Abyss Knight

Chapter 828

"Ha ha! I told you to ask me. Don\'t you get it now? I\'m afraid I\'m the only one who can answer you. No one else can do it except me." the blonde general\'s eyes brightened and smiled softly.

As she said, she is the only one who can answer this question, but others don\'t have the ability to do it. And she was able to answer about the long river of time because she was branded with the mark of the scarlet queen. If there is no mark of the scarlet queen, she may not be qualified to say things about the long river of time until she has achieved supreme existence.

"Then tell me. I\'ve asked a lot of people, and they don\'t know." kukas\'s eyes lit up when he heard the speech.

"The long river of time was born at the beginning of the world. Its function can be said to be extremely simple: it is to record everything that happened at the beginning of the world." here, the blonde female general paused a little and continued after organizing the language: "Some powerful creatures can use the secret method to enter the river of time, and then return to the past to detect some things. It is even said that some people can survive for a long time at that time."

"Later, I don\'t know why, the long river of time broke. The broken long river of time wandered in nothingness. Some evolved into hundreds of millions of plane projections, forming a world completely similar to the present endless nothingness in the depths of nothingness, while others remained unchanged and wandered in nothingness."

"It is said that the long river of time has an end. If you can return to the beginning of the world, you can step at the end of the long river of time, so as to understand all the initial rules and achieve the supreme will."

"The river of time tells that it is broken, but those broken fragments are still recording what happened in the endless void."

"For some time, the fragments of the river began to die out slowly."

"After the collapse of the world at the beginning, there are suddenly many fragments of the long river in nothingness, and those fragments of the long river are not the same as those of the long river that collapsed at the beginning of the world."

"The suddenly increased fragments of the long river of time can not only record the past, but also continue to the future. If we are lucky, we can see our future when we enter such fragments of the long river. And the display of this future is much clearer than that predicted by the prophets."

"In an extremely ancient legend, it is said that some powerful creatures can resurrect even if their soul origin is erased. Their resurrection depends on the past image of a long river of time."

"There are also some legends that say that the broken river of time will re form in a certain period of time, but it was not called the river of time at that time, but a world very similar to the present endless void. In order to prevent some creatures from resurrection, the world will drag the fallen creatures directly into it, so as to seal it forever."

After talking a lot at once, the blonde general still hasn\'t finished. But this alone is enough to shock kukas.

"Can future enemies use the power of time to appear and kill us now?" kukas took a deep breath and interrupted the story of the blonde general. Through the other party\'s story, he felt that his situation seemed very dangerous.

"The power consumed across the long river of time is endless. It is said that only such creatures can come to the past and kill their enemies. However, when he kills you from the future, I think you in the future can feel it and stop it."

"Moreover, from the future to the present through the secret method, their strength will be greatly sealed and suppressed, and their strength is not weaker than you now."

"More importantly, the long river of time has been broken. Unless your future enemy is extremely lucky to find the long river fragments recording this moment, even if he enters some long river fragments to kill, it will only kill some images of your past."

"The fragments of the long river recording the current image are not fixed. It is said that at every moment, those fragments record the present alternately."

"So now you don\'t have to worry about future enemies coming to kill you. And even if future enemies come to this era, I can kill them." when saying this, the blonde general exudes a strong sense of confidence.

"Did the sudden fragments of the long river of time that could see the future appear in this era after the long river of time in the future was broken?" kukas asked in a low voice after touching his bald head.

"It should be so, but this is just speculation. No one has ever dared to say that the sudden fragments of the long river of time came to this era from outside." speaking of this, the blonde general\'s face became a little ugly: "If the fragments of the long river of time really appear from the future, we have to lament the strength of those creatures in the future."

"Yes, it can re condense or make a long river of time, and even send those fragments to the past after the long river of time is broken. What an existence against the sky?" kukas subconsciously sighed.

"There is no evidence that the fragments that can see the future appeared from the future to this era." the blonde general took a deep breath and repeated her words in a deep voice.

