Abyss Knight

Chapter 816

Maybe it\'s a breathing time, maybe it\'s a magic time. Kukas was a little confused after the abnormal changes in his heart. This abnormal situation is very similar to the projection system he has mastered. However, what made him feel helpless was that he did not take the initiative to urge the secret method to compile the projection.

Maybe you have accumulated enough blood essence, or your flesh and blood are branded with those wizard words.

Not long after his heart stopped beating, a blood light tore his chest and burst three feet away.

As like as two peas of blood, the blood was still moving, but the breathing time was just like the figure of Kukas.

The newly born figure was full of evil spirit, and the bloody smell was strong to the extreme. Some bloody breath directly condensed into blood crystals and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

"You succeeded, your projection was born." the half step female legend on one side breathed a sigh of relief and said in a relaxed tone: "I feel that he has at least the power of your eighth level peak. Maybe he will step on the Ninth level like you in a short time."

"This is my projection? Why can\'t I control him?" kukas roared with an ugly face.

"What are you talking about?" the half step female legend asked in surprise after hearing his words. At the same time, there was a trace of bad in her heart.

"Control me? How can you control me? I\'m unique. No one can control me." the bloody projection snorted coldly and suddenly began to speak.

"Uncontrolled projection, interesting." half a step, the female legend frowned slightly, stepped forward and reached out to grab the shoulder of the projection, trying to see where the projection was abnormal.

However, the projection roared, and the backhand urged the power of covering the ground to envelop the half step female legend. At the same time, a scene of gold treasures emerged behind him. The mountain temple, carrying infinite power, smashes at the other party.

"Stop!" kukas growled, trying to block his projection. But whether he was shouting or manipulating with secret methods, there was no way to change the behavior of the projection.

"If this projection is adjusted well, it must be a great help to you." sighed the half step female legend.

"Kill!" a furious voice sounded. The next moment, kukas blurred his body, and then directly appeared three feet in front of the projection: "as my projection, he didn\'t obey my orders. Damn it."

"Roar! I\'m unique. Why should I obey your orders?" the bloody projection roared, and the bloody smell on his body rushed to the sky, turned into wolf smoke, and condensed into a virtual shadow of a monster on his head, which made a move to kill kukas.

"I said to let you die, you must die for me." kukas smiled grimly and crossed a strange arc with his hands. One grabbed the bloody projection\'s head and the other\'s heart.

The power of the ground cover seal was displayed, but in a moment, it exploded the bloody projection body, and even the soul contained in it had to be erased.

"I\'m the flesh and blood that fell off from you. If you kill me, you\'ll kill yourself." the bloody projection was instantly exploded, but he was not willing to disappear. Therefore, he urged the secret method to reorganize his body and released the soul wave to stop kukas\'s behavior.

"What I want is a projection without thought, a projection that obeys my orders, not a creature like you. There is only one kukas in the world, but there should be no more." the bald evil man smiled grimly, moved his hands wrong, wrapped the soul fragment with a secret method, melted it forcibly, and then turned it into the original liquid of the soul, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

"Such a good projection, so destroyed, I\'m afraid there\'s no way to copy it anymore."

"I\'m afraid I can\'t use the projection secret anymore." kukas shook his head and refuted the words of the half step female legend. In his feeling, he thought that the change of projection was entirely caused by the two strange chains around the soul. As long as those two chains do not disappear, he may have this state in his future cultivation. Or it\'s caused by those ancient wizard words.

But whatever it is, he doesn\'t intend to continue to practice projection in a short time. At least until he has studied the two chains around his soul, he will never do so.

He was worried about cultivating a projection, which had its own independent consciousness, and then pretended to be unconscious. It is not worth the loss to attack yourself at a critical moment and replace it.

For kukas\'s concerns, the half step female legend does not understand. She believes that such a strange projection will help as long as it is handled well. It\'s just a pity that it\'s now erased. This makes her feel very pity.

Take the soul stock solution, but the recovered soul is only one tenth of the stripped soul fragment. Although the quantity is very rare, it has compensated at least part of the loss. If this part of the loss is put in the past, it will not take decades for him to recover.

After such a thing happened, kukas was not in the mood to continue his latent cultivation. Instead, he came to the hall and looked at the struggle in the void outside, so as to calm his mood.

The struggle in the void is still stuck, but the two places of struggle have now converged.

The destruction Knight gave up his mount, waved his wings and flew to the head of the Golden Lion carmenon. Then he waved his long gun and released countless gun shadows to strangle the attack of the deep-sea giants.

And those deep-sea giants all manifest themselves. Their noumenon is strange. Some are human body, octopus head, some are seahorse body, human head, and there are hundreds of arms and feet. In short, the shapes are strange and ugly one by one.

