Abyss Knight

Chapter 821

Silent, half step female legend was silent, so she lay quietly in kukas\'s arms and fell asleep again.

Kukas waited silently, waiting for the power in his heart to recover slowly, and then prepared to practice using that power again.

However, he did not wait for the opportunity to reuse those forces, because just as he waited for his own strength to recover, the huge war fortress finally met the soil in this plane. Of course, they can\'t be said to be native, because those people are powerful creatures who flow here from other planes. Of course, it only takes a few simple questions to identify whether it is a native or an exile.

When he learned that he had met the creatures who had been exiled here before, the whole war fortress suddenly boiled up. Especially the young deep-sea giant. Because he thought that he might take advantage of this opportunity to find several supreme powers of the deep-sea giants imprisoned here.

"What a bunch of fools. The people here desperately want to leave here, but you come here on your own. What\'s not a fool?" the leader of the exiled team met by the people is a dry old man. Behind him, there are more than a dozen exiled creatures. Among them are barbarians and orcs.

"Who are you? Until the news of the deep sea giant family?" the young deep sea giant rushed to these people for the first time after learning the news.

"Don\'t care who we are. If you are going to leave this plane, you\'d better not use the power given by this plane. These powers are the shackles given to us by this plane. The more you use them, the stronger the power, and the less chance you will get out of this plane." the dry old man saw someone playing with fire behind the young deep-sea giant, Therefore, he tried to persuade seriously.

"Is this true?"

"Of course, the infinite powers of the past dynasties have made such a judgment. It is precisely because of their judgment that we still hope to get away from this position." the dry old man snorted coldly and was very dissatisfied with the man who suddenly spoke and questioned him.

"Are those great powers still alive?" the young deep-sea giant asked with some concern.

"I have been imprisoned here for at least hundreds of thousands of years, and at that time I was just a legend. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, I am still alive, and I think those supreme powers should also be alive. Unless someone is tired of living, none of the creatures exiled to this position will die."

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. Do you mean that the exiled creatures are still the most powerful? Yes, they used to be either top legends or gods about to set foot on the throne of God King. Although they were imprisoned, their strength is still very strong." kukas made such a judgment.

"No, on the contrary, in this position, we exiles do not have any advantages. On the contrary, we are still at a disadvantage. If we exiles could be resurrected, I\'m afraid all the top powers exiled would be dead." the dry old man laughed.

"What is the enemy? Can he be resurrected? All this is true?"

"Yes, can deceiving you give me psychological comfort? And I believe you will soon get the news from the plane rules. At that time, you won\'t have such doubt." the dry old man shrugged his shoulders and whispered a strange smile: "In this plane, our greatest enemy is the infinite monsters in this plane and the creatures coming out of a strange place."

"I set out here with a team of more than 300 people. More than 300 people are all top legends and gods who are good at close combat, but only us are left here."

"It\'s just a little dangerous."

"If you can help us find some great powers of the deep-sea giant family, if you may leave here in the future, we will let you leave with us." the young deep-sea giant made his promise and hoped to find some great powers of the deep-sea giant family as soon as possible. Then he led them to leave this place and revitalize the deep-sea giant family.

"Leave with you? Do you think you can leave this plane by relying on this kind of thing? Hehe, there are hundreds of fortresses like this in this plane. But for so many years, no one can leave here through this thing." the dry old man shook his head and smiled softly: "This time we are here to take you to a gathering place of exiles. Where, maybe you will find the supreme power of your deep-sea giants. But to be honest, there are too many supreme powers imprisoned here. Few people should pay attention to the powers of the deep-sea giants. You need to find them a little."

"How many gathering places are there? How did those war fortresses get in?" a professional asked in a low voice.

"There are as many war fortresses as there are gathering places. As for those war fortresses, some are accidentally drilled in, and some, like you, want to save experts in the family through this thing. Over time, the fortress has gradually increased. By the way, I have seen at least three war fortresses fall down in these hundreds of thousands of years."

"They have also become new gathering places?"

