Abyss Knight

Chapter 806

"Look at this." the female half step legend took a deep breath, reached out and pointed to a magic screen that was still running in the ship, and said in silence: "thousand winged eye dragon! It is a thousand winged eye dragon. According to legend, it is a powerful creature at the beginning of the world."

"What? It\'s impossible. As a creature at the beginning of the world, this kind of thing has long been completely extinct." Qianyi eye dragon is a powerful creature at the beginning of the world. In legend, this kind of thousand winged eye dragon carried the legendary plane and walked in the sky at the beginning of the world.

Each thousand winged eyed dragon is attached to a huge plane. In that huge and incomparable plane, all the strong creatures at the beginning of the world live.

In the last war at the beginning of the world, the legendary planes of this thousand winged eye dragon collapsed one by one, and they were blasted by humans who first walked in the world and evolved into endless planes.

Of course, this is just one of the legends. In other legends, those thousand winged eyed dragons devoured humans as food, and finally were completely killed after the rise of humans.

In short, no matter what kind of legend, the thousand winged eye dragon is extremely powerful, and this powerful creature should have died long ago, rather than live in this world.

However, following the guidance of the female legend, kukas saw the legendary thousand winged eyed dragon.

On the magic screen, two giants are fighting with each other. Around these two giants, there are countless empty monsters like ants wandering and circling.

One of the two giants was the huge war fortress controlled by the fog power. The other is the legendary thousand winged eyed dragon.

The thousand winged eye dragon fighting with the war fortress is tens of thousands of miles in size. Its body shape is very similar to that of an ordinary giant dragon, but on him, there are thousands of pairs of wings of different sizes. On those wings, there are huge longans.

In the legend, the back carrying the legendary plane has no plane at all. There is only a huge sarcoma.

The sarcoma was huge, with huge pimples of different sizes on it. Those pimples burst constantly, and pieces of venom scattered and splashed into the air, directly burning the void into huge holes.

The dragon head was ferocious, and a stream of dragon breath came out of his mouth. The dragon\'s breath was hot, and the whole void burned and collapsed where it went.

The wave of the battle between the thousand winged eye dragon and the war fortress destroyed the infinite void monsters around. But even so, at every breathing time, countless void monsters flew over from a distance, and they frantically devoured the flesh and blood of the thousand winged eye dragon.

Some of the void monsters that swallowed the flesh and blood of the thousand winged eye dragon were directly overwhelmed by the power contained therein, while others persisted. Under the transformation of the blood power of the thousand winged eye dragon, their body size soared sharply and became a more powerful void monster.

However, no matter whether these empty monsters successfully devour the blood and flesh scattered by the thousand winged eye dragon, their final outcome is all Ashes: they are affected by the struggle between the two giants, and then turn into fly ash.

A drop of the blood of the thousand winged eyed dragon splashed into the void not far from kukas. The blood gas emitted by the blood rose into the sky. Alone, it shattered the void within tens of thousands of miles.

The blood is not inferior to the breath of those top legends and gods.

"If I get it, I will become the most powerful creature in the world." seeing the drop of blood hundreds of thousands of miles away, kukas had only this idea in his heart.

He shook his mind, stretched out his hand to control the ship, and wanted to rush towards the blood of the thousand winged eyed dragon.

"Are you crazy? We used to be torn to pieces." just as kukas manipulated the ship and was about to move, a half step legend noticed the bad. Because she felt that kukas\'s spirit seemed to be tempted by something.

However, her words had no effect on kukas at all. On the contrary, because of his words, kukas attracted fierce eyes. That look seemed to swallow her alive.

The eyebrow was slightly wrinkled, and half a step legend stretched out his white and tender finger and nodded to kukas\'s forehead.

Bai Nen\'s slender fingers crossed a strange arc, and when kukas had no time to respond, they hit his forehead heavily.

A cold sense of killing followed her fingertips and went into kukas\'s mind. Under the stimulation of this murderous intention, kukas finally woke up.

"Thank you!" after a little thought, kukas soon understood what had just happened to him. He solemnly nodded at the legend and expressed his gratitude. He knew that if he had not been reminded by the other party just now, he might have manipulated the ship to catch that drop of blood.

If he did that, I\'m afraid he would be like those empty monsters, either burst his body by the power contained in it, or torn to pieces by infinite empty monsters.

