Abyss Knight

Chapter 823

"Of course, if it is too far away from the gathering place, it will be revived at any corner of the plane at random. However, it may be very difficult to return to the gathering place. You know, hundreds of gathering places occupy only one tenth of the area of the plane." the dry old man touched his head and said with a heavy face: "Almost every year, a lot of people disappear from the gathering place forever because they go farther to detect it."

Kukas didn\'t take this statement to heart. In his opinion, if everything is the same as what the old man said, he can be resurrected after death, it doesn\'t matter where he is resurrected.

"White bones are very useful for the gathering place?" the young deep-sea giant suddenly opened his mouth. Along the way, the old man kept asking people to collect the bones of wild animals, saying that he wanted to build the gathering place.

"Yes, if there were no white bones of wild animals, there would be no way to build a sacrificial platform in the gathering place, and the sacrificial platform is a coordinate that leads us to resurrection." the dry old man smiled in a low voice: "it is said that this kind of sacrificial platform was deduced by some supreme powers in extremely ancient times. It is also because of their efforts that the current gathering place was formed."

"They can deduce the coordinates of resurrection, and they can also deduce other things. For a long time, they have enough time to carry out all kinds of research. Moreover, all the people imprisoned here are top beings. With the accumulation of knowledge over the years, I think even without our existence, you may leave this position." The young deep sea giant narrowed his eyes and whispered.

"Yes, I had your idea when I first came to this plane, especially when I saw the gathering place for the first time. Unfortunately, I waited here for hundreds of thousands of years, but I still didn\'t see the dawn of breaking away from the plane. It can be said that the development of this plane has reached the limit, and I have been here for hundreds of thousands of years However, I haven\'t seen any new discoveries in any gathering place. "The dry old man smiled bitterly:" I\'ve heard that the development of this position often takes millions of years or even longer to make progress. "

"The situation sounds terrible. But there have been some developments here. I think it may be easier for us to leave this position."

The banquet reached a climax. Some professionals either went back to their rooms to rest or found the opposite sex to comfort each other. This scene is not much different from those aristocratic banquets. It can be said that the only difference is the identity of the participants.

Kukas and the half step female legend returned to their room. As for the women who entangled with him, they left for various reasons.

"Maybe you shouldn\'t let those women go. There is a goddess of fate among them." banbu legend told kukas, "maybe in this position, the rules she has mastered are of great help to you."

"The positions are different, and the rules are different. I think many of the supreme powers imprisoned here have mastered the rules of fate. But they also have no way to get out of here." kukas touched his bare head and whispered with a smile: "and I\'m not in the mood to have any special relationship with them now."

For kukas\'s statement, half step female legend doesn\'t believe too much. She just thinks kukas is comforting her. Of course, she doesn\'t entangle too much in this matter, because these are small things.

At the end of the night\'s Carnival, the mental state of the professionals in the fortress was obviously excited. Perhaps it was because they had vented, or perhaps they found some comfort. In short, kukas thought the party was extremely successful.

However, when kukas thought the banquet was very successful, the young deep-sea giant, the dry old man, legends and gods looked extremely bad.

Because after the banquet, 13 half step legends and 15 demigods chose to commit suicide. They completely wiped out the origin of their soul and disappeared from the endless void forever.

This news was concealed by the young deep-sea giant, because everyone knew that if such news leaked out, it would bring a heavy blow to the people in the fortress.

The fortress continued to move forward. In the huge roar of the steam engine, thousands of wide tracks turned, driving the huge fortress to crush all obstacles and move towards the nearest fortress.

"Do you know a female doctor who has mastered the production means of the bloody giant?" in his spare time, kukas asked the dry old man, hoping to learn about the female doctor and the blonde general from each other.

"Yes, but she has disappeared for a long time. It is said that she went to a mountain to search for special materials, and then there was no news of them anymore." the dry old man was a little stunned. After a long time, he whispered, "do you know that woman?"

"Yes, I know her." kukas felt something hidden in the dry old man\'s words, so he continued to ask, "is that true? They went to the mountains to search for materials? And then disappeared?"

