Abyss Knight

Chapter 807

"How\'s it going? Are you interested in joining us? Explore the exile, even save all the strong creatures imprisoned in the exile, and then kill back to the alliance and become a supreme power." the young deep-sea giant tried his best to persuade kukas. He needed kukas\' ship core to provide a lot of energy for his fortress.

"It\'s very dangerous. Aren\'t you afraid of falling?"

"Fall? If several supreme powers of the deep sea giant family can break away from the exile, I\'m afraid the whole deep sea giant family will decline. That result is more terrible than my fall." the young deep sea giant shook his head, but he was extremely firm in his idea of exploring the exile.

In this way, while talking, the three soon arrived at a command site of the war fortress.

Of course, in this huge war fortress, there is not only one command room, but many.

The command room controlled by the young deep-sea giant is the general command room specially responsible for energy operation. As for the control of fighting and walking, it is not what he, a young deep-sea giant, can do.

The walls around the command room are all made of a special magic crystal. On these magic crystals, various energy diagrams of the fortress are displayed. There is also a simple internal structure diagram of the fortress. According to these, the young deep-sea giant can know how much energy there is in the whole war fortress, where there is a lack of energy, and what is the lack of energy.

In this command room, there are thousands of busy professionals. They are all the operators here. It is because of their control that the young deep-sea giants can easily control the energy flow of the war fortress.

"Come on, let\'s come here." the young deep-sea giant motioned kukas and banbu legend to follow him to the central area of the control room. Here, there is a crystal cover. After the crystal cover is shrouded, there will be no secret methods and means to know the conversation in the crystal cover.

"Is it possible for this war fortress to kill the thousand winged eyed dragon?" kukas sat in his chair and looked at the busy professionals outside through the one-way transparent crystal cover. The professionals outside are extremely strong, the weakest and eighth order peak.

"Thousand winged eye dragon? That\'s impossible. It\'s extremely rare for us to survive the attack of that thing. You know, this thing is the oldest creature in the legend!" the young deep-sea giant shook his head and sighed softly.

"The legendary thing should not have existed. It must have paid a huge price to exist until now. I think his strength is not as strong as that in the legend." kukas touched his bare brain bag and said in a deep voice: "we can get a lot of good things by killing a thousand winged eyed Dragon."

"The premise is that it can be killed. All the main guns have been fired. At most, it\'s just breaking his cuticle. Even the eyes on his wings can\'t be broken. Now we need to accumulate strength and leave here. Otherwise, the longer the delay, the less good it will be for us."

"Can we switch out the battle picture of the thousand winged eye dragon?" the legend behind kukas suddenly whispered, "maybe we can feel something on the thousand winged eye dragon."

"OK, as you wish." the young deep-sea giant looked at kukas. After finding that he had no objection, he pressed several times on the platform in front of him, and then a huge projection appeared in front of the people.

The projection is an endless void. Here, a huge fortress and an equally huge thousand winged eyed dragon are roaring wildly against each other.

The powerful magic wave was transmitted to everyone through the magic shadow. Alone, this magic wave made kukas feel an extremely heavy pressure.

"There is no weakness. The main gun that evaporates thousands of legends and gods in an instant is of no use to him." the young deep-sea giant shook his head and whispered.

The picture of the battle is very simple. The thousand winged eye dragon spews out dragon breath around the fortress, and the fortress also spews out magic or fighting beams to attack each other.

Dragon breath hit the fortress and instantly tore the legendary and divine defense magic, leaving hundreds of thousands of deep pits on the fortress.

Whenever a huge hole appears in the fortress, a large number of magic puppets go to repair it.

Most of these magic puppets have no human shape, either in the shape of an eight legged spider, a tracked four armed man or a simple ball.

Strange magic puppets rushed to the huge holes in the fortress. However, in a few breathing times, those huge holes were filled. The things to be repaired have also been repaired, and even some changes will be made to the surface defense of the new fortress through some deduction results in the fortress, so as to enhance the defense strength of the fortress.

The aftermath of the struggle between the two sides left no sign of life in the tens of thousands of miles. Where did the mighty void monster appear, but it was torn to pieces by the fighting shock wave in an instant.

