Abyss Knight

Chapter 831

Bathed in the black fountain, the silver dragon groaned comfortably.

However, in an instant, the wound healed, and the regular chain wrapped around him quickly blackened, and finally turned into an inky black chain wrapped around him.

The fountain is turbulent, with the roar of tens of millions of dragons inside. The virtual shadow of a giant dragon appears behind the silver dragon, including nine color dragon, three tailed dragon, Bronze Dragon, time dragon and other rare dragon races in this era.

The dragon\'s virtual shadow roared, releasing golden light from their forehead and winding around the silver dragon. With the blessing of those golden light, the silver dragon\'s body suddenly soared several times. The Dragon claws poked out and grabbed the shield and spear out of nothingness again.

Rafah\'s Imperial Staff crossed the arc, tore the nothingness and knocked it down heavily. Tens of millions of torrents entangled, turned into endless poisonous snakes and python rushed to kill the silver dragon. Every time he kills, he touches hundreds of millions of thunder and fire, covering the sky and the earth, and his power is endless.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Countless dragons roared.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The newly transformed Python roared up to the sky.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The great powers in red robes cut their arms, took out their internal organs, and filled them on the altar as sacrifices.

The scepter collided with the silver dragon again. This impact erupted into a boundless divine light.

The divine light shines on the whole plane, even penetrates the plane and shines into the outer void.

In the brilliant light, the silver dragon moaned, and his huge body flew out like a meteor. All the way down, dragon blood spilled into the sky. The black fountain followed, constantly treating the injury of the silver dragon.

The figure holding Rafah\'s Scepter swayed and followed closely on the void. But he raised his Scepter again to beat the silver dragon.

"Roar!" the black robed caster turned into a silver dragon roared up to the sky. The Dragon scales on his body burst and exposed the silver keel.

Strange spells sounded from his mouth. The void collapsed, the magma poured back, and the burning meteorites broke through the air. Black light twined the scattered dragon blood, interwoven in front of him like raindrops, trying to stop the attack of Rafah\'s scepter.

At the same time, many dragon shadows behind the silver dragon began to fight each other and devour the losers. Every time the virtual shadow of the Dragon behind him disappears, the venting power in the silver dragon\'s body increases by one point.

"In your time, no one can stop me." the silver dragon roared, the huge dragon opened its mouth, and a simple book flew out of his mouth.

That book is the spell book of the black robed caster incarnating the silver dragon. Under normal circumstances, he will never use this book. The use of this book represents that the opponent he met was extremely powerful and endangered his life.

The simple book flew out of his mouth and began to turn itself. Every time a page of paper is opened, infinite magic is released from it and blasted at Rafah\'s scepter.

Although the level of those magic is very low, the power contained in them is comparable to the most powerful single magic of legends. However, even so, before the endless magic reached the staff of Rafah, it was wiped out into nothingness by the holder of the staff.

The primitive spell book turned faster and faster, and finally the original book burst. Pages of paper turned into meteors and hit Rafah\'s scepter. At the same time, the black fountain that had followed the silver dragon began to squeeze into the dragon.

In the face of meteors transformed from ancient books, the holder of Rafah\'s Scepter still shows no sign of flinching. He just stepped on the void, waved his scepter and hit the meteors one after another.

The deafening explosion sounded one after another. Even with the shelter of the re evolved python, kukas knelt on the altar still felt his head hurt, and his whole body tingled and trembled in the violent explosion.

Weak spellcasters, even because of the continuous explosion, led to the scene of flesh disintegration and white bone fracture.

"Kill! Kill this outsider." a powerful man stood up from the altar, and his whole body exploded, leaving only one head suspended in the air and roaring.

"Kill! Kill this outsider." more powerful people stood up from the altar. They roared, broke their bodies and used their own flesh and blood as sacrifices in order to stimulate more power of the Rafah emperor\'s scepter.

Some top legends and gods, stimulated by the supreme power, also broke their bodies as sacrifices, leaving only their heads suspended in the air.

Perhaps the number of offerings was enough, or perhaps the scepter of emperor Rafah felt that his dignity had been provoked.

A strange cry sounded from the scepter. The next moment, the figure holding the scepter suddenly became much clearer, and even people could see his face.

The figure holding the scepter shook and appeared on the back of the silver dragon in the next moment.

Waving the scepter, in the dull explosion, it tore the regular chain around the silver dragon, broke the virtual shadow of millions of dragons, and jumped out of the continuous black fountain.

