Abyss Knight

Chapter 809

Tearing the void, the broken war fortress jumped again according to the route pointed out by the wizard.

Tear the space again and again and jump again and again. After hundreds of times in a row, even the most dull kukas noticed the bad.

Because no matter how the war fortress jumps, the last place is surrounded by nothingness, without any creatures and planes, and even the common void turbulence can not be seen.

The fortress turned, and a thick gun barrel spewed out a hot magic beam. The light beam rips through the void, causing a stream of void turbulence. But in an instant, the turbulence dissipated, the void reset, and the magic beam disappeared in front of everyone as if it had never existed.

"Dreamland!" the legends in the fortress found something wrong and made a guess. The foggy man in power was in the worst mood. Because he is a caster proficient in fantasy magic. Now he was trapped in a dreamland for so long that he realized it, which made him unable to accept it at all.

"It\'s impossible. A fairyland wants to drag so many of us in. I\'m afraid even those supreme powers can\'t do it." kukas shook his head. In his understanding, although the power of the fairyland is great, it won\'t be strong enough to drag all the creatures in a war fortress in.

What\'s more, this is a war fortress, in which nearly 10000 legends sit.

"Nothing is impossible. It\'s the wizard, the trap set by the wizard who gave us the route." the fog ruler was very excited: "only those damn wizards can have such strange means. They may want to sacrifice us. Damn. They want to sacrifice me?"

"Calm down, if that wizard really wants to harm us, I\'m afraid he can\'t use such a troublesome means. You know, the wizard I\'m looking for is a wizard who survived from an extremely ancient age. His life span is even longer than those supreme powers, which is older than any supreme power of the deep sea giant family. He will murder us if he is so old What do you get? "The young deep-sea giant took a deep breath, but clenched his fist and hurriedly said," maybe this is just his test, or something unexpected has happened here. The wizard doesn\'t understand. "

"Then use all the strength now to repair the energy core of the war fortress. As long as that thing can be completely repaired, I believe we can get out of here. No matter how strong the illusion is, it can\'t resist the impact of strong energy." kukas quickly made such a decision after patting his bald head.

"Yes, it\'s a solid dreamland. As long as the power inside is strong enough, it won\'t be of any use. I believe how to recover the energy core of this war fortress can definitely tear the dreamland space here." the female legend also whispered.

"I hope so! The illusion of encircling this war fortress is definitely a powerful illusion that we can\'t easily destroy." the fog power sighed, and then stopped talking.

The young deep-sea giant thought a little, and then issued a series of orders. Under his command, all the casters and alchemists in the whole war fortress gathered in the energy core space to repair the energy core.

"I hope everything goes well."

"Don\'t worry, everything will go well." kukas narrowed his eyes, carefully observed the situation around him, and even manipulated the huge magic instruments himself, and then observed the situation outside.

"Generally speaking, if everything goes well, it will become extremely bad in most cases." the young deep-sea giant shrugged his shoulders and said seriously: "Maybe you can have a rest. Well, feel the books I gave you. You know, although you can\'t read the words above, you can feel the fluctuations. It\'s hard to say that the people who wrote those books hid their feelings in the fluctuations in the books."

"No, I walk here alone. To tell you the truth, I always feel that there is something unreal here." kukas grinned strangely. As he said, he feels that there is something unreal here, but as for what is unreal, he also doesn\'t know: "maybe our war fortress still stays in the folding vortex and hasn\'t really crossed the vortex."

"Forget it, it\'s too normal to be trapped by the dreamland and feel that everything around you is untrue. Relax. I found that you have been practicing and have never really had a good rest. You know, this is no longer a battlefield. It\'s a safe war fortress."

"It\'s not safe here at all," kukas muttered with some complaints.

"No, it\'s very safe here. At least now there are no endless damn armor people attacking us. We can hold banquets, rest, drink and do anything, just don\'t have to fight any more." a soldier nearby controls magic instruments to observe the scene in the empty air outside, laughing in a low voice to relieve his boredom.

Kukas said nothing more. After carefully observing the surrounding situation, he went to a huge magic screen to watch.

On the huge magic screen, he saw the invariable silence and emptiness, but even so, he still watched carefully.

"Look here, damn it, what the hell is here." after a short time, another soldier who controls magic instruments shouted: "enemy, endless enemies. Damn it, it\'s the abyss demons. They rushed up from behind us."

"It\'s impossible." someone shouted.

