Abyss Knight

Chapter 835

"The Immortal Emperor has gone, and he said he wants to find a place that can become the supreme will." the half step master of prophecy whispered and said seriously, "he has seen some future. He has seen the deception of the void rules to us."

"What do you mean?" * * * * I don\'t understand, and I don\'t understand the other half steps. As for kukas, they have no idea what they are talking about.

"It\'s not interesting. If you don\'t believe it, go to the place where the void rules are displayed and see if there is a void fortress." the half step giant shook his head and just tried his best to persuade the other party.

"Don\'t forget that the undead emperor has walked from the beginning of the world to the present. His wisdom and experience surpass anyone, as well as any living creature."

"When we were out of exile, a thousand winged eyed dragon appeared." * * * * didn\'t listen to kukas and them mention the thousand winged eyed dragon. She thought that the thousand winged eyed dragon had walked from the beginning of the world to the present: "I think there are other creatures living in this world."

"The thousand winged eyed dragon? It\'s just that the future creatures took away a sealed body. If it weren\'t for the change of the empty rules, the thousand winged eyed dragon\'s body would have jumped out." the half step of the prophecy can hum and disdain: "He\'s just a lucky little guy. There are still a few people like this in the endless void, but they are not as powerful as the thousand winged eyed dragon."

"Why do the void rules deceive us?" a top creature couldn\'t help interrupting and asking, "this is the first time I\'ve heard that the void rules will deceive us."

"I don\'t know. According to the Immortal Emperor, the reason why the void rules deceive us is entirely due to some special creatures. This time, the Immortal Emperor looks for a place where he can promote the supreme will and obliterates those special creatures. Only by completely obliterating those creatures, the void rules won\'t deceive us." When saying this, the words of the half step power proficient in prophecy obviously seem a little uncertain.

Although they heard it, they didn\'t care too much. Because they all know that even an uncertain and vague answer is worth them. There\'s no need to wait until it\'s completely confirmed.

"The undead emperor is a person who has lived from the beginning of the world to the present? How did he live such a long time? For dozens of times, if it were me, I would have been unable to bear it and committed suicide." the blonde general whispered * * * * about the undead Emperor.

However, the other party just glanced at her and didn\'t answer her. The half step powerful people who came from the empty space didn\'t pay attention to her.

"What\'s the situation of the exiled place?" the middle-aged didn\'t do too much entanglement in the Immortal Emperor and the rules of the void. She stared at the half step great powers who came from the void and asked about the situation of the exiled place.

"The exiled place can be said to have completely jumped out." a half step great energy suddenly glanced at the blonde general next to kukas and snorted: "in the depths of the exiled place, a strong creature was buried. Your struggle led to the resurrection of the buried creature. It exploded the exiled place and then left."

"They were talking in secret language, and I just caught a little fluctuation. Things were not as simple as they said." at this time, the blonde general lowered her voice and said in kukas\'s ear, "I think they must have something to hide from us. Maybe they want us to be cannon fodder."

Because the blonde general stared at her, she deliberately said what she had just found in words.

When the blonde general finished speaking, he found that all the creatures around him were staring at her closely. Especially the top creatures who were about to step into the half step power, they looked at the blonde general gratefully and looked at the half step power suspiciously.

They hate being cheated, especially after being imprisoned in exile for countless years, their temperament has been distorted.

"Just tell us what\'s hidden. There\'s no need to deceive us. Even if you\'re half a step powerful. If you\'re in a hurry, I\'ll swallow you alive." A ferocious hundred armed giant growled in a low voice. His face was twisted, and there were strange patterns on his ugly cheeks, which looked terrible. Two fierce lights came out of his eyes, which tore the sky and released the breath of endless killing.

"Do you dare to swallow me alive? Do you have that ability?" the half step giant who was proficient in prophecy snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and pointed to the ferocious roaring hundred armed giant: "you don\'t have the qualification to speak in front of us."

"Roar! I\'ll eat you." the hundred armed giant roared, shaking his body for tens of feet, and suddenly appeared in front of the half step great energy. More than 100 arms made different marks and blasted the half step great energy from all directions.

