Abyss Knight

Chapter 813

After a long rest, kukas left his room and appeared directly outside the war fortress through a special channel. Of course, when he went there, he told the half step female legend who followed him what he was going to do. Let the other party protect and assist him.

Perhaps because of the green skin, or perhaps because of the ship with endless energy, when kukas left the war fortress and suspended in the endless void, the young deep-sea giant also controlled the war fortress and stopped action.

"I hope we don\'t delay the time to draw the original power of this plane." a legend frowned slightly and was very dissatisfied with kukas\'s rash coming out to disrupt their deployment at this time.

"It\'s just a plane prop that can play all its powers. Can\'t the war fortress resist it? He\'s very helpful to us. It\'s no big deal to be capricious once." the young deep-sea giant refuted the legend. In his opinion, as long as there is kukas, their situation will be better and better, at least for now. He must not annoy each other because of a little thing.

Kukas did not know this. After reaching the endless void, he calmed his mind for a long time. After feeling that his mental state reached the peak, he began to speak wizard words.

The first wizard word was said. The meaning of this wizard word is the simplest, but only hundreds. But in order to speak this word, even if he mobilized a large number of plane sources to directly bless him across the void, his tongue still burst after finishing this word.

Flesh and blood flying, white bones scattered; From the flesh and blood, a golden Rune flew out of kukas\'s mouth.

As soon as this Rune appeared, it immediately triggered the vision of Kowloon swallowing the sun. The surrounding space was twisted and broken, and nine black dragons with evil smell drilled out of the broken void. They chased a round of black sun and roamed the void.

The golden Rune flickered in the air. However, it turned into a streamer and drilled into kukas\'s fighting space.

When his mind turned, the secret method pulled the original power of the plane, repaired the damage on his body in an instant, and then he continued to say the next ancient wizard word.

So repeatedly, dozens of ancient wizard words came out of kukas\'s mouth in turn. After these ancient wizard words came out of his mouth, they fell directly into his fighting space.

Every time a wizard character appears in the fighting space, the whole space will tremble violently.

Space trembled, countless fighting spirit was madly instilled into those wizard words, maintaining the existence of these words.

Every time an ancient wizard text appears, a vision directly comes to the endless void.

Among these visions, there are dozens of different visions, such as Jiulong swallowing the sun, python swallowing the sky, blue sea Chaosheng, white bone throne, ancestors fighting the sky, and the birth of heaven and earth.

With all the wizard words drilling into kukas\'s fighting space, the dozens of visions began to integrate with each other, and finally formed a landscape painting axis, which was quietly suspended in the void.

On the landscape painting axis, the vast land is depicted. On the earth, there are legendary patterns of ancestors chasing fierce animals, catching day and night, crossing mountains and rivers and so on. In the marginal areas of these patterns, or in inconspicuous places, there are many white bones, including the skulls of ancestors and the remains of fierce animals.

White bones are numerous, emitting a trace of cold fear.

The landscape painting is as real as fantasy. Seeing this, kukas subconsciously wants to touch it. However, before he touched it, a streamer suddenly flashed out from the distant war fortress.

Flashing light, he rolled up the landscape painting in an instant and wanted to return to the war fortress.

"Stay for me." kukas was furious when he saw that the thing he caused was taken away.

He stepped on the void, stretched out his hand and held it. A burning black flag appeared in his hand and condensed into a black spear ready to be thrown.

"Even if you are a legend and want to rob something from me, you have to pay the price of your life."

His heart was fierce, and the whole man\'s killing breath burst out instantly, forming a twisted roaring fierce beast behind him.

However, before he threw the spear, there was a sad scream in the streamer. The next moment, the streamer burst, and more than half of the streamer was swept away by the landscape painting. A few returned to the war fortress at a faster speed.

"Kill!" kukas roared, throwing his spear fiercely. The next moment, the spear of the evolution of plane props crossed the void and appeared directly behind the scattered streamer.

The spear sends out the killing intention of freezing everything. The killing intention is intertwined, which shocked the legend in the streamer. What shocked him was not the strong intention to kill, but the cursed doom hidden in the deepest part of the intention to kill.

"Cursed creatures." the streamer burst. Most of the streamer spread around like light rain, and a few took the initiative to meet the prop spear.

There was no earthshaking roar, no visions that shook the sky, but only disillusionment like an illusion.

