Abyss Knight

Chapter 829

"Go up! The ceremony is about to begin." at this time, the half step great energy took a deep look at the young deep-sea giant, and then motioned kukas them to hurry up to the huge altar.

"I think we\'ll meet soon."

"Yes, it won\'t be long before we meet. But I hope we won\'t become enemies at that time." the young deep-sea giant took a deep look at kukas, and then smiled in a low voice: "we are friends, are we?"

"Yes, it\'s a friend." kukas touched his bald head and whispered a strange smile: "can I help you?

"No, survive. No matter what bad things happen outside, we have to survive. It\'s not easy for us to get to the present. I remember your dream is to become a legend. But what I want to tell you is that after becoming a legend, you have to achieve supreme power or even supreme existence. Only in this way can you control your destiny and not be controlled by others Wanton control, "said the young deep-sea giant with a serious face.

"Yes, I thought legend was the most powerful, so I set my goal on legend. But now, I want to become the supreme will and achieve the most powerful existence in the endless void. No one can compare with me." kukas narrowed his eyes and a trace of murder appeared on his face.

"Good idea. This idea is very good. Let me see. Well, in this endless void, only one of the most powerful top beings is allowed to appear. No matter his name is supreme power or supreme will, in this endless void, only one creature is allowed to be the most powerful." the essence twinkles in the eyes of the young deep-sea giant: "Take all the creatures in the endless void as enemies and forge the supreme throne with the blood and flesh of endless experts. It is really unparalleled in the world."

"The whole world is enemy? Does he have that spirit?" half a step can stop, turn around and look at kukas tightly and say, "if you are not a killing knight, you are not qualified to say that the whole world is enemy."

"All the world are enemies? That\'s meaningless." kukas couldn\'t help brightening his eyes after listening to the words of the young deep-sea giant: "but it\'s a good suggestion to let there be only one most powerful existence in the endless void."

"People like you can only reach the peak step by step through killing. If you want to accumulate step by step through time precipitation, I\'m afraid you don\'t have a chance to reach the peak."

"Well, what\'s the use of talking about these fighting and killing? At this time, it\'s better to think about what to do after leaving this position." the blonde female general on the side snorted, stretched out his hand to point to the high altar and whispered with a smile: "I\'m afraid there\'s really no place for us to go up later."

"If you really don\'t have a place for us, use your hands to make a place for us." kukas shouted strangely, and then he laughed strangely.

"Yes, if there is no place, make a place." the young deep-sea giant roared and repeated kukas\'s words.

After a conversation, the two sides separated. Kukas led the blonde general and the female doctor to the altar, while the young deep-sea giant took a deep look at kukas and left the altar with his people reluctantly and returned to the huge fortress castle.

The altar was ten thousand feet high. Not long after kukas really set foot on the altar, the last few red robed creatures appeared in some special positions on the altar.

Almost hundreds of thousands of creatures gathered on the whole altar. All the creatures were silent, just standing in place silently, waiting for the operation of the altar.

A huge mechanical roar sounded from the fortress castle, accompanied by white steam. One of the spires of the fortress Castle separated left and right like petals, and then revealed a huge horn.

A giant hundreds of feet high stood behind the horn. The giant grabbed the horn with both hands and blew it hard.

"Doo! Doo! Doo!" the shrill horn sounded, and the visible ripples spread around and spread across tens of thousands of miles.

"This horn is a special weapon in the fortress. I didn\'t expect it to show some effect now." the half step female legend didn\'t know when she appeared next to kukas, reached out and pointed to the horn at least hundreds of feet in the distance, and whispered: "if a legend blows the horn outside, it can instantly smash a low-level plane."

"I just don\'t know if there is such a thing in the endless void." seeing the giant blowing the horn, kukas\'s heart showed some broken pictures.

In those broken pictures, he saw some more huge giants blowing their horns. With the horns at least tens of thousands of feet in size, the void collapsed, endless creatures disappeared, and thousands of planes remained.

The sound of the horn stopped for a short time, and after the sound of the horn, there was a sudden slight disturbance on the altar.

Turning around, I saw the red robed creatures suddenly straighten their arms, and scarlet blood dripping from their arms and falling on the altar at their feet.

Those scarlet blood fell on the altar and immediately swam along with the carved marks on the altar. As the gullies on the altar were filled with blood, milky lights began to radiate from under the altar.

