Abyss Knight

Chapter 826

"When you stay in this plane for three or five times, you will also find some secrets of this plane. Well, in fact, this is not a secret, but just some tricks." * * * * said carelessly: "those supreme powers may master more.

"You can predict what will happen after dozens of breathing time, maybe you have recovered some strength." someone whispered. Although the voice was not loud, everyone heard it.

"No, I haven\'t recovered any strength. It\'s just that I have lived in this plane long enough and know some skills. This is the 135th fortress that has fallen in more than a hundred years! Hehe, I didn\'t expect that there are more and more fortresses outside after several times. I remember that there were only thirty or fifty fortresses in the endless void at that time It\'s just a fortress. "* * * * said with some exclamation:" have you prepared empty props to come here? "

"If we don\'t prepare the empty props, I\'m afraid none of the sleeping supreme powers will come out." the young deep-sea giant looked at * * * * with a complex expression, and then focused on kukas: "and we still need a lot of plane props."

"I still have a few empty treasures that you may use." * * * * gently touched the golden step on my head and whispered with a smile: "is something important happening outside?"

"The situation outside is so bad that all of us can\'t believe our ears. You\'ll know when we leave. What we say now can\'t be said clearly for a while and a half." the young deep-sea giant patted his forehead gently to show a headache.

"Just say it." * * * * a light appeared in his eyes, but he didn\'t know what he was going to do.

"More than a hundred years have passed since this plane, but a million years have passed since the endless void outside." the deep-sea giant has not spoken yet, while the blonde female general aside snorted and said everything she knows: "It is said that the endless void collapsed a few days ago. Countless strange creatures came directly into the endless void. They began to fight with the two huge forces of the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven."

"What about the empty fortress? Is there any news about the empty fortress?" when kukas heard of the war, he first thought of the empty fortress with plane as the cornerstone and watered with legend and divine blood.

"I haven\'t heard from those people." the young deep-sea giant on one side cares more about the void fortress than kukas. He began to ask for information about the void fortress as soon as he heard about the war. However, the information he got is no different from that of others: "Among the war fortresses falling from the outside world, no one knows the news about the void fortress. Even some people who have participated in the construction of the void fortress have forgotten about the void fortress."

"Ha ha! I\'m afraid some great powers have jointly affected the rules of the void, resulting in everyone forgetting about the void fortress." * * * * on one side has the most knowledge. She just listened a little and made such a judgment.

"It affects the rules of the void and makes everyone in the endless void forget about the void fortress? It\'s a means against the sky."

"It\'s just a small hand. They affect the rules of the void, but erase the memory of those who know the news of the void fortress. I don\'t think there are many people who know the news of the void fortress. Compared with the influence of the rules of the endless void, those people are really nothing." * * * * sighed softly, shook his head and smiled: "These have nothing to do with us now. It\'s not too late to leave this plane first and talk about others."

"Yes." kukas nodded, and his eyes fell on a female doctor who secretly looked at him. When the female doctor found kukas staring at her, she quickly turned her head and pretended not to see.

"Well, we have to speed up our preparation. With the addition of new vanity treasures, I think our chances of success will be greater." the young deep-sea giant whispered and laughed. He had noticed the little moves of the female doctor: "maybe some people have other more important things to do."

His words caused a burst of laughter, but soon, everyone recovered their serious expression. Because they still had a lot of important things to do, they were not in the mood to entangle too much in some personal things.

They rode on the war horse, and under the leadership of the young deep-sea giant, they quickly walked towards the position of the war fortress.

Along the way, the young deep-sea giant didn\'t set aside too much private time for kukas. Most of the time, he told kukas in detail what had happened in the past 100 years.

"In fact, I can\'t help at all." kukas shrugged his shoulders and repeated his ideas again and again. But the young deep-sea giant didn\'t know why and didn\'t care about his words.

"You are qualified to know all this, at least for now. After all, you are one of us. You must know this when we are not dead and you leave the collective." the young deep-sea giant repeated his idea again and again.

For the persistence of the young deep-sea giant, kukas had no other way. This behavior continued until kukas and they returned to the war fortress.

