Abyss Knight

Chapter 832

The finger points on the memory crystal and bursts into a dazzling brilliance. When the light dissipated, the memory crystallized in two, two changes, four changes and eight. Thousands of memory crystallized in just one breath.

Under the control of the caster of the magma horn family, these memory crystals appear directly in front of other creatures and let them watch.

Hundreds of thousands of creatures hesitated a little, grabbed those memory crystals and began to read. But in an instant, they completely controlled the information in the memory crystallization condensed by kukas.

"Vicissitudes of life!" a creature sighed in a low voice: "maybe we really should be united."

"Yes, the enemy is still alive, but our family and power have disappeared." someone sighed in a low voice, but not too artificial.

"Hehe, it\'s not necessary. My enemies have disappeared. It\'s time to find a place to break through the current level and impact the supreme power." some creatures sighed and made such a decision.

Through the crystallization of kukas\'s memory, hundreds of thousands of creatures soon made a decision.

Most of them chose to walk together in the void, and only a few chose to walk alone. Others choose to find a place to live in seclusion, ready to enjoy life, or break through their existing strength and achieve more powerful creatures.

Various decisions have not shaken each other\'s minds. Some people even bless each other, hoping that each other can run the world or be alone.

But they didn\'t separate until the pain disappeared. According to the records, their pain lasted more than ten magic hours.

"Let\'s go! The people inside will come out again. Some rules of this plane have been changed. I\'m afraid they will come out again when the altar has accumulated enough strength." * * * * half step can sigh, reach out to pierce the void, and then search through the cracks of the void for a while, but he caught a ferocious void monster.

The cold light of his hands twinkled, and the monster didn\'t even have a chance to struggle. In an instant, it was condensed into a bone plate more than one person.

Banbu Daneng thought a little, wrote their experiences in dozens of languages on the stone slab, then invited several other Daneng to bless some prohibitions on it at the same time, and threw the stone slab into the exiled plane.

Later, she made the same bone plate, and then wrote some words on it, and then imprisoned the bone plate in the void with a secret method, so as not to let it float away or be destroyed by other monsters.

"Let\'s go!" he said softly after all this.

"It\'s time to leave." many creatures turned their heads and looked at the strange plane behind them. After sighing secretly, they forcibly tore the void and jumped into the void according to the instructions of those half step great powers.

Kukas and the blonde generals mingled in the crowd, moving forward and silent all the way. The female doctor knew what he was worried about, so she took the initiative to grab his arm to comfort him.

"In fact, it\'s no big deal. It\'s just that I lost a plane and a group of cannon fodder. Without these things, I kukas can cross the void." the bald evil man narrowed his eyes and said his thoughts in a deep voice: "what\'s your plan? If there\'s nothing else, it\'s better to find something with me!"

"I\'ll follow you wherever you go." the female doctor smiled softly. She smiled beautifully, her big eyes smiled like crescent moon, and looked very cute.

"Let\'s make some bloody puppets first. As long as a mature bloody puppet is born, we can have a relatively stable environment." the blonde female general on the side once again recovers to the previous momentum. She has a serious expression. Her long blond hair flutters with the wind and looks like some masters.

Along the way, several half steps can tear the void alternately, and only the void they tear out can be passed by hundreds of thousands of people at one time. If you let other legends and gods tear apart, it\'s quite good to be able to pass thousands of people at one time. And it will waste a lot of time.

****I don\'t know where the harp was stored by her. She condensed a bracelet with the skeleton of a monster and put it on the half step female legend. After wearing it, she pierced the void with her hands, and then tore it left and right.

With a clear roar, the roots of black hair rose into the sky, and the breath beyond the legend turned into a rolling cloud column to tear the void. A crack thousands of feet wide appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

After tearing such a big crack, the * * * * was a little stunned, while the other half step great energy seemed to feel something and were stunned. They looked at each other and then fished through the cracks in the void.

"The rules of the void have changed. The void here was originally extremely strong. When we came, the war fortress could not tear the void for even the shortest void jump." after passing through the huge crack torn by * * * *, kukas explained in detail to the blonde general and the female doctor.

"It\'s just a change in the rules. It\'s not surprising." the blonde general didn\'t make a fuss, just shook his head gently and motioned him not to talk about it again.

After dozens of empty jumps in a row, a one legged giant could tear the empty space with half a step. After he tore the empty space, a breath of killing came to the people from the huge crack.