As two sides fought, face began to tremble again. In the trembling plane, regular chain fragments flew out.

These fragments of the chain of rules fell into the body of the Golden Lion carmenon and into the hands of the destruction knight.

The Golden Lion carmenon\'s strength soared under the stimulation of rule fragments. The destruction Knight rubbed the fragments of rules and forced them into his wings.

"Kill!" the destruction Knight roared, and the twelve wings shook. Just for a moment, a deep-sea giant suddenly covered his head and roared miserably. Looking carefully, there was a hole of tens of feet in his forehead.

With the low roar of the destruction knight, the wounds on the heads of the deep-sea giants seem to appear directly. Without any signs, they emerge in an instant. Even the regular chains manifested by the plane props have no ability to stop these abnormalities.

The combat effectiveness of the deep-sea giants who had been pierced through their heads decreased a lot. They urged the secret method to repair themselves, but they were stopped by the destructive smell wrapped around the wound.

The fighting spirit of the destruction knight is extremely overbearing. Even these deep-sea giants who have reached their peak have some difficulties to deal with.

The void that was broken into nothingness was broken again, and a tragic breath came out of the nothingness of the broken Soviet Union. The breath was very powerful. At the moment of emergence, it shocked the fighting Golden Lion and the deep-sea giant out of the range of hundreds of thousands of miles. If it weren\'t for their powerful means, numerous secrets, and the regular chain guard of plane props, I\'m afraid that the tragic breath alone could erase them into nothingness.

The tragic breath emerged, and Carmen non, the golden lion, and the knight of destruction turned around and disappeared.

Several deep-sea giants also roared in horror, returned to the war fortress with a secret method, urged the level props, and evolved countless regular chains to integrate into the defense and resist the tragic atmosphere together.

The tragic breath filled the void for thousands of miles, the fortress trembled, and countless defensive means emerged and disappeared, but it was difficult to resist the crushing of those breath. And that face trembled in the void, and then quickly hid in the void.

"Roar!" in the nothingness of Po Su, a blonde middle-aged man appeared fiercely. The blonde middle-aged man was radiant and shone on Nothingness for millions of miles. Under the golden light, the broken nothingness began to heal quickly.

The power of the blonde middle-aged man was boundless, but the whole man looked embarrassed.

Wearing broken armor, scarlet blood infected most of the body, and white bones were exposed in some places.

"It\'s the supreme power. Who can beat the supreme power like this?"

"Thousand winged eyed dragon." the cold light flashed behind kukas, but he sensed the breath emitted by the blonde middle-aged man with a natural vision, and then made such a judgment.

"The thousand winged eyed dragon beat him."

"Yes, only the thousand winged eye dragon can have such power. Only the thousand winged eye dragon born from the beginning of the world is so powerful."

"Prepare to attack and destroy this damned supreme power." kukas smiled grimly, reached out and pointed to the blonde middle-aged man on the screen and roared: "kill him. He dealt with us a few days ago, but today is the best time for revenge."

"Destroy the supreme power? Are you crazy? Kukas! The power behind the supreme power is extremely powerful. Now we don\'t have a power to take charge, but we don\'t dare to provoke him." the young deep-sea giant looked at kukas in surprise, but he didn\'t know why the other party had such a mind.

"You dare not do it, I dare." kukas sneered, but despised the cowardice of the young deep-sea giant: "this bastard damaged the energy core of the fortress a few days ago. Now you dare not do it when you have the opportunity to retaliate. If it is spread, I\'m afraid everyone will ridicule you."

"Want to kill me? You don\'t have that ability." the blonde middle-aged Da Neng in the screen suddenly turned his head and stared at kukas with golden light. The golden light penetrated the screen and appeared out of thin air in the fortress, penetrating his body like two spears.

Until the two golden lights penetrated into his body, kukas still didn\'t think of dodging.

The two golden lights instantly destroyed his fighting space and wiped out his soul. The powerful ash fighting spirit looked so weak and pitiful under the polishing of the golden light.

"Reptile!" blonde sneered, then turned his head and only pounced on the hidden plane.

"Roar! I will kill you one day." kukas roared angrily where he disappeared. The next moment, the space was distorted, and a plane origin emerged, and then his noumenon was manifested again.

Just when the blonde could jump on the plane, the nothingness behind him was broken again.

A roar full of famine sounded, and then a ferocious faucet came out of the broken void. The ferocious faucet is full of eyeballs of different sizes. The eyeballs rotate, and there are countless beams of destructive breath released.

Those beams shine on the void, but they instantly tear millions of miles of void, leaving huge void cracks. These empty cracks, however, have refused to heal for a long time. Even the golden haired great power\'s divine light can\'t heal these cracks.

