Abyss Knight

Chapter 815

"This is the power of all the powers of the plane props?" feeling the violent trembling and a series of explosions of the war fortress, kukas looked at the distorted magic screen and muttered: "if so, he doesn\'t know what they are strangling."

"Resting place! The power of those plane props is colliding with the power of the resting place of the destruction knight. At least one-third of these scenes are displayed by the resting place." the young deep-sea giant took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "have you ever heard of the resting place?"

"Yes, but I didn\'t expect the power of this vision to be so powerful. I just didn\'t expect such a vision to emerge in the world." kukas shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Resting place, it is said that if you are promoted in the place where the supreme existence falls, you are likely to get the natural vision of resting place. However, I have walked many places and read many books, but I have never heard of the information about the place where the supreme existence falls."

"If you want to really have a resting place for natural visions, you also need a drop of fallen supreme blood. Otherwise, you will only form a lonely tomb, which has its shape, but has no real power."

While kukas was talking to the young deep-sea giant, the regular chains appeared more and more.

Dozens of breathing time passed, and the divine light dispersed. In the collapsed endless void, there was a tomb mound tens of thousands of miles in size standing alone. At the top of the tomb mound, a black armor winged Knight stood. The knight carried a black long gun and pierced dozens of chains into the tomb mound, and then activated countless illusory images from the tomb Mound under his feet.

Those virtual shadows interweave with each other outside the cemetery, and finally merge with each other to form clear virtual shadows.

Although these virtual shadows are somewhat vague, if you look carefully, you can still see some of their faces before they died.

Although these shadows are as like as two peas, the breath is just the same. Every movie is a legend. It is the breath that alone, which suppressing millions of empty space.

"The memory projection of the supreme existence!" seeing those figures hitting the sky and the earth, kukas realized something.

"Maybe! After all, the resting place is too rare. It is said that as long as this vision is born, it will lead to infinite disasters. It is just that we don\'t know whether this disaster will come true to us or this plane."

Several top beings of the deep sea giants waved various weapons and showed their powerful vision to fight with the destruction knight.

Regular chains tremble, interweave and collide in the air, and then evolve infinite powers to cover the grave.

Hundreds of chains fall in turn, but they can\'t break the defense of the figures evolved from the tomb.

Those figures don\'t use secrets or props. They just punch and slap, and burst the chain of rules that can easily erase legends and gods.

Although he saw several powerful deep-sea giants control the plane props but could not kill a knight who had not yet set foot in the legend, kukas still felt the strength of those plane props. At least the rule chains evolved from those plane props could not be resisted by him and ordinary legends and gods.

When several deep-sea giants fought with the destruction knight, the battle between another deep-sea giant millions of miles away and the golden lion also reached the most critical moment.

The Golden Lion carmenon had the most direct collision with the deep-sea giant. Both sides were barehanded and roared deafly, one after another.

The two sides roared at each other, only the flesh and blood flying and white bones splashing. If both sides had powerful secrets to recover their bodies, both sides would have been wiped out after they roared three or five times.

Killing has become the most basic consumption. What both sides consume is their own secret method, and what they consume is the source of life consumed by urging secret method.


The fist of the golden lion burst the head of the deep-sea giant. At the same time, the old man turned into a deep-sea giant also broke each other\'s heart with both hands.

The old deep-sea giant roared fiercely, his body shook, and his broken head recovered in an instant. The next moment, he burst out golden lights from his heart, and the light flowed around him, expanding constantly.

In a short breath, the golden light expanded to tens of thousands of feet before it dissipated.

The light dissipated, and the endless blue water appeared out of thin air, sweeping the endless void hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant.

In the rough sea, there was a giant floating in it.

The giant was tens of thousands of feet tall, with one foot, one eye and three big mouths without ears and nose. One of the three big mouths was located on the top of the head, and the other two were distributed in front of and behind the head.

More than a dozen arms came out of the thick and twisted body. These arms were twisted and carried harpoons, fishbones, spears, sticks and even strange stones in their hands.

After the deep-sea giant changed his own body, the Golden Lion carmenon also changed into his own body.

At this time, the golden lion\'s body will be more powerful than at the beginning. Although his body was dripping with blood, he could not cover the hair that seemed to be made of divine materials, nor the sharp claws that tore the sky and the earth and the tusks that broke the void.

