Abyss Knight

Chapter 810

A series of giants, such as frost giant, Titan giant, magma giant, Cyclops, savage giant, hundred eyed giant, thousand faced giant, rock giant and element giant, drilled out of those fallen bodies.

These giants born from corpses are only a little weaker than those hundred armed giants and bloody giants. The rest are no inferior to their parents in terms of killing.

The obscene King wearing the crown of thirteen precious stones roared, and countless faint lights fell off the crown and scattered on all creatures hundreds of millions of miles.

He was holding a scepter representing his identity, and dozens of black dragons were flying around him. Every time you wave the scepter, the void collapses, and countless abyss giants emerge from the collapsed void.

Kukas also participated in the killing. Every time an enemy fell, he felt his strength several times stronger.

After killing hundreds of enemies, his body suddenly soared from more than three meters high to thousands of feet tall. But even so, in this crazy battlefield, he is just a little bit.

The whole void was blasted, countless spatial turbulence emerged, and a large number of void monsters were born from it. After their birth, these empty monsters were swallowed up by some giants and extremely ancient beasts before they attacked.

The bloody giants waved huge planes and condensed them into weapons. Under their attack, no enemy can resist even one attack.

Huge war fortresses broke through the air, and hot beams of light came out of these war fortresses. However, compared with the existence of powerful abyss giants and bloody giants, these war fortresses were like toys, which were soon destroyed by enemies who could control strange weapons.

Under the weapon attack of those strange enemies, the legendary defense above these war fortresses is like paper, without any defense ability.

The flames of war soared, and the void collapsed hundreds of millions of miles. Every breath time, a giant falls, and every breath time, a fortress is blown up. But even so, there are still a large number of abyss creatures coming here.

Not knowing how many enemies he killed, kukas found himself extremely powerful. He was millions of feet tall and attacked with sticks wrapped around the spine of dozens of fallen bloody giants.

Strange peaks, seals, palaces, long rivers and sea water attacked him. But it was all blown up by him.

A burning meteor shot down at him, waved a white bone stick and hit the meteor. The powerful explosion blew him out. However, before he got up, more than a dozen other equally huge meteors shot down at him.

"Carmelo, hold on. If you die, how can I tell my sister?" just when kukas thought he was going to die, the obscene King wearing thirteen jewel crowns suddenly appeared in front of him.

The huge body shook and exploded the meteors that contained strong power one after another. Then he pierced one hand into the void and grabbed a white haired old man from the void.

"I\'m not Carmelo, I\'m the ash Knight kukas." kukas shook his head and tried to stand up. For the first time, he found that it was not a good thing to be too big. Because just when he was about to stand up, the collapsed void could not bear his strength, and then collapsed into a more broken void to devour him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Stand up for the sake of ISAG, the Lord of the abyss, and the victory of the abyss." the obscene King roared in a low voice. In the crown above his head, a dark light came out and wound around him. The light turned into a three headed snake with thousands of wings, which immediately disappeared most of his fatigue and heaviness.

slaughter! slaughter! slaughter!

At the urging of the adulterous king, kukas continued his killing.

Under the leadership of the other party, they crossed a piece of emptiness and exploded endless enemies. Finally into a strange land.

Here, their invincible record was broken. Endless enemies who controlled huge power weapons killed them madly. For a time, the creatures in the abyss suffered heavy losses.

At this time, kukas also had a crown on his head, which was also the 13 awn star crown, on which there were 13 gemstones glittering with endless divine light. Gemstones glittered, and countless powerful demons and even bloody giants followed his steps and began to fight.

Here, he met some extremely powerful creatures. The most powerful one was a young man who carried four swords. Every time his sword trembled, a bloody giant was wiped out.

Finally, in order to save him, the obscene king was wiped out by the young man\'s sword, even the crown on his head was forcibly wiped out.

Escape, kukas wants to escape, but his body can\'t help but continue to kill.

The young man with the sword looked different when he saw kukas: "I didn\'t expect you to have such an experience. It\'s really interesting."

Under the gaze of the young man with the sword, kukas felt that all his secrets seemed to be known by the other party. He felt each other\'s eyes sweep through his soul and dig out all his secrets.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A heavy footsteps sounded, and a thin young man stepped on the void and came out of the broken void. This young man is unreal. Although he is just the size of a normal person, the breath emanating from his body is stronger than any living creature.