After feeling the strong smell of killing, hundreds of thousands of top creatures were subconsciously excited. Even kukas couldn\'t help roaring with excitement. They need a killing or fighting to vent their depression.

The first to step into the crack is not the belligerent creatures, but the silent * * * * all the time.

As a half step power, this * * * * almost has to step into the state of supreme power. Its speed is several times faster than those creatures who refine space.

Stepping on the void with feet, * * * * root long hair stabbed the void, and a long, shrill whistling sound came out of his mouth. In the next moment, it drilled into a huge crack and disappeared. After she stepped on the crack, the killing breath was dozens of times stronger, and came from the crack like a tide.

The smell of killing is rolling, as if thousands of gods and demons are killing each other.

Stimulated by these smells, hundreds of thousands of creatures shouted excitedly and rushed across the crack.

Banbu Daneng, who supported the crack, frowned slightly, but when he found that several other banbu Daneng had also drilled in earlier, he had to shake his head and smile bitterly.

The foot treads on the void, the void is twisted, and the lightning is small. Although it looks fierce, compared with the ordinary walking of other creatures, kukas\'s method seems to have fallen behind. However, no one noticed anything at this time. Even the female doctor grabbed kukas\' arm with excitement, hoping that his speed could be faster.

Through the crack, the tragic killing atmosphere became more intense. Hundreds of thousands of top creatures made strange noises in their mouths and used their own means to rush to the battlefield.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, kukas also wanted to rush to the battlefield, but was stopped by the blonde general.

"Look, she doesn\'t know us at all. She solved it alone."

After being blocked by the blonde general, kukas\'s spirit calmed down a little. Only then did he have time to watch the battlefield.

The battlefield is very chaotic, in which all kinds of creatures fight. In the center of the battlefield, there are two huge war fortresses suspended.

The war fortress that should have spewed out a hot beam to kill the enemy was completely paralyzed at this time.

The huge fortress burned hot flames, which burst into the sky and directly burned down the void.

In the burning fortress, a * * * * stretched out his hands and looked up at the void.

The endless flames rolled around her and turned into all kinds of fierce beasts and birds of prey, rolling and neighing.

****Dance, dance over two burning war fortresses that are almost squeezed together.

She danced beautifully and strangely. Kukas had never seen her at all.

Under her dance, the two huge war fortresses under her feet quickly shrunk: the huge gun barrel was burned into fly ash, and the heavy deck was transpiration. The war fortress, which has two-thirds of the power of the void fortress, is so fragile under the dance of * * *.

A harp composed of flame emerged behind * * * *, and no one played the strings. The beautiful music shrouded the whole battlefield in an instant.

After hearing this music, the top creatures who had just rushed to the battlefield all retreated in horror, and the retreat speed was even several times faster than the speed they rushed into the battlefield.

"No one can compete with the power of the fireworks queen." the one legged giant sighed. He and * * * * can be said to be contemporaries. When he was very young, * * * * was detained in this place of exile. He listened to the story of * * * * and grew up step by step until he also entered the land of exile. Therefore, he has a clearer understanding of * * * * than anyone else.

* * * * known as the queen of fireworks jumped sideways on the harp formed by the flame, and her mouth gave out a silver bell like laughter. With her laughter, countless flames converged on her head, and then condensed into a golden silk thread to instill into her head.

"Please listen, please listen to my command." * * * * is still dancing, and her face is rapidly young under the pouring of those flames. After breathing time, she becomes a girl: "I allow you to surrender, but you will become my slave."

While talking, the two war fortresses under her feet suddenly exploded. The endless fireworks seemed like a blooming lotus. They seemed slow, but they crossed space and time and directly shrouded the whole battlefield. Under those fireworks, both sides of the struggle, no matter what kind of creatures, were swept by the fireworks under her feet.

Under those fireworks, kukas watched dozens of legends fighting with each other turn into fly ash, and watched dozens of gods not even escape.

The fireworks rolled and shrouded the whole battlefield in an instant. Many creatures did not even scream. They did not even know why, so they were directly burned into nothingness. They did not even grasp the opportunity of reincarnation and rebirth.

The hot fireworks lasted only a short breathing time, and then disappeared out of thin air.

After the fireworks disappeared, there were only a few hundred people in such a big battlefield, but other fighting creatures disappeared without a trace.