In this half step, the pure light in his eyes flickered, and a golden column of light rose under his feet. However, under more than 100 marks, the column of light was instantly exploded. However, in this half step, the great energy did not panic, and his backhand condensed a strange mark, which showed a natural vision of blue sea tide behind him, and directly waved the mark to kill the hundred armed giant.

The hundred armed giant roared and poked out the seal of each of the three hundred arms from the void, which collided firmly with the mark of the half step great power.

Boom! A deafening explosion sounded, the powerful impact force swept out uncontrollably around, the mark jumped out, the fighting raged, and the islands and sea water thousands of miles under your feet were evaporated in an instant.

Many creatures used their own means to resist these explosions. Except for kukas, who was a little embarrassed, others just frowned slightly.

The skin of the hundred armed giant burst, and the golden blood spilled into the sky like a fountain. The half step powerful man looked ugly and stepped back dozens of steps, so he stood firm.

"Gaga! It\'s just like this. It\'s coming." the giant was ferocious. He made a mark on his arm and made a gesture to hit the half step power proficient in prophecy.

However, at this time, there was another half step that could roar, step on the void, and chop at him like a mountain.

"Go back." the blonde general snorted coldly, but she didn\'t see how she walked. Just with a cold snort, a cross emitting countless golden light appeared directly in the void. The golden cross rotated, cut the broken sky, wound the endless void turbulence, and collided with the half step great power.

This collision far exceeded the collision between the hundred armed giant and the half step power proficient in prophecy. The huge impact force even tore the newly healed barrier of this plane.

Under the violent impact, the half step could take a step backward, while the blonde general stood in place, but her body shook slightly.

The fierce tear ravaged the sky and the earth. Both the top creatures and those half step great powers changed their faces because of the struggle between the blonde general and the half step great power.

In their view, the hundred armed giant and the half step great power who was proficient in prophecy were just equal. More importantly, the hundred armed giant has belonged to the race of war in the endless void since the beginning and end of the world, and the half step power fighting with him is just a creature proficient in prophecy.

But banbu Daneng, who had just fought with the blonde general, although he was not a special race, he was proficient in killing methods. In this case, the half step power proficient in killing means can\'t resist a top legend, which makes many people feel bad.

"Why? Do you want to bully more than you can?" the blonde general snorted coldly, stepping on the void with golden eyes, and her pride soared into the sky.

"Enough, we don\'t have to argue about these little things. Now the most important thing is about the fortress of emptiness and the rules of endless emptiness." the * * * * who is the queen of fireworks snorted. Although the voice was not loud, all the creatures present heard it clearly.

"You have something to hide from us. Is there anything else we need to talk about in this case? Cheating us is not a good idea." an old man came out of the top legend and coughed: "If you want to use us, I think you\'d better discuss how to deceive us. Fireworks queen, we always respect you very much, but you let us down."

"Duke Nicholas, I don\'t need to deceive you. It\'s just something I don\'t want you to know. You know, some things are not as simple as you think. Now I say it, just to confuse each other." * * * * as the queen of fireworks, frowned slightly, hummed and continued: "And what we are talking about is not what you think."

"Of course we don\'t know what you\'re talking about." Nicholas continued to cough, but there was a bloody light in his eyes: "but no matter what you plan, I decided not to cooperate with you. I don\'t think it\'s possible for us to continue our cooperation."

Having said this, the dry old man stepped forward and put his hand into the ring suspended in the air.

In a slight explosion, thunder and fire wound around the ring. The old Nicholas\'s palm burned black smoke, and then pulled a special book out of it. It was a book that he recorded all his knowledge.

"Nicholas, it\'s very difficult for you to do this." * * * * said with an ugly face: "we do this just to preserve everyone\'s knowledge. If anything happens, at least we have knowledge to pass on. We may even revive with them. I believe all of you have done something in it."

"There\'s nothing to be embarrassed about. Since you don\'t believe everyone, there\'s no need for everyone to believe you." kukas felt a sense and turned to the female doctor and blonde general to take out their books.

"No matter how the times change, I believe that no one can destroy this endless void, otherwise the whole endless void would have disappeared long ago. Do you still have to wait until now? I\'m afraid participating in the so-called entering the world is just used as cannon fodder, just like those creatures who used it as cannon fodder in order to forge the castle of the void." While talking, kukas directly showed all the images he knew about the construction of the void fortress with a secret method.