Accompanied by this illusory youth walking, dark clouds and lightning are condensed in the broken void. Lightning and thunder, heavy rain. The whole battlefield became quiet because of the appearance of the illusory youth.

At this moment, as if everything had been forcibly solidified, the bodies of all creatures began to collapse. Even those powerful and bloody giants are the same.

However, there were still some bloody giants and powerful beasts left. They were pointed by the illusory youth, and then a dark light wrapped around their heads and swept them away.

Kukas did not know why he was left. In his sight, there were only the young man with the sword, the illusory young man and himself.

"Ha ha! I didn\'t expect our fighting projection to reach the ancient barbarian era. It\'s interesting. I didn\'t expect you to be so weak in that era." the young man with the sword looked up and laughed, but kukas couldn\'t hear any smile, but felt the endless killing intention. Under the stimulation of this murderous intention, his huge body began to crack, and large pieces of flesh and blood turned into fly ash and began to scatter. Even the soul hidden in the deepest place is like cutting with a knife. It may collapse at any time.

"This is not an ancient and wild era, but the transition of all ages, the beginning and end of all ages." the illusory young man\'s voice was a little hoarse, but kukas felt that his collapsed body and soul began to recover. In a short moment, everything returned to its peak.

"What you said is not necessarily correct."

"No one has ever been right."


"Then kill!"

The young man with a sword fought with the illusory young man. Their fighting power is more powerful than those bloody giants. A single breath leaked out, which directly exploded kukas\'s body, leaving only a crippled head floating alone in the air.

"Are you ISAG, the Lord of the abyss?" kukas roared loudly. He felt that he was about to collapse completely. But at this time, he still couldn\'t help but speak out his doubts loudly.

"Yes, I am ISAG, the Lord of the abyss, the eternal King ISAG, the king of kings ISAG, and the king of the supreme will." the illusory young man smiled in a low voice. He stretched out his hand to pierce into the broken void and pulled out a strange light of colored glass.

The light band flows, in which the images of countless creatures emerge and disappear. The light band is small, but the power emitted is earth shaking, surpassing all kukas\'s cognition.

The light band wound around kukas, his body and soul collapsed, and then he fell into endless darkness.

In this endless darkness, a voice kept saying, "I am ISAG, the Lord of the abyss, ISAG, the eternal king, ISAG, the king of kings, and the king of the supreme will."

"Kukas! Kukas! What are you thinking?"

In the endless darkness, suddenly a light beam pierced in. The light beam was extremely dazzling, and a figure swayed and shook, calling him.

"Are you calling me?"

"Yes, what\'s the matter with you, kukas!" the beam of light expanded violently and burst, covering all the darkness in an instant.

Endless cries of killing rang out and disappeared. After repeated dozens of times, kukas found that he was separated from the dark space filled with white light.

Stepping on the heavy carpet, beside me is a half step female legend raising a glass. Surrounded by several professionals he knew, including young deep-sea giants.

"We passed the folding space you mentioned. Ha ha, we passed smoothly. They found several barren planes in front. After extracting the origin of those barren planes, we can restore the performance of the fortress. It is even possible to repair the damaged energy core."

The fog ruler on one side said in a strange tone, "what have you just experienced? I think you just looked like you were dragged into the illusion. Tell me, I am a caster proficient in the illusion. Maybe I can help you find the person who dragged you into the illusion."

"Fairyland? How can there be a fairyland without any fluctuations in magic power?" the half step female legend on one side frowned slightly. She looked at the fog power in doubt and said quickly: "do you mean that someone wants to be bad for kukas in this fortress?"

"I think so. Although he was absent-minded just now, it took me a long time to breathe, but I found that his appearance was definitely dragged into the dreamland. Tell me, what did you see in the dreamland? How did it come out? I can rely on these to infer who cast spells on you. No, damn it, someone can let you into the dreamland in an instant, then his power is too powerful Too strong, I\'m afraid I can\'t find him. "

The mood of those in power became a little uneasy and angry. He didn\'t expect that someone would use mirage in front of him, and it was aimed at kukas, who had a deal with the deep-sea giants. It made him feel very humiliated.

"I saw a man named ISAG, the Lord of the abyss." kukas touched his bare head and found that there was no crown of thirteen precious stones on his head. The mind turned and called out the burning black flag. The burning black flag still turned and there was no damage at all.

