Abyss Knight

Chapter 818

"Come out." Hegel roared, and the huge dragon claws pulled from the crack. In bursts of roar, the void crack collapsed, and a huge plane was forcibly pulled out by him.

The ferocious faucet opened its mouth and bit on the plane at least a million miles in size.

Crunchy! Hegel, a thousand winged eyed dragon, ate this plane as easily and simply as a child ate cookies.

The breath of resentment condensed into substance was released from the plane and wound around the thousand wing eye dragon, but these breath of resentment had not touched his body, but was forcibly erased by his own breath.

"Fierce beast, real fierce beast."

"Compared with him, the fierce beast now is probably the most docile lamb."

"How can such a fierce thing exist in the world?"

"What can\'t exist in the world? If you think he shouldn\'t exist, go out and kill him."

The people in the fortress whispered about the fierce thousand winged eyed dragon.

Kukas did not participate in it. He just silently thought about the words of the thousand winged eyed dragon and repeatedly determined whether the name he would hear was true. Of course, even if Hegel told him that what would happen was true, he subconsciously wanted to prove it.

The huge plane, however, was eaten by the thousand winged eyed dragon in just a few dozen breathing times. It seems that it is much easier for him to devour this plane than the supreme power.

"It\'s a pity that we ran away two." the thousand winged eye dragon licked his big mouth with his tongue and said with some regret: "These creatures are quite powerful. They taste really crunchy and delicious. Do you know where there is such food? HMM! I remember, there are many such creatures in exile. HMM! I want to have a good meal. No, I want to eat in moderation."

Hegel muttered madly, and suddenly opened his mouth and ejected a small seal. As soon as the seal appeared from his body, it turned into streamer and disappeared in an instant.

"Plane prop, damn it, it\'s a plane prop."

"Oh, my God! A plane prop flew away from us. If it gets out, I\'m afraid others will ridicule us."

"You have the ability to catch it back? Be careful to let the saliva of the thousand winged eyed dragon drown you."

"Go on. My food, the great highness Hegel has come." the thousand winged eyed dragon roared ferociously, with cruel light in his eyes. Climbing out of the abyss of death distorted his spirit. Now he occupies the body of the extremely cruel thousand winged eyed dragon in ancient times, so his spirit is even more abnormal.

Perhaps because of the stimulation of food, or other things. Hegel\'s flying speed became faster and faster. Finally, he directly broke into the void and began to jump into the endless void.

The legendary ocean has not been encountered, and the possible fierce animal obstacles have not been seen. In this way, the huge war fortress hangs obliquely on the tail of the thousand winged eye dragon, flies in the void for dozens of days, crosses an unknown distance, and finally arrives at the destination: the place of exile.

When he arrived at the exiled place, kukas could not feel his burning plane. However, it doesn\'t matter. At least when he arrived at the exiled place, he may find the female doctors and blonde generals imprisoned here.

The place of exile is a 13th order plane, no, even beyond the general 13th order plane.

The plane is not very big. It looks only ten thousand miles in size. But when we know that this plane is the imprisoned plane, all the creatures in the whole war fortress are unwilling to underestimate this plane. Even if he looks very small, it seems that he can blow up with a fist.

The exiled land is alone suspended in the endless void. In this endless void, there is no plane around except this plane. Not even the void turbulence and monsters. According to the speed of Qianyi eye dragon, there is no plane within seven or eight days.

When Hegel saw the exiled place, his mood seemed abnormal. He growled uneasily and roared around the exiled face. It seemed that there was something terrible in the face.

"What\'s the matter?" kukas first noticed the abnormality of the thousand winged eye dragon, so he quickly asked.

"This is a terrible place. I\'m afraid those who go in won\'t have a chance to come out again. HMM! Maybe we should leave. It\'s a pity that the food inside. I can feel the wonderful smell of those food. HMM!" Hegel flew around the exiled land. A thousand pairs of wings waved and produced endless hurricanes sweeping towards the plane, but those hurricanes that easily tore apart legends and gods disappeared instantly when they were tens of thousands of miles away from the plane, as if they had never appeared.

"We must go in, or our deep-sea giants will never have a chance to rise again. They will even disappear completely in the endless void." the young deep-sea giant took a deep breath and said his plan in a deep voice.