Through this image, he made tens of thousands of top creatures thoroughly understand what is called the void fortress.

"Such a thing, I think even hundreds of thousands of supreme powers, do not have the ability to break it."

"There\'s never a fortress that can\'t be broken." * * * * snorted: "besides, we\'re not going to break that fortress, but to help it."

"After building that fortress, they expelled me. As far as I know, the supreme powers of several deep-sea giants who were imprisoned were also exiled to that strange plane because of the vanity fortress."

"If I can destroy that fortress, I will destroy it at all costs."

Having said this, kukas turned to look at the other top creatures and roared loudly: "no matter whether the Empty Fortress wants to return to the world or not, it will not succeed. Helping that thing is just building a prison for itself."

"They hide a lot of things. Following them may only lead to death and extinction."

"Yes, we don\'t have to deal with these messy things. The endless void collapses, which has nothing to do with us. If you can really return to the beginning of the world, congratulations. After you leave, this endless void will be our heaven. All aspects should work according to our will." The grumpy hundred armed giant roared loudly. He waved his arm and shouted, "no matter what you think, don\'t use us. As a half step power, why care about us little people?"

"Cursed creature, your ending will be very miserable. And your miserable ending is caused by today\'s event." the first half step who is proficient in prophecy can snort coldly, glare at kukas, then turn around and tear the void, and disappear in an instant.

Some of the other half step powers remained silent, but most of them also tore the plane and disappeared. As for where they went, it was not kukas they could predict.

"We want to rebuild a supreme power, just like the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven that built the void fortress. We also want to unite to build this thing." when the half step powerful men left, the blonde general suddenly stepped forward and shouted: "We have information about the knowledge level of the previous era. Where there are countless books, it can make our power grow rapidly."

"Yes, he has a powerful power and can challenge some people." the old man called Nicholas coughed hard and said in the same voice: "When a new era opens, all the previous supreme beings and powers retreat or disappear, and we will be called the new masters of this era. In that way, no one will exile us and be imprisoned for several times."

This proposal is very good and conforms to the thoughts of many people. When some people came to be interested, they immediately discussed with each other and discussed the feasibility of forming a huge alliance.

Watching * * * * saw these, he just sighed, and then disappeared out of thin air. While the other half step powers frowned slightly, one left the same, but the remaining decided to participate in the new alliance.

"We will gather all the creatures who came out of the exile. The endless void is too big. We alone can\'t establish an effective alliance."

"Yes, but before that, we should seize the time to break through the current level and become a half step power or even a supreme power."

"I know a knowledge space 13 times ago. If that space is not destroyed, our knowledge accumulation will be more."

"Before I was suppressed, I learned about the breeding place of a void prop. I think now there must be a void prop. We should take it and become the assassin\'s mace of the alliance."

"Before I was suppressed, I found a place where the fierce beasts at the beginning of the world were frozen. Controlling those fierce beasts has become the cornerstone of our alliance."

For a time, people kept talking. While talking, many people released information and contacted other top creatures from the exiled land, so that they could gather to discuss the alliance.

Some creatures left, but more top creatures and half step powers came. In just dozens of days and nights, there were a few million top creatures who came out of exile.

Of course, except for kukas, all of these top creatures are about to step into the realm of half great power or supreme power, but there are no ordinary legends and gods.

According to the hundred arm giant, "our alliance is the most powerful alliance. Without strength, we are not qualified to join."

As for kukas\'s ability to join the league, on the one hand, it is due to the blonde women\'s general, on the other hand, kukas\'s performance to those semi powerful people a few days ago, as well as his previous efforts.

The number of the alliance has gradually been determined, as many as three million people. Of course, there are many creatures who have not joined in, otherwise their number will reach hundreds of millions. After all, not all creatures are keen on collective life.

Kukas didn\'t want to join the league, but he joined at the insistence of the blonde women\'s army.

During this period, he tried to inquire about the young deep-sea giant, but even the top deep-sea giants did not know where the young deep-sea giant had gone.