legends over the coercion of the blonde general suddenly dissipated.

"They are all hands of glory. Why are you so polite to them?" the blonde general smiled softly.

"It used to be, but it\'s not now." kukas shook his head. "I can\'t feel the mark of the glorious hand on them."

"Hehe, I\'m kidding you. They\'ve never been the hands of glory. Well, they\'re just ordinary legends in this position." the blonde female general felt a little boring when he saw kukas\'s serious appearance.

"You should try to be more active, or your psychology will be distorted easily. To tell you the truth, I have always doubted whether you have been distorted psychologically." the words of the blonde female general made the female doctor\'s face blush.

"Gaga! Do I twist? I think you\'ll know soon. Well, have they told you about the book of eternal ashes?" kukas tilted his head and looked away at the legends.

"We haven\'t seen the book of eternal ashes, but in this plane, there has always been a legend of this book. Someone once deduced it by means of prophecy, but there was no result. It seems that there has never been this book in the world." a legend swallowed his saliva and said in a deep voice: "But the news has been circulating in this face, but I have never heard of anyone who has seen it."

"The power of the book of eternal ashes is so powerful that ordinary people can\'t detect it at all. I think it may be in the hands of an ordinary person, and he doesn\'t know the value of which book." kukas touched his bald head and guessed indefinitely: "the change of void rules has led to some strange changes in which book?"

"Look for it one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one. I think one day, we will find the book. As long as it is in this plane," said the blonde general, with a beautiful wrinkled face.

"Only in this stupid way can we find the location of which book unless we have a supreme power prophet, perhaps a supreme power prophet."

At this time, all the top creatures scattered from all directions came back. Thousands of them brought back only three or five prisoners of war. Those prisoners of war were also injured. Some people even suffered heavy damage to their soul origin, and there were signs of destruction at any time.

"I knew you couldn\'t catch the prisoners of war." the blonde general snorted and said with some dissatisfaction, "I told you not to fight, but you didn\'t listen. Now we need to search for some things in this plane and the power of these natives. However, you have killed all the natives, which will greatly increase our time to find things."

"It\'s just adding some time. It\'s nothing at all. We haven\'t fought for a long time. With this opportunity, we won\'t let go." The hundred armed giant murmured in a deep voice. He was also a little afraid of the blonde general. After all, he had seen the other party compete with half step, but he did not lose. While he competed with half step, but he lost.

It is precisely because the blonde general fought with the half step great power a few days ago that thousands of top creatures are vaguely led by her.

Therefore, the blonde general spoke so strongly, but no one dared to refute.

"Add some time? Every additional time now will bring some unpredictable variables to our future search for knowledge."

"Let\'s let them accept some families of this position. If there are few people, it\'s easy to control." a top creature said in a deep voice, "not to mention those people are dead, even the source of their soul has been wiped out, but there is no way to revive them."

"The next time we do it, I hope everyone can control it and don\'t delay our plans because of a momentary impulse. I think there will be a lot of fights in the future."