"Start the war fortress and go in."

"You want to go in too?" Hegel\'s ferocious faucet suddenly asked at kukas\'s position: "if I were you, I would never enter it."

"Why don\'t you go in? I\'m here to find someone. They helped me and now they\'re dead. It\'s time for me to repay them." kukas lit a silver smoke and took a hard puff. This habit can calm his mood a little.

"Let me help you for the last time! To tell you the truth, there must be something special in this position, otherwise it would never give me such a terrible feeling. Unfortunately, if my father was here, he might know what it is. You know, his knowledge is extremely profound, and even the top scholars are not as knowledgeable as him."


"Yes, it has disappeared. It has completely disappeared. It seems that it has never existed."

"Who was your enemy?"

"I don\'t know, a group of strange people. They can control strange weapons to kill us. Although their weapons and powers are not as powerful as plane props, they are wonderful. No one can resist them. Even my father can\'t do it." referring to his father, Hegel\'s mood seems a little depressed: "At the beginning, he could not die, but he was unwilling to escape. He said that as a legend, he should face everything bravely, even death."

"Face everything bravely?" kukas stared at the thousand winged eyed dragon blankly. After a long time, he grinned: "can you tell me about the long river of time? I\'m very curious about this kind of thing."

"A long time?" Hegel, a thousand winged eyed dragon, tilted his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Just as you can\'t say my father\'s name, I can\'t say anything about the long river of time. But it has something to do with a man named issag. I don\'t know who issag is. You know, I eat too few people. Only one of them knows that the long river of time has something to do with a man named issag."

"ISAG, ISAG again?"

"Do you know about ISAG?" a curious light flashed in Hegel\'s eyes: "can you tell me? ISAG was very powerful in the man\'s memory. So powerful that an idea of him could kill him."

"Just know a little." kukas shook his head slightly, opened his mouth and said everything he knew from the stone book. There was little information, but it made Hegel look very excited.

"He must still be alive in this world. I want to find him. Maybe he can revive my father."

"No, this era is an era of disorder. He may appear here from the future like me. No, maybe it\'s just a projection. Damn it, I want to find that ISAG." Hegel\'s eyes burst out red light beams, which tore the sky and the ground, broke through the defense of the exiled place, and hit the throne face heavily. But the face didn\'t even tremble, and the red light was wiped out in an instant.

"ISAG, yes, I want to find ISAG." Hegel roared, but waved his huge wings to directly break the void, and disappeared in an instant.

"What are you talking about?" the young deep sea giant saw kukas talking to Hegel, but he didn\'t know what they were talking about, because Hegel blocked their conversation with supreme secret.

After seeing that the thousand winged eyed dragon, which may be a free hand, left, he asked quickly.

"He wants to find a man named ISAG. He wants to use his power to revive his father."

"Who are you looking for?"

"ISAG. An extremely powerful existence in legend. No creature could compete with him in the age he walked."

"I can\'t hear your name. Who can hear it?" the young deep-sea giant looked ugly and swept through the others in the hall. In this hall, there were at least hundreds of legends and gods, as well as those deep-sea giants who controlled the plane props.

However, all the people said they didn\'t hear the name kukas said.

"An unspeakable name. I\'m afraid we are not qualified to understand this existence." a prophecy legend sighed and leaned back in his chair with a tired face.

"ISAG was a name that other people could hear before, but why not now?" kukas roared angrily. He felt that he was too weak to say a name, and too weak to let others know his words.

"Maybe the existence woke up, maybe the existence fell. In short, it has nothing to do with us."

"Well, let\'s not talk about these problems. Target, the place of exile." the young deep-sea giant said in a deep voice suspended in mid air, "either we will be imprisoned in the place of exile forever, or we will lead the prisoners in the place of exile away. We have no other choice."

"It\'s just a choice between life and death. I just hope this exiled place can accept us." someone couldn\'t help joking.

"I hope the wizard didn\'t deceive us, otherwise when I go back, I must catch his soul and burn it on the eternal flame."

"Wizards won\'t deceive us. I heard some rules of wizards. Moreover, the memory of Hegel\'s supreme power also told him that this is the place of exile." kukas twisted his neck hard, and he began to adjust his state and prepare for battle. Of course, others are silently preparing for the possible accidents after the arrival.