"Maybe! After all, I\'m not familiar with her. As for how she disappeared and why she left the gathering place, I just heard what others said. However, some people said that the female doctor had to leave because of the coercion of some people. But which statement is correct, I don\'t think anyone can tell until I find the person concerned. After all, in this position The ability of the prophets has completely disappeared. "

"Where was she gathered before? I remember there should be a blonde with her." kukas was in a bad mood because of the news of the dry old man. He subconsciously thought that the female doctors were forced to go to the mountains to search for materials. In fact, it was completely forced by others.

"That\'s a general. She always says she\'s a general, not a knight. To tell the truth, the blonde general left with the female doctor. And it\'s said that many followers left with them." when the dry old man realized that kukas attached importance to the two women, he said everything he knew: "They haven\'t been in any gathering place for a long time. It can be said that they have lived in all the gathering places in this plane. The last place they appeared in the gathering place was a gathering place in the north."

"Is it far from your gathering place?"

"Of course, if everything goes well, you can reach the gathering place in only one year by using some equipment in the base. But I suggest you don\'t go anywhere for the time being. At least it\'s not too late to go anywhere after your fortress becomes a real gathering place."

During the conversation, we are getting closer and closer to the gathering place mentioned by the dry old man. In the back, we can see some scattered building communities on the earth. These building communities vary in size and the number of creatures living in them. According to the dry old man, all the creatures living in these buildings flow here from the outside.

Those who lived in the gathering place for a long time were the descendants of these exiles.

"Different ideas, different ideas, different realm and different status. How do you think the top legends and gods exiled in this case would be willing to stay with ordinary people with low life expectancy for a long time? Even their descendants don\'t like to live together." the dry old man explained to the members of the fortress.

Kukas left the fortress. He swam among the architectural communities, hoping to learn about the female doctors and blonde generals from these populations. However, he got the same information from these populations as the dry old man said.

"Legends, gods, but I haven\'t seen a half step power, half god and half step legend." When kukas asked about female doctors and blonde generals, the young deep-sea giant was not idle. After asking these people for information, he found that these people not only did not have half step power, but also did not see any creatures such as half step power, half step legend and half god.

"Fortunately, with the news of your deep-sea giants, I think you can find those great powers in a short time. At that time, some demigods and half step legends of death are nothing at all." the fog power coldly said her idea: "when we come here, we are all ready for permanent death."

"What\'s more, you didn\'t promise that they would survive. It\'s really not good. If you leave this position, you\'d better repay their family."

"That\'s the only way." the young deep-sea giant was a little depressed. In his opinion, any member was extremely precious until he found several supreme powers of the deep-sea giant family. He would feel uneasy if he lost one permanently.

The huge fortress finally stopped after advancing for dozens of days. Of course, they didn\'t really reach the gathering place, but near a city around the gathering place.

"The cities in front are becoming more and more dense. The war fortress can\'t drive in at all. If you drive in by force, you will lose a lot of cities." the dry old man persuaded the young deep-sea giant: "the establishment of each city is extremely time-consuming. No one can afford the loss of city damage."

"Supply supplies in these cities. I\'ll take some people to the gathering place you said." the young deep-sea giant quickly made a decision.

He was followed to the gathering place by top legends and gods who were good at close combat. In order to get the news about female doctors and blonde women generals, kukas also joined the team.

Of course, his joining did not reduce the combat effectiveness of the team much. On the contrary, because of his special class, his melee ability is no less than those top legends and gods after losing the support of fighting spirit. Even in terms of killing, he is more powerful than these top legends and gods.

Led by the dry old man, kukas did not enter the ordinary cities. Instead, they took a shortcut and went straight to the gathering place.

The closer the gathering place is, the more excited the young deep-sea giant is, because there are some top creatures of the deep-sea giant family living in that gathering place.

After walking for three or five days, a huge gathering place finally appeared in front of kukas and them.