Kukas rushed to the magic screen as fast as he could and watched it carefully.

On the magic screen, he saw dozens or even hundreds of tall demons riding on three headed dogs, three headed dragons, white bone war horses and ferocious beasts, occupying the endless space behind them like a tide, and they were frantically attacking them.

"Prepare for battle, prepare for artillery fire, and kill these bastards." the young deep-sea giant growled in a low voice. His face was ferocious, and his body burst out cracks. He was ready to restore his body and kill at close range at any time.

"No, they didn\'t mean anything to kill us. I think they just passed by here. Or our sailing route overlapped with their marching route." kukas took a deep breath and quickly stopped the young deep-sea giant to prevent his impulse from making them fall into unnecessary struggle.

"Then give me full vigilance and be ready to attack them at any time."

"Fortress 389, 872, charge me right away. Your speed is too slow." just then, a scarlet projection appeared inside the fortress. Even kukas felt extremely depressed by the bloody smell of the scarlet projection.

"Damn it, this is a fairyland. We are involved in the fairyland." a professional shouted loudly.

"Follow orders. Move on now." kukas shouted quickly.

"You have done well, and you dare to disobey the command of the great supreme existence of the abyss Lord, then completely dissipate me from the crystal system!" the bloody projection stretched out his finger and pointed to the shouting professional.

The red light flashed, and the professional was solidified into a red spar in an instant. Then the crystal collapsed and turned into a scarlet powder, which was put away by the bloody projection.

"Charge! Charge! Charge! Your responsibility is to charge, and you don\'t have to consider anything else." after saying this, the bloody projection disappeared, and others reacted at this time.

"What\'s the matter? Isn\'t this a fairyland? Do we have to follow the rules in the fairyland?" the young deep-sea giant shouted with surprise at the place where the bloody ghost disappeared.

"Yes, I\'m afraid we have to join the battle in this fantasy. Even if our opponents are illusory, we have to join. Maybe this is another way for us to leave the fantasy. Of course, the premise is that we must win." kukas patted his head and came out with a changed gun and axe in his backhand to prepare for bloody killing. He believes that his special gun and axe can kill those illusory enemies.

"The energy core has been repaired. Damn it, there was a red figure just now. Then he stretched out his hand to point out the core and completely repaired the damaged energy core." the figure of the fog ruler was displayed on a magic screen. Although his voice was still extremely harsh, it was mixed with unspeakable shock this time.

"Then make complaints about it. Let\'s see what our opponents are in this illusion. To be honest, the friend\'s words just looked wrong." Kukas\'s boring Tucao.

"It was just an accident."

"Yes, it\'s just an accident, but we still have to be involved in a war, even if it\'s a wrong war or an illusory war." kukas spit hard, then took the gun and axe and shook it hard.

The oblique cross on his chest sent out dark lights, which wrapped around him to form a black ferocious armor.

The armor is ferocious. Sharp triangular spikes pierce out on the joints and back. When the visor fell, except for two holes for the eyes, there was only an inverted cross pattern.

Facial muscles wriggled, and the armor made all kinds of ferocious expressions. Dark lights swam on it to form a six pointed star array, ready to attack and defend.

The thick gun barrel turned, and the magic and fighting beams condensed. Some legendary attack arrays also began to flash, ready to attack at any time.

The void in front suddenly disappeared like a faded picture, and then emerged one by one dressed in strange creatures.

These creatures rode all kinds of monsters and carried some small weapons in their hands. To the horror of the members of the war fortress, those small weapons immediately turned into weapons hundreds or even tens of thousands of feet in size after they were separated from the hands of the living creatures.

These weapons shatter the sky and explode the void. Before countless charging demons rushed to the creatures dressed in strange clothes, they were wiped out into nothingness by the power emitted by those strange weapons.

"Damn it, where the hell is this? How can there be such an enemy?"

"Look at their means, a bit like the means of some core personnel of the glorious hand."

While the people were discussing with each other, kukas recognized the identity of the people opposite. If he guessed right, those people, it was some of the top beings in his previous life, thought of the same creatures as the top legends in the world.

Doubting the enemy\'s strangeness, but without delaying any attack.

Thousands of barrels spewed out huge beams of light, which tore through the void and hit strange weapons. Or the light beam dies, or the weapons break. For a moment, there was a crazy explosion in the dead empty air.

"Glory of the Lord of the abyss!"

"For the Supreme Lord of the abyss."

