Abyss Knight

Chapter 827

"It is said that after returning to the beginning of the world, you can achieve the eternal existence of the supreme will. Moreover, there are too many good things in the world. Returning to that time has always been the dream of some powerful beings." the blonde female general suddenly spoke, and she interrupted the conversation between the female doctor and kukas.

"The danger at the beginning of the world is beyond ordinary people\'s imagination. Perhaps returning to the beginning of the world can give those top beings a chance to set foot on the supreme will, but for us, it is a direct sentence of death." kukas shook his head: "The rules of the times are also different. Back then, it can\'t be said that we will be directly erased by the rules of that time. Eternal erasure."

"We have no way to stop, we can only think about the good. Do you expect those top beings to find out their conscience and give us a way to live?" the blonde general snorted, and his words were full of helplessness.

"Yes! I\'m afraid those top beings have never paid attention to the life and death of us. All they want is their own ideas." kukas shook his head and sighed in a low voice.

"Well, let\'s stop talking about the depressed topics of the neighbors and talk about others. What are you going to do after leaving this position?" the female doctor blinked and stared at kukas closely.

"Find a place for latent cultivation and impact the legendary field." kukas said his answer without thinking.

"Well, I\'m going to be with him. What about you?" the blonde general suddenly smiled, walked behind kukas, reached out and patted him on the shoulder and asked the female doctor, "are you with us?"

"Yes, with you." the female doctor bit her lips, thought for a moment, but immediately agreed.

"Very wonderful answer. I think we can achieve something if we are together." the blonde general snapped her fingers, then took off her boots and knelt down on the bed like a female doctor.

"This exiled plane has been in exile for a year, and the outside world has been in exile for ten thousand years. I just don\'t know what the outside world will look like when we leave this plane." kukas was a little stunned. Then he climbed to bed and sat in front of the female doctor and the blonde general, facing them.

"Never mind him, we can\'t stop anything. We\'ll know when we go out. Now, we\'ll have a good time." a hint of charm appeared between the blonde general\'s eyebrows, and then she threw herself on kukas and pushed him down.

Men\'s love and women\'s love are the rules that have never been changed. When he was branded on his cheek by the red lips of the blonde general, kukas laughed a few times and let the other party push him down.

After a lot of tossing and turning, I don\'t know how long it lasted. Although the female doctor was reserved, she couldn\'t help joining them in the end. Of course, under the influence of the blonde general, the same female doctor pushed down kukas, and she rarely took the initiative.

After some madness, all three recovered their senses. The female doctor curled up in kukas\'s arms, while the blonde general leaned against the head of the bed and carried a pair of small feet on kukas\'s legs, allowing him to play slowly.

"This is the mark of the scarlet queen?" kukas\'s fingers swam on the female doctor\'s abdomen. On her abdomen, there was a light red crown mark. Staring at the mark for a long time, it seemed that he could see it rotating slowly.

"Yes. It\'s strange that we didn\'t have these marks on us before we looked for the scarlet queen. But when we found her, they appeared on us. And she told us that this is her mark. And this mark is also branded in the origin of our soul." The female doctor gave a low moan and said everything she knew.

"Maybe we are her container, maybe it\'s just a simple sign that she protects us." the blonde general added lazily.

Seeing the extremely lazy appearance of the blonde general, kukas felt hot in his stomach, but he thought of fighting again. Most of the female generals he knew were strong and frosty in front of him, but this time, they rarely showed such an expression.

"Why? Do you want to come again? I don\'t mind, but I don\'t know if you can bear it." the blonde general stretched his waist lazily and giggled.

However, kukas did not hear a happy joy in her laughter, but heard fatigue, deep fatigue, fatigue emanating from the depths of her soul.

"Live a few days!" kukas shook his head and affectionately rubbed the little feet of the blonde general. Then he put on his clothes and got ready.

In fact, he is not in the mood to continue playing. After all, everyone is working hard to leave the exiled place. The pressure of success has been suppressed on them in an extremely obscure way. This pressure makes everyone in no mood to have fun.