"It\'s all right. If this thing is really the legendary thousand winged eye dragon, we can\'t deal with him at all. Even if it\'s just a drop of his blood." the legend frowned slightly and said reluctantly, "maybe only the supreme power beyond legend and gods can get a drop of blood!"

"The supreme power beyond legends and gods?"

"Yes, there are more powerful beings above legends and gods. I\'m afraid only their power can be compared with the blood of the thousand winged eye dragon." the female half step legend sighed, then slightly frowned and continued to observe the magic screen in front of her.

According to the display of the magic screen, their current position is tens of millions of miles away from the place where the war fortress fights with the thousand winged eyed dragon.

Although the two sides were so far apart, their ships were still affected by the struggle between the two giants.

"Welcome, kukas. Are you interested in taking a rest in my fortress?" just then, a fuzzy figure suddenly appeared on the magic screen. However, the breathing time, the figure is clear, look carefully, but it is an unusually handsome young man.

"It\'s you?" kukas saw the unusually beautiful boy, and the images of living creatures flashed in his mind. Finally, he settled on a teenager of a deep-sea giant family he met in a plane war he participated in that year.

"Yes, I\'m surprised? Ha ha! No, it\'s not surprising at all. It\'s doomed that we met here." the deep-sea giant Gaga, who changed into a handsome young man, laughed strangely. Although he talked and laughed very cheerful, he showed a trace of worry and fatigue in his eyebrows. It seems that his situation is not so good.

"Come on, why did you call me here?" kukas sat down in his chair, then took a glass of wine, slowly turned the glass and asked, "for this thousand winged eyed dragon? I don\'t think my ship can do any harm to this thing."

"No! No! No! This damn thousand winged eyed dragon was just an accident. Well, you know, if people are unlucky, they will become more unlucky no matter what they do. And now we are in this situation. Well, come to my fortress! I need your help." the deep-sea giant changed into a handsome boy said in an extremely helpless tone: "Without you, I\'m afraid we would all die."

"Ha ha! What you said is really too alarmist. But I like it. Well, how can I get there? There is no way for my ship to carry out void transmission after the battle of your war fortress." kukas clapped his bare brain bag and roared: "for the sake of partners, I think I must help you."

"As long as you agree, we can let you come to this fortress." the handsome young man couldn\'t help but be happy. He snapped his fingers and said excitedly, "don\'t make any resistance, you can get to the fortress right away."

As soon as the voice fell, the image of the deep-sea giant who liked to become a handsome boy and deceive girls disappeared from kukas\'s ship. The next moment, kukas found a huge nine pointed star Dharma array under his ship.

The nine pointed star array turned, and then countless silk threads extended from it. The silk threads wound the whole ship, but the breathing time wrapped kukas\'s ship into a cocoon.

The white light flickered, and kukas\'s ship disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, it appeared directly on a platform covered with thick supports.

He didn\'t do much defense, because kukas knew that even if he did more defense here, he wouldn\'t make himself so safe. You know, this is a war fortress. And he really knew the strength of the war fortress too well.

Walking down from the ship, kukas accidentally saw the deep-sea giant who had changed into a handsome boy.

"We must talk at once." the handsome young man didn\'t make polite to kukasdo at all. When he came up, he took his hand and said quickly: "this war fortress needs your ship to provide energy."

"Use these things?" kukas moved his mind, turned his head and pointed to the support around the platform and said, "although the energy in this ship is endless, the total amount released per unit time may not be enough to maintain a shelling of this war fortress. You really lack energy here? Well, I don\'t know what happened, but if you need it, use it!"

Kukas did not refuse the request of the deep-sea giant. Although his communication with the adult deep-sea giant was not so deep, he still readily agreed to the other party\'s request.

"Thank you! In the future, when the deep-sea giants have the ability, we will do our best to repay you." the adult shaped deep-sea giant pointed to the support express around: "When you designed your ship in those years, the material problem was taken into account, so the number of units of energy provided by the core was limited. However, now through these things, the unit time energy released by the core of your ship can reach the limit. In this way, it is a great help to this war fortress."

While talking, the supports around the platform began to move. Those supports were either attached to the ship or pierced into the gun barrels.

But in just a few breaths, thousands of feet of ships were wrapped by hundreds of stents.

After wrapping the ship, the visible energy waves were released from the ship. These powerful energy went along the supports and disappeared into the surrounding walls.