"Nothing good-looking. The magic projection shields most things. Or it can\'t be transmitted here at all." the young deep-sea giant shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "well, there\'s nothing good-looking, just the simplest power collision. There\'s no skill, no conspiracy. There\'s only the simplest power collision."

The thousand winged eye dragon waved its wings, and a thousand pairs of wings waved to produce a void hurricane. The hurricane wound and rolled the war fortress around, the void around collapsed, and countless spaces flowed out and rolled on the war fortress.

Countless beams of light pierced into the void and forcibly stabilized these broken void. In the next instant, the main gun blasted out and blasted the thousand winged eyed dragon out.

The struggle between the two sides will continue until the war fortress sequel has enough energy to break through the air. Of course, it\'s only an ideal state to break through the war fortress. No one can be sure whether it will succeed in the end. All they can do is try to use various means to increase the probability of breaking through the air, that\'s all.

Leaving the command room, kukas and banbu legend went to a house to rest. Here, the young deep-sea giants provide them with the most luxurious services: delicious food, wine, handsome attendants and some good performing creatures.

"There are huge plantations in the fortress. The output of the plantations every day can provide the daily consumption of a super empire." the young deep-sea giant shook a special glass of wine and said, "it can be said that a war fortress is a complete super empire."

"Are there any books? Books on rules?" kukas was not interested in general things, so he changed the topic.

"There are only a few. But I believe those books will disappoint you. You know, there is no way to write rules on paper. Those books only use secret language to describe a certain degree of rules."

"I want to have a look."

"No problem at all." the young deep-sea giant readily agreed to kukas\'s request. At his command, a special magic puppet soon sent some thick books.

These books are completely written with the skin of the legendary dragon and the blood in the heart. Kukas just looked at the pattern on the cover and was destroyed by the powerful power contained in it.

Pale, he threw the book aside, and kukas sighed helplessly.

He had hoped to get things about the rules by other means, but now his hope was dashed. This made him very unwilling. But whether he is unwilling or willing, he has no other means.

"How\'s the thousand winged eyed dragon outside?"

"Still pestering, but I think I\'ll get rid of that damn thing soon. Well, there\'s a party in the evening. Are you going?"

"I\'m not in that mood. Maybe the thousand winged eyed dragon blew up the fortress when you were having a party. I\'m afraid all of us will be finished by then." kukas touched his bald head. He didn\'t understand why these people were still having a party.

"In fact, you should learn to relax. Even in the worst time, we should learn to relax. Look, the situation is very dangerous, but aren\'t we still in the fortress? In order to celebrate the fortress\'s persistence to the present, we should cheer."

"Yes! We should drink to our continued existence." the half step female legend who closed her eyes and rested suddenly opened her mouth. She picked up her glass and took a fierce drink: "to tell you the truth, I feel very depressed here."

"There\'s nothing to suppress."

"I can\'t feel the rules of heaven and earth. All I can feel is all kinds of chaotic magic power. Isn\'t it suppressed?" the half step female legend snorted to express his dissatisfaction.

"Well, for the sake of safety, this is the price we must pay."

Just when the young deep-sea giant wanted to say something more, a large amount of red light suddenly appeared on the wall of the room. The shrill whistle sounded in the room.

Kukas\'s face became very ugly. The meaning of this red signal is very clear to him.

The palm of the young deep-sea giant trembled, and the wine cup held in his hand fell to the ground and made a dull noise on the thick blanket.

The half step legend just frowned slightly. She still tasted the wine in her hand, as if she didn\'t know what the red light meant.

"Let\'s go! Go and see what happened." kukas got up, patted the deep-sea giant on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "as you said, at least the fortress has not been blasted yet. It\'s really not possible. We can leave here in my boat."

"Yes, at least the fortress hasn\'t exploded yet, so we shouldn\'t be so pessimistic." the young deep-sea giant rubbed his cheeks, shook his head, picked up the wine cup that fell to the ground and put it on the table.

This time, the young deep-sea giant directly brought kukas to a huge space, where at least tens of thousands of powerful creatures gathered. Some of them are deep-sea giants, while others are ordinary humans and other creatures.

Some people are dignified, while others are relaxed. Well, at least on the surface.

In this room with more than 10000 creatures, there is a huge three-dimensional screen in the center. It shows the scene of a thousand winged eyed dragon fighting with a war fortress.

