Abyss Knight

Chapter 817

"Roar!" blonde can make an unwilling roar. He waved a long sword with condensed plane and drew strange arcs in the air. These strange arcs interweave with each other to form a large silver gray network. The net flew upside down and cut nothingness, trying to cut the thousand winged eyed Dragon into pieces.

Then the dragon\'s big mouth opened, and endless suction was released from his mouth, which even surpassed the very rare void vortex in the void.

The suction is very strong, but the arcs cut by the long sword in the blonde Daneng\'s hand are intertwined with each other, forcibly breaking part of the suction and still standing in place. But it\'s not so easy to leave.

"Want to eat me? You don\'t have that ability." the supreme power roared, stepped on the void, and a golden sun appeared behind him. The sun rose, and countless strange words flew out of it, and then fell on him. And for every strange word that fell on him, images such as hype, foot born Golden Lotus, hundred birds and Phoenix appeared one after another. In just one breath, hundreds of natural visions emerge one after another.

Every time there is a natural vision, the breath of the supreme power is strong. When the long sword was waved, glass colored regular chains emerged, and then pierced into the void. It fiercely appeared around the thousand winged eye dragon called Hegel and pierced him hard.

Regular chain puncture, each one leaves a huge blood hole in the thousand winged eye dragon. Dragon blood splashes and drops in the void, eroding the void into nothingness.

Dragon blood eroded the nothingness of tens of thousands of feet and tens of thousands of feet, and a large number of words cast books emerged from them. Then these books danced, or merged into the nothingness, or dissipated into streamer.

Hegel, a thousand winged eyed dragon, let out a roar of anger. A thousand pairs of wings waved and rolled up hundreds of millions of hurricanes to squeeze down the blonde from all directions.

At this time, nearly a thousand visions have been displayed on the blonde Da Neng, each of which is incomparably strong. Now, through the integration and overlap of secret methods, nearly a thousand small worlds have been formed behind him.

In the nearly 1000 small worlds, there are endless creatures praying feverishly. Golden threads of faith come out of these small worlds and turn into a golden torrent and pour on the blonde power.

"Dying struggle!" Hegel roared, his eyes were all open on the ferocious faucet, and countless death beams came out of it. Each of these death beams has a thickness of nearly 100 feet. They cut the void, weave staggered, puncture into the void and block the regular chains.

"If you want to kill me, let\'s die together." blonde Da Neng growled in a low voice. Nearly a thousand small worlds behind him turned into streamers and drilled into his body. The next moment, a huge golden throne emerged from behind him.

"Kill a hundred birds!" a light drink, the blonde body blurred, and then completely disappeared from the original place.

Hegel made a huge roar, his wings waved behind him, and endless hurricanes appeared directly in front of him, forming a huge black barrier in front of him.

The golden light flashed and broke the black barrier in an instant.

Although it was only a moment, the young deep-sea giant seized the opportunity again and ordered the war fortress to shoot a deadly fighting beam at the blonde power.

In the past, the power of this beam could only stop each other for a moment, but now, the blonde power is dealing with Hegel, a creature who can provide food for the supreme power. At this moment, a moment of obstruction is enough to put this blonde into crisis.

However, this is not the place where the blonde can feel the most depressed. What makes him feel the most depressed is that the long sword turned into a plane in his hand suddenly exploded, from which a blonde and a destruction Knight came out.

As soon as the two men jumped out of the long sword, one waved his fist, stirred the endless killing breath, killed his head, and the other waved a long gun and stabbed him in the chest.

"Roll!" the weapon in the blonde power hand was broken, but the power of killing a hundred birds was instantly reduced by one thousandth. Broken golden lights intertwined in the air and turned into a huge golden light mass, which hit the two figures and blew them out in an instant.

Just for such a delay, Hegel\'s huge head rushed into the air, opened his mouth and swallowed the blonde power and the attack he released.

The huge body was wriggling rapidly, and large groups of dragon blood spilled. Tens of thousands of blood holes of different sizes appeared on the huge body in an instant.

"Roar! Smell. Gaga!" Hegel cried nervously. He climbed out of the abyss of death and experienced endless suffering. Now, it is because of the original suffering that his spirit has some abnormalities.

"Well, there are good things." Hegel burped, his black light flickered, and those huge blood holes were repaired in an instant. His eyes fell on the broken plane fragments.

