Abyss Knight

Chapter 808

"Take care of the thousand winged eyed dragon first and then others! We don\'t stay here. If you want us to stay, it depends on whether you have any ability." the young deep-sea giant roared loudly. Accompanied by his roar, the remaining hundreds of gun barrels suddenly turned their direction, and then ejected a beam of light nearly 100 feet thick and thin towards the talking golden armor man.

"Go!" after blasting out the beam of light that did not know whether there was a threat, the young deep-sea giant gave an order again, and then let everyone control the damaged war fortress and escape to the distance.

"Want to go? It\'s not that easy." the golden armor man didn\'t care about the light beam attack of the war fortress. He stretched out a finger in front of him, and the golden light burst at the front of his finger. Hundreds of millions of beams of light wound up, turning into ropes of different thickness and winding up hundreds of beams of light.

The rope wound the beams, one by one, nearly 100 feet thick and thin, which could evaporate half a step. At this time, it was like an air leaking balloon, shrinking rapidly. However, during the breathing time, the light beam dissipated, and the light beam on the fingertip of the golden armored man scattered and turned into a butterfly, either on himself or in the surrounding void.

Kukas has been paying attention to the action of the golden armor man. The shape of the other party is very similar to the golden armor man who took away his fenril magic bear when he was facing the killing scroll power. But the breath of the other party was so strong that he couldn\'t remember the other party\'s breath at all. So now facing the same person, he can only make vague guesses, but can\'t make absolute affirmation.

"What a powerful means. It can destroy such a powerful attack with every move. This is the supreme power in the legend? I don\'t know whether those top legends have this ability." kukas thought wildly. Finally, he whispered his doubts and asked the female legend behind him, hoping to let her give her an answer.

"At least none of the legends and gods I know can kill these beams in such an easy moment. Even if they are top legends and gods."

For this answer, kukas had a deeper understanding of the golden armor man.

While kukas was talking to the half step female legend, the golden armor man still wanted to fight against the broken war fortress, but just when he wanted to fight, the thousand winged eyed dragon also shot.

The thousand winged eye dragon roared, and more than a thousand pairs of wings waved wildly. Hurricanes flashed out under his wings. These hurricanes shattered the void within millions of miles, and dozens of huge eyes emerged in the void. These eyes turned and emitted light to envelop dozens of supreme powers present.

As for the dilapidated war fortress where kukas was located, he ignored it. He just wound the fortress with a hurricane and made a certain impact.

Taking this opportunity, the subordinates of the deep-sea giant controlled the broken war fortress and flew madly to the depths of the dead void. As for the fight between the thousand winged eye dragon and those supreme powers, it has nothing to do with them.

"Damn it, it\'s better to let them lose both and die in the end." the young deep-sea giant cursed loudly. The giant, whose self-esteem was hit by the suppression of the thousand winged eye dragon and the supreme existence, was very crazy: "when I release our ancestors, I will gather the strength of the whole family to kill you trash."

When the war fortress was far away, the golden armor man wanted to stop it, but he was entangled by the thousand winged eye dragon.

The thousand winged eyed dragon seemed to feel that these people were extremely powerful and entangled them madly. But refused to give them half a chance to relax.

"He wants to eat these supreme powers." the half step legend crisp life behind kukas said: "in the earliest legend, the thousand winged eye dragon devoured legends and gods as food. In their blood, they naturally thought that powerful professionals were their food. Swallowing such food is far more rewarding than swallowing other food."

"Devour them? Use the supreme power as food? It\'s crazy." kukas gasped at the words. In his cognition, the existence of supreme power can only be killed or suppressed by supreme powers. No other creature is the opponent of these supreme powers.

However, the facts in front of him told him that the supreme power was not omnipotent. They were firmly entangled in the face of a thousand winged eyed dragon who had just awakened from a deep sleep. Even an additional small hand against them could not be displayed.

Looking at the magic projection in the space with complex mood, it became more and more blurred, and finally collapsed. Kukas sighed, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Half step female legend seemed to notice something and stood quietly behind him without saying a word.

As time went by, the atmosphere in the whole fortress seemed unusually depressed. The roar of the young deep-sea giant not only did not alleviate the depressed atmosphere, but also seemed more dignified.

Although the core energy of the broken war fortress has been greatly damaged. But without additional attack costs, kukas\'s ship continued to provide energy. These energy sequels, after reaching a certain degree, turned the magic instrument to start space jump, and carried the broken war fortress for ultra long-distance void jump.

According to the fog ruler, the ultra long-distance jump of the war fortress can span at least billions of plane distances in the normal endless void. But in this dead and endless void, the war fortress is just a one-day journey that can jump the top legends.

"This place is really too strange. I\'m afraid we can\'t tear up the space to jump at the back." the fog ruler, while obeying the command of the young deep-sea giant, accumulated strength to prepare the chain to shrink, and dragged the Fortress into the vortex the next moment.

While drilling out of the vortex and winding the fortress, kukas was in a terrible mood. Because in his knowledge, there is no such chain drilling out of the folded void.

"Damn it." he cursed secretly, but he had no way to deal with the matter in front of him. Only let the chain drag them through the vortex of void.

The interior of the fortress was turbulent, and some walls even appeared cracks. Some chains pierced the interior of the fortress and damaged a large number of internal buildings.

Fortunately, the worst has happened. Now only some buildings have been damaged, which is nothing to the whole war fortress.

The turbulence inside the fortress lasted for dozens of breathing times before it stopped. During this period, all kinds of defenses attached to the fortress were forcibly torn by the chain. After the turbulence ended, through the observation of some magic instruments, people found that the whole war fortress was thin for several circles.

"Well! In order that our fortress still exists and we are still alive, I think we should really hold a banquet." the young deep-sea giant shouted excitedly: "this is really a miracle. Is that the legendary folding void? Interesting. He took the initiative to help us cross the void, but unexpectedly, he destroyed some of our buildings."

"Damn it, it will be very difficult for us to find enough materials to repair the fortress in such a desolate place."

"Where\'s the magic plantation?" kukas lit a silver smoke and then took a few breaths. "Let\'s compare the road map first and see if we\'re still on the road pointed out by the wizard."

"The output of the plantation can only repair the small damage of the fortress. If you want to repair the large damage, you need to plunder at least more than 100 material rich planes for repair. Or forcibly extract the original power of some planes, and then let the fortress repair itself."

"We\'re still on that route. After accumulating enough energy, we\'ll start immediately. Damn it, there\'s no plane in the range of hundreds of millions of miles. It\'s all nothingness. Damn it, it\'s all nothingness here, not even nothingness turbulence and nothingness monsters."

"Strange places. To be honest, I don\'t believe in wizards. Those wizards are always mysterious, more mysterious than any prophecy caster I know. It is said that they will point people to the wrong way and point people to the wrong way. Then, let those people struggle in the wrong way forever."

A professional voice suddenly sounded, "this route must be right?"

"In order to find the place of exile and save the supreme powers of the deep-sea giant, there is no need to talk about right and wrong. What we have to do is go on until we find the place of exile." the young deep-sea giant immediately interrupted each other\'s words. He said in a firm tone, "we have reached this point. We can\'t turn back. And don\'t you find it? The void vortex that sent us has dissipated. We can\'t return again through the void vortex."

"Then go on! There are people I\'m looking for. What\'s more, if we save all the members of the exiled land, I\'m afraid we can get a promise from them. At any time, whether it\'s the abyss alliance or the gate of heaven, we can get a certain degree of help. At that time, no one will target us again. Yes, if I If we can succeed. "

"Well, there\'s no need to discuss this now. The magic energy is almost there. Maybe we can jump into the void."