Abyss Knight

Chapter 822

Kukas didn\'t know what the dry looking old man was losing. He just felt that the other party didn\'t want their fortress to be strong.

"Maybe this plane will change because of your fortress weapons." the dry old man laughed a few times, and then whispered: "You know, in the past, there were very few connections between gathering places. Now there are such war fortresses. If it takes some time to clean up the monster obstacles between gathering places, there may be some internal conflicts. Of course, it is more likely to speed up the time to leave this position."

The distant monsters roared. With the roar of those monsters, the machinery in the fortress rang faster.

Thick spears drilled from the set track into those gun barrels. With the urging of steam power, these thick spears crossed the sky with a shrill roar, and finally tore the bodies of the monsters. Even their strong bones were easily torn open.

There are more and more monsters. A large number of monsters seem to be the tide, drilling out of the distant forest and rushing frantically towards the fortress.

Some flesh and blood puppets wear heavy armor, and then carry huge double battle axes to make a strange roar. Each of these flesh and blood puppets is tens of feet in size. Under the stimulation of special drugs, they have infinite power, and their own defense power is extremely powerful. If they pierce with the spear sprayed from the fortress alone, they can\'t tear these puppets\' bones at all Body. At most, it\'s just a blood hole in their body.

The flesh and blood puppets waved huge double-edged battle axes and roared to start charging. Their targets were monsters who narrowly crossed the spear position.

Flesh and blood collide, blood splashes and white bones crack; in the eyes of some people, this most primitive impact is the most beautiful color in the world.

He patted the shoulder of the female legend half a step next to him. Kukas grabbed the gun and axe and was ready to join the war. However, when he was about to rush down and fight with the monsters, there was a huge roar from the fortress again.

This time, with the roar, dozens of exits of different sizes appeared on the fortress. Huge station cars drilled out of these exits.

These chariots are not pulled by horses, but there are two huge tracks that move slowly under the power of the steam engine. Around these chariots, there are also thick and short gun tubes. At intervals, the gun tubes roar, and spears thick and thin baby arms spray out of them, and then pierce into the monsters.

In front of kukas and them, the standing cars crowded out to form a huge steel wall. Moreover, the steel wall was still moving.

Some eight armed giants climbed to the top of the chariots and frantically threw their spears to increase the power of killing.

The collision of flesh and blood, the collision of steel and flesh. This cruel struggle lasted a full day and night before it came to an end. During this period, any professional who broke into the exiled place, including kukas, did not take action to deal with those monsters. Because according to the deep-sea giant, each of them is extremely precious, so it is like this If it is not necessary, you must stay in the fortress to ensure the absolute safety of your body.

"In fact, he is right. Although we outsiders have built many powerful gathering places in this exiled place, fewer and fewer people are really exiled like us." the dry old man sighed when he saw some people dissatisfied with the decision of the young deep-sea giant.

"You should keep your precious life and do something more meaningful. Instead of fighting and killing. In fact, with the help of this fortress, I think you can easily crush these monsters. Maybe hundreds of thousands of time has passed, and the strength of the fortress has already exceeded my imagination." The dry old man said something upside down. At last, he seemed to think of something and began to sigh.

He may be lamenting the years before, or some acquaintances in the past. In short, the long years have brought him too many exclamations and reluctance.

The terrible monster attack lasted for one day and night, and finally ended. More than 100000 bloody puppets were killed by ferocious monsters. Thousands of chariots driven by steam engines were also demolished by those monsters. Fortunately, the fortress was strong enough. Relying on the strong fortress, kukas and their professionals didn\'t kill them Be wiped out.

Picking up the spoils, the incomplete flesh and blood puppets need to be recycled. The flesh and bones of monsters and all kinds of spears also need to be recycled. All these work fall on kukas and their professionals. Because the flesh and blood puppets stored in the fortress can\'t do this recycling task perfectly.

It took kukas six or seven days to clean up the battlefield. During this time, the young deep-sea giant unexpectedly held a huge banquet. Although the food at the banquet was not very rich, it was enough for professionals to enjoy it.

