Abyss Knight

Chapter 805

"What is a half step legend? It\'s easy to kill you." kukas didn\'t speak, but the woman behind him answered first.

The woman stepped forward, stretched out her hand and pointed to the broken knight, and said coldly, "I killed countless broken knights in those years. What are you? Dare to shout here?"

"Seek death." the broken Knight roared, and his breath soared several times. However, under the suppression of women\'s half step legend, his breath still seemed so fragile. Under the impact of the breath of women\'s half step legend, the breath of the broken Knight shakes, and there is the possibility of complete collapse at any time.

"Go away." kukas snorted coldly and looked at the priestess not far away. He had some bad feelings in his heart.

"You, good! Good! Good! Kukas, right? The ash knight? I must repay you for your humiliation today. You built a void fortress, but you are not qualified to stay here. But I want to stay here and look down on you from the endless void forever." the broken knight took a deep breath and glared at kukas, Then he turned aside and said, "I will kill you if I make a legend someday."

"Dead!" kukas yelled, and with his backhand urging the power of covering the ground, he shot down directly at the broken knight.

Dozens of complete chains emerged from the void, interwoven with each other in the air, and shrouded directly over the broken knight.

Facing kukas\'s attack, the broken Knight just snorted coldly, and a full moon suddenly appeared behind him.

The full moon is tens of feet in size, with nine war knives punctured on it. The scarlet blood flowed out of the full moon, followed the nine swords and fell at the feet of the broken knight, and then gathered into a scarlet pool.

"It\'s just a blood moon vision. Dare you show it and use it?" kukas snorted coldly, but secretly urged more fighting spirit to instill into his land covering power.

After dozens of complete chains were instilled with a lot of fighting spirit, they trembled madly, and large groups of words fell off from them, like the poison of tarsal bone, which was contaminated by the broken knight.

The blood pool rolled under the feet of the arrogant knight, and the full moon sent out an infinite light to envelop the void within tens of miles.

The moonlight scattered on him, making kukas feel a trace of cold soaked in his bone marrow. The nine swords fell off from the full moon, rotated, cut the void, and hanged the chain of power manifestation.

"Stop it all." a voice came from a distance. The voice crossed the endless void and appeared in the people\'s ears: "if there is any conflict, wait until you leave the void fortress. It is forbidden to use any power here."

"Kill him." kukas was anxious when he saw someone stop him. He came out with the burning black flag in his backhand, turned into a long gun and stabbed the broken Knight\'s chest.

The woman standing behind him gave a soft drink, outlined her hands in the air, and a small nine pointed star array emerged. Then she clenched her small fist and smashed it into the nine awn star array.

Bai Nen\'s fist ran through the Dharma array, and then saw the broken Knight\'s head burst. Looking carefully, it was the female half step legendary fist that flashed past the broken head.

Dozens of complete transparent chains are wound, one part is wound with nine blood dripping swords, and the other part is wound with the full moon behind the broken knight and the blood pool under his feet.

The moon was rolling, and the nine swords hit the chain formed by the overground India power. In the violent impact sound, the chain was broken, and the swords were castrated. After drawing strange arcs in the air, they directly cut kukas\'s body in a staggered way.

The full moon soared into the sky, and the boundless moonlight scattered down to form a golden iron horse, which turned into a spear and axe. Some of them killed women half a step, and some rolled up the blood pool under their feet and hanged them at kukas.

A series of attacks shook the sky, and the void hundreds of miles was violently turbulent. If there were not the wave suppression sent by the void fortress itself, I\'m afraid this series of attacks would directly explode the void thousands of miles away.

Under the natural vision of the broken knight, the power of ground cover seal was like that the cold ice met the hot sun and was melted in an instant. Among them, the power could not be displayed under the natural vision.

The secret method flows, and the head of the reckless Knight heals instantly. His face was ferocious. He opened his mouth and said a series of ancient Knight words, turned them into a golden spear, crossed the void and time, and directly collided with the plane prop spear displayed by kukas.

Bang! A violent explosion sounded. The void where the props on the throne, the spear and the golden spear hit collapsed. The powerful shock wave spread around and tore the transmission altar thousands of feet under their feet.