The demons shouted loudly. Through the magic screen, kukas saw that each of the charging demons had the strength of legends and gods. They waved all kinds of weapons and crazy attackers. Or change into a giant ten million feet tall, or change into a monster with three heads and six arms. He used all means to attack the enemy opposite.

The fire soared into the air, and some of the enemy threw an arrow into the war fortress, which was lit in an instant.

Countless legendary level Dharma arrays turned, and only in a series of violent explosions did they gradually erase those crazy burning flames.

"Kill for the supreme king and the name of ISAG, the Lord of the abyss!" a giant with hundreds of thousands of feet broke through the void and appeared in the front of the battlefield.

The giant snake tail man has four arms and a huge head without hair. It is all ferocious and roaring Python swallowing the sky.

On the back of the giant of the snake tail man, there are butterfly like wings. The wings flash and endless pink breath pours out and sweeps towards the enemies. These enemies swept by the pink breath fell into unspeakable ugliness. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the demons attacked crazily and didn\'t know how many enemies they killed.

"Evil king." kukas muttered uncertain when he saw the giant of the snake tailed man. Because in his previous understanding, the obscene king was one of the seven kings in the endless abyss and would not surrender to any living creature at all. The powerful king traverses the endless void, and no one dares to provoke him.

But now the other side is working for a lord of the abyss named ISAG. It really shocked him.

And more importantly, over the head of the obscene king, there is a slowly rotating crown with 13 huge gemstones.

The crown rotates, and the thirteen huge gemstones on it release countless brilliance. The light shines on the demons and makes their strength stronger; Shining on the enemy makes them weak, tired, old, painful and tired.

"ISAG, the Lord of the abyss? Is it the ISAG, the Lord of the abyss, who has never been described in words? Is this his name? When you leave here, you must ask for the stone book and verify whether it is correct."

Kukas thought wildly. In his perception, he found that the abyss demons and those enemies in front of him were so real that he almost thought that all this really happened around him.

Killing, endless killing.

The huge war fortress spews out a deadly beam and releases a large number of legendary magic attacks. Killed one enemy after another.

But similarly, more and more enemies began to attack his war fortress. I don\'t know how long later, the fortress collapsed and was cut into pieces by a long sword tens of thousands of feet in size.

The strange force wandered wantonly in the fortress, tearing apart countless legends and half step legends. As for those lower level professionals, there are countless who have been killed.

Kukas was crushed by a strange force and wiped out his soul. However, with the help of the original power of the plane, he forcibly resurrected in situ. The female legend who had followed him for half a step was evaporated, and even a piece of soul fragment was not left.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The power of stepping on the void and covering the earth was fully displayed. Kukas mixed with those demons and began to kill madly.

When the gun and axe are broken, attack with weapons evolved from level props. In the back, even his plane props were destroyed by those powerful enemies. But even so, he is still killing. Because he knew that if he didn\'t kill himself, he would never get out of this illusion.

The fantasy is so powerful that their idea of breaking the fantasy was completely wrong.

The smell of killing is vertical and horizontal, and the smell of blood is diffuse.

Accompanied by a roar, the void collapsed, and the crazy hundred armed giant came out of it. These hundred armed giants threw burning meteorites and exploded pieces of emptiness.

There was another roar, and tens of thousands of high abyss demons came through the air with endless fire and magma. They walked in the void, directly shattered the void, entangled the void turbulence and killed.

There were also creatures roaring, red columns of light breaking the void, and endless bloody breath enveloped the void. A giant with hundreds of thousands of feet came out of the void.

These giants are filled with a strong smell of blood. Some legendary demons and enemies are contaminated by those smells and will instantly turn into pus and blood and integrate into the plane weapons in the hands of these giants.

Yes, plane weapons. Those weapons were all rubbed and rubbed out by the huge planes dragged out of the broken void.

"Bloody giant." kukas smiled helplessly. He kept retreating, but he was avoiding the breath of these powerful creatures. Because in that breath, he was blasted hundreds of times. If he had not sensed that he should not give up, he would have directly returned to the burning plane and resurrected, rather than continue here.

The monster roared. The legendary nine headed monster snake xudera and more powerful beasts came to help the abyss demons start a crazy attack on those strange enemies.

Killing, blood filled the air, blood gathered together to form a sea of blood floating in the void.

Countless creatures fell, and countless creatures were born from the fallen bodies, and then continued to kill.