Abyss Knight

Chapter 830

"It\'s just a small projection. If you leave this plane, one hand will kill you." the python, who is merging his head, reveals the reluctance of everyone.

A supreme power could not even bear the humiliation of the black robed caster. He roared, grabbed his heart with his backhand and threw it on the altar under his feet.

The heart fell on the altar at the foot and was swallowed up by the altar in an instant. At the next breath time, the altar released more powerful power to bless those empty treasures to further show their due power.

"Kill me? So many people want to kill me, but I\'m still alive. Gaga!" the black robed caster laughed strangely. With his strange smile, a head of black hair twisted more crazy. Countless ferocious monsters attached to his long hair were broken and turned into a shower of blood.

These blood rain drops in the air, eroded the void, and exposed empty void pits. The blood rain dropped on the surface props around the altar, directly polished the brilliance of those surface props, and even melted some weak surface props.

The python roared, and the crowns on the seven heads suddenly fused together. Under the golden light emitted after the crown fusion, the seven heads of the python quickly fused together.

Some strange syllables sounded from the Python\'s mouth. The next moment, the python opened its mouth, rolled back the crown on its head, and suddenly drilled into the Python\'s mouth.

"I\'m afraid this projection is the last one you left in the long river of time. Kill it today so that you can stop thinking of resurrection." the python opened his mouth and his body contracted continuously, but his breathing time contracted to a size of ten thousand feet, which was about the size of the black robed caster.

Countless golden lights are released from the python. These golden lights drill out of the Python and intertwine with each other, forming golden scales on it.

Infinite powers were released from the python, which swept through the void and even cut off the long hair of the black robed caster that pierced into the void.

Hundreds of empty treasures spontaneously merged with the Python\'s body under the Python\'s power.

A void treasure fused to the Python\'s head, forming a sarcoma on its head; If a treasure is fused into the Python\'s abdomen, where will it form a ferocious claw; Some treasures come together to form new tails. Those tails hooked and directly scratched tens of thousands of miles long and short cracks in the void.

Hundreds of void treasures are fused, and the power emitted is endless. The void is turbulent, and regular chains emerge from the broken void.

These regular chains are crystal clear and intertwined in the air, but they firmly hold the whole void and prevent the infinite power from killing the void, thus breaking the plane barrier.

Where no one could see, the mountains collapsed, the sea evaporated and the earth disappeared. The plane continues to shrink, but it is to raise strength to bless on the regular chain and resist the power emitted by the python.

"Roar! No one can suppress me except ISAG." the black robed caster really felt the threat this time. He roared loudly and rolled up the broken black ball fragments in his hand, which were all branded on him, forming strange runes.

Strange words sounded from his mouth, and a silver light came out of his heart and pierced the sky. A power evolves into a dragon and a fierce beast, but it is destroyed into nothingness in an instant. Even the chains of the regular manifestation of the plane are broken inch by inch and broken ring by the puncture of the silver light.

With the emergence of this silver light, more silver light was released from the black robed caster. These silver lights came out of his body and woven into a silver cocoon millions of feet around him.

The python roared, and his body suddenly soared to tens of millions of feet. With a hiss, the python possessed himself and swallowed the altar. The next moment, kukas felt like the change of time and space. Then he found that the altar under their feet appeared on the Python\'s forehead.

The surface props wrapped around the outside disappeared, all turned into scales of different sizes and branded on the python. Instead of winding around them for protection, a layer of colorful walls.

The great powers wrapped in a red robe roared full of war. Almost at the same time, these great powers pierced their hearts, then stretched out their hands to grab their hearts and threw them on the altar under their feet.

After the altar swallowed the hearts of at least thousands of powerful people for a time, an extremely strange change immediately occurred.

The gullies carved on the altar began to creep by themselves, like a newly born poisonous snake. After a short slow creep, they became extremely skilled.

These wriggling gullies intertwined. In just a few breathing times, a new pattern was formed on the altar.

The pattern rotates slowly, and the sound of heartbeat rings from it.

"Rafah\'s scepter, listen to our call and wake up from the deep sleep!" the python opened, and a loud voice resounded through the whole plane. In that voice, kukas seemed to hear hundreds of millions of creatures shouting at the same time.

"Rafah\'s scepter is said to be the scepter of a powerful emperor at the beginning of the world. Under the power of Your scepter, everyone has to submit, and no one dares to face the owner of this scepter. The emperor collapsed and the scepter disappeared. Unexpectedly, the deep-sea giants could find out the East and West." after hearing the cry of the python, the blonde general felt a sense and sighed in a low voice.

