Abyss Knight

Chapter 833

Seeing the glazed chain, all the top creatures changed their faces. Especially those half steps.

None of them expected that * * * * could grasp the chain of void rules so easily.

"Supreme power." several half step powers looked at each other, and the idea emerged in their hearts at the same time. Only the supreme power can easily extract the chain of void rules. No, only the top supreme power can do it. Although ordinary supreme powers can extract the chain of void rules, it will never be so easy. At the thought of these, a few half steps Da Neng had a lot of ideas in his heart.

The legend didn\'t seem to know the chain of void rules at all. He just looked at the chain curiously and continued his story. He also noticed the dissatisfaction of the other party, so the speed of telling was obviously accelerated.

Through the story of the legend, kukas and them have a deeper understanding of this new era.

In this new era, the number of legends and gods has been greatly reduced. A legend or God may not be born in a plane, even in hundreds of years, and even if there are born legends and gods, most of their strength is very low.

According to the words of the blonde general, the strength of these legends and gods is just similar to the previous half step legends and demigods.

As for the information of supreme power and even supreme existence, these people don\'t know at all. In their understanding, the most powerful are legends and demigods.

If kukas was born in an era of war and killing, now, this era is a peaceful and stable era.

Because in the tens of millions of years since the birth of the new era, there has been only one large-scale void War: the twilight war. In addition, although there are fights in the whole void, compared with the previous numbers, it is really peaceful to the extreme.

After talking about it for a long time, people have a general understanding of the current era. Although the current void rules are still changing, the range of change has been greatly reduced compared with tens of millions of years ago. Therefore, it is also regarded by scholars as the dividing line of the new era.

Of course, those scholars may or may not know the void rules, but they have other methods to judge the demise and end of the times. The change of rules is just a reference.

"Let\'s go! Go to your place." * * * * with a cold hum, motioned these new slaves to lead the way.

To lead the way, in fact, they provide a plane coordinate, and then the half step powers tear the void and directly cross into it. Otherwise, it will take a long time to fly alone in the void. Time is actually extremely precious for professionals. At least for now, for kukas and them.

Tearing tens of thousands of large void cracks and stepping into them amazed those newly added legends. In the void, they are only tearing a small crack for three or five people to pass through. And like this tens of thousands of feet of cracks, but I never thought of it.

The remaining legends and gods led kukas and them to a position that didn\'t seem very big.

"It\'s really barren." after feeling the rules of this plane at will, * * * * shook his head and sighed: "a plane like this can give birth to a legend or God a year, even if it is the top. The rules in this plane are too weak."

"I think there will be changes in the rules of the void, and this change will continue to change these planes. I just don\'t know whether this plane will develop towards decline or prosperity." in addition, there is a half step that can float the void. His eyes emit golden light from the sky and scan the earth. Clearly saw all kinds of mineral veins and materials under the earth.

The rare mineral veins and materials make this half step giant sigh.

"This plane is already a prosperous plane." a God who had just surrendered sighed: "there are four continents in this plane, and there are tens of billions of creatures on each continent. If we hadn\'t just occupied here for a short time, I\'m afraid there would be more creatures here."

"Four continents? Tens of billions of living creatures? This is not prosperity." the blonde general snorted: "there are not enough living creatures to make experimental materials for us. How can it be prosperity?"

The words of the blonde general made the more than 100 legends and gods shiver. "Devil! It\'s definitely a devil, and only the devil can say such words."

The blonde general remembered the materials for making bloody giants, which made her subconscious sigh. Her exclamation caused those people to be frightened, but it had nothing to do with her.

"Stay here for a while, and then if you have any plans, it doesn\'t matter if you leave." half step was able to say his suggestion.

"Yes, it\'s good to rest here for a while. It\'s very useful for us to understand the rules of this era." * * * * played with a glass bracelet, which was evolved from the rule chain thousands of feet in size she extracted.

Several half step powers agreed to rest here, and kukas they couldn\'t refuse.

After a simple discussion, they did not settle directly on the four continents, but chose to settle on some islands around the mainland.

