Abyss Knight

Chapter 819

More than one magic hour has passed, and the professionals in the fortress have dealt with all the things they should deal with. They took out their habitual weapons and took out some things that may be used in the space ring in advance.

Finally, everyone sat quietly in their own position, silently waiting for the beginning of the coming.

In the memory of ordinary professionals, there is no knowledge of this name in the place of exile. But in the memory of some top professionals, this place is terrible.

"If you fail, let the deep sea giant family bury you. If you succeed, let the deep sea giant family pay you a high reward." the deep sea giant groped out a scepter from nowhere, weighed it in his hand and said: "If you regret it, I can send you to the nearest plane through a secret method. Maybe you can reproduce and leave your blood."

"It has reached this point, and no one can regret it." the fog power suddenly spoke. She recovered her original voice, but her face was still blocked by the black fog.

"Yes, no one can regret it. We must go on until we achieve the set goal, even death." another god whispered his answer.

"Then let\'s come!" the young deep-sea giant suddenly smiled: "if this time is successful, I think our name will be remembered by future generations forever."

"Not many people know the place of exile." someone couldn\'t help joking.

"I\'ll let everyone know."

"Then let\'s go!"

"Let\'s go."

When the order was given, the huge war fortress began to approach the exiled status that was only ten thousand miles in size.

"Maybe our fortress will burst into this plane." someone whispered and laughed to relieve the pressure in his heart. However, everyone in the fortress knows that no matter how small the plane is, it can easily accommodate their war fortress. The magic of the plane can not be inferred by common sense.

The war fortress was getting closer and closer to the seat, and everyone was nervous. Some of them longed for the face to suddenly produce strength to block the fortress, while others hoped that there would be no accident and they could enter smoothly.

When the gun barrel on the fortress touched the plane of the exile, countless blood chains emerged from the plane and wound around the fortress.

The next moment, the golden light flickered, and the huge war fortress was dragged into place by this drop of blood chain.

When entering the exiled place, kukas seemed to hear an earth shaking dragon chant. In his sight, he seemed to see a silver dragon bleeding across the sky and finally falling into the endless void.


The war fortress kept falling, and all the means on the fortress could not be carried out. At this time, kukas also felt that his fighting spirit had disappeared, as if it had never existed.

"Magic props lose their effect." someone shouted loudly.

"My connection with the kingdom of God was also interrupted, and the divine power disappeared."

"The level prop has no effect. All power can\'t be exerted."

A series of shouts rang out in the fortress. At the same time, all kinds of magic equipment in the fortress were extinguished. In this plane, both fighting spirit and magic power were forcibly imprisoned.

The huge fortress hit the earth heavily, and the powerful shock wave swept millions of miles around. Countless creatures were wiped out into nothingness in an instant under the sweep of the shock wave.

Fortunately, the fortress is strong enough, and the original designers took this situation into account, so there are perfect mechanical buffer facilities in the fortress. Therefore, when the huge fortress hits the earth, it does no harm to the members of the fortress. At most, it is just a bump.

After the huge impact, most of the members of the fortress became confused. However, some top professionals led by legends and gods did not panic. They had long expected this to happen when they came here.

Someone opened the mechanism on the wall and shook it with force, but these most primitive mechanisms were used to open some doors in the fortress.

Kukas also participated in shaking the mechanism. Because everyone has lost their strength, the stronger melee professionals must bear more responsibilities.

All the magic puppets lost their ability to move, and some collapsed directly. But with some mechanisms, after opening the door, a new puppet came out of it.

These puppets are not driven by magic or fighting power, but by simple drug ability.

These puppets are completely flesh and blood puppets, including savage giants several feet tall, goblins and dwarfs no more than three feet.

These puppets have a clear division of labor. The tall ones walk on the fortress under the command of the deep-sea giants, turn on manual mechanisms, and then turn on these mechanisms to make the fortress run to some extent.

The dwarf goblins and dwarves, carrying simple tools, began to check the fortress, or actually clean up the paralyzed magic puppets, or repair the damage of the fortress.

"The energy core of the ship fell into a deep sleep." the half step female legend immediately sent this message to kukas after hearing the conversation of others.

