Abyss Knight

Chapter 825

"Just because I can\'t see the future?" looking at the disappearance of the man in black, kukas growled, "who are you? Don\'t you even have the courage to say your name?"

"You are not qualified to listen to my name." with the broken back of the man in black, his hoarse voice sounded intermittently in kukas\'s mind: "I was the beginning. Before me, everything was illusory."

"Madman! Madman! How can you be the first in the future?" kukas roared, but no matter how he roared, there was no way to know his name from the man in black.

The figure of the man in black completely collapsed and disappeared, and the picture dissipated. In front of kukas, it became the * * * * who was whispering an ancient song.

"You are the woman wrapped in a crystal coffin!" kukas asked.

"Is there any difference? I said no, I\'m afraid you don\'t believe it!" * * * * the harp in her hand suddenly stopped. She tilted her head, raised her mouth slightly and smiled: "what do you see? The palace of death? The killing across time and space? Yang or the lonely sadness of a poor woman?"

"I don\'t see anything." kukas snorted coldly, stood up from the ground, and then stared down at the slightly shaking gold steps on * * * * head and smiled coldly: "if I insist that I see anything, I see the withered flowers. A beautiful flower withered a little with the loss of years."

"Oh!" * * * * blinked, stared at kukas for a long time, and suddenly smiled softly, "are you interested in listening to my story?"

Kukas was silent, when he suddenly remembered that he should check his body. However, under his perception, the fighting spirit in his body disappeared again, as if it had never existed before.

****With theout paying attention to kukas\' distraction, she fiddled with the harp in her hand again. The strings trembled and made a crisp sound.

"I was exiled to this place a long time ago. If I had to tell the specific years, it was at least three or five times ago." * * * * sounded a little low, and she also felt the familiar smell in kukas. It was the traction of this breath that made her subconsciously start to talk.

"When we were exiled here, we always wanted to get out of this plane. But even if we tried again, we couldn\'t get out of this plane. Later, we began to take risks in this face." when saying this, the smile on * * * *\'s face looked very beautiful: "In an adventure, we met a crystal coffin. In the coffin lay a woman. We didn\'t know whether she was asleep or sealed."

****His voice paused a little, and then continued: "Originally, we didn\'t want to wander around the crystal coffin, but at that time, a fortress broke through the air and fell down. Hehe, you can\'t imagine that the fortress fell down and wiped out my companions, but I survived. And the golden step that should have been worn on the woman\'s head in the crystal coffin fell on my head."

"I wanted to find my former companions, but this plane was too big. It took me tens of millions of years to find their trace. Later, some gathering places began to be established. At that time, I saw their descendants. They themselves had disappeared a long time ago."

****Some nervously muttered: "I have tried many times to lose the headdress on my head, but I can\'t lose it. I also tried to find the crystal coffin, but there is no news of her in this plane."

"Then you take this thing and sing songs here every day?" kukas narrowed his eyes and looked at the * * * * strangely.

The story told by * * * * surprised him very much. However, the accident did not last long: "are you controlled by this thing? Even your mind?"

"No, it\'s just subconsciously influenced by her. The power of this headdress is not very powerful. I\'m only influenced by her occasionally." * * * * holding the harp in my arms, then reaching out to guide the creatures passing by them in a hurry, mocked: "no one has dared to listen to my singing for a long time."

"He used to like listening to my singing, but unfortunately, it\'s a pity that I can\'t find him anymore. Even if he left descendants with others, I can\'t find him anymore." * * * *\'s voice suddenly became a little choked: "The headdress owner lost his man, and I also lost my man. The headdress owner\'s man remembered the poor woman, but my man forgot me."

"What would you do if you could go back to the past?"


"I mean, what would you do if you went back to the past?" * * * * looked at kukas seriously and said: "if you could go back to the past and go back to your youth, would you still choose the current path?"

"Yes," kukas replied after a long silence.

"Oh!" * * * * lowered his head and smiled: "you were also put here by people?"

"No, I\'m here to find someone." kukas shook his head and denied the other party\'s words: "what message does this headdress convey to you?"