"ISAG, the Lord of the abyss? I\'ve never heard of him. If he can be named the Lord of the abyss, he must belong to the creatures in the abyss, but in the endless abyss, the most powerful is the legendary seven kings, but there is no ISAG, the Lord of the abyss." the young man with the illusion of the devil of the abyss shook his head and explained: "And according to the information controlled by me and my family, I have never heard of the name of ISAG, the Lord of the abyss, in the endless abyss. No, even ordinary demons don\'t exist."

"ISAG the Lord of the abyss, ISAG the eternal king, ISAG the king of kings, ISAG the king of the supreme will." kukas repeated the voice he heard in the dark, which was also the words of the illusory youth in the dreamland.

"Never heard of such a name." the young deep-sea giant noticed the strangeness, so he asked all the creatures in the whole war fortress through magic communication.

But the result made people feel very helpless. No creature knew about ISAG. Even the only tree man in the fortress who was born from an extremely ancient era and was famous for his wisdom and knowledge did not know.

"Have you heard of other people\'s names besides the name of ISAG? I think there should be other creatures whose names have been spoken out in the dreamland." the fog ruler took out a piece of gold paper and sketched it with a quill pen.

"Carmelo! I\'m called Carmelo by a demon who seems to be an obscene king." kukas shook his head hard. He condensed a little memory of his experience in the illusion with a secret method, and then put it on the paper with lines drawn according to the requirements of the fog power holder.

"I\'ve heard of the name of Carmelo." the abyss demon turned into a human suddenly lost his voice and shouted: "In our legend of endless abyss, there is a layer of abyss evolved from the heart of the supreme demon Carmon. In the legend, Carmon Luo was dug out by his enemies. Then he polished Carmon Luo\'s body into nothingness with a strange grinding plate. His heart fell into the abyss and became an abyss plane."

"Kamono abyssal plane, the penultimate abyssal plane to suppress the seven kings. There are endless abyssal giants living there. They kill all who enter it, even the projection of the seven kings."

"As for the obscene king you said, he does exist in the endless abyss, because he is one of the seven kings. However, the seven kings are not fixed. They are all produced after countless struggles. The kings of all dynasties have only the same name. Unless they know their time."

"What era was the legendary Carmelo in?" the fog ruler thought about the Carmelo while paying attention to kukas\'s memory of the dreamland.

"There is no information about the times of Carmelo. Just in the endless abyss, it is said that the deeper the abyss is, the longer the birth time will be."

"The historical records of the giants of the abyss are said to have spanned tens of millions of times. But everyone doesn\'t believe it. You know, tens of millions of times, this is not tens of millions of years or hundreds of billions of years. No one can verify it."

The abyss devil has extremely profound wisdom and knowledge accumulation, but at this time, he appears extremely powerless and pale when explaining the plane of the carmono abyss.

"Tens of millions of times? Are there so many times before us? It\'s impossible." Kukas shook his head and denied it. According to some information in the knowledge plane, they are now in an era just after the beginning of the world. If thousands of times have passed, the creatures that existed at the beginning of the world, such as the thousand winged eyed dragon, will never exist.

"This is the era of the transition between the beginning and the end?" thinking carelessly, kukas subconsciously said the words of the illusory ISAG he met in the dreamland.

However, just as he said this, the paper in front of the fog power suddenly burned violently. The next moment, the paper turned into ashes. The fog power screamed, the fog turned, and the whole person was paralyzed on the ground.

"This is not something we should know. There is no way to check it." the fog on the person in power is only a little and covers his face, but other parts of his body are exposed. It is a concave convex female body.

"This dreamland is so powerful that I can\'t peep, even a corner of the dreamland." maybe it\'s because of the counterattack of the secret method, the fog ruler didn\'t have time to hide her identity, so as to reveal her real voice.

The voice is very clear, like the voice of a young girl. But at this time, no one cares.

Because just when the fog ruler said she was powerless, the ashes of the paper suddenly suspended in the air and formed a twisted pattern.

The pattern is a 13 awn star crown, which emits a trace of war spirit.

Although the war intention was slightest, it filled the war fortress and made everyone feel great pressure.

Especially those creatures at the level of half legend and legend, they feel much more pressure than those professionals at the level of kukas.