"Start." someone suddenly shouted.

Then kukas saw that all the creatures around him stretched out their hands, cut their wrists with their fingernails, let the golden or silver blood flow out of their bodies, and then watered them into the gullies on the altar.

"We should do the same." seeing that others did the same, even the woman\'s half step great energy allowed her blood to flow out of her body, kukas quickly reminded the blonde general to go to them.

"Yes." the blonde general nodded, reached out and cut her wrist, allowing the golden blood to flow down. The female doctor and the half step female legend did the same thing.

To kukas\' surprise, the blood flowing out of the female doctor\'s body also represents the golden color of the legendary identity. The blood flowing from the wrist of the half step female legend is pure silver.

Kukas did not dare to neglect. He quickly cut his wrist and let the blood of gold and silver flow out and drip in the gully under his feet.

There were more and more white lights, but kukas found that these lights were not as pure as before. He believed that all this was caused by the blood of these people.

When the Milky light gathered to a certain extent, all the gullies on the altar were filled with the blood of powerful professionals.

With a roar, a transparent chain suddenly drilled out of the center of the altar, and then pierced into the sky like a poisonous snake.

Some creatures were chained through, but they were not hurt. Instead, they showed an expression of surprise and joy.

More and more chains rose into the sky. These chains intertwined and wound each other in the air, and finally formed a huge transparent python.

The python formed by this chain has seven heads, and each head has a glass crown. And on each crown, there are thirteen gemstones that radiate immeasurable golden light.

The golden light emitted from the gem twined a part of the Milky light, and then made a roar like a yellow bell and a big Lv.

Every time there was a roar, gray and black twisted words appeared around the python. Kukas vaguely perceived that the distorted words belonged to the Wizards. But he couldn\'t read the meaning.

In the continuous roar, the gullies under the altar suddenly emitted some glazed light. These glazed lights were combined with the golden light emitted by the Python and turned into colorful lights.

The light turned slowly over the altar like a huge millstone.

With the rotation of the colorful millstone, a dignified voice sounded from the sky: "Whoever enters it must not leave."

With this majestic sound, a black robed caster with a size of ten thousand feet appeared directly above the sky and in front of the python with a slowly rotating black ball in his hand.

"No matter what kind of existence you are, you can\'t stop us from leaving. Those who dare to stop us must die." the python roared, and the seven heads spoke at the same time. At the same time, countless illusory weapons flew out of the crowns on these heads and hanged the black robed caster holding the black ball like raindrops.

With a large number of weapon virtual shadows flying from the Python\'s head, kukas felt the blood flowing from his body increase sharply.

"It\'s those plane props buried in the altar." the half step female legend exclaimed.

"Do you use blood to urge the power of these plane props?" kukas narrowed his eyes and didn\'t have much interest in the means of the python. His attention was all on the change of the altar at his feet and the caster holding the black ball in the sky.

Unfortunately, his power was completely sealed, and there was no way to detect the subtle changes of the altar under his feet. Therefore, he could only make various guesses, but he didn\'t know what the principle was.

"Gather the wishes of all living creatures in this plane, and then show the python at the beginning of the world. It\'s a great power." the blonde general looked at the seven Python in the sky and sighed subconsciously: "if this means is put outside, I\'m afraid it can kill a supreme power instantly!"

Just as the blonde general sighed in a low voice, the Python\'s seven heads were divided into seven directions, opened his big mouth and bit the virtual shadow of the caster holding the black ball.

Seven heads, seven directions, the golden light emitted by the crown intertwined with each other to form a golden chain to pierce the sky. But in an instant, the sky around the black robed caster collapsed, and countless golden chains wound around him.

There was a constant scream in the fortress outside the altar, but some creatures were crushed into meat paste by the power emitted by the python.

"A group of arrogant and ignorant sinners. How can I escape from me?" the dignified voice of the black robed caster sounded. He stretched out his hand to point out the void under his feet, and a black halo spread around.

The gray halo instantly filled the broken sky and evolved into huge waves, squeezing the golden chains and snake heads around.

Countless virtual shadows of plane props hit the black waves, and a succession of explosions sounded. The surrounding void was directly exploded, revealing endless nothingness.

"Kill!" the seven snake heads roared at the same time. With its roar, kukas felt that his blood flowed faster.