"Roar! Damn reptile, stay for me to eat and achieve my supreme power!" the thousand winged eye dragon spoke, and the huge voice directly shattered millions of miles of void. As soon as countless void monsters were born, they were shattered into nothingness by the power of the thousand winged eye dragon.

"Devil!" yelled blonde, but stretched out his hand to pierce the plane that was slowly disappearing.

The immeasurable golden light was released from his hands and spread to the surface. Countless regular chains emerged on the surface to resist, but under the rolling of the golden light of the golden power, the regular chains broke one after another. In a short moment, all the rules on the plane were shattered. In the next moment, a strange symbol came out of the mouth of the golden power.

The symbol is imprinted on the surface, and an immeasurable amount of gold light suddenly sputters and goes out around. The golden light sputtered, the thousand winged eyed dragon waved its wings, rolled up a large piece of empty debris, and crushed the endless golden light. Then those empty debris tended not to decrease, and directly shrouded the golden power.

"Prepare fire and kill that bastard." the young deep-sea giant in the fortress was very angry when he saw that kukas was blasted by the other party\'s eyes. Under his command, several deep-sea giants who controlled the plane props pierced their plane props into several special positions in the fortress, and then thoroughly demonstrated the power of these plane props with the help of the Dharma array.

Tens of thousands of regular chains are wound around the fortress, but they are used for defense. Most of the energy of the fortress was frantically converging towards the main gun.

The fortress opened and a huge gun barrel nearly ten thousand feet thick emerged in the middle. Dozens of killing priests are embedded in the barrel, and at the top of the barrel, the heads of nearly a thousand legendary dragons converge into a leading muzzle.

The barrel of the gun emerged, with strange lights flashing on it. There were gods as ornaments and legendary heads as the core of the array. I don\'t know how many lives of top creatures were spent in order to cast this gun barrel.

The fighting beams began to condense in the gun barrel, and these condensed fighting beams were combined into an extremely complex thirteen awn star array. Energy infusion makes the Dharma array more solid and powerful.

When the main gun of the fortress gathered energy, the thousand winged eye dragon fought with the blonde.

One waved a weapon of plane cohesion, and the other waved a thousand pairs of wings. The divine light collapses and the void collapses; The vision flickered, the hurricane was vertical and horizontal, but it killed thousands of miles, leaving only the war fortress still struggling to support. All other creatures were wiped out before they were born.

"Join hands to help me kill this demon. He shouldn\'t exist in this era. He came here from the future era." the blonde power is boundless, but it seems very weak compared with the thousand winged eyed dragon. Under the attack of the thousand winged eye dragon, the blonde can be beaten, flesh and blood fly, and white bones break. If he had not been supported by various treasures, he would have been swallowed by the thousand winged eyed dragon, just like swallowing several other supreme powers.

"Don\'t worry, we will join hands to kill the enemy." the young deep-sea giant looked at kukas, and they laughed nervously: "supreme power is incomparably powerful. We look like reptiles, so we shouldn\'t need our help."

Although the words of the young deep-sea giant were light, the blonde giant still heard them. He roared angrily and waved the long sword in his hand. He planned to rush to kill the war fortress, but because of his negligence, he was pulled on his body by the tail of the thousand winged eye dragon and burst one of his legs.

Flesh and blood fly everywhere. Every drop of flesh and blood emits the power beyond legends and gods. These flesh and blood scattered in the void, instantly shattered the void, or turned into a boundless sea of blood, or into a wanzhang meat mountain. If legends and gods touch this thing, it will be erased in an instant.

But here, before the boundless sea of blood took shape and could not tolerate the emergence of wanzhang meat mountain, it was wiped out by the power emitted by the thousand winged eye dragon itself.

The main gun condensed enough energy. Finally, several deep-sea giants who controlled the plane props extracted the rule power contained in the props and instilled it into the main gun.

Other legends and half step legends, although some resisted against the blonde power, at this moment, they had to obey the orders of the young deep-sea giant and exert their strongest secret Dharma blessing on the main gun.

The main gun roared. There was no dazzling beam or boundless divine light. There were only thirteen awns that appeared around the blonde power in an instant.

The thirteen awn star Dharma array rotates, and countless chains are intertwined, enveloping tens of thousands of miles of emptiness around blonde power.

These chains just blocked the void for a breathing time, but for the thousand winged eye dragon, it was enough for him to realize his dream.

When the blonde power chopped the imprisoned power of the main gun, the thousand winged eye dragon had accurately locked his body and then killed him with infinite power.

"My name is Hegel! The descendant of Shoko snow night. I came out of the eternal death and will send you into death." the thousand winged eyed dragon spoke again, full of supreme pride in his words.