"Yes, one day, your fortress will become a gathering place here."

The dry old man told the young deep-sea giant about the exile in detail. His story was specially copied down and distributed to others in the fortress. Although this will change the mood of some members of the fortress, in this way, the members of the fortress can be familiar with this plane in the shortest time, so as to reduce a lot of unnecessary waste.

Under the guidance of the dry old man, kukas and their war fortress began to change direction towards the nearest fortress gathering place. Where they need to make a lot of supplies, and then go to another area to establish a new gathering place.

"In this plane, we urgently need gathering places, especially fortress type gathering places." the dry old man sighed: "It\'s crazy these years. Before I came here, it\'s said that a fortress wouldn\'t fall here in millions of years, but after I came here, this is the fourth fortress in just hundreds of thousands of years. I think I should be a lucky person. I bring more hope to this position."

However, just as the dry old man was muttering, a falling meteor suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance. The meteor crossed the sky and fell into the earth. Even though it was far away, kukas and them still saw a cloud of smoke rising into the sky. The huge shock wave hit the earth and made people feel a slight tremor.

"Another fortress fell. HMM! The fifth one is really interesting. Unfortunately, the fortress is too far away from us and we can\'t get there."

"What happened outside? Why did so many fortresses fall? Yes, something unusual must have happened outside. Tell me quickly, did people outside build a void fortress? Damn it, I think it must be the void fortress." the dry old man pulled his little hair on the ground and roared: "After they have the void fortress, they will wantonly suppress dissidents. Only in this way can there be a rapid defection of the fortress. Damn, the void fortress finally appears."

"Do you know about the empty fortress?" kukas asked hurriedly with a boost of spirit. "What is the purpose of the empty fortress? Why does it have something to do with the fall of the fortress?"

"Void fortress! I once participated in the design of this thing. As for the relationship with the fall of the fortress, haven\'t I already said? It\'s just to eliminate dissidents. It\'s so simple. It\'s like the defection of the deep-sea giants." the dry old man muttered strangely.

"Yes, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and it\'s time to start the void fortress project. It seems that I\'ve been imprisoned here for too long, making me forget a lot of important things."

"After the launch of the void fortress, is it to deal with those armor people on the void border?" kukas frowned slightly. He didn\'t know why. The void fortress made him feel very bad. Therefore, he urgently wanted to know the real use of the void fortress.

"That\'s the Kemeng Kete legal person. They control another endless void. The construction of the void fortress is ultimately used not to deal with those people, but for other purposes. However, I don\'t know what the real purpose is. But I believe. One day, we will know, won\'t we?" the dry old man said seriously.

Turning his head and looking at the huge pillar of smoke in the distance, kukas felt that if there was no accident, more fortresses might fall into this plane in the future. The fall of those fortresses may be to save the people imprisoned here or for other purposes. However, these have nothing to do with him now.

Under the guidance of the dry old man, the huge war fortress walked on the desolate land full of ashes. According to the guidance of the old man, the people in the fortress began to collect the bones of various wild animals on the earth in detail. Because these bones have a lot to do with their later construction of the gathering place and their separation from this position.

Of course, all kinds of minerals hidden under the earth are also the main goal of their collection. If it is not for the increasing lack of food, the old man even wants to let the fortress stay in some precious minerals for a while and collect some minerals well.

The boring collection didn\'t last long, because under the guidance of the dry old man, the war fortress soon got out of the desolate area created by the shock wave.

Green, when some members of the fortress saw a touch of green in the distance, many people cheered in a low voice.

The appearance of green means a series of supplies such as forest, food and water, which will obviously make the fortress much better.

"The creatures here are very strong, so be careful. Well, I think the monsters there have noticed our arrival." the dry old man didn\'t know. He fumbled out a single telescope from there, looked at it in the distance, and then shouted, "get ready to fight, and rush out of the monster from there."

"How about their strength?"

"Do you still want to take chances when you see their residual bones? If you can survive half of the people this time, I will definitely ask them to prepare the best supplies for you when you return to the gathering place." the dry old man doesn\'t recognize the strength of kukas and them.