"This thing is a vanity treasure?" kukas frowned slightly, but he had never heard of the name of this item: "what\'s its power compared with the Ferrer wolf?"

"It\'s not the existence of the same era, but there\'s no way to compare. In the era of fenril wolf, the Rafah imperial staff has disappeared for many times."

With the cry of the python, kukas felt an extremely strong danger emanating from the depths of his soul. His body trembled uncontrollably under the dangerous stimulation. The blonde general, after saying these words, could not bear the inexplicable danger and stimulation. She stood beside him pale and motionless, as if she were suffering great pain.

A stronger horizontal pressure was released from the python. As soon as the pressure emerged, the regular chain intertwined in the void burst. One by one, the chains of rules that can easily erase countless gods and legends are crushed to pieces or even nothingness under this new threat.

A dazzling golden light came out of the Python\'s eyes, and the golden light flowed, causing thousands of visions to emerge at the same time: Black Sun parade, python winding, bone burial place, dead space, emergence on the ninth day, blue sea tide, divine power like prison, endless corpses, divine throne and other visions. There were thousands of visions, which kukas could recognize, but only a very rare one.

The female doctor on one side couldn\'t bear the pressure at first. As soon as her legs were soft, she knelt down directly on the altar and didn\'t dare to look up.

More and more top creatures knelt on the altar, but they couldn\'t bear the power of the scepter and had to do so.

But the miraculous power displayed by the scepter made most of the creatures on the altar kneel to the ground and unable to get up, which shocked kukas\'s heart.

Painstakingly supported his body to resist the infinite pressure, but he was unwilling to kneel on the ground. When he insisted, thousands of visions in the sky seemed to be meteors, hitting the black robed caster who changed into a silver cocoon one after another.

At the same time, a huge gem emerged from the Python\'s eyebrows. The gem emerged, and the power of blessing on everyone increased several times.

After the emergence of this huge gem, a new vision was born. This vision does not send out terrible fluctuations like other visions, but has an ordinary appearance.

But all those who did not kneel down on the altar shouted out after seeing the vision, "the temple of the gods." kukas labored to say the name. When the blonde generals beside him heard this, they felt a powerless frustration: "the halls of the gods that have disappeared for countless times have appeared. And they still appear under the hook of a scepter."

The vision of the temple of the gods looked very ordinary, but it was a golden palace with some tall chairs, and some creatures with fuzzy faces sat on the top of the chairs. In addition, there will be no other abnormalities.

But the ordinary palace alone shocked everyone, including the supreme powers.

The hall of the gods. It is said that the power of this vision is incomparably powerful. As long as this vision is born, it means that users can freely walk in the endless void.

As long as the strength of the enemy cannot surpass the strength of the blurred creatures on the throne in the temple of the gods, the holder of the vision cannot be killed.

It is said that the figures appearing in the hall of the gods are all the top of all the gods that still exist in today\'s era. If you want to kill a person under the joint protection of these top gods, even dozens of supreme powers can\'t do this.

After the appearance of the temple of the gods, it was too late to make people sigh and wonder. For how long, it turned into a meteor and hit the silver cocoon.

The pressure increased, and some creatures could not resist the pressure and knelt to the ground, but kukas still stood on the altar, clenched his teeth, but did not kneel with him.

Behind the huge gem, a white bone like hand came out. This hand grasped the huge gem.

On the white bone claws, countless illusory images emerge. In those illusory images, there are strong creatures fighting in the sky and weak people fleeing with their heads in their arms. The flow of images seems to be compiling a strange world.

After the appearance of the white bone claw, a new vision emerged. The vision that emerged this time was almost the same level as the temple of the gods. Even to some extent, it surpasses the power of the vision of the temple of the gods.

A dark sun emerged out of thin air. The dark sun shone, and countless lights intertwined around it to form a huge maze.

There are a large number of illusory images roaring and struggling in the walls of the maze. Those images are the projection of all the supreme beings who died in war from the beginning of the world to the present.

After the appearance of the Black Sun maze, there were many visions against the sky, such as falling sentient beings and the virtual shadow of the abyss. Each appearance of a vision represents that part of Rafah\'s Scepter came out of the Python\'s eyebrows, and that part of the power of the scepter was liberated.

When the whole scepter, which seemed to be made of white bones, came out from the Python\'s eyebrows and eyes, only thousands of supreme powers in red robes stood on the whole altar except kukas. As for those half step powers, they also knelt on the altar.