"I saw a man. He talked to me. He said he was a projection of the future. His area was just a projection of time fragments." kukas thought for a moment and said what had happened to him that year.

"Others have seen it, but those are projections, which can\'t be true." the female doctor who got the news suddenly interrupted and said, "maybe it\'s just magic, maybe you\'ve entered a long river of fragments. In short, it\'s not necessarily true."

"What he saw with his own eyes is not necessarily true? If so, what else is true?" kukas sighed at the words. He thought a lot of things for a moment, thought of the things he had been dragged into the dreamland in the past, and thought of some of his strange experiences.

"You say it\'s true, everything is true, you say it\'s illusory, everything is illusory." the female doctor gently took kukas\'s arm and said softly, "whether he\'s illusory or real? At least we can still be together."

"Yes! Whether he is illusory or real? At least we can still be together." kukas felt something, put his hand around the female doctor and kissed her forehead. The blonde general saw it and squeezed it into his arms.

The day when the altar was opened was getting closer and closer. Although the young deep-sea giant did not say the specific time, kukas clearly sensed it.

In his perception, some creatures wrapped in red robes began to appear in the fortress. These creatures walked in the passage. Even if they were far apart, he could feel the strong breath emanating from them.

Under the pressure of those breath, no one dared to talk to them. Even a few half steps can\'t do it.

Three or five years passed after the blonde general talked to kukas about what she knew about the long river of time.

On this day, when kukas was trying to write down what the blonde general said about the long river of time, the young deep-sea giant suddenly sent him a message.

Led by the messenger, kukas came to the huge altar outside the fortress with the blonde general and the female doctor.

A large number of creatures have been standing on the altar. Among these creatures, a mysterious man in red robes can be seen every distance. Of course, you can also call these mysterious people supreme power.

"Let\'s go." when the young deep-sea giant under the altar saw kukas and them coming, he quickly pulled them to one side of the ladder and motioned them to step on the altar.

"This thing can\'t take everyone away." kukas took a deep breath, looked at the dense crowd on the altar and said in a deep voice, "is that so?"

"I don\'t know. Maybe we can teleport one, maybe we can teleport everyone. Maybe we can open a permanent channel. But damn it, these are not important. The important thing is that you go to the altar right now, and it can accommodate a small number of creatures." the young deep-sea giant said anxiously and uneasily: "You and your women have paid enough for this altar, so you are qualified to step on this altar."

"Are some people who don\'t want us to leave?" kukas narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, but these are just small problems. After all, no one wants to stay here except some perverts. They all want to seize this opportunity to leave here." the young deep-sea giant shrugged his shoulders as if he didn\'t care about anything.

"You won\'t leave here?"

As soon as kukas spoke, the blonde general gently pulled his arm and motioned him to shut up. But kukas ignored these.

"If you lose the chance to leave here because of our relationship, I think we need to wait for the next chance." looking up at the huge altar, kukas didn\'t think it could only be used once.

"To be honest, it\'s not because I want to stay here, nor because of your relationship. It\'s because of the relationship of the deep sea giants. We must stay here and control the strength built by the deep sea giants over the years." the young deep sea giant sighed and pretended to be relaxed: "And now there is a lot of chaos outside. I can\'t say that when you go out, you will be beaten and destroyed by others."

"And I want to tell you a very bad news." here, the young deep-sea giant was a little silent, and then continued: "the green skins you control have completely disappeared. Just three years ago. Oh, no, it should be 30000 years ago. The plane you control has also been erased."

"It\'s impossible. The burning plane I control may be erased, but the green skin will never be erased." kukas shouted.

He was able to walk within the abyss alliance recklessly, most of which depended on the burning plane and endless green skins. Without these things, according to his style, he would have been killed by some people and would not live until now.

"A newly fallen fortress brings new news. In that news, it says that at least nine tenths of the plane in the endless void has been exploded."

"The abyss alliance and the gate of heaven have completely collapsed. Countless alliances and forces under them have disappeared."

