Abyss Knight

Chapter 812

After a long time, kukas felt that the body was about to return to its peak.

Killing the beast eroded by the dark fog for a long time made him accumulate a lot of strange energy. With the blessing of those strange energies, his power has been very powerful. According to his estimation, it is comparable to the first-order peak Knight state in the world of the main plane.

It is extremely difficult to achieve this state in a short time. If you put it on this Aboriginal, there will be no such achievement in three or five years. And kukas, it only took a few days.

The black crystal stone burning in the furnace on the stone platform was about to disappear. He quickly added a new crystal stone to it. Then he took out the simple map and looked at it.

This crude map was drawn by the aborigines according to the exquisite map before the decline of land level. Although it is very simple, it shows those huge cities in detail.

All kukas has to do is go to the nearest ancient city pool and get information about plane props from it.

While kukas was looking at the map, there was a rapid sound of footsteps in the distance. Although there was a black fog interval, kukas quickly sensed it with the help of a strong mental force.

Soon, a light in the distance penetrated the fog and touched the light caused by his furnace.

The two light sources touch, and then strangely fuse together to form a huge place of circular light sources.

"Who are you?" there were more than a dozen people coming from a distance, including men and women, but they only used a stove. And their furnace lighting range is tens of feet in size.

"Adventurer." kukas answered simply, then took the axe and stood up to observe the people carefully.

"Of that place? I ask you as the heir of the count of Baiyang city." the person in power is the young man. The others who followed him were strong servants.

"The town in that direction. Kemond town." kukas narrowed his eyes, slowly turned his axe and answered each other.

"It\'s a good place. We know where. Where are you going? Exploring the ruins? Or going to other cities?"

"Explore a relic. Well, I heard that there is an abandoned city nearby. Where can I find something?" kukas could not feel the killing intention of these people, so he relaxed his guard.

"Great, we\'re just going to explore a relic. Let\'s go together? I heard that there are many ancient things in the relic that haven\'t been damaged until now. There are jewelry and strange clothes made by craftsmen. God, I\'m excited to think of these." the woman who followed the count\'s successor screamed: "Look, I knew we would meet other adventurers."

"Be quiet, damn it, can\'t you be quiet?" the Earl\'s successor suddenly scolded: "it seems that it\'s a very bad decision to bring you out. Damn, you weren\'t like this before."

"But I\'ve always been like this. By the way, what\'s your name? I heard that after tearing open the fog shrouded in our sky, we will see a huge city suspended in the air. Where are countless powerful creatures? Is that so?" the young girl was dressed luxuriantly and looked like an aristocrat or a descendant of an aristocrat.

"Kukas, cinder Knight kukas." kukas looked at the crazy noble girl with some laughter. Now he was sure that the other party was also a professional from the war fortress. It was not a good result for him to meet a professional in the war fortress so quickly.

"It\'s a professional title before the catastrophe. Unfortunately, this professional title is of no use now. Well, don\'t take these words my sister said to heart. She has some problems in her head these days. Yes, there\'s a problem in her head, which has been like this since it began a few years ago." the count\'s successor shrugged his shoulders and looked helpless.

"I understand." kukas nodded and was silent.

"Let\'s go together?"

"Yes, it\'s OK to go on the road together." kukas touched the Tomahawk in his hand. He wanted to observe the strength of the noble girl, but his mind spread over and was shielded by the other party.

"Kukas, I heard that there is a powerful creature named kukas in the city in the sky. Well, is that you? Are you alone?" the noble girl jumped to kukas and reached out to take his arm.

"Damn it, we don\'t know each other. I don\'t know whether you are a man or a woman." kukas screamed strangely and stepped back to avoid the intimacy of the noble girl. His words attracted the attention of the servants in simple cloth armor and the heir of the count.

"There will be many treasures in that relic." the Earl\'s successor saw that the atmosphere was a little embarrassed, so he quickly made a new topic: "it is said that there were artifacts before the cataclysm. Well, it is a powerful prop used by the gods. It is said that as long as someone holds the artifact, he can rule the world."