"First use the secret method to see if it can be projected into this plane."

"Yes, we\'ll use the secret projection first, and then we\'ll know the general situation inside. Then we\'ll judge whether the noumenon comes or not."

With the new suggestion, everyone was busy at once. A female deity volunteered to be first to lead face. Because the rules she mastered are very suitable for projection. And because of the rules, in a strange plane, her survival rate is much higher than others.

The last time she was killed back to the fortress in order to seize the original power in the strange plane.

With the help of special magic props, the goddess who has mastered the rules of life and descent urges her to descend. In order to prevent accidents, other legends and gods are also prepared to defend against possible reverse phagocytosis of the plane. After all, this is a plane beyond the thirteenth order.

Although everyone had the psychological preparation for the plane phagocytosis, no one thought that the phagocytosis in this exiled place was so powerful and crazy.

In the breathing time after the goddess\'s Secret Dharma came, her body began to tremble violently. The next moment, a huge space crack appeared directly on her head.

The crack emerged and drilled a chain dripping with blood. The chain wound straight down the goddess\'s neck. At this time, the woman was still not awake, but her trembling body stopped trembling, as if she was asleep.

The chains of blood dripping wound down, surrounded by prepared legends and gods, but they didn\'t mean to stop. Their minds were all attracted by the chain, and they all forgot to do it.

Kukas\'s mind was not attracted by the chain, but he didn\'t care about the strangeness of the chain. He stepped on the void and directly stretched out his hand to grasp the chain. Want to stop the hanging of the chain and save the goddess.

The power of ground cover seal was fully displayed. Countless broken chains were wrapped around the blood dripping chains, but they were broken in an instant.

Seeing that the chain of blood was about to wrap around the goddess, a ferocious faucet suddenly appeared in the void behind the chain. The faucet emerged and forcibly shattered the chain of this drop of blood.

"Well, I forgot one thing. I remember an empire named ISAG against my father when he was young. But I don\'t think it\'s anything, it\'s just the name of an empire. But I think I\'d better tell you. Maybe there\'s something really between them."

Hegel came back and broke the bloody chain, which surprised kukas.

"An empire named ISAG?"

"Yes, it is said that the Empire existed for countless years. But it disappeared in my father\'s hands. He destroyed the Empire. Perhaps, the time is too long for me to remember."

"In this void, there is an issag family. This family was built by my descendants. Their names can be said. It\'s strange."

"Forget it, I\'ll go and have a good look. Maybe there\'s something strange. Well, by the way, if you want to enter this plane, you must enter the noumenon. If you enter it by other methods, you will be eaten by the plane."

Having said this, Hegel\'s head retracted into the crack and disappeared.

"What happened just now?" seeing that the goddess\'s face was pale and sober, the legends and gods reacted and hurriedly asked kukas, who looked the most sober.

"If you get bit plane reverse phagocytosis, Hegel comes back and tells us that this bit plane must be entered by noumenon. If you enter by other methods, you will be bit plane reverse phagocytosis."

"I can\'t resist the plane reverse bite." the goddess who just woke up was pale, and a trace of fear appeared in her beautiful big eyes.

"What have you met?" kukas came forward to grasp each other\'s shoulder, but was pushed away by the divine light emitted by the goddess.

"Endless sea of corpses. A black robed caster stood with a big black ball in his hand. He looked at me, and then I didn\'t know anything."

"Maybe there was an existence beyond power falling here." the young deep-sea giant thought for a long time and made such a judgment.

"It\'s no use thinking about this. Come directly to this plane! Well, but before that, I think it\'s necessary for us to leave a suicide note." someone put forward this suggestion seemingly in good faith. Although his suggestion was despised by everyone, most people followed his suggestion.

However, kukas did not do so. He just sat in his chair silently, waiting for the order of the young deep-sea giant, and then entered the exiled land in front of him.

"We have little hope of getting out of it."

"At least there is hope. I still have a lot of things to do. I have to get out of it."

"What\'s the matter?"

"Become a legend."

"Become a legend? If you like, I can make you a legend at any time."


"Yes, after becoming a legend, there will be a little sequelae."

"I can be a legend myself."

"If the two people you want are not in there, will you regret it?"

"I can\'t regret it."

"Yes, we have no right to regret."