Abyss Knight

Chapter 834

No matter what the blonde general said was big talk or serious, in short, stimulated by the level of knowledge, the blonde general cleaned up everything as soon as possible and was ready to start.

The female doctor has nothing to clean up. She just simply arranges the materials and experimental notes, even if it is completed.

After leaving this position, kukas exchanged secret Dharma marks with other top creatures and left a letter to the half step female legend who closed the door and impacted the legendary realm. After that, kukas and the blonde general left the plane with the rescue of the newly made Thrace and began to search for information about the plane of knowledge in the endless void.

The progress of the search was very slow. All this was caused by kukas\'s inability to feel his fighting armor.

The blonde general and the female doctor studied the vouchers that kukas had received before about going in and out of the knowledge plane every day, hoping to find some information about this plane, but the magical power blessed in those vouchers had long been erased in the exiled plane. It\'s hard for them to find any information they have.

The desolation of the endless void is far more than kukas imagined. Huge ships are sailing at an extremely abnormal speed in the air, but they have been sailing for decades, but they have encountered three or five planes.

When they entered these planes to watch, they did not find any information or even legends about the knowledge plane.

But even so, the blonde general\'s interest did not decrease much, but became more and more excited with the passage of time. She fantasized about what benefits she would get when she controlled the knowledge plane, and what forces she would establish when she found the knowledge plane.

Kukas was completely unaware of the illusion of the blonde general, while the female doctor just smiled and used paper to help her design some future plans in her spare time.

"This is an extremely bad time." the blonde general complained more than once: "there are not even some creatures selling information here, which will really delay us a lot of time."

Kukas didn\'t know what to say about the complaints of the blonde general. In addition to controlling the navigation of ships, his other time is to feel his knowledge or try to understand the rules of emptiness. It is worth mentioning that he finally decided to devour the fruit of the mutant void Cang wood, so as to obtain some rules contained therein.

It\'s a pity for him that because of his career, his fighting spirit still hasn\'t accumulated enough, so even though he has a lot of knowledge, he still can\'t be promoted to become a tenth order knight.

After sailing in the endless void for more than a hundred years, kukas and his team learned the news of the knowledge plane in one plane. No, I got the information about the book of eternal ashes.

"This book has been stored in the knowledge plane. Although we don\'t know which knowledge plane it is, it is spread from the knowledge plane after all. If we find the owner of this book, we may find the knowledge plane. Perhaps the breath on that book can also tell us where it is spread." After receiving such news from an ordinary legend, kukas felt a spiritual shock and immediately had hope.

"This book is very famous?" the blonde general looked at kukas suspiciously. She learned the name of the book about eternal ashes from the ordinary legend when she asked him to tell everything he knew.

"It may not be famous for ordinary people, but it is very famous for me. This book records the lives of thousands of top ash knights, and I have read it." after touching his bald head, kukas said with some regret: "If the League hadn\'t been training a large number of ash knights, I\'m afraid that book would always be in my hands."

When he said this, he thought of some things in the past and sighed for a time.

"The book is said to be in the plane of valkiri. But I have never seen it, just heard from my former friends." the legend suppressed by the blonde general blinked, and answered kukas them helplessly and blankly.

He didn\'t know what the three men meant by the alliance, but knew the name of the ash knight. According to them, he was surprised to find that the extremely powerful ash knights in all aspects developed from the hands of an alliance. Such results were unacceptable to him for a time.

"Just have news." the blonde general also looked happy. She casually glanced at the legend suppressed by her secret method, and then hummed: "as a legend, you should never bow your head and have your own dignity and pride. Even death can\'t erase these things."

"Unfortunately, I didn\'t find this in you. I just saw cowardice and fear of life and death, which really doesn\'t deserve the name of legend. I think I have the right to let you wake up and let you deeply reflect on what legends should have. In order to help you, I decided to seal you for 30000 years!"

"No, you devil, you shouldn\'t do this. Why seal me? The so-called legendary dignity and pride have nothing to do with me. I live very freely. Why must I abide by your rules? 30000 years, 30000 years, my life will end. Even if I have some feelings, what can I do?" The legend suppressed by the secret method shouted wildly when he learned that he was about to be sealed.