At first glance, the steel wall stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles. Behind the wall, there are hundreds of feet tall towers. These towers are almost every three or five miles apart. In the tower, there are countless holes all over it. Among them, a large number of lathe crossbows and other long-range attack weapons are protected.

Beyond the city wall, you can see more tall towers in the gathering area. The design of those towers is very similar to that of the war fortress controlled by the young deep-sea giant. It\'s just a little smaller in height and size.

The huge city wall has only one huge gate. Some heavily armed creatures carried weapons in and out of the city gate. Like other adventurers, they went around to hunt wild animals or collect some supplies.

The gate is very big, and you can go in and out of hundreds of chariots side by side. Therefore, the entry and exit of a large number of creatures will not affect the order of the city gate.

"There were a lot of magic marks on these walls. But in the long years, those magic marks slowly disappeared and were polished into nothingness by this plane." the dry old man pointed to the huge gathering place and lamented: "Even if we have the ability to break away from this plane, this gathering place has no ability to change into a war fortress again and rise up again. It can be said that years have destroyed a war fortress."

"The same is true of other gathering places?"

"Yes, no matter how powerful the war fortress falls into this plane, all the magic marks in the fortress will be erased in hundreds of thousands of years."

In silence, the crowd came to the city gate. However, when kukas and them entered here, they suddenly stopped.

Beside the city gate, a * * * * gently fiddled with a harp and sang ancient poems in an ancient language.

Kukas did not understand the content of the ancient poem, but could only understand some simple words. The general meaning of some sentences of these words was: "the moonlight sprinkled on the body, and you on the bridge will not look like you in the past.", "who are you now, I can\'t shed tears in the past.", "the moon also shook, and people were at a loss." "Too many injuries, just said it was only ordinary."

"What\'s the matter with her?"

"Half step power is said to be the half step power that survived tens of millions of years ago. In those years, she almost set foot in the supreme power, but she was exiled here."

"No one knows her story. Some people speculate that her lover died thousands of years ago. Some say she regrets becoming a professional and misses her lover. Others say she is cursing with mysterious words and cursing the broken plane."

"Some people say that she is the first living creature in this plane. When she was found, she was found in a crystal coffin. Her enemies imprisoned her in it and sealed endless years."

The dry old man smiled in a low voice: "It\'s best not to listen to her singing for a long time, otherwise you will lose your hope of living. It\'s said that many exiled creatures committed suicide because they listened to her singing for a long time. It\'s said that one of them, the supreme power, disappeared after listening to her singing, and completely disappeared from the sight of the public."

"A strange woman." the young deep-sea giant whispered to some people around him to see if any of them knew the language so that they could recognize what the woman was singing. But no one could fully understand it. They could only understand an extremely rare part.

"No one can understand her language, and every interval of time, they hear the same sentence, but the meaning is different." the dry old man shook his head and smiled: "it is said that several great powers have recorded the meaning of her singing, but they can\'t combine anything."

"Even the supreme power doesn\'t understand her language?" kukas frowned slightly. He felt a trace of kindness and familiarity in the * * * * body. More importantly, with the * * * * singing, the fighting spirit disappeared in his body faintly. I really want to come back at any time.

"Yes, no one knows what she is singing. And what everyone hears is different." the dry old man smiled bitterly: "she has been crazy. She has stood here since I came to this position. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and she still stands here and never leaves."

"In this way, she is the so-called half step power, and no one can be sure?" kukas quickly asked, "she should be sure, because she is half step power, some supreme powers!"

"I want to wait here for a while." staring at the singing * * * *, kukas subconsciously said his thoughts: "I want to listen to her singing."

"You\'ll die. Damn it, we\'ll have to use your green skin when we get out of this plane. What should we do with those green skins when you die?" the young deep-sea giant reached out and grabbed kukas\'s neck and roared loudly. His roar attracted the attention of many people.

"When did I regret my decision? The black flag I gave you can still be used even after my death. Of course, if the green skins are not extinct."

Having said this, his attention once again focused on the * * * * in front of him. This * * * * has a beautiful figure and a beautiful face, but there are only a few wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. On her head, there was a golden foot shaking.