"Really?", "yes, this is a legend from a long time ago. I don\'t think those legends will deceive us."

In this way, the two sides talked and continued on the road. And their goal is the site dozens of days away.

However, kukas did not successfully reach the ruins. Of course, this does not mean that their temporary team was defeated by those ferocious beasts, but that he was killed on the road. It was not a beast that killed him, but the count\'s heir.

Yes, the count\'s heir pierced kukas\'s heart with a triangular nail while he was sleeping.

"Sorry, I came down from the war fortress too. Hehe, don\'t retaliate against me when you go back! I know you have endless green skin." the count\'s heir owed his body and muttered in disguise.

"Forget it, damn it." kukas is not unacceptable to such a result. It\'s not too bad for professionals to be cheated and lose the qualification to find plane props.

You know, even if this plane is about to be deserted, the area inside is still large. They came here to look for plane props. In fact, they just wanted to pick up the plane and relax.

Because they all know that the plane is too big. If they want to find that plane prop in a short time, it can be said that there is no hope at all. Even if there are many legends and gods among them. Kukas\'s soul fragments and remaining mind returned to the noumenon in the war fortress under the action of the secret law.

However, he did not know that not long after he returned to the war fortress, the Earl\'s heir and the noble girl were also killed. Similarly, it was not a beast that killed them, but an attendant among them.

The entourage is very powerful and the means are extremely strange. He cut the heads of the two powerful beings with a transparent silk thread.

"In this world, no one is my opponent." reaching out and shaking, the young servant collected the transparent silk thread. These threads ran along his fingertips and into his bones.

After killing the count\'s heir and the noble girl, the strength of the young servant increased dozens of times. Powerful power, let him send out a crazy roar.

Countless black smoke penetrated the light emitted by the stove and penetrated into his body.

The remaining servants saw their master suddenly cut off by their companions, so they shouted wildly and rushed to the rebels. They want to avenge their master, otherwise when they go back, not only will they die, but their families will also be brutally punished for their dereliction of duty.

The black smoke wrapped around the young servant and soon formed a ferocious heavy armor to wrap his body.

A crippled Scepter appeared in the young servant\'s hand. The scepter shook and flashed dark green lights on his hand.

When the scepter was waved, dozens of professionals were instantly blasted, and their flesh and blood were infected by the black fog, all of which went into the young servant\'s body.

The strength soared, a pair of wings broke free from his back, the wings shook, and the fog around him rushed into his body crazy along the wings. However, during the breathing time, the black fog thousands of miles around was sucked by the pair of wings.

When the wings waved, the young servant shrouded in armor flew into the air. Under the guidance of the scepter in his hand, the young servant seemed to be a meteor across the sky. Where he went, the fog dissipated and showed soft sunshine.

A legend who came down from the war fortress is leading a team of nearly 1000 people forward in the wilderness.

Then the winged boy fell from the sky, but in a short breath, he killed the legendary man.

After killing the legendary Aboriginal, his strength soared again.

At the same time, a legend in the war fortress roared angrily, because after his body was killed, the soul fragments and mind did not escape, but were absorbed by the enemy.

There were more and more angry and unwilling growls in the fortress. At first they thought it was done by others in the fortress, but then they soon found something unusual.

"This plane is accumulating strength to fight us. There is no time for us to relax. I knew that the plane still contains plane props is not so easy to deal with. Damn it, we must deprive this plane of all its original power before this." someone shouted in a low voice and suggested that the young deep-sea giant make such a decision.

"No, it\'s just a third-order plane. Even if we gather all the power of the plane, we won\'t be afraid. After this plane gathers all its power, we will kill it. At that time, we can also get a precious plane prop." here, the young deep-sea giant paused a little and continued: "I think the effect of suppressing this fortress with that plane prop is much greater than that in the hands of one person alone."

"Yes, not to mention that we have lost soul fragments and minds. Why not let others try? Otherwise, we will lose alone and others will not, which will make me unbalanced."

Several legends made a decision in a few words. Their decision doomed those professionals who remained in the position to suffer heavy losses.