From the crowns on the seven snake heads, some small objects suddenly appeared. Some of these small objects are like a book, some are a scepter, and some are human armor.

Each object is different, but the power they emit is thousands of times stronger than the original plane prop projection.

Streamers came out from under the altar. These streamers turned into light and hovered around the altar. They were evolved from those plane props. Now, under the stimulation of the altar, some powers are displayed in this strange plane. More props and powers were forced into the python with seven heads through the rotating colorful grinding plate on the altar.

Although those plane props only show part of the power, because of the emergence of the noumenon and tens of thousands of props, all the power is compiled together and the power is extremely powerful.

In the huge roar, the earth below the altar burst into an abyss. Those plane props wrapped around the altar and suspended in the air, emitting boundless brilliance to resist the power of the black robed caster\'s projection.

After hundreds of strange objects of different sizes flew out of the crowns on the Python\'s seven heads, the black robed caster\'s projection was obviously more cautious than just now.

He reached out and turned the black ball, and countless black lights came out of it. These black lights transformed various strange creatures in the air, made a cruel roar and hit hundreds of strange objects.

Hundreds of strange objects, which were buried in the void when the altar was built, now emerge with the power of Python and show their due power.

The power of these empty treasures showed up and tore all objects in a million miles in an instant. Even the huge fortress was torn into nothingness like paper under the power of these vanity treasures.

Millions of miles, all turned into nothingness; The earth jumps out, the mountains disappear, and the sky disappears. Everything goes to nothingness.

"Roar! Kill!" the black robed caster roared, and his black hair rose into the sky; Root and root black hair pierced nothingness, and countless void turbulence wound around it, evolving into thunder fire monsters.

The black ball entrusted to the black robed caster\'s projection hand rotates faster. More black light came out of it.

These black lights, like moths to the fire, madly hit hundreds of empty treasures.

However, the black light that can easily tear the power of plane props is instantly erased in the face of the power of these empty treasures. Under their impact, the empty treasures just pressed against the projection of the black robed caster.

The black ball turned and burst. The broken black ball turns into a big net, instantly tears the golden chain piercing into nothingness, directly tears the infinite power, winds around those empty treasures and shrinks.

A book like void treasure fiercely opened the page, and then gray and black waves were released from it. The wave swept towards the projection of the black robed caster. Along the way, nothingness appears and disappears indefinitely, sometimes showing nothingness or even the horizon, and sometimes reappearing nothingness.

In a short moment, the range of millions of miles changed thousands of times. Under the erosion of those waves, some level props wrapped around the altar were smashed. Turned into thousands of streamers and disappeared in the void.

Another empty treasure like a war hammer knocked out of thin air. With each stroke, a glass colored hammer head appeared over the projection of the black robed caster. The hammer head fell and knocked heavily on his head.

The roar sounded, and the long hair projected by the black robed caster turned and instantly tore the glass colored hammer head. The breaking force spread around, but I don\'t know how many areas of the earth and sky were destroyed.

At one time, hundreds of empty treasures all showed their power. At this time, more than a third of kukas\'s blood had flowed.

The powers of hundreds of empty treasures are all displayed. They are really powerful.

The void was blasted again and again, and the broken forces intertwined and condensed with each other, and even directly evolved into the top plane and some powerful creatures.

However, no matter the top plane or the powerful creatures comparable to the supreme power, they were torn into nothingness by the subsequent void treasure power as soon as they were born.

The sky collapsed and the earth disappeared. Kukas even suspected that the plane had been broken by them.

However, the black robed caster, who was suspended in nothingness and completely resisted the void treasure by relying on the exploded black ball, let kukas know clearly that the strange plane was not exploded, and what they exploded was just a corner of the strange plane.

The python roared, opened its big mouth and ate up the broken black ball fragments. However, every time it devours a fragment, its head is torn apart by the power contained in the fragment. After repeated several times, the Python\'s seven heads were gathered together, and then slowly fused.

"The old ones are not the most powerful. The creatures of your time are really just like this. Even one of my projections can\'t be destroyed. It\'s really pathetic." the black robed caster resists the attack of hundreds of empty treasures, but has leisure time to repair the surrounding sky and earth.

"I will harden your time into my weapon. Let you follow me and see the prosperity of our time."