"My name is Rafah, I give you death." the figure holding the scepter sighed softly. The scepter in his hand fell, but it pierced into the head of the silver dragon.

"Roar!" roared the silver dragon. The huge even cracked end to end and splashed flesh and blood. A huge flesh and blood Dharma array was outlined in the air.

A dragon chant sounded, and a huge dragon claw came out of the flesh and blood Dharma array and reached out to catch the figure named Rafah on the dragon\'s back.

The scepter released an immeasurable divine light, which directly led the colorful millstone shrouded over the altar behind Rafah.

When the dragon claw bounced out of the flesh and blood array caught on the colorful grinding plate, it was forcibly stirred into meat sauce by the rotating grinding plate and spilled into the sky.

After wiping out the dragon\'s claw, the silver dragon roared reluctantly. But he was no longer able to fight anything.

The power flowing from Rafah\'s imperial staff was like a tide, tearing his head and remaining body. Even the flesh and blood scattered in the sky was wiped out by the power of the scepter.

When the silver dragon was killed, the figure holding Rafah\'s Scepter roared, waved the scepter and beat in nothingness.

With his beating, more rules and chains fly out of nothingness. The chains of these rules are broken, and some are almost completely broken. But with the beating of Rafah\'s scepter, the broken chain of rules was restored in an instant, and it became thicker.

However, not all the regular chains were restored. On the contrary, dozens of relatively complete regular chains were forcibly knocked to pieces by the scepter of emperor Rafah, and then rolled onto the altar by the figure.

More than half of the fragments of rules were integrated into the altar, while most of the rest were scattered on the creatures who tore their bodies, and the rest fell on kukas.

Kukas got dozens of rule fragments. Although the number of these regular fragments is much less than those falling on the supreme powers and those creatures who have broken their bodies, the area of the fragments is dozens of times larger than that of those people.

A large number of rule fragments were integrated into the body. Without waiting for kukas\'s perception, the natural vision hidden in the depths of the soul: the buried place drilled out and swept away those rule fragments.

Although a large number of rule fragments were swept away by natural visions, kukas just sighed a little.

You know, although the place where he buried his bones swallowed the fragments of rules, the knowledge contained in the fragments would be refined through the mutated empty warehouse, so as to re instill it into his soul.

More importantly, after swallowing some rule fragments, the mutated empty warehouse wood suddenly grew a lot, and the fruit condensed on the branches also accelerated a lot.

When those fruits mature, he can get new objects containing the power of rules. These things are of great help to him to improve his own strength and to improve the growth of natural vision.

The man holding Rafah\'s Scepter was slowly illusory after killing the silver dragon by thunder and breaking a large number of regular chains.

Countless divine lights are released from this illusory human shadow. These divine lights stabilize the void and re evolve the earth and the sky.

Finally, after the figure holding the scepter completely dissipated, Rafah\'s imperial Scepter gently sounded, then kept shrinking and falling towards the altar.

Then, just as the scepter was about to fall on the altar on the earth, a dragon chant sounded. The next moment, the newly formed sky was suddenly torn and a huge hole came out. From that hole, a thousand winged eyed dragon came out.

The thousand winged eyed dragon radiated infinite power, opened its ferocious faucet, and then opened its mouth to swallow the Rafah emperor\'s scepter. Then, without any reaction, he tore the sky again, turned around and disappeared.

No one cared about this, because after the huge altar fell on the earth, the Milky light wrapped the people, and then the light beam burst into the sky, instantly tore the plane barrier and threw all the creatures on the altar into the void.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Feeling the appearance of fighting spirit in his body, kukas subconsciously shouted with excitement.

However, when he shouted, more creatures shouted frantically. With the help of shouting, they vented their deep depression.

In the roar, some creatures soared in shape and instantly changed into tens of thousands of tall giants. Others change into all kinds of fierce animals.

The great powers who only left their heads burst out of their bodies. The breath surged and directly shattered the void within thousands of miles.

The secret law was circulating, and the broken body returned to normal in an instant.

As soon as the body recovered, thousands of Da Neng sent out an excited howl, turned into streamer, burst into the void, and dived in. They didn\'t know where they went in an instant.

After appearing in the void, the woman can roar up to the sky. Her eyes shoot golden light. The golden light flows like two huge python, rolling and twisting in millions of miles.