Rafah\'s Scepter completely emerged. A more powerful vision emerged, but it showed that the power of the scepter had been opened by two-thirds.

When Rafah\'s Scepter appeared and thousands of visions hit the huge silver cocoon transformed by the black robed caster, there was a huge heartbeat in the cocoon.

With the huge heartbeat, thousands of visions hit the cocoon, but it only polished a little light of the cocoon. Even in the later stage, the dirty beating speed of the cocoon center became faster and faster, and some visions were shattered and turned into nothingness and completely dissipated before they reached the cocoon.

Seven or eight top visions, such as the temple of the gods, the Black Sun maze, falling sentient beings, the shadow of the abyss, and the imprisoned eternity, almost hit the cocoon at the same time.

Visions flow, thousands of cries of killing, and the roars of hundreds of millions of creatures sound at the same time. The sound shattered heaven and earth, shattered the regular chains, and shattered the souls of all living creatures in the plane. But in an instant, all the other creatures except those standing on the altar were destroyed in an instant.

The palace collapses, the maze is broken, all living beings disappear, the abyss disappears, and the eternal is buried... The cocoon collides with the vision. There is no earth shaking explosion, only the melting of spring and snow. In an instant, a huge dragon claw came out of the cocoon. The dragon claw grabbed it at random and burst the visions. Moreover, the remaining force crossed the sky and hit the python heavily, cutting off one of the Python\'s tails.

"Roar!" a huge dragon roared from the cocoon. Then the Dragon claws tore the cocoon. The next moment, a silver dragon hundreds of thousands of feet appeared in front of kukas.

This silver dragon looks no different from ordinary dragons, but his power is far beyond those dragons.

The silver dragon roared, its claws pierced nothingness, and then grabbed a shield and a spear. At the same time, the regular chain of this face is also blessed on him, providing him with more powerful defense and killing power.

Rafah\'s Imperial Staff, drilled from the Python\'s body, crossed a strange arc in the air, and then hit the silver dragon.

The Dragon roared, the shield in his hand shook, and hit Rafah\'s Imperial Staff heavily.

A violent crash sounded, the scepter rolled down, and the shield was broken. The power of the collision between the two forcibly tore most of the Python\'s body. As for the silver dragon, it was slightly better, but the Dragon scales fell and the dragon blood dripping.

"That\'s all." the silver dragon roared, opening his mouth and spitting out hot dragon breath. These dragon breath burned nothingness and evolved into countless magma giants, who fiercely rushed to the python: "is this the most powerful existence in your time? Even my projection can\'t resist it. It\'s really funny."

"Roar!" roared the broken python. The scepter fiercely converged, and the light was quietly suspended in the sky. Then a figure came out of the scepter and reached out and grabbed the Rafah Scepter in his hand.

"Then you can see the remaining image of the French emperor!" when the figure appeared, the python roared and his body began to collapse a little. The collapsed body turned into tens of millions of light spots and went into the figure coming out of the scepter.

The python disappeared. In the chaotic world, only the altar and the millions of feet tall illusory figure not far away were left.

The figure wore a crown, long silver hair and a shawl, and wore a gorgeous robe. His face was blurred, emitting a trace of mysterious and noble power.

After the power of the figure was shown, kukas could not hold on any longer and bowed down. And those supreme powers issued unwilling roars and knelt on the ground to welcome the appearance of this illusory figure.

The illusory figure with a scepter in his hand is powerful, and countless regular chains are forcibly crushed by his breath. No matter how hard this person tries, he has no ability to condense the rule chain again and suppress everything around him.

The huge figure waved the scepter and made a virtual point in the air. Suddenly, the virtual shadow of the scepter appeared directly on the silver dragon.

The scepter fell and gently knocked on the dragon\'s back. In an instant, a huge blood hole came out of the dragon.

Dragon blood sputtered, and some ferocious monsters roared in the air. However, before they could see the world clearly, they were wiped out by the smell of the illusory human figure and the original magma giant.

"Roar! I\'ll kill you." the silver dragon roared. The dragon claw waved a spear and pierced the shadow through time and space, but when the spear pierced the shadow\'s forehead heavily, it was crushed by a golden light scattered on the shadow\'s forehead.

The scepter was raised high again, and then turned into an arc and knocked down again towards the silver dragon.

The silver dragon roared, and the scattered dragon blood intertwined under him to form a huge thirteen awn star Dharma array.

The Dharma array rotates, and a terrible smell is released from it. A black fountain gushed out of the Dharma array and poured directly on the silver dragon.