Kukas joined the busy fortress castle, and the half step female legend jumped out from nowhere. She had some differences with kukas from the past. At least she no longer openly seduced him and wanted to have children with him. Because whenever she wanted to seduce kukas, the blonde general would jump out and stop him.

Of course, facing the obstruction of the blonde general, the half step female legend doesn\'t care. However, at the suggestion of her new mentor, she had to compromise occasionally in front of the blonde general.

"After leaving this position, I will make you look good. Those who dare to rob men with me will never come to a good end." banbu female legend rarely said cruel words: "even if you are a legend, I can kill you after leaving this position."

"Ha ha! Want to kill me?" the blonde general sneered. The golden cloak on her body and feet was windless and automatic, and a faint golden light flickered and burst out in her eyes: "unless you are a kind of killing profession, it\'s pure daydreaming to kill me."

"Then let\'s try." half step female legend\'s eyes glittered, but she had a new understanding of the power of the blonde general. At the same time, he also recognized the words of his half step mentor.

Therefore, although she had timidity in her heart, she would not suffer at all in her mouth.

"The first time I leave this position, I will personally blow up your body. Women who want breasts without breasts and buttocks without buttocks dare to compete with me for men?" the blonde female general took a step forward, and the killing breath was like a tide, rolling madly towards the female legend seat.

"Hum! It\'s still between the two who will blow up the body!" the half step female legend whispered, but she retreated with the trend to avoid the momentum of the blonde general. When the blonde general wanted to continue to do something, she saw kukas coming from a distance, so she restrained her strength, the golden light in her eyes dissipated, and her cloak returned to normal.

"Maybe I should tell him that you can use the strength of some professionals. What would he think of you if I told him this?" the half step female legend took a step forward, lowered her voice and whispered in the blonde general\'s ear: "maybe he or urgently wants to know why you can still use your strength."

"If you do that, I will let you know what cruelty is." the blonde general snorted coldly, but turned his head and greeted kukas coming in the distance. The half step female legend clenched her teeth and followed closely.

Seeing the blonde general coming with the half step female legend, kukas felt a little pain in his head. Before they came, he turned and walked into another channel, and then ran farther away.

"Poor boy, let several women squeeze him dry."

"Dry, why don\'t we have such an affair?"

"Brother, if you can\'t give us one, we can help you deal with those women."

Some creatures saw kukas running, but they made fun of him in good faith. Of course, they don\'t really have that sexual interest. You know, at this stage, unless it\'s for blood circulation, they generally won\'t have sex with the opposite sex, because that will delay them a lot of time.

Facing the ridicule of others, kukas can only speed up his speed again and again. Now he wished that half step Da Neng could play music again, so that the fighting spirit in his body could work again, even if it could only work a small part.

However, unfortunately, the * * * * played music many times later, but kukas never felt the flow of fighting spirit in his body again. According to * * * *, she doesn\'t know why her concert let kukas\'s fighting spirit flow.

Plunge into a room, where a large number of creatures are waving hammers to create small components. The functions of these components are different, but each is extremely valuable for breaking away from this plane.

Entering the room, he chose a component at random, and he began to get busy. Of course, he is not a professional blacksmith, so he just simply creates the general shape of the components, and other aspects of forging are done by others.

The busy days passed quickly, and hundreds of creatures in different sizes began to get busy to get away from the plane. Although they don\'t know what they are busy with, they are still busy.

Every day, countless materials are stacked in the fortress castle, and then small components are transported out. After these small components accumulated to a certain amount, they were transported outside the fortress and then built in the open space. Slowly build a huge altar. The busy days always pass quickly. A hundred years after kukas returned to the fortress castle, the altar separated from this plane was finally built.

The altar is very big, more than 10000 feet tall and more than 100000 feet wide. Such a huge altar consumes a large amount of materials that ordinary people can\'t imagine.

If it weren\'t for the preparation of those supreme powers for several or even dozens of times, I\'m afraid the young deep-sea giant, even with empty props, would not be able to build this altar in a short time.

According to the young deep-sea giant, a powerful vanity prop and thousands of vanity treasures were buried in this huge altar. As for plane props and other things, there are tens of thousands.

