Abyss Knight

Chapter 814

When these empty monsters changed because of the rule fragments and knowledge released by the plane, the beating plane suddenly became strangely quiet.

Hot beams of light shot out of the gun barrel. These beams crossed the void and tore a ferocious monster.

Dozens of pipes that can change direction are drilled from the core of the fortress. These pipes are only tens of feet thick, but they depict countless top defense gods and magic. A monster bites on those pipes, but it just dents the pipes a little, and then it returns to normal in an instant.

Hundreds of millions of mortals are intertwined and turned into thousands of streamers. The crown on the head of the golden lion was finally condensed. At the moment when the crown was formed, the golden lion roared through the sky.

The lion roared, the lion\'s head shook, the hair between the chest and abdomen shook, cutting the void and breaking; The lion hair seems to be made of supreme materials, emitting dazzling light.

The huge claw pressed down, and the void within tens of thousands of miles collapsed, resulting in an obvious void depression.

Some void monsters were not satisfied with the majesty of the golden lion, so they made a provocative roar. However, only breathing time, he was torn by the Golden Lion like void monster and broke his head.

When the golden lion roared and commanded the empty monsters, dozens of strange pipes were ruthlessly pierced into the motionless plane.

When these pipes were punctured into place, there was a sad cry in the face. The screams continued, as if hundreds of millions of creatures were crying out for despair because of helplessness.

Countless strange runes were madly instilled into the face. Under the illumination of runes, the more than ten tubes emitted colorful light. Some void monsters, after seeing those exhausted, rushed frantically as if evil people saw a helpless little girl, trying to tear the pipe and devour the runes.

A large number of gun barrels eject the beam of death. Every time the beam flashes, a large number of void monsters are erased, but compared with the erased void monsters, the remaining monsters are still endless. All this is because the collapsed void around is too big. Although there are many monsters killed, there are more monsters born from the broken void.

The Dharma array on the fortress flickers continuously. Each flicker of Dharma array represents a legendary attack or defense.

The sea of fire spread, thunder and lightning twined, and the burning meteorites drilled out of the void, and then hit the depths of the void, shattering pieces of void monsters.

The pipe in the punctured surface gave out a groan of joy, the pipe wriggled, and the colorful light was instantly suppressed. Instead, it is the golden dazzling light.

"Using this method to extract the plane source power?" kukas narrowed his eyes and stared at the dozens of tubes carefully.

"That\'s right. Although the original power of the plane extracted in this way needs to be lost by one tenth in vain, it is very safe. Moreover, the lost original power is not lost in vain. Under various Dharma arrays and secrets inside, the lost original power nourishes the whole war fortress and condenses some special plane treasures." The young deep-sea giant looked very complacent when he saw kukas\'s surprised expression.

"You can use this kind of thing to condense the treasures you want?" kukas looked at each other unexpectedly.

"Yes, although there are few condensed plane treasures, they are extremely practical. In the hands of some top professionals, such plane treasures are not even inferior to those ordinary plane props."

In this way, kukas silently looked at the dozens of tubes and frantically extracted the original power of the plane. As for the battle between the war fortress and those empty monsters, he didn\'t pay attention to it. Because the war fortress is too strong. Countless gun barrels rotate and eject death beams. Even a void monster tens of thousands of feet in size can\'t resist dozens or hundreds of times.

As time went by, the dozens of tubes successfully extracted the plane source power of dozens of breathing times, and suddenly ejected a breath full of endless desire for destruction from the plane.

The breath soared into the sky and crashed under the war fortress. In a roar, the war fortress was forcibly blown out. Thousands of layers of legendary defense were easily torn apart like paper under the impact of the destructive breath. The remaining breath trend disappeared. It dissipated little by little after leaving a thousands of feet deep pit on the fortress.

"All things in the world must submit to my feet. You, evil extraterritorial demons, will become my first batch of extraterritorial slaves." in the breath of terrible destruction, a voice sounded. The next moment, a knight riding a black war horse came out slowly with a three foot long Knight\'s long gun.

The knight\'s body was wrapped with a crystal like breath, which directly crushed all creatures within tens of thousands of miles. Whether it\'s a fortress beam or a rushed void monster.

Behind the knight, there were twelve pairs of huge black wings flashing. Those wings seemed to draw all the light around, leaving him alone within hundreds of thousands of miles.

The golden lion, who has just conquered a large number of empty monsters, is quiet like a little sheep in front of the knight who exudes the smell of destruction: the golden lion\'s head falls to the ground, and the huge lion\'s head gently touches the void. Make an appearance of submission.