"Surrender?" the half step of becoming a girl can tilt her head and jump on the harp like a butterfly: "surrender will become my slave."

"Surrender." one of the remaining gods saw kukas and their figures in the distance, felt the murderous spirit emanating from them, and thought of his companions who had been burned to ashes in an instant. He chose to surrender without hesitation.

"In fact, I should have left long before I found out that this crazy woman appeared. Damn it, where did this madman come from?" the God was annoyed and confused, but his body knelt in the void and expressed his choice.

Not everyone chose to surrender, and dozens of creatures ran away directly with secret methods after getting a breath.

"Kill!" the top creatures beside kukas suddenly roared. Tens of thousands of top creatures who were about to take half a step of power stepped on the void, turned into streamers, and immediately caught up with the escaped professionals.

One of the top creatures blew a professional\'s arm, another turned into a fierce beast to bite each other\'s feet, and another turned into a bird to peck his eyes. However, in an instant, dozens of professionals who fled were frantically torn to pieces by tens of thousands of top creatures. Even their souls were forcibly torn apart by some top creatures, and then grabbed them in their hands, crushed and polished, so as to vent their emotions.

When the rest of the creatures saw that their companions or enemies were torn by tens of thousands of people, they shivered in their hearts. One by one, without any hesitation, they directly chose to surrender: become slaves.

The harp disappeared, and the fireworks queen slowly changed from a girl to a * * * * shape. When she was suspended in front of the more than 100 slaves who had just surrendered to her, all the more than 100 slaves buried their heads under their bodies and dared not look up.

"In my imagination, one of you should suddenly jump up and assassinate me. In this way, I have reason to kill you." * * * * stretched out his hands and whispered with a smile: "I have been exiled for three times. I want to tell them that I am back, and no one can stop me this time."

"I thought she was normal, but I didn\'t think she was normal." kukas whispered to the blonde general with a secret method.

"I\'ve never been normal. I\'ve never been normal since I was exiled to a damn place." * * * * seems to have noticed kukas\'s secret words. Where she said to herself: "Now I appoint you as the first slaves of my burning legion. If you can live forever, I will be happy to let your descendants enjoy your glory and let them become my slaves."

"Mentor, we don\'t need to discuss these slaves anymore. As for your burning legion, I think it will become stronger and stronger over time. At that time, they will even join your burning legion and become your slaves." Half step female legend frowned slightly. After glancing at kukas with some blame, she immediately flew to * * * * and gently persuaded. "We should ask them about the situation here."

Perhaps after venting, perhaps after half a step of female legend\'s explanation, the * * * * who is called the fireworks queen frowned slightly and closed her eyes to meditate for a breathing time, but returned to normal.

She motioned the men to stand up and then told them why they fought and where they were.

"Great and Supreme Master, your humble slaves began to fight because of a prosperous plane. It is said that the root cause of our struggle was the twilight battle thousands of years ago. In that battle, at least nine tenths of the planes in the void were destroyed, and there were fewer and fewer newly born planes. In order to survive better, we must No war. "

A professional explained to * * * * with a humble face. Through his explanation, kukas and they gradually understood the current situation in the void.

It turned out that tens of millions of years ago, the rules of the void changed, countless plane rules collapsed or changed, and all kinds of disasters were born. At that time, crazy wars broke out. When the war fell behind the scenes, the changes of the rules of the void began to subside. Since then, it represents the beginning of a new era and the end of an old era.

The alternation between the old and the new times has led to the destruction of countless planes and the endless loss of knowledge. People today simply do not know the two giants of the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven tens of millions of years ago.

There are very few strong races, such as the deep-sea giant, the lightwing family and the hundred armed giant. In many places, the once powerful race has become a legend and even directly forgotten.

Of course, because these things are not the concern of * * * *, kukas received little information.

When these people accumulated detailed knowledge, they were millions of years ago. In addition, they only vaguely remembered some important things thousands of years ago, and the previous things were completely regarded as legends.

"The previous era was called the era of chaos by some scholars, the era of ignorance by some, and the era of darkness by others." the legend swallowed his saliva hard for fear that his words would cause the dissatisfaction of the people in front of him. He subconsciously believes that these people who suddenly drill out are the creatures of the previous era.

"The focus is on the current world situation. Don\'t talk to me about the past." * * * * slightly frown, reach out to puncture the void, and then drag out a thousands of feet long glass chain from it.