After spending three or five days in void, all Prof theessionals who came to face were killed.

At this time, kukas was busy in his room and was not in the mood to pay attention to seizing plane props and origin.

On the one hand, even if he pays attention, with his current power, he has no ability to feel any rules in it. Moreover, his fighting spirit and armor were separated, and he accumulated a lot of knowledge during this period. He decided to take advantage of this time to practice a projection.

Projection is extremely important for professionals. Especially when people feel that fighting armor is useless, whether a projection is strong or not is even more precious than a powerful plane treasure for professionals. At certain times, a projection can even replace the death of a professional.

Therefore, although after becoming the eighth order, kukas can practice his projection. But at that time, on the one hand, because of fighting armor and knowledge accumulation, he didn\'t practice projection, but waited silently for opportunities.

You know, the cultivation of projection is actually extremely important for professionals. Without special opportunities, a top professional can only cultivate three projections at most.

Each projection determines the power in the future at the beginning of professional cultivation. Even if the projection is blasted and condensed again, the power will not change unless there is a special opportunity.

Of course, projection can grow, but this growth needs the initial foundation. If the foundation is not laid well, the growth of projection is limited.

For these reasons, kukas quietly accumulated knowledge. Until now, his fighting armor found some strange knowledge in the knowledge plane, he decided to practice projection.

The cultivation of projection is actually very simple. Unlike natural visions, it requires all kinds of extremely precious materials and no special carrier. All we need is knowledge.

When building their own projection, ordinary professionals will compile all their knowledge into a projection structure, and then form a projection. Originally, kukas planned to do the same, but the twelve fighting armor unexpectedly found a strange knowledge in the knowledge plane. Reminded by that knowledge, he had a new way to build the projection structure.

The way he wants to construct the projection structure is not to outline the structure with his most powerful knowledge, but to write the language with a group of ancient words he has mastered according to the information in the knowledge plane, and then use these written languages to form the structure. Although this method will make the initial ability of projection somewhat weak, when the growth potential is very strong.

As like as two peas, if we have enough power, we can even make the projection have the same force as the body. This ability can\'t be seen on weekdays. If you are promoted to legend or God, this power will show its value. At that time, to some extent, his projection effect may even surpass his fighting armor.

In order to make the projection perfect, kukas even mobilized ten fighting armor to learn the oldest wizard words known.

The words of those wizards are very obscure, but he still spends a lot of energy learning for future development. Finally, it even spends a lot of plane sources to urge the secret method to temporarily remember those wizard words.

Wizard characters are so powerful that he can only remember a wizard character for three or five days. After this time, the wizard words disappeared from his mind.

However, it is said that it is not too difficult for those wizards to master such words. After all, their power systems are different. Therefore, the cost of using other words across the power system is hundreds or thousands of times higher than that of the same system.

Wizard writing is very mysterious and powerful. It is said that in the era of witches, all precious books are described in wizard writing.

Later, with the rise of casters and the decline of wizards, a large number of precious books were sealed and no one could understand them anymore. Up to now, even the most knowledgeable scholars will feel a headache when facing the wizard\'s words.

The twelve fighting armor memorized three or five wizard words respectively, and then directly branded into the soul of kukas\'s noumenon through special connections across time and space.

Dozens of wizard words appeared in his soul, directly forming a slowly rotating ball on his soul.

These wizard words are distorted, like ordinary patterns, suspended in his soul, but there is no release of any fluctuations and other forces.

If these words are branded on some ordinary stones, I\'m afraid no one will regard them as wizard words.

Every wizard word contains hundreds of meanings. When different words are combined, the meanings contained in them will be connected with each other.

After repeatedly trying to figure out the meaning of these words for dozens of days, he had a vague result in his heart. However, in this room, he did not dare to try to build a projection structure with wizard words. Because to build a projection structure, he had to say those wizard words.

According to the records in some books, if these ancient wizard words are spoken by them, they will produce great power. It is said that the powerful power of them even surpasses the strongest power of legends and gods.