"It doesn\'t matter. I believe that even without those things, there is something in this face that can get us out of this plane." kukas shook his head left and right, and his thick neck made a strange noise. He pushed the huge winch to rotate alone, and the thick chain extended from an unknown place and wound around the winch.

"Maybe I need your protection." looking at kukas\'s naked upper body, the half step female legend couldn\'t help sighing: "although I\'ve been prepared to fight with my body for a long time, I didn\'t expect it to be in this situation."

"In fact, you\'ve thought of it, but you don\'t want to admit it." kukas pushed the winch hard, pulled the chains and opened a huge warehouse. There are a lot of armor and weapons and other materials prepared for this situation.

The fortress fell on the earth. After three or five days of busy work, the people made this huge fortress work again. Of course, the so-called operation is not to restore the strength of the fortress and fly into the air again, but to decompose the Fortress into a huge and strange castle on the earth.

Below the castle, there are thousands of tracks nearly 100 feet wide. Through the mechanical force and countless flesh and blood puppets controlled by drugs, the huge fortress castle began to move slowly on the earth.

It is said to move. In fact, the speed is extremely slow. It is so slow that the huge fortress Castle only moves three or five feet a day.

After trying to move, everyone wisely gave up letting the fortress continue to move and sent those flesh and blood puppets to follow some melee professionals to explore the surrounding situation in detail.

In this case, kukas led a pair of flesh and blood puppets out of the fortress and began to explore in the established direction. As for the half step female legend, although her physical strength is also very strong, it is still weak compared with those melee professionals, so she was left in the fortress to wait for news.

There are tens of thousands of detection teams like kukas. Each team has at least one melee professional above level 9 and seven or eight flesh and blood puppet guards. In some special exploration teams, there are even half legendary melee professionals and hundreds of flesh and blood puppets as guards.

At least millions of creatures around the fortress castle have been wiped out. Walking on the earth swept by the shock wave, you can only see endless ashes at first, but at the back, you can see the bones of some wild animals and a small amount of architectural traces.

In this way, kukas unexpectedly found that he was hungry. And this feeling of hunger, he has not felt for a long time.

"Interesting plane. Is the place of exile strange enough." he broke a beast bone in his hand and observed it carefully.

This animal bone is mixed with some golden light spots, and those light spots are not fused with metal minerals. They are very likely to be formed by changes in bones after reaching a certain level of strength.

"If you put it outside, you will have at least eight levels of power." looking at the animal bones in your hand, kukas made such a judgment: "I just don\'t know how much power a monster with eight levels of power can play in this plane."

After thinking in my heart, I had a retreat. He led the team out just to see if there were any remaining creatures. Now no living creatures have been found to survive, but there is no need to stay any longer.

He set out to return, but instead of following the original route, he drew a slight arc back. On his way back, he also encountered many bones of wild animals and a small number of architectural traces. But what made him feel strange was that there were no traces of human bones here. No matter how he thought about this result, he couldn\'t think of the specific reason.

After all, in his opinion, the monsters here can reach the eighth level of power, and the humans living here can also reach the eighth level of power. Although their strength cannot be displayed under the suppression of rules, their bodies will definitely be transformed. But strangely, I couldn\'t see any bodies.

When kukas returned to the fortress castle, he found that most of the teams had returned, and only a few of them were still outside for investigation. The teams that are still investigating outside are special teams led by banbu legends and demigods.

Those teams mainly explore mineral deposits to see if there are some minerals worth digging.

After carefully writing out his findings, kukas returned directly to his room. Where, half step female legend is sitting in bed, trying to understand the rules of heaven and earth again and again, in order to release her own strength.

"There is no need to make such an attempt. If you can release your own strength, I\'m afraid those supreme powers imprisoned here have escaped long ago and can\'t be saved by others." lighting a silver smoke, kukas sat down in his chair and watched the half step female legend of serious research persuade: "And even if you can release some low-level spells, do you think that will be useful? I\'m afraid I can\'t tear my skin and flesh with the attack magic below the eighth level."

"When necessary, some magic power is still very useful. Especially now we have this war fortress. If we can use magic power, even the most basic low-level magic power, it is possible to make this war fortress really work. Even if we can\'t start it all, it\'s enough to start a small part." The half step female legend did not open her eyes and quietly refuted kukas.