"Don\'t impose your ideas on me. I have my own will and my own way of living. I don\'t want to follow your way to live. In that case, I won\'t be me anymore. What\'s the matter with cowardice? This is my own choice. If I didn\'t cooperate with you, you would have killed me. Now I cooperate with you, but you say I\'m cowardly and you\'re crazy Son. "

"Damn it, shut up." the blonde general snorted coldly, reached out and grabbed the legendary head, then stared into his eyes and said, "for the sake of so much information you have said, I just imprisoned you for 30000 years. Otherwise, I will suppress you into an endless abyss and let you know what life is better than death."

At this point, a golden light came out of her hand, which was completely gathered by the cross. The light twined into two chains, pierced into his chest and forehead, and then pierced tens of thousands of feet deep underground.

Where, she opened up an underground space with a secret method to accommodate this cowardly legend.

"I have walked more than ten planes, and there are fifty or sixty legends and gods of repression. Similarly, there are many legends and gods I let go. I think you should know why I suppressed and let them go."

The blonde general muttered a big chase, which generally meant that he disliked that the legend had no backbone and that the other party had weakened the legendary name.

Finally, she grabbed a mountain and pressed it on top of the legend, and wrote the reason for suppressing the legend on the mountain. Of course, she has done such things many times, so it is very easy to do.

Although kukas did not recognize the practice of the blonde general at all, he was unable to stop it. Because he tried to stop him before, but the other party not only didn\'t give in, but turned around and told him big truth. On several occasions, kukas thought he was wrong and the other party was right.

After several sermons, kukas wisely chose to ignore it temporarily. He didn\'t understand why the blonde general insisted on these things, but he didn\'t bother to ask. Because he knows that everyone has everyone\'s ideas and choices, and he has no right to change these people\'s ideas and choices.

After suppressing the legend, the blonde general signaled kukas to continue on his way: "we have the coordinates of varkiri. If we go there as fast as possible, it will only take a year. During this period, we won\'t come to other planes. What do you think?"

"Good." kukas will not refute the proposal of the blonde general. Because according to the ship\'s sailing speed, even the highest speed, I\'m afraid I can\'t meet many planes in a year. And having known the whereabouts of the eternal ashes, kukas couldn\'t wait to decide where to search.

However, their voyage was not smooth, because when they walked half the way, the half step Da Neng suddenly sent a message to the blonde women generals through a secret method, asking them to return to the first place as soon as possible.

Looking at the serious expression of * * * * in the projection, kukas and the blonde general agreed without hesitation. They thought that the enemy had invaded that face**** Let them help.

It took more than a hundred years to leave that place, but it only took breathing time to go back.

****The projection tore the void and dragged kukas and their ship back directly. Kukas was only surprised by such a powerful means, but the expression of the blonde general was extremely heavy.

After getting off the ship, kukas found that they had returned to the island in the sea, where at least tens of thousands of top creatures who had left that year gathered.

When they came down, kukas saw that these top creatures looked very dignified. Several half step Da Neng\'s face was also very ugly.

In front of the crowd, hundreds of thousands of books made of special materials were stacked, and each book exuded extremely powerful power.

Feeling the power of those books alone, kukas felt his mind shaking and soul shaking. If the female doctor on one side didn\'t notice the bad, he didn\'t know what serious consequences would happen.

Some people sent blank books to blonde generals and female doctors, indicating that they branded their knowledge on them.

"What happened? Did the people who held us in exile reappear? Did they want to put us all back in custody?" the blonde general frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice while branding information on the book with a secret method. Her expression looked a little embarrassed, and her eyes shone cold.

"Don\'t you know?" a giant said in a sullen voice, "haven\'t you realized the rules of emptiness these days?"

"No, what do you do?" the blonde general frowned slightly. As a trial knight, she has another secret method to improve her strength. Generally, she doesn\'t need to understand the rules of emptiness.