However, when the young deep-sea giant commanded the flesh and blood puppets to launch thousands of huge lathe crossbows from the huge war fortress, the dry old man\'s face suddenly became ugly.

The fortress changed into a castle made a huge roar. Some heavy armor moved to the side of the road, and then platforms of different sizes came out. On those platforms, there are a large number of lathe crossbows.

Under the control of some savage giants and flesh puppets, the huge lathe crossbow made a popping sound. Three edged spears with thick and thin arms are loaded into them. As long as the young deep-sea giant gives orders, all people will pull the trigger without hesitation and release the overwhelming three edged spears for killing.

What shocked the dry old man most was the sudden emergence of countless holes in the thickness of buckets on the four walls of the fortress. A trace of water vapor came out of these huge holes. Machinery roared, and the thick and thin spear of the bucket showed a ferocious shape.

Kukas took out a single telescope and looked into the distance. In his sight, there was a black torrent moving towards them quickly in the distance. In the torrent, he saw monsters dozens of feet tall.

Those monsters have ferocious faces. Some are covered with bone spines and some are wrapped with bark. However, no matter what shape they are, even if they are far away, kukas also feels a strong smell of danger from them.

"These monsters can release different powers, just as we are given by this plane. Those powers are very powerful. A fortress that fell hundreds of thousands of years ago was torn apart by these monsters."

"I hope they have the ability to tear the fortress," kukas said with a grimace, but he didn\'t like the dry old man\'s words very much. In his opinion, the old man\'s detention here for hundreds of thousands of years has already disconnected him from the outside world. Therefore, it is too normal to make a wrong judgment.

Monsters gallop, and all you can see are those ferocious monsters. With such a large number of monsters gathered, kukas wondered how they were completed. You know, those monsters don\'t have magical communication devices or anything like that.

Perhaps aware of kukas\'s doubts, the dry old man explained: "According to our speculation, the gathering of these monsters is completely caused by the rules of this plane. As long as a large-scale thing comes to this plane, those monsters will gather with each other and launch a crazy charge. Each of the fortresses that came before has encountered this situation."

The earth began to tremble, and even collapse and cracks appeared. Countless wind and fire were released from the mouth or body of the monsters, spreading forward, trying to tear all the obstacles in front.

The shrill roar sounded, and the lathe crossbows on the fortress began to show that they had failed.

In a short breathing time, hundreds of thousands of huge triangular spears, like rain, madly pierced the beasts sweeping in.

The lance roared and the shrill sound sounded, and the wind and fire breathed out by the monsters were instantly torn into nothingness. Hundreds of thousands of spears fell and pierced on the ferocious monsters. Just in an instant, they easily tore the bodies of the monsters, and even the powerful power on the spears, directly tore the whole monster into pieces of rotten meat.

The machinery roared, the new spear was stringed again, and then roared out again. Although some monsters spewed endless yellow sand around themselves, the yellow sand was torn apart in an instant under the thick and thin spear of the bucket. The hard body was torn apart like paper under the puncture of the three edged spear.

"Are these the powerful monsters you say?"

"Who would have thought that you had so many mechanical lathe crossbows? And if I\'m not mistaken, these lathe crossbows are all made by special methods, and their power is extremely powerful."

"Tearing the defense of high-level professionals is nothing to our lathe crossbow." the young deep-sea giant gently patted the lathe crossbow beside him and smiled in a strange low voice: "since the moment when all the top powers of the deep-sea giant family were exiled here, the whole deep-sea giant family began to prepare for this day."

"If we can\'t kill these monsters, we might as well not come."

"Yes! It seems that you have really made great efforts to get rid of the exiled place!" the dry old man whispered and smiled: "if your weapon state can be maintained like this, I don\'t think it\'s necessary for your fortress to do any gathering place. It\'s to be the contact of the gathering place. Oh! Sharp lathe crossbow, what a perfect instrument!" When the dry old man said this, there was not much joy on his face, but a thick loss.