"You are the commander of the first legion of demons I conquered. Under my leadership, you will achieve supreme glory." the knight shrouded in crystal armor condensed by the breath of destruction said proudly.

"This is a madman." kukas looked at the knight in the picture, but there was a sense of war to rush out of the fortress and fight with the knight who exuded the smell of destruction.

"The arrogant man must have his strength. Clan leader, let\'s go out to deal with him! We think the war fortress can\'t hurt him at all." an old voice sounded in kukas\'s ear. When he turned his head and looked, he saw seven or eight bent old people standing humbly in front of the young deep-sea giant.

These old people seem to have been standing since henggu. If kukas hadn\'t seen them with his own eyes, he would never feel that there are still living creatures standing.

In the old people, there is no earthshaking breath. Some are just a little tired, and some are just indifferent and indifferent.

"Elders, you are just a knight of destruction. You can kill him with just a few legends." the young deep-sea giant saluted quickly, but showed great respect to the old men: "just watch."

"The other party has mastered the plane props, why let those ignorant legends die?"

"Yes, although this destruction knight has not yet become a legend, he also has the power of half a legend. The rules wrapped around him are very strange. If someone is killed by him, he is likely to step into the realm of legend or even supreme power. At that time, we will spend more means to kill him. But there will be a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"But it\'s going to trouble the elders." the young deep-sea giant scanned the screen from the corner of his eyes and saw that the destruction Knight shook his long gun at will and killed dozens of monsters just jumping out of the void. He changed his attention as soon as he gritted his teeth.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to let the other party erase some legends and gods in the fortress, because those legends and gods did not judge his orders so well.

However, under the words of these elders, he still changed his attention. He believed that these elders considered more things than he did. Some disobedient legends and gods might have other uses in the future.

Several old people disappeared directly after being affirmed by the young deep-sea giant. This disappearance has no fluctuations or anomalies, as if it had never appeared since ancient times.

At the moment when the old man disappeared, kukas turned to pay attention to the magic screen. Where he saw a scene that shocked him.

An old man stood on the head of the Golden Lion who commanded countless monsters. The old man held a scepter and gently tapped the golden crown on his head. With each stroke, a sound like a yellow bell and a big LV sounded.

The crown shook and the golden lion roared wildly. It\'s like the hair of divine material rising into the sky and turning into hundreds of millions of spears to pierce the void. Millions of miles of void collapsed by those hairs. Even the prepared war fortress was shattered by the aftershock of the golden lion\'s shaking hair.

However, the old man in such a powerful impact force just stood on the head of the golden lion with his clothes flying, and still beat the golden crown on his head.

The golden crown shook, and the virtual shadows of stars fell off from it and hit the old man overhead from all directions.

When the scepter shook, a mass of glazed light burst, and forcibly donated those falling stars and virtual shadows into the broken void, causing the void trembling in the range of millions of miles.

The golden lion roared and the huge crown shrank violently. After the outbreak of immeasurable divine light, the huge golden lion turned into a naked man three feet tall.

"My name is carmenon!" roared the naked man with blond hair and shawl.

"I thought I was the king of the God of war in ancient times?" the deep-sea giant who turned into an old man snorted coldly and began to ridicule each other: "it\'s just a lucky beast with wisdom. I\'ll cut you today, take your head as a wine bottle, and deprive you of your crown as boots."

"I\'ll kill you." carmenon, who turned into a human, roared angrily. His arms shook like two rolled black dragons, frantically strangling the deep-sea giant.

"Get down." the bent body of the old deep-sea giant suddenly stood straight, and his dry skin expanded rapidly as if it were inflated, but in an instant, it returned to the peak state of his youth.

Waving the scepter, it collided heavily with carmenon\'s arms, and then made a dull explosion.

The void collapsed, the golden light was everywhere, and the powerful force splashed everywhere, but it tore dozens of nearby void monsters.

The powerful collision force directly hit the Golden Lion carmenon and flew out upside down. The golden blood splashed, dripping into the void and turned into a small monster. The old deep-sea giant just shook his body slightly, then stepped on the void, followed each other like a shadow and continued to kill the past.

The Golden Lion carmenon roared, his big head shook, and a solid golden crown emerged directly above his head. The secret method flows, instantly repairs the injury on the body, and then fights with the old deep-sea giant again.

Just as the Golden Lion carmenon was fighting with the old deep-sea giant, several other old deep-sea giants surrounded the destruction knight.

These old deep-sea giants carry war hammers, war axes, spears and harps. One by one, they burst out into the sky and released infinite pressure to suppress the past together with the destruction knight.