"In this case, do you think the green skin can survive? If you put it on me, I would rather destroy a seat than let others get it."

"What\'s more, the previous wars were controlled and controlled, but listen to them, this war has no control and control."

"I think it should be because of the emergence of the void fortress." kukas suddenly remembered something, so he said: "did the controllers of those forces enter the void fortress and give up their control of their forces, so they caused extreme chaos!"

"It\'s impossible. No one will give up his power." the young deep-sea giant shook his head and retorted.

"Yes, no one is willing to give up their forces. If they give up those forces, can they get more?" the blonde general suddenly looked up, looked at the sky above his head and smiled: "why hasn\'t anyone come to blow up this plane? Otherwise we would have left this place long ago."

"I\'m afraid there are no people who can explode this plane. There was a supreme power who wanted to explode this plane, but he United seven or eight creatures as powerful as him and didn\'t do it." the young deep-sea giant smiled awkwardly: "At first I thought I could explode this plane with the help of empty props, but that\'s not the case. This plane is too powerful."

"Why do war fortresses come here every once in a while?" kukas forcibly suppressed his anger at the loss of green skin and asked about other things. This doubt has been suppressed in his mind for a long time.

However, what he didn\'t expect was that after he just said his doubts, the blonde women generals began to laugh wantonly.

"Hehe, why didn\'t you listen to me? Those fortresses that fell in didn\'t enter here at the time point." the young deep-sea giant was stunned a little, and then explained with a smile: "The war outside blew up the void, and the void within hundreds of millions of miles was blown up. Some fortresses were dragged into the broken void, and then stayed in a strange place. Every time, the fortress staying in that strange place would be thrown into this plane."

"That place should be a fragment of a long time." the blonde general suddenly said, "and it\'s not only the fortress that was thrown here. Over the years, at least tens of billions of powerful creatures have been thrown here in a specific period of time."

"So, if you go out, I don\'t want you to appear here again." the young deep-sea giant laughed.

However, kukas did not feel how happy he was. What he could feel was just a kind of helplessness, a kind of helplessness dissatisfied with the current situation.

"I want to fight in the sky, I want to walk in the void and fight with other top creatures, not in this place." aware of kukas\'s doubt, the young deep-sea giant shook his head and smiled.

"Without the suppression and restraint of powerful forces, the endless void is extremely wonderful. Every day, extremely amazing experts are born. They fight the void, fight strong enemies, and forge their reputation with white bones and blood."

"I really want to leave here and see how strong they are. See if they are qualified to achieve supreme prestige."

The young deep-sea giant sighed, but in the end there was no way to change his current situation.

"Fight the sky? Compete with those amazing people? I remember that the void fortress gathered all the top talents. Can the amazing people born now compare with those top talents in those years?" kukas shook his head, but did not recognize each other\'s words.

"Those people are not top talents. They are just forced to improve their strength through drugs and various rare and secret methods with the help of families and some forces. Although their rank has reached that level, they can\'t resist the real struggle, even ordinary professionals who have experienced hundreds of battles." The half step female legend who took the initiative to follow kukas came from a distance. In front of her was the half step power. "You killed them, too, and you know their power."

"Yes, most of the amazing people who appear now come up step by step with their own strength. When they stretch out their means, they are several times stronger than the creatures of the same level. Maybe you can fight with them to see if they can compare with the top talents before." the young deep-sea giant smiled: "It\'s a pity. It\'s a pity that I can\'t leave here. Otherwise, it must be a wonderful thing to kill those amazing people who can definitely step on the legendary and divine level."

"I think you\'re a little abnormal." kukas coughed, but he didn\'t dare to face the half step female legend. Over the years, he had less and less contact with the half step female legend. Later, he didn\'t even meet once a year.

This time, he didn\'t even think of leaving with each other.

Half step female legend didn\'t seem to notice kukas\'s embarrassment. She just glared at the blonde general, then snorted and turned her head aside.