The spear passes through the streamer and instantly erases all the information of the streamer. In kukas\' eyes, what the spear wears out is only streamer. In the eyes of those legends and gods in the fortress, what the spear destroys is permanent streamer. Fundamentally, it completely destroys all the information of streamer.

The shrill scream sounded in the void, and the scattered streamer went into the fortress and disappeared. But his scream did not go away in the void for a long time.

"Ha ha, you are so careless when facing the cursed creatures? You deserve to be so unlucky." some gods and legends giggle, but they ridicule the unlucky top professional.

Recalling the burning black flag and the evolving spear, kukas snorted coldly, but turned and returned to his room.

Dozens of wizard words have settled down in his fighting space. What he needs to do in the future is to constantly add some special knowledge to them, and then breed his own projection.

As for the landscape painting scroll evolved from the vision, it disappeared after crushing most of the streamer of the top professional. I don\'t know whether it tore the void to another place or disappeared directly.

Although kukas doesn\'t care about this, the top professionals in the fortress are very keen on the landscape painting scroll pieced together by the vision. Even if they follow kukas\'s half step female legend, they are extremely eager to get the landscape painting scroll.

Therefore, after kukas returned to the war fortress, more than a thousand legends, tens of thousands of half step legends and demigods released their own secrets and frantically searched the void thousands or even hundreds of millions of miles around.

Tens of thousands of secret methods searched in the void, but the void shook thousands of miles, and huge cracks were forcibly torn out by the turbulence of those secret methods.

For the madness of those outside, most professionals like kukas don\'t understand the reason, but some professionals know that unless there are empty treasures or plane props, they will never make so many top professionals so crazy.

The young deep-sea giant sat in a tall chair and ordered other members to pay close attention to the desolate plane. Although he said he didn\'t care about the waking plane props, he was very cautious about the plane props in his heart.

Few people have seen all the power bursts of plane props, so they just think that plane props are more powerful than ordinary top magic props, but that kind of power can be accepted or understood. But he knew that if a plane prop fully showed its power, the disaster caused by it could not be resisted by dozens or hundreds of top professionals.

In order to prevent damage, he can rely on the war fortress in his hand and several top legendary family members with plane props.

There are many planes of endless void, which can be said to be endless, and the plane props contained therein are endless. But there are not many who can successfully get those plane props.

Since its birth, a large number of plane props have been integrated into the plane rules or swallowed up by the plane rules. Most of the remaining are destroyed with the destruction of the plane, and only a few emerge when the plane suffers disaster.

And almost all of these plane props that emerged only when the plane encountered a disaster were destroyed by the disaster. Most of the rest of them disappeared into the void, and the rest either exploded to produce a new plane or exploded to form a powerful void monster. However, there are very few plane props that will be controlled by professionals.

It is precisely because there are few plane props in the hands of professionals that most professionals despise this kind of props. Even most top professionals have the same attitude of contempt because they have not encountered all the attacks of plane props.

So when the young deep-sea giant saw other top professionals frantically searching for the landscape painting scroll, he still focused on the development of the soon deserted landscape.

Sure enough, when the body of the last professional who came to that plane was cut off, the declining plane suddenly burst out hundreds of millions of miles of golden light.

The golden light shines, and the broken void has been further broken due to the search of many top professionals.

Countless void turbulence drilled out of it. These void turbulence carried a harsh roar, intertwined and fused with each other in the broken void, and then fused into a greater void turbulence under the golden light emitted by that face.

When a void turbulence of tens of thousands of feet thick condenses out, it only takes breathing time.

The war fortress spewed out the magic and fighting beam full of destructive power and hit the turbulence, but it was torn into nothingness by those turbulence in an instant.

The millions of feet thick and thin void turbulence runs through the broken void, like a ferocious dragon drilling out of an endless abyss.

The endless roar of wild animals sounded, and a void monster tens of thousands of feet in size jumped out. After swallowing some golden light, it frantically slaughtered the war fortress.

Tens of thousands of thick gun barrels spewed out destructive beams, and a large number of Dharma array lights appeared on the walls of the fortress that had just been repaired. Countless beams of light spray madly, strangling a head of empty monsters.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The declining plane beat like a heart. This strange scene made all the creatures in the fortress feel incredible. Because no matter in books or personal experience, they have never heard of such strange changes in the plane.

