Abyss Knight

Chapter 824

Jin Buyao! One step shake! Wearing on this * * * * head, even if she didn\'t move, the golden headdress still shook gently, accompanied by the ancient poems and songs she sang and the harp she played.

"Stay and you will die," said the young deep sea giant with an ugly face. "If you really want to listen to her singing, take her away when you leave this plane, and then listen to her singing at any time."

"Right here, her singing seems to move my fighting spirit." kukas took a deep breath. He knew that if he didn\'t have enough reason to convince them, they would never allow themselves to listen to this strange * * *.

"It\'s impossible." the dry old man seemed to be forced to open his wound and screamed: "over the years, countless creatures have listened to her singing, but none of them can feel the operation of their fighting spirit or magic, or even feel it."

"They are them, I am me. Everyone is unique, and everyone is different from others. It has no effect on others, but it doesn\'t mean it has no effect on me." kukas growled in a low voice: "no one can change my decision. You know, my death won\'t have any bad impact on your plan." In the last paragraph, kukas looked at the young deep-sea giant seriously: "if I die completely, the control of the green skin will fall entirely in the hands of the creatures with burning flags."

"Of course, this kind of control I\'m talking about is complete and thorough."

Perhaps because of the green skin or the sincere look in his eyes, the young deep-sea giant took a deep breath and finally agreed to kukas\'s request.

"If you feel the situation is wrong, leave. I\'ll find some people to accompany you." the young deep-sea giant made such a decision after serious thinking for a long time: "maybe there are people like you among them."

"What happened to me may not happen to others." kukas shook his head, but whether he decided the other party\'s suggestion: "if something happens, I don\'t want someone to bury me."

"As you wish." the young deep-sea giant stared at kukas closely for a long time, and then often relaxed and pretended to be relaxed: "to tell the truth, if you succeed, maybe we are an important member of this position."

"Maybe!" kukas turned to look at the * * * * and looked at the other party singing in a low voice. He was inexplicably sad.

The young deep-sea giant went to the gathering place with the dry old man, but when he left, he still sent several top professionals to stay quietly in the distance, the guardian kukas. Prevent any special accidents from happening to him.

Listening to the singing of the strange * * * *, the news seemed like a hurricane crossing. It didn\'t take long to spread all over the gathering place. It even passed to some ordinary cities around at an extremely abnormal speed.

When the half step female legend in the war fortress learned the news, she was not as shocked as others, but sat silently in her room, writing some names on the paper under a cup of hot water. The names she wrote were all half step legends and half gods of suicide during this period.

She wrote the lives of these suicidal creatures very seriously, and then bound them into a book, hoping that their names would not disappear completely because of their death.

But after the young deep-sea giant left, kukas went straight to the * * * * and sat cross legged opposite her, silently listening to her singing.

****The singing voice is very beautiful, not loud, but it makes the listener feel a trace of warmth.

However, before and after he sat upright, the song of * * * could no longer move his fighting spirit. As for the lyrics, he couldn\'t understand a word.

Although he was disappointed, he still insisted on sitting in front of each other and listening silently.

Maybe it\'s a magical time, maybe it\'s a day. Kukas suddenly found that the beautiful woman in front of him was shrouded in a faint white fog. The fog rolled and covered her face; The fog rolled and evolved strange patterns.

At this time, the fighting spirit in his body began to flow slowly. With the movement of fighting spirit, the strange power hidden in his heart began to disappear a little, but the disappearance speed was very slow, so slow that kukas didn\'t notice it at all.

A picture appeared in his mind. In that picture, he saw a young girl snuggling up in the arms of a young man. However, no matter the young girl or the young man, he could not see their faces clearly, only their body shape.

The picture lasted for a long time, and kukas began to observe all the furnishings in the picture with great interest. Through his observation, he found that the decoration and furnishings of the two people\'s room were not the same or similar to what he knew.

After the picture lasted for some time, he saw the young man take a gold and put it carefully on the woman\'s head.

The golden step shook, and the golden light made the woman laugh softly.

