Abyss Knight

Chapter 811

"Surrender or death!" a voice full of dignity sounded in the great pressure.

Then he saw a big hand sticking out of the twisted 13 awned star pattern, waving it with infinite power and grasping it at the paralyzed fog power holder on the ground.

"Roar! Get out!" kukas growled, and the gold treasures emerged behind him, and the temples smashed at the big hand like mountains.

When the temple collapsed, the big hand with exposed veins didn\'t even tremble, and continued to grasp the fog power.

"Kani Rome!" a magic instrument suddenly moved and formed a huge face. The face spoke ancient languages, which turned into crystal clear chains and wound around the big hand.

Not far away, a caster screamed and stretched out his hand to eject a black beam. The light beam hit the big hand and made the big hand partially petrified.

In addition, there are other professionals who shoot. These professionals emit flames and burn, and release curses. In an instant, dozens of legendary professionals shot at the same time and stubbornly stopped the big hand. Of course, it\'s just blocking.

"Surrender or death!" the majestic voice sounded again from the distorted pattern. The voice sounded, turned and fiddled, and planned to beat the fog power again.

More legends hidden in the fortress rushed over. Although they were afraid of the powerful pressure, they had to stop it.

However, when more legends are about to come, the strange patterns are broken and the big hands are illusory; There is an unwilling roar, but there is no ability to change now.

"What happened just now?" a legend asked in a hoarse voice. Legends like them spend their weekdays in secret rooms, and they are absolutely unwilling to end their latent training unless necessary.

"We explored the dreamland remembered by kukas, and it attracted the things just now." the fog ruler snorted. She was also a legend, but she served as the ruler of the fortress for her own sake.

Seeing this, kukas hurried forward and said what had just happened to him. Soon a legend came to a conclusion.

"This kind of thing should be caused by his projection into the broken river of time. You are lucky. If you enter a real broken river of time, where you die, you will die in the real world. Fortunately, you enter only the projection of fragments for a period of time. Nothing bad will happen."

"The long river of time? Fragments? Projection? I want to know about the long river of time. Many people have said the long river of time, but none of them can fully explain it." kukas touched his bald head and looked forward to the legend just talking.

The legend of speaking is actually a face attached to a magic instrument with a secret method.

"No one can tell the secret of the long river of time, even if it is written. When you become a legend, you will know."

They talked again and finally decided to forget what had just happened to kukas. Because those legends all know that the things about the fragments of the long river of time and the projection are extremely strange. They have never heard that the creature can unlock the secrets.

Normally, when you encounter this kind of thing, you just regard the content in the projection as an ancient forgotten legend.

Kukas did not intend to take the illusion that happened to him as an ancient story and forget it when he saw it. After calming down, he began to check his memory again and again. Want to get more about that ISAG.

However, the development of things made him feel extremely strange.

It turned out that after he checked his memory again and again, he found that his memory about the dreamland became more and more blurred. During this period, he used memory crystal and even words to write down everything that happened in the dreamland, but he found that he was unable to do it at all.

The words were written on paper, and before long, the paper burned itself and turned into fly ash; Memory exists in the crystal. After a long time, the memory crystal will slowly petrify and then become stone powder. Stored in a secret method, the time is shorter. It\'s only dozens of breathing time, and the secret method dissipates by itself.

In short, kukas exhausted all methods and was unable to write down everything in the dreamland.

Finally, kukas said what had happened to him, but unexpectedly, the legends expressed great understanding after hearing it.

"You have remembered for a long time. Most people will completely forget after dozens of breaths after experiencing the projection of fragments in the long river of time. Even legends and gods have no ability to remember. And you have remembered at least some people\'s names." a legend said indifferently: "Look! What you said just now about what happened in the dreamland has no trace in our memory. Even if you say these names now, we will completely forget it in a short time."

"Very strange." kukas shook his head. Now there was only one name about ISAG, the Lord of the abyss, in his memory. In addition, he could not remember anything about the dreamland at all. Just remember that I have experienced a dreamland, that\'s all.