The ferocious faucet opened its mouth again, and the powerful suction was released, sweeping all objects in the range of thousands of miles in an instant.

The strong attraction emerged, even pulled the war fortress, and began to move towards Hegel\'s big mouth.

The Golden Lion Carmen Nong roared and waved his huge fist, but he wanted to break the surrounding and condense into a real suction. The destruction Knight also made a crazy roar. He shouted the slogan of self-respect in the sky and the earth, and waved his long gun to pierce Hegel\'s head.

However, their resistance was futile. In the eyes of Hegel, who could devour the supreme power, carmenon, the golden lion, and the knight of destruction were just a dispensable snack. Their means, even the scales on his body, could not be broken.

Although I don\'t care about the Golden Lion carmenon and the destruction Knight at all, it doesn\'t mean their safety.

Under Hegel\'s terrible attraction, the two creatures who could fight with several top deep-sea giants who controlled the plane props fell into Hegel\'s mouth in an instant. All the resistance seems to have never existed.

The broken plane fragments touch the void, some collapse a little, some entangle the nothingness and the blood and flesh sprayed by the supreme power, and even re evolve to form a new plane. However, under Hegel\'s huge suction, all these broken plane fragments were swallowed up by him.

"Damn it, we helped him kill the damned supreme power, but he still wants to eat us." the young deep-sea giant roared angrily: "prepare artillery for me and bombard him with the main artillery. This time, make it into a puncture type for me. I\'m going to explode his head. No, explode his heart."

"No, he didn\'t mean to kill us." kukas frowned slightly and stepped forward to stop the young deep-sea giant. The other party would decisively harass the supreme power, resulting in the other party being swallowed up by Hegel, which made him very grateful.

"Yes, he didn\'t mean to kill us. He just took us as food. Do you mean to kill your food?" the young deep-sea giant rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "It seems that even if I chose the supreme power, I\'m afraid I\'ll die in the end. Ha ha. A supreme power is eaten. Damn it, I didn\'t see what it would be like after his death. Yes, I\'m afraid no one will believe that the supreme power will be eaten as food."

The young deep-sea giant muttered nervously. He didn\'t regret his decision. Seeing that the thousand winged eyed dragon Hegel could swallow the supreme power, it made him understand that even if his war fortress joined the supreme power, I\'m afraid it would only delay the time of death. It might even be consumed by the supreme power as cannon fodder. At that time, he may only regret, not like the pleasure of gratitude and hatred.

"Ha ha! We are not wronged to die in the mouth of such a terrible creature. Well, maybe our bones will be buried with the bones of the supreme power."

"No, I think everything we have will be completely digested. Well, even the soul will be digested. This thousand winged eyed dragon is too powerful."

"He won\'t do anything to us," kukas said in a deep voice, quietly looking at the thousand winged eyed dragon licking its mouth with its tongue through the magic screen. "Look, the suction outside is much weaker."

"Yes, he stopped. Damn it, he was looking at us." a caster suddenly shouted loudly. With his cry, his eyes burst open, his eyes burst, and two strands of golden blood gushed out of his eyes.

"Damn you. The great Hegel is very happy today, so I don\'t care about anything with you. Tell me, where are you going? Maybe the great Hegel can help you. You know, the great Hegel is full and happy." The thousand winged eyed dragon shook his head and muttered. Although the words were relatively kind, every time he shook his head, endless shock waves were released from him. These shock waves rolled around and bumped the war fortress.

"We don\'t want to go anywhere. We just look at the scenery here." the legend glanced and muttered softly.

"Look at the scenery? Yes, how wonderful the scenery here is! I used to look at the scenery, but I rarely had the opportunity to see such scenery. Later, I could see such scenery, but I was killed. Now, the great highness Hegel climbed out of the abyss of death. Where are my enemies? They are dead, and they have disappeared in the river of time." The thousand winged eyed dragon\'s mood suddenly fluctuated abnormally. He roared loudly, opened his mouth and tore the void in front of him and swallowed.

"Your enemy? You are so powerful that how could someone kill you?" kukas stepped forward and asked loudly, "maybe we can work together to kill your enemy."

"No, I was not so strong before. At that time, I was very weak, but I was stronger than you. Well, after I climbed out of the abyss of death, I found that I occupied the reptile\'s body. That\'s why I had such a powerful power." Hegel tilted his head to think, but his ferocious head didn\'t bring him any beauty of a thinker, but a strange ferocity.