After a long time, the picture suddenly changed. The next moment, the picture is broken, and those broken pictures are condensed again into a tragic battle picture.

In this battle picture, kukas saw a bloody giant walking on the earth. These bloody giants kill all the creatures they can see. And this kind of killing seems to have no end, no desire to stop.

Although the killing in the picture is fierce, there is no power to release. It\'s like some false scenes taken by ordinary people with memory crystal.

The picture flows again, which is the intimate picture of young women and young men; In the following time, these pictures were transferred little by little, and scenes of war and killing were inserted from time to time.

Later, the scenes of young men and women getting intimate with each other became more and more rare. Most of them are scenes of killing and young women alone.

The picture kept flowing. With more and more scenes of women appearing alone on the lake, kukas\'s heart became heavy involuntarily.

In the later picture, he saw the scene of women arguing with men. The woman tightly hugged the man\'s body, as if she was longing for something from him, but she was ruthlessly rejected by the man.

Since the appearance of this picture of quarrel, there was no image of the man in front of kukas, and there was no scene of war at the same time. All he could see was a woman walking alone on the earth.

Women cross mountains, cross oceans, walk through barren deserts, and appear in dangerous swamps.

Years passed, rain and snow alternate, and the woman could no longer hold on. She lay weak in an underground palace, silently waiting for death.

While she was waiting for death, the man who had disappeared for a long time suddenly appeared.

However, with the emergence of men, there is no way to save women\'s lives. The woman lay quietly in front of the man and died.

When the woman died, the golden steps on her head shook and trembled gently. The golden step has never been taken off since it was worn on her head.

The woman died, but the picture still didn\'t disappear. Instead, in the picture, kukas saw the glittering tears flowing down the man\'s cheeks. The man stood quietly beside the woman\'s body, where he stood quietly all the time.

Maybe a day has passed, maybe hundreds of years have passed. The man suddenly stretched out his hand to pierce into the void, and then dragged out a crystal coffin emitting infinite divine light.

He carefully put the woman in the coffin, and then kissed her forehead, cheeks and red lips. Tears trickled down his face. In the picture, he heard the man\'s sad sob.

But the sadness didn\'t last long. Soon the man put the coffin away. Then, a complex array of Dharma was carved around the coffin. He\'s using those arrays to protect women\'s bodies.

After completing all this, the man stood quietly beside the coffin and watched the crystal coffin slowly disappear and covered by the Dharma array.

At the moment when the woman\'s coffin disappeared, tears fell on the man\'s cheeks again. But then the man looked up as if he used this method to erase the uncontrollable tears.

"Are you regretting?" kukas murmured subconsciously. In his view, the pictures displayed in his mind are just the emotional entanglement between a man and a woman. In these pictures, he could not find any information about the exiled place.

"I\'ve never regretted it. I can\'t regret it." the man suddenly turned to kukas. His voice was a little hoarse, but it easily crossed time and space and passed directly to kukas\'s mind.

"Who are you and who is she?" kukas gasped. Although he couldn\'t see the man\'s face and his eyes, he felt the other party staring at him.

"Is it important? We are all dead. The name of the dead is not qualified to walk on the earth." the young man hoarse and responded to kukas in a slow voice.

"Ha ha! Dead? If dead, why can you still talk to me? And why do you still talk to me in the picture in others\' memory? If dead, why do you still exist?" kukas sneered. He absolutely didn\'t believe that the picture in front of him was a fantasy.

"It\'s just that I, who has not yet died, sensed everything today and talked to you with a secret method." the young man smiled softly: "I created a long river of time, and naturally I can feel everything I want to know. Now talking to you is just an indelible image in the river."

"You created a long river of time? Ha ha! Are you sure you\'re not kidding? Are you a creature at the beginning of the world?" kukas shook his head and smiled strangely, thinking that the man in the picture was crazy.

"Strictly speaking, I created the long river of time after the beginning of the world. However, the long river of time at the beginning of the world was born by itself. However, since the collapse of that long river, the long river of time I created is the second long river in the infinite era. Those who created the long river of time like me have not existed before and will not exist in the future. If others want to create the long river of time again, they can only think When he said this, the young man\'s words were full of pride. Although there was still no breath emanating from the picture, kukas seemed to feel the arrogant momentum from each other.