"Some people have been imprisoned here for thousands of years without any hope, so they choose to commit suicide. Others simply don\'t want to live. They feel impatient to live, so they also choose to commit suicide." the dry old man, under kukas\'s questioning, told a major reason for the consumption of professionals in this position: "If it hadn\'t been for several fortresses falling here in these hundreds of thousands of years, I\'m afraid more people would have committed suicide. Of course, I wouldn\'t have committed suicide. You can\'t imagine how hard it would be to live a boring and hopeless life."

"No hope? Didn\'t you say that everyone is working hard to leave this position? Didn\'t you say that they are about to succeed? How can it be said that there is no hope?" kukas narrowed his eyes and looked at the dry old man with some doubts, hoping that the other party would give him an answer.

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, when I came to this position, they told me that I was about to leave this position. But I have waited until now." the dry old man blinked and laughed.

After the harvest of the booty, when the banquet was held, a large number of half step legends and the emotions of the demigods lost control again. Many people were like weak children, lying on the table and crying in a low voice. However, to kukas\'s surprise, the half step female legend didn\'t do anything impolite, and her mood seemed very normal.

At the banquet, kukas drank a lot of wine and even had a close conversation and contact with several female professionals. And these, half step female legend looked in the eyes, just smiled gracefully, didn\'t care at all.

When a large number of half step legends and demigods lose their attitude, the legends and gods in the fortress are in the same mood.

"There must be a reason why this happened to them collectively. Unfortunately, they don\'t know the reason." a legend took a pen and unconsciously sketched it on the paper.

"Are the rules of this plane affecting them?" a God raised his doubt: "otherwise, the loss of strength alone will not make them so impolite."

"It\'s not because of the plane rules." the dry old man took a cup of hot water and drank a mouthful of it. His face was heavy and said, "it\'s the void rules. This can happen only when the void rules change. It has happened once in this plane."

"The consequences are terrible?" the young deep-sea giant frowned slightly. He was most worried about the situation of those half-step legends and demigods. You know, the most powerful force under him is not more than a thousand legends and gods, but tens of thousands of half step legends and half gods.

"It\'s not very bad, but rather bad." the dry old man seemed to know what the other party was worried about. He took a deep look at the young deep-sea giant. After a little silence, he suddenly said: "It is said that the last time such an anomaly occurred, there were half step legends and half gods in this plane, and almost two-thirds of them fell. Well, their fall was fundamental. Because they all committed suicide, tore apart their own soul origin and killed themselves. Moreover, even when they died, others did not know why they committed suicide 。”

"The change of void rules?" kukas suddenly sounded some things, but the thoughts of those things just flashed in his mind, and then disappeared. No matter how he thought, he couldn\'t think of what it was.

"Yes, it is said that the last time something unusual happened was thousands of years ago. Some supreme powers who were exiled here heard about such things and judged that it was caused by the change of the rules of emptiness."

"There was a change in the void rules thousands of years ago, but there was no information about what rules had changed, and all the great powers who had changed the rules were silent." the young deep-sea giant was the heir of a race and knew far more than kukas.

"It\'s true that ordinary people don\'t know about the change of void rules thousands of years ago, except those supreme powers who noticed it." the dry old man drank up the water in the glass, and then gave a sigh of regret: "However, I heard that the sealed wizards began to come out slowly after some changes in the void rules thousands of years ago. At that time, a prophet made a prediction that the appearance of these sealed wizards would provoke a huge war thousands of years later."

"The war seems to be carried out by mutual enemies to obtain benefits and some kind of exchange, but in fact, all this is done by those wizards."

"But no one knows whether this prophecy is true or false. After all, the one who made this prophecy was just a prophet who had just been promoted to legend. Thousands of years of prophecy, even the supreme power, can\'t predict, so no one believes what he predicted."

"If you say these things in the plane outside the exile, I think many people will believe the prophet\'s prophecy." kukas smiled strangely when he added water to the dry old man.