These islands are far from the mainland. Even if there are sea ships, they will not reach these islands, so it brings enough guarantee to kukas\' peace.

These islands are so desolate that there are no minerals or magic materials. There are only stones and all kinds of seabirds and sea animals.

Although the conditions here are very simple, hundreds of thousands of top creatures live here and don\'t feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, they are more satisfied because they are quiet.

Huge stones pile up and form palaces of different sizes. Some professionals also habitually carve various array structures on these palaces for subconscious self-protection.

Although kukas didn\'t waste time building the Palace House, the female doctor and the blonde general completed the work instead of him.

From tens of thousands of feet deep under the sea, the blonde general forcibly excavated the mountain of an active volcano as material, while the female doctor went to the mainland to find some plants to plant around, making the house look simple and natural.

While these people were busy, kukas began his latent cultivation. Of course, speaking of latent cultivation is actually just immersing the mind into the fighting space, so as to enter the natural vision and observe the development of his natural vision.

The progress of natural vision and bone burial place is very slow. Even when he accidentally got a large number of rule fragments when he left the exiled place, his natural vision is still not mature.

Even so, the place where he buried his bones has changed to hundreds of miles. In the place where bones were buried, bone mountain and bone forest were born. Some white bone creatures began to walk in it. They killed each other. After swallowing the same species, they were swallowed by the mutated empty cangmu.

So repeated, but there is no end.

A large number of regular fragments were absorbed, so that the fruit on the empty cangmu finally matured. The mature empty cangmu fruit is silvery white as a whole, with stars shining on it, and the light composed of strange words walks away from time to time.

Looking at the ripe fruit, kukas didn\'t know what to do for a moment. According to his previous idea, as long as these fruits are ripe, he will pick them at the first time and then swallow them, so as to obtain the rules contained therein.

But since he learned that his burning plane jumped out and the infinite green skin completely disappeared, he vaguely changed his mind.

"Keep it. Maybe an ancient war tree can be born. If there is an ancient war tree, maybe I will be safer." kukas thought uncertainly: "now the void rules seem to be hundreds of times weaker than before. Maybe I can easily feel those rules. At least I can sense some plane rules."

After having some vague and uncertain thoughts in his heart, he temporarily gave up the idea of swallowing the fruit and tried to understand the rules of heaven and earth of this plane.

However, before he could understand the rules of this plane, the half step female legend suddenly appeared beside him.

"This is for you." the half step female legend took a small bracelet and handed it to kukas: "maybe it\'s useful for you." this bracelet was evolved from the regular chain thousands of feet drawn by * * * *. This thing is extremely precious to the top legends and gods.

"With it, you may become a legend." kukas was a little stunned, then shook his head and said with a smile, "if you really want to help me, you will become a legend. Only when you are strong, can you help me better."

"My tutor won\'t let me leave her in a short time." the half step female legend shook her head and said softly, "I\'ll ask my tutor to find some rules and chains for me again. You know, she doesn\'t value these things and can catch them easily."

"I\'m afraid this is the best thing I can give you." just when kukas was excited and wanted to take the bracelet in the hands of the half step female legend, a virtual shadow suddenly appeared around him, which was the virtual shadow of * * * *.

She looked at the half step female legend with an ugly face. In her hand, she carried three or five regular fragments the size of her fist.

"I tried to grab the void rules again, but failed, and only got these." * * * * sighed: "the void rules are still changing, and according to my feeling, the change speed of those rules is suddenly accelerating."

"With the greatest ability, you just grab this rule fragment. The void rule is disappearing. If nothing happens, I\'m afraid no one can understand the void rule again. And you must use this void rule to promote yourself in order to become a legend as soon as possible. Only in this way can you protect yourself in this endless void after you leave me Means, rather than being arbitrarily ordered by others. "

****A series of words all forced the half step female legend to use the rule chain, and then promoted to legend. And she forced the fragments of rules in her hand into kukas\'s natural vision, allowing the empty cangmu to slowly transform and suck.

In this case, even if the half step female legend asked again, neither * * * * nor kukas allowed her to give up the rule chain.