"Looking for a woman? Like the man who owns the headdress, do you come to find your own woman when you are about to lose it?"

"I\'m sorry, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. I just want to know whether this headdress has sent you some special news. I want to know the name of the male owner of this headdress. He gives me a familiar feeling. I want to know everything about that man." kukas took a deep breath and said anxiously.

"I won\'t tell you. Because it has nothing to do with you." * * * * chuckled: "who are you looking for? Maybe I know them. You know, I\'ve been here for a long time."

"A female doctor, she can make a powerful bloody puppet; and a blonde general, she always likes to wear military uniform." kukas took a deep breath. Facing this obstinacy, he had to give up some doubts temporarily.

"Bloody puppet? Let me think." * * * * slightly frowned, she subconsciously played the harp in her hand: "a long time ago, well, before we were exiled to this place, we were looking for something in a position. At that time, we found a imprisoned bloody giant."

"To tell you the truth, we shouldn\'t have released him at the beginning, but for some reason, we released him. Hehe, you can\'t imagine that the imprisoned bloody giant is not where the people of our time were imprisoned, nor where the previous people were imprisoned. It appears because of war in countless times after us Where was it? "

"Releasing the bloody giant has become an excuse for us to be exiled here. Ha ha! Releasing the bloody giant may be the most wrong choice I have made in my life."

"I\'m sorry! No one has talked to me for a long time." maybe I noticed that I was distracted, * * * * shook his head and said softly: "Two women came to this place a few days ago. They are very young and energetic. With the support of some people, they made bloody puppets from the blood and flesh of some monsters. It\'s a pity that those bloody puppets can\'t exist in this plane for a long time. Later, in order to get the materials that can make the bloody puppets exist in this plane for a long time, those two women A woman wandered around in this face. Finally, she went to a place where she had never set foot in the gathering place to collect materials. "

"I want to find them."

"Then go find it! Maybe they have been waiting for you and hope you can find them." * * * * shook his head and looked blankly at the crowd in the distance: "maybe he was looking for me at that time, but it\'s a pity that he hasn\'t found it. Is that so?"

"Yes, I think so." feeling each other\'s sadness, kukas nodded and answered her seriously.

"Really? That\'s good. I\'m sorry, my spirit may be a little abnormal. You know, after being detained in this place for countless years, few can maintain my state." * * * * seems to have noticed something, patted his forehead with his small hand and said softly with a smile: "others are sleeping. There are few people like me."

"Go to our fortress. Maybe in a few days, we can get away from this position." kukas wanted to leave, but when he saw that * * * * was depressed again, he felt a little uncomfortable because he opened his mouth to invite each other.

"What if I leave here? Everything about me is buried in this plane. What else can I do if I leave here?" * * * * smiled in a low voice: "many people want to leave here, but no one can do it."

"Revenge, revenge those who exiled you here. If they hadn\'t exiled you, maybe you wouldn\'t lose anything at all." kukas was moved, but he said such evil advice.

"Revenge? Maybe you should try. Yes, those sleeping people are waiting for you. They want revenge, revenge the people who exiled them here. If it weren\'t for them, I wouldn\'t lose him. Yes, revenge them." * * * * muttered in a low voice.

Although she was talking about revenge, there was no emotional fluctuation. Kukas wanted to say anything, but he saw the young deep-sea giant coming out of the huge city gate.

"You\'re back so soon?" kukas shook his bald head and said easily when he saw the young deep-sea giant: "how\'s it going?"

While talking, his eyes swam behind the deep-sea giant, and finally fell on the two people in black robes behind him.

When he saw the two people in black robes, he felt very familiar. Almost subconsciously, he determined the identity of the two people shrouded in black robes.

"Ha ha! Kukas, don\'t you know that time has passed for a long time? Yes, since we broke up last time, you have listened to this woman singing. But it took hundreds of years for you to listen once." the young deep sea giant was a little stunned, but soon he reacted: "Hundreds of years have passed since you listened to this woman singing. Maybe you didn\'t notice it, but it\'s true."