"What\'s the matter with the thousand winged eyed dragon outside?" the half step legend behind kukas asked softly.

"Thousand winged eyed dragon! Damn it, this thing is a great disaster for us." the young deep-sea giant whispered, "let\'s go to the control room."

"The thousand winged eyed dragon was awakened by the war fortress when it passed through the dead void. Damn, who could have thought that this ancient thing should sleep in a dead plane? We just wanted to draw the plane source to supplement energy, but we woke up this ancient thing. Damn, it was an accident. He should not have existed in the world Yes. "

The young deep-sea giant reached out and patted on the wall. A metal platform fell off it, and then led kukas and them to the platform.

"I\'m sorry, there\'s a shortage of energy now. If you can save some, you can save some." the young deep-sea giant shrugged his shoulders and whispered, "it\'s just that we can use this time to answer your doubts. Yes, I know you have a lot of doubts and want to ask me."

"No doubt," kukas muttered, leaning lazily against the railings around the mobile platform. "I just have some free time."

"Well, we broke away from the abyss alliance and robbed this war fortress."

"Oh!" kukas simply replied, but did not ask why the other party betrayed the abyss alliance. As for seizing the war fortress, he wouldn\'t care.

"In fact, our purpose is the same as yours, to find a place of exile, or a place of exile." the young deep-sea giant took a deep breath, looked at kukas seriously and said: "All the top experts of the deep sea giants were captured by the people at the gate of heaven some time ago. Then they were put into exile. But the abyss alliance will not save them. So we have to act on our own."

"Very unexpected news." kukas was stunned for a long time, and then said with a bitter smile: "I was going to give up looking for the place of exile for the time being. But I didn\'t expect you to lead me on this road again. Well, should I say I\'m lucky? Or should I say something else?"

"No, you are not lucky, but we are lucky. If it weren\'t for you, I\'m afraid all of us would be eaten by the thousand winged eyed dragon today. He always thought this war fortress was his best food." the young deep-sea giant shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Maybe he wants to use the war fortress as his nest and give birth to his offspring here."

"Do you know the news of the exile?" kukas narrowed his eyes. Between the exile and the thousand winged eyed dragon, he was more interested in the exile, because the blonde general and the female doctor were imprisoned in that place.

"Know something. We must first go through the dead void, and then into the sea of stars. In this way, we can find the place of exile." the young deep-sea giant controlled the floating platform and said quickly through one corridor after another.

"What is the sea of stars? Where did you get your news? I heard that only a few people in the whole abyss alliance know where the exile is." kukas doubted the words of the deep-sea giant.

"I don\'t know. We don\'t know what the Star Ocean is. You know, our deep-sea giants have never multiplied here. All the planes here are deserted." the young deep-sea giant shook his head reluctantly and said: "As for the news of exile, although only a few alliance leaders know it, you can know everything you want in this world as long as you pay a high enough price."

"A wizard, a wizard who has been sleeping for many years, helped us find the news of the exiled place. The price we paid is all the results of our experiments with your green skin." the young deep-sea giant said, but he was helpless.

"Oh!" kukas nodded and did not continue to ask anything. The half step legend standing behind him raised new doubts.

"Do you really call us because of the problem of war fortress?"

"Yes, in order to remove some restrictions of the war fortress, we had to dismantle the energy core and replace it with something else. I thought it would be very smooth, but I didn\'t expect that something like qianwinged eye dragon appeared that shouldn\'t exist."


"Yes. I have no reason to deceive you."

Kukas watched the deep-sea giant carefully. In fact, he didn\'t believe each other\'s words. In his opinion, the deep-sea giant was very powerful. No one could be abandoned by the abyss alliance and break away from the alliance because of these things.

"The Danu Protoss has completely disappeared. You should know this!" at this time, the young deep-sea giant suddenly said a news that shocked kukas.

"It\'s impossible. Why didn\'t I hear half the news?" kukas cried out: "Danu Protoss, it is said that one-third of the members of the whole race are giants of gods!"

"No matter how powerful they are, there are times when they fall completely. Just like this thousand winged eyed dragon, they flourished at the beginning of the world, but now they have become a legend."

"By whom?"

"Hundreds of forces with dragon tooth warriors joined hands to kill them. If it were not for the demise of the Danu Protoss, our deep-sea giants would not have fallen to this point." when the young deep-sea giant said this, he was full of helplessness and unwillingness.