While kukas was talking to the legend, the damaged war fortress had moved over a seat.

Although the fortress was damaged on a large scale due to the fight with the thousand winged eye dragon, at this moment, it is still capable of seizing the original power of a plane. Just because of the strength of the plane, it will pay different prices.

Hundreds of thick barrels aimed at the plane below, which was more than three million miles in size.

The plane is crystal clear, with a large number of words and strange fluctuations. When the war fortress was suspended over the surface, the color of the crystal clear surface began to change slowly, and was slowly changing towards dark black.

"There are many creatures in this plane, which is not a barren plane." kukas hesitated after seeing the change of that plane through the magic screen. You know, seizing the original power of a plane means that the whole plane will collapse, and all creatures in the plane will die slowly because of the collapse of the plane.

Of course, if it is organic, the broken plane fragments may re evolve into new planes. But it takes too long. It is long enough to take thousands or even hundreds of millions of years.

"Either this plane will perish, or we will perish. Which do you think is the best choice? We directly draw the original power of the plane. Although the killing is severe, the resentment of those creatures will not be imposed on us." the young deep-sea giant looked at kukas in surprise and felt very surprised at his choice: "You are the ash Knight kukas, killing thousands of people. Are you still interested in a lower creature in the plane?"

"They have no hatred with me after all. Killing them is no good." kukas shook his head. He couldn\'t stop what was happening in front of him, but he didn\'t want to stay here to watch. So he muttered a few times and turned back to his room.

Half step female legend saw him leave. Although she wanted to watch the scene of extracting the origin of the plane to get some insights, she had to give up this tempting idea and follow kukas back to the room because of her current identity.

"In order to set foot on the knight\'s road, I used slaves and mobs as grindstones to hone my killing skills." kukas lay wearily on his clothes, looked at the cold ceiling and continued: "later, in order to get some supplies, I killed madly on the battlefield."

"But now, in order to get the original power of the plane, it disgusts me to bury all the creatures in a plane."

"That face reacts quickly. I think the creatures inside must have wisdom. They die in confusion. Who should they resent?"

"It\'s all killing. There\'s no need to give yourself any reason. Maybe it\'s not directly related to you to seize the original power of the plane! If you need that thing, I think you will start without hesitation. Of course, you don\'t need that thing now, so the subconscious feeling is a little repellent." Half step female legend whispered persuasion, hoping to make kukas return to normal.

"Maybe!" kukas shook his head. He still recognized the half step female legend, but the degree of recognition was not high.

Kukas stayed in his room for dozens of days before he came out. During this period, he knew that the half step female legend wanted to understand the rules by observing and extracting the original power of the plane, so he let the other party leave. However, he himself still stayed in his room.

This time, it does not mean that the extraction of plane source power is over. On the contrary, the extraction of plane source power is still in progress, and it is more crazy and fast.

This time, he came out completely because the war fortress found a trace of a plane prop when extracting the original power in a new plane. More than a thousand legends tried everything to get this plane prop, so they temporarily slowed down the extraction of the original power and went into that plane.

This is a semi barren plane. Because of the regularity of the plane, most areas of this plane are covered by black fog, and only a small number of living creatures are not covered by fog.

Although this level is only a third-order level, in order to get the level props contained in it, all the creatures on the whole fortress came to this level by force with secret methods.

And kukas is not immune to vulgarity. He has 13 burning black flags and knows the value of plane props. Therefore, after knowing the new news through the half step female legend, he did not hesitate to come to the plane world named dark.

When it comes to coming, in fact, it is just to directly attach some of their souls and minds to the earth body in the plane through a huge magic instrument. In this way, even if they encounter any danger in this low-level plane, the noumenon will not die. Moreover, if necessary, they can come and return many times through that huge magic instrument, but It greatly enhances the opportunity to obtain plane props.

Before this search for plane props, all legends in the real fortress have made rules: no matter who gets the plane props in that fortress, no one can forcibly seize them as long as they return to the war fortress.