"I can use other methods to slowly improve my strength. After all, I am only a ninth order Knight now. And you are about to become a legend. If you lose this thing and want to impact the legend again, I don\'t know when to wait." kukas persuaded the half step female legend.

After spending a lot of time, banbu female legend finally agreed to promote legend with the help of the rule chain. As for kukas, he expressed his blessing in advance.

When the half step female legend was taken away by her mentor to impact the legendary level, kukas tried to understand the rules of this plane.

Powerful mental power runs through the sky and then penetrates into the face barrier.

The mind that entered the plane barrier slowly evolved into a thirteen awn star Dharma array with up and down superposition and positive and negative rotation according to kukas\'s will.

This thirteen awn star array rotating in the opposite direction is the knowledge kukas obtained from those rule fragments. In this way, he can more easily and quickly understand the rules in place. Of course, this method may not be the most effective, but now it is most suitable for him. Because this method consumes very little mind, he can use this method for a long time.

The normal array rotates and strange waves are released. Under the action of these fluctuations, some regular fragments hidden in the plane barrier began to emerge some projections. Whenever a projection appears, kukas manipulates the Dharma array to devour these projections, so as to obtain knowledge.

However, hesitation is only the projection of regular fragments, so he does not have much knowledge, and these things can not fill in the natural vision and urge the growth of the natural vision.

In this way, the days passed day by day. A flash is more than a hundred years. During this period, kukas not only understood the plane rules, but also used the power of the half step powers to let the earth in this plane collect materials for him, so as to rebuild the core of Thrace\'s rescue.

However, due to the limitation of materials, the core of the newly built seleiser rescue is not a complete version. The main reason is the lack of some special substances in the huge meat ball.

In more than a hundred years, heart pain has occurred ten times. According to the statistics of people, heart pain will occur once every ten years. In the pain attack, their strength should be reduced by at least half.

More than a hundred years later, most of the top creatures in this position have left, but only hundreds of people remain here. This includes those half step powers.

All the other creatures left behind are here because they have no enemies and just want to live in seclusion. Of course, this does not include kukas.

"It will take at least a thousand years before she can be successfully promoted to legend. If you want to see her again, you\'d better come back in time in a thousand years. Otherwise, when she becomes a legend, I will take her away from this position." when kukas asked about the half step female legend, her mentor, the * * * * answered him. The other party\'s answer made kukas decide to leave this plane.

Looking at the busy female doctors in the laboratory and the blonde general who enjoyed the wine leisurely, kukas said his plan.

"Open this plane inside? Go find your fighting armor?" the blonde general looked at kukas strangely after listening to his words: "Don\'t you really have a fever? It\'s just a few pieces of fighting armor. It takes some time and can be refined again. Now the production of the bloody giant has just started. If we leave here, our work will start again."

"I\'ll go with you." the busy female doctor put down her work and quickly recorded some data. Without hesitation, she chose to follow kukas. As for the production of bloody puppets, in her opinion, it was nothing.

"My fighting armor is in a knowledge plane, and I know they haven\'t died, but I can\'t sense them now because of the distance. If we can find them, we will get a knowledge plane." kukas touched the bare brain bag and said in a deep voice: "As long as that knowledge plane exists, if we find it, there is no way to measure the benefits we get."

"What are you hesitating about? You should have said it earlier." after hearing the news about knowledge, the blonde general drank the wine in her hand, and then quickly sorted out some things in the laboratory: "As long as we master a knowledge level, no, even if it is only 1% of the knowledge level, we may build a behemoth comparable to the abyss alliance. At that time, we will be the masters of the endless void and the most powerful people in this era."

"Calm down. It\'s still between us to find the knowledge planes! The hidden places of those knowledge planes are too remote. It may take us a long time to find them." kukas patted his head and said with a bitter smile: "Moreover, there may be other professionals entrenched in it. I\'m afraid it\'s not an easy thing to seize a knowledge level. Perhaps all we can do is to read some books in it."

"No, you\'re wrong. No one can stop me from occupying the knowledge level unless there are professionals with great power or killing." the blonde general looked at kukas coldly and seriously and said, "Whoever dares to stop me from occupying the knowledge level, I\'ll erase him."