The war fortress transformed into a fortress castle under the power of machinery is extremely busy. Countless creatures came in and out of it, either with all kinds of materials or with some new members.

The return of the young deep-sea giant did not attract the attention of these people. Kukas was attracted by some huge giants around the fortress.

These giants are red all over. Some have three heads and six arms, some have twelve wings, and some have one foot and eight arms. Each of the strange giants is at least a thousand feet tall. They don\'t seem to have much intelligence. Under the command of some creatures, they waved a huge hammer to build some chains.

"Bloody giant? You made it?" kukas looked at the female doctor beside him unexpectedly.

"Yes, but I didn\'t make it alone, and my sister contributed. Of course, they provided enough materials for me to successfully make a bloody giant." the female doctor blushed, but this time she looked directly into kukas\'s eyes and said in a proud tone: "In this plane, the only powerful puppet that can be remade is the bloody giant I master."

"They are real bloody giants?" kukas narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn\'t believe each other\'s words.

"The method of making them is a little different from the method I have verified. But I believe their combat effectiveness is definitely better than those bloody giants in the past. No, it should not be said that they are better than the bloody giants in the past, but should be said that they are the bloody giants in the future." the female doctor looked confident: "Although they have not really experienced bloody wars, I believe that after a few wars, they will feel that they will be the most powerful puppets. No puppet can surpass them. Hehe, I can\'t say that people in later times made their bloody puppets because of my fate."

"You influenced them, and they also influenced you. After all, this is a big era of time and space disorder." the * * * * on the side whispered, "unfortunately, if there were more puppets, I\'m afraid we would have a greater chance to get out of this position."

"Do you know our plan?" the young deep-sea giant was extremely sensitive to some information from * * * * words. He looked at each other in surprise, but quickly responded: "by the way, the plan we implemented was put forward by some supreme powers. And the plan was formulated a long time ago. I\'m afraid you joined the discussion!"

"Every ten million years, all the remaining supreme power and half step power will gather together for a discussion. I think your plan is the one we have worked out after countless discussions." * * * * said with a dim face: "if you could come earlier!"

"Come earlier? Even if we come 30 or 50 years earlier, we can\'t get away from this plane. We came here only after we got the empty prop. Unfortunately, there is only one empty prop." the young deep-sea giant shook his head with some regret: "Moreover, this void prop is not a natural prop in the void, but a void prop made by secret method."

"It\'s an empty prop after all. As long as we have this thing, we have half the chance to leave this place. If we don\'t have that thing, there\'s no chance at all."

"They are preparing materials. If there is no accident, 10000 bloody puppets will eventually become our help." the female doctor said confidently, "the power of this kind of thing, I think it will surpass all of you."

"I once fought with a bloody giant. It was the projection of a bloody giant who had just acquired wisdom. In order to kill the projection, hundreds of us were half powerful at that time, and only more than 100 survived. And the projection of the bloody giant was only partially exploded." * * * * shook his head and smiled: "No one will underestimate your bloody puppet. Well, although they have no wisdom, I believe their combat effectiveness is strong enough."

"Yes, according to my estimation, these bloody puppets use legends, gods and planes as food." the female doctor raised her mouth slightly and said softly with a smile: "I always wanted to make them, but I didn\'t expect it to be here."

During the conversation, the people entered the fortress. Here, the young deep-sea giant prepared a room for kukas. Of course, the rooms of the female doctor and the blonde general are actually the same as his room.

"Maybe you really should have a good talk." when leaving, the young deep-sea giant looked vaguely at kukas and two female professionals: "don\'t worry. I\'ve sent your half step legend to other places. She won\'t bother you in a short time."

"If you have this energy, you might as well think about how to get more materials and make a bloody puppet." the blonde general snorted coldly, reached out and grabbed the young deep-sea giant\'s head and pushed him out of the door.

"I\'m worthy of being a knight of judgment. I\'m even stronger than the deep-sea giants. I just don\'t know if you can push me like this after leaving this position." looking at the fierce closed door, the young deep-sea giant\'s face changed. Finally, with a sigh, he turned and left.