"Did the Wizards really start the war?" the dry old man was a little stunned. After a long time, he reacted: "It\'s impossible. Although there is a gap in the seals of those wizards, they can only let the wizards with the lowest strength walk out. With the development of the times, the Wizards have no ability to practice. With the wizards with the lowest strength, they can\'t start a large-scale war."

"A woman and a gold coin may not only lead to the conflict between two families, but also lead to the conflict between two families, two empires, two planes, and even two superpowers." Kukas shook his head. He looked at the deep-sea giants and other legends. He saw that they didn\'t care about anything, so he said what he knew about the cause of the struggle between the gate of heaven and the abyss alliance.

"A woman, a gold coin! Old-fashioned means, but they work." the dry old man sighed for a moment after listening to kukas.

On one side, the young deep-sea giant impatiently interrupted his exclamation, hoping that the other party would give himself a means to deal with those half step legends and demigods\' mental abnormalities.

"Unless you can find those supreme powers who were suppressed to this position thousands of years ago, there is no other way to deal with the coming disaster." the dry old man hesitated a little, and finally told the truth to the young deep-sea giant: "Since millions of years ago, a large number of supreme powers have disappeared. Some say they left this plane, some say they committed suicide in complete despair, others say they fell into a deep sleep and waited for the opportunity to leave this plane. But no matter what kind of statement, there is no way to find those supreme powers thousands of years ago."

"Maybe the great powers exiled here have the same means." the young deep-sea giant muttered reluctantly.

"Maybe so, but now the whereabouts of the supreme powers are extremely strange. Maybe a beggar you meet is a supreme power, or the enemy you meet is a supreme power. In short, I have seen a supreme power since I came to this position. Other powers have only heard the name, but have not met."

"And they haven\'t experienced what happened thousands of years ago. Maybe a lot of regrets will happen when dealing with this matter."

"There should be great powers in the gathering place. Is that so?" kukas didn\'t ask where he could find those great powers, because he knew that even if he asked, the other party couldn\'t answer him.

"Yes, there are at least several or even dozens of supreme powers in each gathering place. But no one has ever seen them. The supreme powers I saw that time were not from our gathering place, but from other gathering places to our gathering place." The dry old man sighed, as if he were lamenting the strange whereabouts of those supreme powers, and the impending doom of those half step legends and half gods.

"I am the master of this fortress. The supreme power will find me eventually." When the young deep-sea giant heard that there would be a large number of supreme powers in each gathering place, his worry immediately decreased a lot. He believed that as long as his fortress appeared in the nearest gathering place, his name, race and its abnormal speed would spread in other gathering places.

At that time, several supreme powers of the deep-sea giants exiled here will definitely contact him. At that time, they can not only solve these half-step legends and anomalies of the demigods, but also get rid of this position.

"Yes, I believe the great power of your deep-sea giants will contact you as soon as possible. Perhaps from now on, your deep-sea giants will only be able to reproduce on the earth." the dry old man suddenly made a joke. His joke not only didn\'t make kukas laugh, but made everyone\'s mood more heavy.

"How long will it take us to reach the nearest gathering place?"

"According to the current speed of the war fortress, it will only take half a year at most. To tell you the truth, if you are really anxious to go to the gathering place, you may commit suicide. Of course, what I said about suicide is simply to end your life, not to erase your soul origin."

"After you commit suicide, you will be resurrected in the nearest gathering place. But it will take a little longer. Well, at least one day, at most one year." the old man laughed a few times, and then continued: "but I don\'t mind you doing this, because it is said that the more you die, the greater the bondage of plane blessings on you."

"Like those strange forces? They all want to bind us exiles? If so, this plane is not the most solid prison, but a prison that can escape." kukas turned his mind and a vague idea floated in his mind.

He deliberately tried to see if he could return to the burning plane through suicide. In his feeling, if everything was the same as what the dry old man said, every time he stayed in this plane, he was in disguised form giving himself the shackles of blessing and bondage. These shackles would make it more difficult for him to get out of this plane.