Kukas didn\'t care much about such rules. Because he has a burning plane, he can be resurrected and transmitted at any time, and he is not afraid of being robbed by others. However, for other creatures in the fortress, such rules and restrictions will greatly improve their safety.

The mind wrapped a small piece of soul fragments, which fell into the third level under the action of secret methods and magic instruments.

Under the influence of the rules of the ruling plane, kukas\'s mind showed a meteor state, crossing under the sky of this plane.

There was no need for mental induction or secret method to urge him. After his mental spirit came to this plane, he was immediately attracted by a mysterious attraction.

Attracted by that, kukas\'s mind occupied a middle-aged man\'s body.

The mind turned and instantly sealed all the consciousness of the middle-aged man. Of course, doing so cost him a lot of mental power, and because it seals the other party\'s consciousness, it is not erased, so he may be affected by this body.

Of course, this is nothing to kukas.

When he attached himself to the middle-aged man, a lot of information was directly instilled into his mind. This information is part of the rule meaning that the plane transmits to him under the hook of the secret law.

"Interesting plane." after checking the information, kukas smiled, but thought of some things he had experienced in his previous life. This plane is very similar to a space he experienced in his previous life.

Having lost his hoe, kukas got up and returned to the body\'s residence.

This body, the interpersonal relationship in this plane is very simple: the parents are no longer, and the wife is dead. As for his children, they developed into a very distant city.

Now, after kukas occupied it, he was saved a lot of trouble.

After selling all the land and houses of the body and buying a one horned Tomahawk, a simple map and an ancient book with the money his children dutifully gave him, kukas manipulated the body and walked into the dark in the distance.

Kukas\'s body is located in a small town, where three or five hundred families live. A town like this is already very prosperous in this area.

The town covers an area of dozens of square kilometers. What you see most here is not continuous houses, but hard cultivated land. Farmers and slaves are busy on a large amount of land. The food they grow not only maintains the operation of the whole town, but also needs the food of a city hundreds of miles away.

Because of this strange rule, the peripheral area of the whole town is shrouded in black fog, and the sun can\'t shine on the land shrouded in fog at all.

A large number of beasts eroded by fog walk in the fog. They carry fog and often impact the town.

All kukas has to do is step into the fog and search for some strange places to see if he can get information about plane props.

Although the farmer\'s body has not been trained in any killing skills, his body is extremely strong because of his perennial work. With the body as the foundation, kukas can give full play to his powerful strength.

A beast eroded by the black fog was forcibly killed by him, and every time he killed such a beast, he would accumulate a strange power in his body. When the strange power accumulates to a certain extent, it will be permanently blessed to his strength, speed or other physical qualities, so as to fundamentally improve his strength. This way is very similar to the game space he experienced in his previous life.

Most of the beheaded beasts cannot be eaten for a long time. If they are eaten for a long time, the body will slowly demonize and finally become a humanoid beast without any reason.

A few beasts can eat in special places, but the taste is extremely bad. But kukas didn\'t care.

Kukas cut off the head of a violent black bear. After digging out a black spar from the black bear\'s head, he stuffed the spar into a small stove he carried with him.

After the spar falls into the small lifting furnace, it will burn and emit soft light. The light shines and can melt the fog around. The more melted fog, the greater the light emitted by the combustion of spar. In this way, the intelligent creatures in this plane compete with the fog caused by the decline of the plane.

The light released from the furnace hanging on the shoulder can be expanded to three or five feet. At the beginning, its light can only cover more than one meter.

The Black Mist and the light generated by the burning of spar creaked. Although it was harsh, it was nothing to kukas.

After crossing a foul smelling stream, kukas put his stove on a flat stone. After throwing a few more spars in it, he lay in the light and began to rest. This rest is to relieve the fatigue of the body.

Try to relax the body and let the sour and soft muscles recover to the greatest extent. In his mind, he kept thinking about some information about this plane.