"Look! What have I brought you?" the young deep-sea giant laughed loudly. His mood looked very good, much better than when he first landed at this level.

"Kukas." the woman\'s unique soft voice sounded. A man in black behind the young deep-sea giant took off his cloak and showed his beautiful face. She as like as two peas in the same year, and still a simple robe of doctors, and the whole person still looks so weak.

"Boy, why did you come to us for such a long time? Have you forgotten us?" another man in black rushed over, his cloak fell off, revealing her long blond hair and a simple military uniform: "I took so much care of you in vain, but you forgot us." while talking, The blonde general waved her small fist and quickly hit kukas in the throat.

The fist looked hard, but kukas didn\'t feel the pain.

"You\'re so stupid." the female doctor sobbed, lowered her head, and then wiped her face with her hands.

"He\'s stupid? If he were stupid, he wouldn\'t live until now." the mood of the blonde general changed again, and instantly returned to the state when kukas first saw her. The whole person looked very proud and mysterious: "it\'s not worth her waiting so long if you can come here to find her."

Having said this, the blonde general looked up at the sky and suddenly became silent.

"Touching scene." ***** gently touched kukas\'s shoulder and motioned him to talk to the silent female doctor. As for the blonde general, at least she looks much stronger than the female doctor.

"Has anyone bullied you here?" kukas walked up to the female doctor at a loss. He stretched out his hand in mid air and waited for a long time, but he didn\'t touch each other.

"Who dares to humiliate us?" the female doctor just bowed her head and said nothing, while the blonde general fiercely turned around and said in a deep voice: "if you leave the plane this time, you may need your plane props."

"No one bullied us. We\'re doing well." the female doctor put down her face and said fiercely, "we\'re doing well, but we\'re not used to it."

Looking at the perseverance on the female doctor\'s face and those red eyes, kukas opened his mouth but didn\'t know what to say.

After a long time, he felt a trace of strangeness with female doctors. This encounter was completely beyond his expectation, which made him not know what to say and do for a time.

"Just have a good time." kukas put down his hand and muttered in a low voice.

"Fool! I don\'t know how you came over these years." the blonde general turned to stare at kukas. In her eyes, it seemed that a layer of fog floated: "I told her to choose to sleep, but she said you would come to her."

"I know." kukas took a deep breath, but he didn\'t know how to express his feelings. Most of the time he spent with the female doctor was just greedy for each other\'s body, but after so many years, he never forgot her.

"Well, this is not the time for us to discuss this. Let\'s go, go to the fortress, and then get ready to leave this plane." the deep-sea giant suddenly laughed loudly: "if you want to have a good talk, I suggest having a talk in the evening, well, in bed or even on the table."

"Damn it, who wants to talk to him?" the blonde general screamed like a kitten stepped on its tail. Her abnormal behavior not only surprised kukas, but also surprised the female doctor who had just returned to normal.

"What\'s the matter? I just answered instead of her. That\'s right." the blonde general stretched out her finger and pointed to the female doctor, and then suddenly smiled: "well, I admit I\'m a little excited, but I don\'t think it\'s time to talk about these things."

"Yes, you should go to bed or any place with emotional appeal and privacy. But I told you in advance that there is another woman in the fortress who has always wanted to match and breed with him and intends to leave descendants!" the strange smile of the young deep-sea giant hehe looks really in good mood, There is nothing like the deep look of the past.

"If you dare to rob things with me, crush her." the blonde general snorted, frowning slightly, but emitting a trace of evil spirit.

"You have a way to leave this position?" * * * * fiddled with the harp in her hand. She looked at the female doctor and the blonde general with envy, and then remembered what had happened to her in those years.

"Blow up this plane."

"Blow up this plane?"

"Yes, we have no other way." the young deep-sea giant took a deep breath and said proudly, "you\'ll know then."

"Another fortress has fallen." * * * * suddenly looked up at the distant sky.

Her words stunned kukas and them, but after dozens of breathing time, someone found a huge crack in the distant sky. The next moment, something like a meteor appeared from it.

"How do you know?" all the people, including kukas, looked at this * * * * which was said to be half step power with a shocked face.