The two behemoths roared, slammed together and started the most primitive fight.

Looking at their fighting, kukas was boiling with blood and fighting. If he didn\'t know his strength was insufficient, he would be killed instantly, and kukas would have rushed up long ago.

"The journey to find a place of exile is extremely dangerous. Except for a few creatures who can fight outside, others, even legends and gods, are not qualified to fight in it." the fog ruler sighed weakly. Her injury has not been good. A strong force remains in her body, but she can\'t drive it out. According to other people\'s estimates, unless a supreme power or a more powerful supreme existence can be found, her injury will never recover.

"Fight? One day, I will surpass them." kukas took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his war intention, and then focused on watching the battle.

In this fierce battle, even if the two sides kill again, the declining plane is still quietly suspended in place, winding out endless empty monsters. Although those empty monsters are almost wiped out as soon as they emerge, this entanglement has never stopped.

"This plane is not simple. I\'m afraid it\'s not any plane we imagined." the young deep-sea giants paid most attention to that plane, but didn\'t pay attention to the battle of the deep-sea giants.

"I\'m going to kill that face. I\'ll see what\'s hidden inside."

"There\'s no need to kill! I\'m afraid this plane used to be a powerful plane, but now it\'s just declining. Even this plane may have been born."

"Regardless of its past, today we must explode this plane and extract its source. Speed up the repair of the energy core."

A series of commands came out from the young deep-sea giant population. Under the command of the deep-sea giant, countless magic puppets began to operate madly. They repaired the damage of the fortress with themselves and some inventory materials, and even transformed it with some just deduced means.

A large number of legends began to repair the energy core with rule fragments in order to make the war fortress reach its peak as soon as possible.

Kukas narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the empty struggle of the observer. He tried to pay attention to the collision of rules and chains, but there was no gain. Even the half step female legend beside him did not have the ability to see the information contained in the chain of rules.

Although there is no new harvest in the rules, the struggle of these top professionals has inspired kukas a lot. Especially the destruction Knight\'s gun skill inspired him more.

Even through the gun skill of the destruction knight, he realized the killing means of the ash knight that he had never realized before.

The struggle in the void has lasted for dozens of days and nights. Those deep-sea giants showed all their means to kill the destruction knight. But during this period, they killed each other hundreds of times, and even completely wiped out each other\'s soul, but the destruction Knight still resurrected in an instant and returned to his peak.

The powerful natural vision and strange gun skills all made those deep-sea giants feel very helpless.

And the struggle between the Golden Lion carmenon and another deep-sea giant has also fallen into a stalemate. No, it should be said that it has fallen into a one-sided situation.

With the passage of time, the power of the Golden Lion carmenon became stronger and stronger. In the end, the young deep-sea giant had to mobilize artillery and Dharma array on the fortress to support the deep-sea giant. But even so, the deep-sea giant was still embarrassed. Even if he used the chain of rules, he couldn\'t break the golden lion.

Fortunately, over time, through the filling of a large number of rule fragments, more than half of the energy core of the war fortress was repaired. Although the energy provided per unit time is still small, it is several times more than that provided by the ship that will use kukas alone.

"Build up strength and prepare the main gun." the sticky killing made the young deep-sea giant seem a little angry: "directly blow up the face. I\'ll see if the face is broken and the two things are still so difficult."

"If you blow up that face, the destruction knight can kill it at will. But the golden lion is difficult to deal with. Its current state seems to be a kind of divine fall in legend." kukas shook his head when he heard the speech, and he stretched out his thick finger to point to the golden lion on the screen: "Its strength is slowly increasing at almost every breathing time. My natural ability tells me that some forces come directly to it across the void. Those forces are different in strength, but the number is extremely huge."

"I haven\'t heard of God descending." the young deep-sea giant turned to other professionals, but those professionals shook their heads and said they didn\'t know about God descending.

"God\'s fall" is recorded in the ancient books of wizards. It is said that it was a secret spell developed by a crazy caster at that time. As long as this secret spell is displayed, the power of all creatures with the same name as the user will come directly to the user across time and space, whether now, in the future or in the past Although the power is only temporary, it will not pose any threat to the user. The secret Dharma user can easily control those powers. "

He patted his head hard, and kukas said everything he knew. He saw these things when he remembered the ancient wizard words with a secret method a few days ago.