"My enemies are very powerful. They can kill my father in an instant. Your strength can\'t even resist a finger of my father. Yes, even if you have a war fortress. At that time, my father also had a war fortress."

"Who is your father?" kukas continued hurriedly, "is that?"

Just when he wanted to say that name, he suddenly found that he couldn\'t say that name at all. Even if he tried his best, he could not name Hegel\'s father.

"Yes, that\'s him. You creatures can\'t say my father\'s name at all. No one can say his name without his permission."

"Kukas, when did you know his father\'s name? You can\'t say it, you can write it!" the half step female legend whispered in kukas\'s ear.

"If you can\'t say it, how can you write it?"

"He said his father\'s name, don\'t you know?"

"I only heard him say his name was Hegel, the creature who came out of death." the half step female legend said with a strange face.

"Yes, we only heard Hegel\'s name, not other names." the young deep-sea giant noticed the bad, so he quickly asked other professionals.

The answer made kukas feel extremely strange, because in this war fortress, no one except him knew the name of Hegel\'s father.

"My father\'s name is not something that ordinary people can say and remember. They don\'t know. It\'s very normal." Hegel tilted his head, and hundreds of huge eyes twinkled with curiosity: "I think since you know my father\'s name, I must help you finish one thing. Well, you have a familiar smell. Unfortunately, I can\'t remember where I met this familiar smell. You know, I climbed out of the abyss of death, but I forgot a lot of things."

No one cared about Hegel\'s later words. They only heard the front words. In a short breath, the young deep-sea giant made a decision after consulting with other legends. Kukas was not surprised when he received their decision. On the contrary, their decisions were all in his expectation.

"Escort us to the place of exile." kukas took a deep breath and said his request. Of course, this is also the request of the young deep-sea giant and all the creatures in the whole fortress.

"The place of exile? Where is it? If there is a map, I think I can help you. If not, I\'m sorry. You know, I\'m not familiar with some place names. After all, I just climbed out of the abyss of death. Well, by the way, I can check the memory of the food just now. I think there should be the news of the so-called place of exile in their memory 。”

Hegel shook his head and said in a muffled voice, "yes, I know where the exile is. Well, come on, poor little guys, if at your speed, without me, I don\'t think you will ever get to the exile."

While talking, Hegel shook his tail fiercely, and then ran through the fortress with his thick tail. Then he pulled back the fortress, waved a thousand pairs of wings and flew to the depths of the dead void.

A thousand pairs of wings flutter across the sky for hundreds of millions of miles at a time, and its speed is no slower than the virtual jump of the fortress. On the contrary, because of uninterrupted flight, it exceeds the speed of virtual jump in disguise. After all, virtual jump can not fly continuously. This thousand wing eye dragon can fly continuously. And with the passage of time, his speed is faster and faster At the end of the day, the breathing time traveled the same distance as the war fortress did dozens of empty jumps.

Hegel, the flying thousand winged eye dragon, suddenly screamed. His scales burst and his flesh and blood flew. Several golden lights came out of his body, and then disappeared into the void crack torn by flight.

"Roar! Damn it." Hegel roared, his fast-moving body stopped fiercely, and the huge dragon claws pierced into the broken void behind him.

The war fortress hit him inertia, but except for shattering some gun barrels of the war fortress, Hegel didn\'t even shake.

"He is countless times stronger than when we first met." after watching the data detected by those magic instruments, the young deep-sea giant made such a judgment: "if we had encountered a thousand winged eyed dragon in this state, I\'m afraid we wouldn\'t have the ability to tangle with him for so long."

"Everything is already doomed." a prophecy legend fiercely opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: "maybe this is fate. Fate controls us."

"Shit fate, it\'s better to push down the goddess of fate as a lover than believe in fate." kukas smiled strangely, but he was excited because he was about to reach the exiled place to find a female doctor and a blonde general. Of course, he was also excited because he got the help of Hegel.

"Push down the goddess of fate to be a lover? Ha ha! There is a goddess who controls the rules of fate in the fortress. Maybe you can try it. But she can\'t even control her own destiny. I\'m afraid she can\'t control our destiny." the young deep-sea giant smiled strangely.

At this time, Hegel, a thousand winged eye dragon, was frantically waving his claws and turning and getting something in the crack. There are not many wounds on his body, but it looks very serious. A lot of blood scattered into the void and turned into a sea of blood and runes.