Even if there are so many precious props and treasures buried in the altar, people are not sure that they can be 100% away from this plane.

Of course, such a job has completely exceeded the plan of the young deep-sea giant. At first, his purpose was to bring the void prop to this plane, and then forcibly explode this plane with the power of the void prop.

Under the research of those supreme powers over the ages, if this new disengagement plan can be completed, there will be something in this plane that can be actively transmitted. If necessary, they can still enter and exit the plane at will without destroying the singular plane.

The thirteen burning black flags of kukas were also buried in the huge altar. Even the energy core of Thrace\'s rescue was buried.

"Everything is to get rid of this plane." the young deep-sea giant said enthusiastically: "when we get rid of this plane, we must cross the void and achieve the Supreme Reputation of the deep-sea giant family."

"Achieve supreme prestige? Perhaps after we leave this position, the outside world has changed and is very strange. Even your deep-sea giants have completely disappeared." whenever he hears these heroic words of the deep-sea giants, kukas always tries to hit him.

"The deep sea giants will not die."

"No race can survive forever," said the blonde general in a very positive tone. The female doctor nodded beside her to show her approval.

"If the Danu Protoss can\'t do it, it doesn\'t mean that our deep-sea giant can\'t do it." the young deep-sea giant was silent for a long time and smiled easily: "we did what other races can\'t do. At least we came with empty props to save the creatures who were exiled here, and others can\'t do it."

"It\'s just a matter of paying attention or not. If necessary, I think many races will come here with their empty props to save their race\'s power." said here, the blonde general frowned and continued: "unfortunately, they don\'t care about the loss of one or several supreme powers. But you deep-sea giants care about this."

Faced with the statement of the blonde female general, the young deep-sea giant had some bad feelings in his heart. Although he didn\'t want to admit it, he didn\'t know how to refute it.

As the blonde general said, an ancient race can actually find a powerful void prop in a short time if necessary. Here, countless years have passed, and only their deep-sea giants came here with powerful void props.

"All the great powers of our deep sea giants have been suppressed here. If they were less, they would not come."

"There are only seven or eight supreme powers in such a big deep-sea giant family. Do you think it\'s reasonable?" the female doctor tilted her head and smiled: "under normal circumstances, there should be at least hundreds of supreme powers in your deep-sea giant family, not seven or eight."

"Whatever we do, we come and leave. It\'s no use considering these." the young deep-sea giant actually had doubts before he came here, but for the sake of the whole deep-sea giant family, even if he had doubts, he must forcibly smash those doubts.

"When will this altar start?"

"When all the supreme powers exiled to this plane gather together, it will start. None of those supreme powers are willing to abandon others and leave alone."

"Those supreme powers haven\'t gathered yet?"

"It\'s hard for these people to wake up if they don\'t sleep for a certain time. Moreover, most of the places where they sleep choose are remote areas. It\'s not easy to find them in a short time." the blonde general knows no less than the deep-sea giants.

Of course, most of the things she knew were told by the young deep-sea giant. But in order to show in front of kukas, sometimes she will rush to say.

"It\'s a pity that all the great powers hide after they come here, otherwise they must go and ask them some questions." kukas touched his bare head and said with regret.

"I think that half step can be interesting to you. Why don\'t you ask her? And she\'s old enough to know a lot of secrets." the female doctor blinked, looking pure.

"Do you want to find that half step legend?" the expression of the blonde general immediately changed. The young deep-sea giant on one side turned around and left immediately.

"That half step can\'t answer my question." kukas hurried to chase the young deep-sea giant and wanted to take the opportunity to escape the questioning of the blonde general: "I\'ll see if I can find the real supreme power and let them answer my question."

"Those supreme powers are all adjusting their state and are not in the mood to pay attention to us. Don\'t follow me. Even I am not qualified to see them." the young deep-sea giant hurried to speed up when kukas caught up.

"Don\'t go. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I can\'t say those questions, but I can answer them for you." the blonde general stamped his foot, crossed a distance of tens of feet, grabbed kukas\'s arm and stopped him.

"About the long time." kukas was a little stunned and was very surprised at the speed of the blonde general.