"Ha ha! I\'m afraid no one can do it. If you can use magic or fighting power, even the lowest level, those great powers and countless experts imprisoned here will build similar things, and then tear the plane and leave here. Well, forget it. If you are willing to try, try it. Maybe your physique is special, or the rules you once understood are special , there can be no miracle! "

"I find you are very pessimistic." the half step female legend jumped out of bed, walked to kukas, gently patted him on the chest and said: "as a man, when in crisis, he should have the courage to carry everything, not so decadent."

"Really? You\'re much stronger than me. It\'s you top experts who should carry everything. Me? I\'m just a ninth order knight. Well, I\'m also a knight whose mount has been taken away."

"Who took your mount?" the half step female legend didn\'t know anything about kukas. At this time, she suddenly learned that the man\'s Mount had been taken away. She was very curious: "The black dragon? Hasn\'t he become a special monster? Well, by the way. I remember you domesticated a female dragon in the eternal plane. Maybe the female dragon really gave birth to descendants. Choosing a giant dragon as a mount is barely enough, although it can\'t be on the table."

"Hehe! I met a very powerful man before. He slept in a plane, and then someone released the scroll to kill. This awakened the man. It was just a fighting spirit or a projection, but the power was no less than those powers."

"He took your mount? What mount? I think your mount is very special." half step female legend soon understood kukas\'s meaning. She was not interested in the man kukas said, nor in the scroll, but simply wanted to know his once mount.

"A demon bear with the blood of fenril gray wolf." kukas narrowed his eyes and remembered some things in those years.

"What are you talking about? The demon bear with the blood of fenril grey wolf? Damn it, if I see it, I will snatch it. That\'s a good thing!" the emotion of the half step female legend seemed unusually excited: "In the endless void, there are not many creatures with the blood of fenril wolf, but people in most places don\'t realize the power of fenril wolf\'s blood. They just kill those creatures. It\'s difficult for people who know this kind of blood to find one."

"What\'s the use of that thing?" kukas knew for the first time that the blood of the Ferrier wolf was of special use: "more precious than the plane props?"

"Comparable to the empty props, do you think they are precious?" the half step female legend tilted her head with a smile on her face: "it is said that with the blood of fenlil wolf, you can summon the projection of fenlil wolf."

"In the legend I know, the Ferrier wolf is not so powerful. I think he is just equivalent to supreme power."

"It\'s as simple and easy to devour the supreme power as we eat sugar beans." the half step female legend looked at kukas strangely: "in our legend, the fenril wolf once devoured the thousand winged eyed dragon. It is said that in his previous recipes, the thousand winged eyed dragon is just the lowest food."

"It\'s crazy." kukas shook his head, but took the other party\'s words as a joke: "the finril wolf has fallen. It has disappeared. It is said that there is only one such wolf in the endless void. Is it true?"

"Yes, in our legend, there is only a Ferrer wolf, but there is no doubt that he is powerful. Maybe there is a problem with the legend. But I believe he is extremely powerful."

"It is said that the Ferrer wolf was a powerful pet at the beginning of the world."

Kukas shook his head and whispered, "in our legend, the Ferrier wolf is the descendant of a giant, but it doesn\'t mention whose pet he is."

"The legends are different. Maybe we will know if we have the opportunity to summon the projection of fenril gray wolf."

"Yes, time has passed so far that the original appearance of some things has been distorted. Everyone doesn\'t know the truth."

Silence, they were silent for a long time. Banbu female legend suddenly changed the topic: "tell me about the situation you met outside."

Kukas didn\'t care about anything, and quickly put aside what he had encountered. When he said that he could see the remains of some buildings outside, but couldn\'t see any human bones, the half step female legend didn\'t show any surprise.

"When the huge war fortress hit the earth, it just smashed a hole hundreds of feet deep in the earth. Such strange things happened. There were no human remains, and only the remains of buildings were not strange." the half step female legend could not explain what kukas said, so she casually explained with such words.

"Weird or not, it has nothing to do with us. I just hope the person I want to find is all right in this position."