After he said this knowledge, he felt a dizziness in his head. Fortunately, the half step female legend noticed something bad and hurriedly came forward to help him.

"The power of wizards is very strange. I just said some knowledge described in their books. That\'s it." shaking his head hard, kukas saw other people staring at him with surprise and surprise, so he explained weakly.

"Great loss?"

"One percent of the mental strength has been permanently erased." kukas twitched the corners of his mouth unnaturally, but he was extremely distressed about his loss.

"The power of Wizards? Unfortunately, wizards are too mysterious and exclude all our professionals. Maybe we should have one more wizard on our fortress. Unfortunately, we don\'t know many wizards, and they are all fighting with some people at the gate of heaven. I\'m afraid no one wants to come here." The young deep-sea giant fumbled out a fist sized pearl from his arms and handed it to kukas for him to wear.

"This is refined from the heart of a primitive fierce beast. Wearing it can slowly increase your mental strength."

"Don\'t say anything about the knowledge you get from the wizard\'s books in the future. This time you lose the power of mind and spirit, and the next time you may lose the power of soul. The loss of soul power can\'t be compensated by ordinary treasures." the half step female legend holding kukas sighed softly. She regretted her choice. Of course, this regret is just a flash.

"I\'ll go back and have a rest." kukas felt some turbulence in his fighting space. Even if he mobilized the secret method to suppress and hooked the plane source to repair, he still couldn\'t stop this turbulence.

You know, his fighting space is extremely stable, but this change has taken place because of the knowledge of wizards, which he didn\'t expect. If he knew that the knowledge of wizards was so strange, he would never say these things.

"If there is anything unusual, just call us. There are many top legends here, and they may be able to help." the young deep-sea giant still attaches great importance to kukas.

"Don\'t worry! It\'s just a little accident." kukas shook his head and motioned to the female legend to take him to a quiet room.

As soon as he got back to the room, kukas sat down on the ground and couldn\'t move. The turbulence in the fighting space strangely stopped, but the muscles on the body were in severe pain. The pain was no less than the pain of tearing apart the pieces of his soul.

The half step female legend was not good at the moment, and did not dare to block it with a secret method. She just took out some drugs and quickly smeared them on him. He also tore a precious scroll made by the sutras and blessed kukas.

As his mind turned, kukas immersed his mind into the fighting space for observation. After his mind entered the fighting space, he was stunned by the changes here.

Dozens of wizard characters that should have hovered in the fighting space did not know when they were wrapped with a layer of green tadpole characters and silver patterns.

These green tadpole characters and silver patterns constantly erode into the gap of wizard characters, and then release a dark green light to penetrate the fighting space and immerse himself in his flesh and blood.

The secret method turns, but there is no means to stop this change. Kukas had to watch the words of the wizard in the fighting space change into dark green, and then drill out of his space and brand it into his own flesh and blood.

"What\'s the matter?" seeing kukas open his eyes, the half step female legend asked hurriedly.

"It\'s all right, but the secret projection method runs out of control." kukas said with some worry: "a lot of special knowledge has not been added. I\'m afraid my first projection will be completely disabled."

"Don\'t worry. In fact, one or two projections are enough. To a certain extent, the number of projections doesn\'t have much impact on us." the half step female legend quietly calmed down. But between her eyebrows, there was still a trace of worry.

Holding back the great pain on his body, kukas laughed: "I can\'t say that the qualification of this projection will be extremely strong. Well, I still have twelve fighting armor. It doesn\'t make much difference whether I have this thing or not."

Having said that, he also knew that the lack of a projection would have a great impact on his future combat. At least in some special cases, he will lose a lot of life-saving means.

While he was talking, the cursed power hidden in the deepest part of his soul suddenly appeared.

As soon as these cursed forces emerged, they disappeared into those wizard words in an instant.

With these cursed powers, the speed of the wizard\'s words branded in his body became faster and faster.

The blood essence flowed back and rushed madly to his heart.

With his heart beating, kukas felt that part of his memory was projected into his heart, and even his soul fell off by itself, mixed with his memory and integrated into his heart.