The career of female doctors is even more strange. She doesn\'t need to understand the rules of emptiness to improve her strength. It is for this reason that they have never realized the rules in the void in the more than 100 years of sailing with kukas. They never even cared about the consequences of the change of this empty rule.

"The fortress of emptiness built in the previous era has appeared." a deep-sea giant sighed and said vaguely, "that thing plans to eliminate the endless emptiness and return to the beginning of the world."

"Crazy." the blonde general gasped coldly, "do we want to stop the void fortress from disappearing the void? Or do we want to help it eliminate the void and return to the beginning of the world?"

"Of course I helped." * * * * handed kukas a book and motioned him to record his knowledge.

"If we don\'t do this, all of us will die when the vanity fortress disappears."

"In that void fortress, there are all the supreme beings of the previous era, and even the legendary supreme will. We can\'t stop it at all." a deep-sea giant said in a deep voice: "only those near the void fortress can follow the beginning of the world. Otherwise, those waiting for us will disappear."

"They will not succeed." kukas threw the book in his hand on the ground and said with a sneer, "how big is the endless void? Who knows? If you want to eliminate a plane, that plane will try to resist, not to mention the endless void?"

"What about the supreme power? What about the supreme existence? Even the supreme will can\'t eliminate this void and return to the beginning of the world. If it can be done, why didn\'t the previous era do that? Should it wait until now?"

"At the beginning of their return to the world, they just want to achieve the supreme will. But, as you said, if there is the supreme will in the Empty Fortress, why should he enter the beginning of the world again?"

"The change of void rules shows the position of the void fortress. I think it makes you block the void fortress."

"No one can stop the void fortress, even the supreme being can\'t do it. The power of that thing is really too great." a deep-sea giant muttered in a low voice: "several supreme powers of our race, after leaving the exiled place, went to find the void fortress. They didn\'t destroy the thing, but wanted to enter it."

"Enter it? Their enemies are all in the empty fortress. Will they foolishly fight with their enemies?"

Kukas tried to refute these people, but his words were very pale and there was no way to refute them.

****He grabbed the book that kukas threw on the ground at random, and then rubbed it in his hand to form a ring. Then throw the books on the ground into the ring. Finally, the ring is suspended in the air.

"We have to try after all. If we don\'t try, we may die inexplicably; if the endless void disappears, no matter where we go, we can\'t escape death."

"These books record the knowledge of the creatures we escaped from the exile. If the endless void does not disappear and we die again, spread these things so that they will not disappear."

"If your two friends don\'t want to go over, don\'t go over. Maybe we are wrong, maybe you are right."

"Is this too hasty?" kukas touched his bald head and looked at the blonde general and the female doctor. Then he continued to say to * * * *: "maybe in the past, they will think you are the one who stopped them."

"Always try, or we won\'t have a chance." * * * * chuckled.

The blonde generals on one side just wanted to say something, but at this time, a huge crack was torn out of their heads.

There is no hiding of countless powerful breath. Fruit eaters search this plane. When the breath searched for kukas and their location, it immediately released a signal of goodwill. Then, he saw the creatures with a terrible smell coming out of the cracks in his face.

"It\'s those sleeping half step powers in the exile." after feeling the breath, * * * * whispered.

"Don\'t you think it\'s the empty rules that deceive us?" the half step great powers who fell from the sky were dense and didn\'t know how many.

"At the beginning of the world, the void rules deceived all living creatures. That thing is not credible. I think the so-called void fortress did not appear at all. Otherwise, I must be able to sense it." a half step great power proficient in prophecy said with golden eyes and a serious face.

"It\'s impossible." * * * * frowned slightly, but didn\'t believe each other\'s words.

"Don\'t forget the Immortal Emperor."

"Undead emperor?" kukas didn\'t know who the undead emperor was, and the top creatures didn\'t know who the undead emperor was, but * * * * knew.

"He said so? Where is he? Why didn\'t I feel his breath?" * * * * asked hurriedly. She still believed in the words of the Immortal Emperor, but she also wanted to ask each other the details of the matter face to face.