Faced with the pressure of several legendary deep-sea giants, the destruction Knight not only had no half fear, but was inspired to fight in the sky.

"You are a pile of garbage. Several people who are stronger than me come to surround me and kill me. They are so careful. If I were you, I don\'t have to kill myself directly." the destruction Knight laughed repeatedly, and the twelve teams of black wings behind him flashed wildly, forcibly extracting turbulence from the void and turning it into black light to protect myself, showing a rampant state.

"Kill!" several deep-sea giants didn\'t answer the destruction Knight at all. They shouted at the same time, and then waved their weapons and carried infinite power to kill each other.

When the war hammer is waved, it carries nine days of thunder and fire to tear the sky; The Tomahawk drew a strange arc, which twisted, cut time and space, and fell on the enemy in an instant; Spear piercing, the spear head trembles, shatters the protective body, and the black light evolves an immeasurable illusion all over the world; The harp trembled, and strange notes condensed, or formed chains, or formed fishing nets, mixed with infinite divine light emerged out of thin air.

"If you want to fight, fight." the destruction Knight roared, and his long gun turned into countless gun shadows and spread around. The gun shadow roared and turned into a ferocious roar. The dragon breath that sent out the smell of destruction gushed out from those faucets and forcibly tore apart the joint attack of several deep-sea giants.

"Interesting." several deep-sea giants looked at each other, but they saw a trace of surprise from each other\'s eyes. You know, although they just said that they were only one-third of the power of the props in their hands, they thought they could kill each other directly, but they were very surprised.

"Kill!" several deep-sea giants looked at each other, but they were determined to kill them completely.

The murderous spirit soared to the sky, and nine stars appeared: hundreds of millions of stars appeared directly, enveloping thousands of miles of emptiness. The stars twinkle and outline deadly starlight beams. These beams cut the void and surpass the magic cannon of the fortress.

Another deep-sea giant gave birth to the shadow of the abyss. Endless demons roared bitterly from it. The breath of the abyss evolves into a black dragon, either hitting the abyss nine days up or down.

The powerful vision of the sun and moon floating was also displayed by a deep-sea giant. Behind the deep-sea giant, a sky appeared. Under the sky, images of the full moon and the sun appear at the same time. The sun and moon rise, the sky and the earth break, and the void collapses. The void monsters within a million miles were forcibly suppressed in an instant, but they were unable to walk and even struggle.

Finally, a deep-sea giant roared with his mouth open, cut the void with his harp, and then an illusory Temple slowly emerged from it.

As soon as the temple emerged, it radiated endless divine light and power. The light and prestige were staggered, and the voice of God\'s rebuke sounded one after another. The rebuke of each god represents the burial of the head of a God in the temple. In a short moment, tens of thousands of gods reprimanded.

"A bunch of rubbish, you are not qualified to kill me." the destruction Knight roared, his wings shook behind him, and black feathers fell off, forming a huge mound behind him.

A bare mound, no tombstone, no vegetation, just a bare mound.

However, after this mound emerged, it made the faces of the deep-sea giants around him change slightly.

"Resting place! This is the resting place, kill him." a deep-sea giant roared loudly. He pierced the emerging sun and moon behind him with his spear, turned it into the sun and moon branches on the spear, and then urged all the powers of the spear and his vision to penetrate directly into the destruction Knight.

"The resting place should not have appeared in the world. It\'s really damned." another deep-sea giant roared, urged the vision of the abyss under his feet, and swallowed it directly to the tomb of the destruction knight.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" the ash Knight roared ferociously, his long gun trembled, and a strange smell was released from the grave behind him and spread around.

Visions collided, and the plane props burst into thousands of lights, and countless fuzzy phantoms appeared beside everyone.

"Bang!" the violent collision sounded. The next moment, a dazzling light burst out at the place where the destruction Knight collided with those deep-sea giants.

The light mass shrinks slightly and then expands rapidly around.

Countless strange runes and Dharma array structures wander among them. All creatures shrouded, whether newborn monsters or monsters reaching legendary power, are evaporated by the light curtain.

Regular chains are displayed in the central area of the explosion. The chains collide with each other. Every time they collide, an immeasurable divine light erupts.

Void turbulence, in the collision of those rules and chains, thousands of miles of void completely turned into nothingness. Countless void monsters didn\'t even have the chance to be born, and they were wiped out in an instant.

All the energy of the war fortress is used for defense. Nearly 10000 layers of legendary defense are generated, but they are wiped out by the light curtain in an instant. The light generated by the collision of regular chains crossed the void and directly penetrated the war Fortress into huge holes.