"There are rules manifest, and this plane actually manifests its rules." a legendary voice is transmitted to the whole fortress through magic props.

Kukas had just returned to his room. After hearing the sound, he forcibly tore the void and appeared directly in the huge control room according to the method taught by the young deep-sea giant.

Here, he saw a huge magic screen, a plane beating like a heart, and endless void turbulence connecting or passing through this plane like blood vessels.

With the heart beating faster, tens of thousands of feet or even tens of thousands of feet thick glazed chains began to emerge on the surface.

The chains emerge and emit endless divine light, which is like the brilliance of the supreme beings seen a few days ago.

There is no need for mental induction or secret speculation. At the moment when these chains emerge, a large number of knowledge and rule fragments fill thousands of miles of space.

Countless pieces of rules fell like raindrops on the war fortress and the surrounding empty monsters.

Part of the rule fragments were directly integrated into the war fortress, while the other part penetrated the fortress and was forcibly closed by thousands of legends with secret methods.

Although kukas is extremely jealous of the fragments of the rules, he knows that this is not the time to forcibly compete. Fortunately, endless knowledge condensed into strange books, which also penetrated the defense of the war fortress and appeared in front of everyone.

"The casters use the secret method to collect those books and store them together. They will distribute them as needed after the war is over. Similarly, those rule fragments are not allowed to be used at will. I don\'t think anyone will disobey this order." the young deep-sea giant suddenly shouted loudly, because he knew that if he didn\'t do so, it would be inside the war fortress, There is likely to be some civil strife. Civil strife is not what he wants to see. Especially before finding a place of exile.

The order was quickly carried out, and the professionals in the fortress knew that if they robbed these things at this time, it would probably lead to the collapse of the fortress. You know, the most numerous people in the fortress at this time are not legends and gods, nor half step legends and half gods, but a large number of 12th level professionals.

Most of these twelve level professionals have unstable temperament. They have achieved such power over an extremely long time.

However, due to other reasons, they are temporarily unable to impact demigods or legends. Therefore, they often appear very crazy when facing something that may improve their strength.

The orders of the young deep-sea giants are mainly aimed at them. They are worried that they will not be reconciled to the struggle between legends and gods who master the fragments of rules.

You know, rule fragments are extremely precious. When understanding the rules, most creatures can only get the knowledge in the rules, and rarely get a part of the rules. Each piece of rule fragment may contain little knowledge, but some of the characteristics contained in it are far from what kukas, a knight who only knows how to cast natural visions, can master.

"Those rule fragments strengthened the war fortress. A good news is that some rule fragments broke into the energy core and repaired some of the energy core." a legend who observed the internal changes of the fortress suddenly said.

"Repair the energy core with those rule fragments, and put other things aside first." as soon as the legendary words fell, some professionals in the fortress cheered in a low voice.

You know, their purpose of looting one by one is to accumulate enough materials to repair the energy core. If the energy core can be repaired, their journey will be greatly improved. Maybe we\'ll find a place to be exiled soon, not necessarily. At that time, they may get far more benefits than those fragments of rules.

You know, the deep-sea giants have experienced a long and long time. Their details are beyond the imagination of ordinary professionals.

And they all know that the deep sea giants have a strange drug. With the support of that drug, the 12th level professionals can step into the legendary or divine level in a short time.

While the legends tried to repair the energy core with rule fragments, kukas paid attention to the monsters in the void.

Under the baptism of rule fragments and a lot of knowledge, the harvest of these empty monsters is far more than that of the war fortress. After all, there are more of these void monsters.

They instinctively chase rule fragments and knowledge books, then devour these things and constantly strengthen themselves.

Under kukas\'s observation, every time these empty monsters devour a rule fragment or a large number of knowledge books, their body size will shrink or expand, and the breath they emit will be strong.

Compared with the harvest of the war fortress, the harvest of these empty monsters is even greater.

The size of a lion like void monster has exceeded tens of thousands of feet, and it devours the largest number of regular fragments.

The lion shook his head and stepped on the void, and countless golden lights came out of him. In the light of those divine lights, some void monsters who are competing for rule fragments moan and lie down in the void to show their submission.

Some golden lights are full of knowledge, and books condense over the lion\'s head. Countless strange words are winding and shuttling in it, casting a fuzzy crown.