"You are a madman." kukas shook his head hard and said with a cold smile, "then tell me, what is the long river of time? What is its use?"

"You will understand later. If you don\'t understand, you should not understand."

For such an answer, kukas only responded with a white eye. Of course, in addition, he didn\'t know how to answer the strange man.

"Tell me your name!" kukas was silent for a long time and found that the man\'s body began to fade, so he quickly asked. He felt that he should not be so silent. He wanted to take the opportunity to learn more news from the man in this picture.

"Hehe! We are not people of the same era. Tell you my name, what can you do? The name of the dead should not walk on the earth." the young man\'s voice was still so hoarse: "do you regret anything?"

"Isn\'t it an era? Are you a creature after the collapse of the world at the beginning?" kukas narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the man in the picture. However, no matter how he looked, he could only see a gray fog wrapped in a black robe, not even the other party\'s eyes.

"I don\'t regret anything. As you said, I won\'t regret it." kukas took a deep breath and replied in each other\'s words.

"No regret? Maybe it\'s just talk. I think you must have something to regret. It\'s just that you refuse to admit it." the young man laughed softly, full of sadness and reluctance in his laughter.

Kukas was stunned by the words of the young man. His thoughts suddenly returned to the scene of practicing in the old knight\'s manor when he was young. Although those memories have been very blurred, and even the face of the old knight has completely disappeared from his mind, he still remembers the only few times the old knight gave him guidance when he practiced in the old knight\'s manor at that time.

It can be said that without the help of the old knight, he would never have achieved what he is now. When the old knight died, he didn\'t go back in time because of his task. When he returned to the old knight\'s manor hundreds of years later, things were different.

After that return, he got the most precious legacy of the old knight. And those heritages will help him so much in the future. Perhaps, without the legacy given to him by the old knight, he might have died long ago. He died in the adventure of looking for the nine headed strange snake xudela.

"He always wanted to see you again, but you didn\'t come back. Great grandfather was in great pain. When he died, you were the only one among his retinue who didn\'t return. What he wanted to see most was you." the story of the descendants of the old knight sounded in his mind.

"No regrets." kukas took a deep breath and said his answer word by word.

"Ha ha! Maybe one day, you will lie alone on the cold earth, waiting for death to come, which will change your words." the young man whispered with a smile: "when we say we don\'t regret, we are deeply regretting. We just don\'t want to and can\'t admit it."

"Where is this place? Who are you?" kukas shook his head as if he could erase the other party\'s words from his mind.

"This is the cemetery where I buried my woman. It shouldn\'t have appeared here, but the river collapsed for a long time, and then it appeared here." the young man was a little silent and gave kukas such an answer.

"All those who break into my woman\'s graveyard will be buried with her. They will become walking dead to protect her. Until one day, she will be resurrected and walk under the sky and on the earth."

"Can a completely dead person be resurrected?"

"In front of me, anything impossible will become possible." the young man seemed to have lost his mind and growled in a low voice: "I want to call her name with the life of endless creatures. Let her come back to life."

"She resurrected, can you resurrect?" kukas stared at the man in the picture. The gray fog on the man became lighter and lighter, and it was possible to disappear completely at any time, but kukas still couldn\'t see his face and his eyes.

"It\'s impossible. For people like me, death is death." the young man smiled in a low voice: "and what happens after resurrection? What I know, what I know. All traces have been erased by years. Sometimes, living is just a loneliness, a loneliness that erodes the soul."

"Then why do you resurrect your woman? And use countless creatures as her guardian of the dead?" kukas growled in a low voice. He didn\'t know why the words of the man in front of him were inconsistent. He just didn\'t want to die in this place as a burial object.

"Because you can\'t see the future. You can\'t see everything after hundreds of millions of times." the gray fog on the young man disappeared in an instant, but he turned and walked towards the depths of the picture, leaving only a back wrapped in a black robe and a burning staff in his hand.