"I\'m leaving after all." the * * * * smiled nervously. She stretched out her hand and fiercely pulled off the golden step on her head. The golden light in her hand flowed, trying to erase the golden step. But she just tried and gave up, because the golden step was too hard. Even if she used some secrets, she didn\'t erase it.

A little stunned, she also wanted to use the secret method to forcibly destroy the golden step, but at this time, the half step female legend covered her heart and cried out in pain.

The pain of the half step female legend attracted * * * *\'s attention. She glanced at the half step female legend, then sighed softly, and threw the golden step at the plane she had just separated from.

This golden step swayed across the sky, as if it had its own spirit, and disappeared into your exiled plane.

At this time, accompanied by the shrill scream of the half step female legend, more creatures also noticed the pain in their heart, so they covered their heart and cried out in pain.

"What\'s the matter?" a creature roared, stretched out his hand to tear his chest, grabbed his heart and crushed it. But as the new heart grew again, the pain still occurred and seemed to be more severe than the first time.

The blonde general and the female doctor also covered their hearts and moaned bitterly because of pain.

Hundreds of thousands of creatures who had not left, including kukas, all felt severe pain in their hearts.

This kind of heart pain is as painful as if their souls were torn down by people. However, after realizing that the pain caused by tearing the heart and reborn heart was more severe, all creatures did not dare to continue to try. Instead, they began to try to suppress the heart with various secret methods to find the root cause of heart pain. Of course, some people try to seal their hearts directly with secret methods. If they don\'t have any materials, some people even use materials to replace their hearts.

"If you don\'t dig out your heart to sacrifice at the altar, you will suffer from this pain." some creatures couldn\'t help reminding the people after they found the common ground of those creatures who didn\'t produce pain.

Of the hundreds of thousands of creatures, only a few hundred dug out their hearts on the altar and offered sacrifices, while the rest did not. At this time, they had to bear the pain forcibly, suspended in the void and began to discuss.

No one doubts whether those people knew the news long ago, because on the altar, many people were impulsive and followed those supreme powers who dug their hearts for sacrifice.

Fortunately, although this pain is unbearable, it is tolerable even if it is unbearable for these top creatures.

In a short magic time, everyone was finally used to the pain in the heart. But even so, some people take a breath of air conditioning from time to time to vent their pain.

****She tore the chest of a female legend and revealed her beating heart to watch. After a long time, he shook his head to show helplessness. Among the people, there are another three or five half step powers.

These half steps did not leave immediately after leaving the plane, but stayed where they were, looked back and sighed at the exile where they had been imprisoned for countless years. After they found this anomaly, they also wanted to try to solve it, but after the experiment, there was no way.

The last few banbu Daneng summoned some knowledgeable creatures to study, but there were no results.

While these half step talents studied heart pain, the other top professionals began to talk in twos and threes. On the one hand, they transfer the pain of their bodies through conversation, on the other hand, they hope to find some companions, or temporary companions, to walk together in the void.

Here, in addition to kukas and the four blonde generals, the least other creatures have been imprisoned for an era. The length of an era represents the loss of hundreds of billions of years.

"We must unite. You know, we have been imprisoned for too long. Our race has died away and our family has disappeared." a female creature with a fierce beast in the lower body and a human in the upper body shouted: "And before we left, we all knew that great changes had taken place in the outside world. Now there are wars everywhere. If we separate, I\'m afraid the end will not be good."

"Unite together? I don\'t think it\'s necessary. I can feel that the rules of this era are becoming clearer and clearer. I think it won\'t be long before we can step into the realm of great power. We can even directly achieve supreme power." a cyclops stretched out his hand to pierce the void. Relying on his special means, he looked for something in the cracks of the void.

"Those who are willing to stay together and those who are unwilling to leave together. There is no hesitation." kukas endured the pain of his heart and condensed a memory crystal. The memory crystal recorded his understanding and understanding of the times. He threw it to a top creature who is obviously a caster.

The top creature was bald, but a flaming horn grew on top of his head. He is a creature of the magma horn family, but this creature died a long time ago. Kukas suspected that he was the last living creature of the magmatic horn family in this era.

Among the books he saw, the most described about the magma horn clan was that the caster of this race had a high probability of birth. And this race, because of a war, was extinct a long time ago.

The caster of the magma horn family was a little stunned, looked at the memory crystal in his hand, and then looked at kukas. After remembering the fluctuation of his breath, he put his hand on the memory crystal.