In that picture, kukas saw that a marginal area of the war fortress had completely disappeared, leaving a gap at least thousands of feet in size.

The thousand winged eyed dragon was suspended not far from the war fortress, and opened its mouth and spewed out hot dragon breath, burning the whole fortress.

Most of the gun barrels on the fortress stopped working, and only some of them were still powerlessly ejecting light beams to block the dragon\'s breath.

However, at intervals, some barrels extinguish the beam. It seems to be just a decoration.

"What\'s the matter?" the young deep-sea giant growled in a low voice.

"The energy core of the fortress was completely out of control. The projection of supreme power appeared here and destroyed the energy core." a voice sounded in the crowd, and then a professional wrapped in fog came out.

The professional\'s voice was hoarse, like the harsh sound of broken glass rubbing against each other.

Kukas recognized his identity. He was a controller of the fort.

"Is there any other way to deal with it?"

"There is no way. Unless we can repair the damaged energy core. Otherwise, with the current energy alone, the war fortress will soon become the food of the thousand winged eyed dragon."

"Repair it as soon as possible!"

"They have done their best." the voice of the fog ruler is still so without any ups and downs: "but I think the thousand winged eyed dragon will tear the fortress before we fix the energy core."

"Well, let\'s wait for death quietly? Damn it, the fortress can resist the projection of supreme power." the young deep-sea giant growled in a low voice. His mood looked unusually bad.

"That can only be done when the energy core is complete. Don\'t forget that when we broke away from the abyss alliance, we cleared some restrictions in the energy core. At that time, the energy core was damaged. In this case, we can\'t support a strong defense force to resist and block the projection of the supreme power. We should be thankful, thankful That damned supreme power didn\'t directly blow up the whole fortress. "

"They\'re still trying to recapture the fortress. They\'re absolutely reluctant to blow it up."

"Recapture the fortress? What they want is the energy core! Well, is there any way to detonate the energy core?" the young deep-sea giant looked a little calm. He gently nodded his head and said, "I think after detonating that thing, it will surely kill the thousand winged eye dragon."

"According to our conjecture, even if we detonate the energy core of 100 war fortresses, it is impossible to detonate the thousand winged eye dragon. Unless there are hundreds of supreme powers." a dwarf jumped onto the table and said loudly: "everyone, we are facing a thousand winged eye dragon. I think you have heard of the legend of the thousand winged eye dragon."

"In ancient times, this kind of thing lived by devouring gods and legends. They carried their original positions."

"In ancient legends, there are few disasters and creatures that can kill them. And don\'t you find it? Now the thousand winged eyed dragon is showing more and more strength. He is recovering his strength."

"According to our tests, every few breathing times, he increases the power of hundreds of legends."

"Well, even if we can\'t die with the thousand winged eyed dragon, we shouldn\'t leave this energy core." the young deep-sea giant looked ferocious and growled in a low voice: "detonate the energy core and let those bastards pay a little price for it!"

"I don\'t think that\'s necessary." kukas narrowed his eyes and pointed to the three-dimensional image suspended in the air. "What kind of existence is this!"

The crowd followed his line of sight and found that at some time, a golden armor man appeared over the head of the thousand winged eye dragon.

Compared with the thousand winged eyed dragon, the golden armor man is like a grain of rice in the eyes of adults, even smaller than that grain of rice.

"This man can resist the power of the thousand winged eye dragon?"

"Supreme power, only supreme power can be so strong."

"Damn it, it can\'t be the supreme power that just destroyed our energy core!"

"A few more."

Just as they were talking, a huge crack appeared beside the golden armor man, from which dozens of creatures with boundless divine light came out.

These creatures were scattered around the head of the thousand winged eye dragon. Although they did not attack, they still attracted the attention of the thousand winged eye dragon.

Then dozens of strong creatures came out of the unhealed crack. All these creatures ignored the huge war fortress and focused on the thousand winged eye dragon.

"Go, go, go, damn it, get out of here now. Push all the energy forward. We must get out of here now." the young deep-sea giant suddenly roared loudly.

"You can\'t go away. The things of the abyss alliance are the things of the abyss alliance, and no one can take them away." however, at this moment, the golden armor man on the picture suddenly turned his head and spoke.

The voice of the golden armor man was still transmitted to all spaces in the whole war fortress.