"How have you been these years?" kukas asked softly, sitting in his chair and looking at the two women who looked at the room at random.

"It\'s like that. There\'s no danger or surprise. It\'s just an ordinary life step by step." the female doctor knelt down on the bed, looked at kukas with blurred eyes and smiled, "what about you? Tell me about you first. I think your experience is very wonderful."

"Since you left to look for the scarlet queen, I have continued to walk in all planes according to my." kukas lit a silver smoke, smoking and talking about his experience.

He said it in great detail, even his psychological feelings in a certain period of time. And his story made the blonde women generals and women doctors sigh.

"It turned out that all your busy work was to forge a void fortress. But the forged void fortress rejected you." the blonde general said happily, "if I hadn\'t been imprisoned here, I\'m afraid I would have become a drop of blood in the void fortress. So I was forgotten by everyone."

"Why were you detained here?" kukas said his last doubt. He did not know why only female doctors and blonde generals were detained here among the defeated in his thematic world.

"Because we know the news of the scarlet queen. In order not to let us divulge the news, they imprisoned us here." the blonde general shook his head and said helplessly, "and they also succeeded. If they can\'t get away from this position, I\'m afraid people outside won\'t know the name of the scarlet queen anymore."

"Obliterate your soul origin, I\'m afraid you can better keep this news." kukas frowned slightly. He didn\'t believe the explanation of the blonde general.

"The name of the scarlet queen can protect our soul from being obliterated. Moreover, even if we are obliterated because of her name, we will be resurrected in a certain paragraph of the long river of time." this time, the female doctor spoke. She blinked her eyes, put her hands on her face and said in a crisp voice: "And if you get us here, all the images about us will disappear over time."

"Where is the scarlet queen?"

"Exiled. We don\'t know where to exile. But according to those people, if we want to see the scarlet queen again, I\'m afraid we can\'t see it until the beginning of the world." the blonde general sighed: "but I think the scarlet queen still lives in a corner of the endless void, but she hasn\'t recovered her consciousness."

"Who the hell is the scarlet queen?" kukas didn\'t know why some people took great pains to deal with the scarlet queen and people related to the scarlet queen.

"One of the remaining creatures at the beginning of the world."

"She has mastered some means at the beginning of her return to the world, so they have to deal with her. As for the specific reasons, we don\'t know. To tell the truth, we only knew her true identity when she was exiled. At first, I always thought she was just an ordinary professional." The blonde general sighed. He didn\'t know whether it was because of his own eyes or because he was implicated.

"Back to the beginning of the world? Is this possible?"

"How impossible? In our later era, those people can put their enemies into our era. Even the projection at that time appears in this era as a reality. What they can do, why can\'t people in this era?" the female doctor retorted in a low voice: "What a great thing it should be to return to the beginning of the world! I really want to know how our endless void was born. I really want to see the top creatures at the beginning of the world."

"What\'s the use of going back? Do you know the thousand winged eye dragon? It\'s as easy to deal with the supreme power as a legend to deal with low-level professionals. I saw a thousand winged eye dragon, which lives by swallowing the supreme power." kukas rolled his eyes, but he didn\'t know what these people thought.

"The thousand winged eyed dragon was just the most common monster at the beginning of the world."

"Have you ever seen a real thousand winged eyed dragon?"

"Yes, I saw him devour the supreme power of chasing us. Well, it was before we came to this plane that we met. It was too powerful." kukas felt a trace of fear and loss when he thought of the thousand winged eyed dragon lost by a creature named Hegel.

"Great. If you use the body of a thousand winged eyed dragon as raw material to make a bloody puppet, I\'m afraid he must be the most powerful bloody puppet." The female doctor shouted excitedly. In her consciousness, no matter how powerful the thousand winged eye dragon is, it must fall at last. Otherwise, the thousand winged eye dragon will not disappear in the endless void for countless times without being seen.

"You won\'t say that when you see the thousand winged eyed dragon." kukas rolled his eyes.

"If it is really strong, it will survive until this time, rather than being completely extinct." the female doctor shook her head and said with a smile: "just like the legendary powerful fenril wolf, if he is really strong, how can he die? A really strong existence will not die."