The knights who were ready to leave here through the transmission altar all retreated around in confusion under the shock wave. Only a few professionals, relying on their own powerful means or secret methods, stand in the broken void and continue to watch the war.

The powerful impact force tore the void shrouded by the moon, and a shock wave suddenly changed its direction. Suddenly, kukas rolled up and threw him into the broken void not far away.

"Drink!" he whispered. Kukas stepped on the void, and dozens of chains emerged from his feet. Those chains pierced into the void, but they mechanically stabilized the broken void.

An overwhelming breath fell from the sky, enveloping the broken knight and kukas.

Under the pressure of this breath, including the female legend who served as the crew of kukas, there was no way to do it again.

"Those who should go should go, and those who should not go should not come here." the breath turned, and the broken fragments of the transmission altar rolled back, as if it were a reversal of time. Those fragments recombined and formed a transmission altar again.

The display of this means shocked all the professionals present.

"Time flows. Legendary prophet." the female half step legend smiled bitterly and said in a deep voice to kukas, "let\'s go!"

"Broken arrogant knight? When you come to me someday, I will burst your soul." kukas snorted coldly. Although he felt that his strength seemed weak relative to the other party in the battle just now, he was still unconvinced. I think I can kill each other after killing for a long time. Just like before he killed those armor men with half a step legendary power.

"Arrogant." the broken Knight snorted coldly, showing great dissatisfaction with kukas\'s departure. He always thought that he could turn his hands and kill each other with the power of half step legend, but he didn\'t expect that there was a half step legend behind the other party. And the half step legend is obviously stronger than him.

Although his natural vision easily extinguished the power of kukas\'s land cover seal, he still felt the power contained in the land cover seal through a flash of collision.

That power, if he met kukas for the first time, would be blown up in an instant, destroy his soul, and then completely disappear from the world.

For kukas\'s fear, the broken Knight became stronger and stronger. He knew that he could never make each other grow up. Otherwise, the other party may easily kill him if he takes half a step in the legendary field.

If the other party steps on the transmission altar and leaves, I\'m afraid he will never have a chance to find the other party in his life. After all, the endless void is so big that after a separation, you may never find another person.

"Want to go?" the broken knight was unwilling. He roared and urged himself to tear the shackles of the legendary prophet, but in vain. Under the breath of mountains and seas, he couldn\'t move half a minute.

"But you have no ability to stop me." kukas snorted coldly. He carefully looked at the broken Knight: "I don\'t know why you are so hostile to me, but what I want to tell you is that no matter how hostile you are to me, you have no ability to do anything to me."

Having said this, he glanced at the priestess not far away, motioned the other party to step on the transmitting altar, and then left here.

The priestess gave him a complicated look, and then led hundreds of knights wrapped in armor to take the lead on the delivery altar. After a white light flickered, she and her Knights disappeared.

When kukas wanted to leave, the fog power suddenly sent him a message: "wait for some time to leave. I have something I hope you can help."

The projection of the fog power appeared directly in front of kukas and sent him such a message: "it\'s about the place of exile, that is, the plane of exile."

"Where shall we meet?" asked kukas in a deep voice with his head tilted.

"In my fortress." while talking, the fog power vaguely gave him a coordinate position, and then it broke and disappeared.

"Go!" my mind turned, my hands pierced the void, then forcibly separated left and right, tearing out a huge crack.

A ship nearly a thousand feet in size slowly emerged from the crack. The ship broke the crack, shook the surrounding void, and quietly suspended in front of kukas.

"Can you let me go?" the female half step legend blinked and said, "I\'m his crew."

"You\'d better not make trouble." a voice sounded in the breath, and then let go of the suppression of women\'s half step legend.

After gaining freedom, the female half step legend glared at the broken knight who was still imprisoned, and then with a cold hum, took kukas\'s arm and walked towards the ship.

When the broken Knight saw that kukas had released a ship, his face suddenly became very ugly. He knows the power of such a ship. If someone had mastered such a ship, it would be easy to kill legends and gods.

At the thought that he might have been evaporated by the ship\'s gunfire, the broken Knight\'s face became more ugly.

"I am qualified to stay in the Empty Fortress, but you will never have that chance." the arrogant Knight roared in a low voice, trying to occupy an advantage in this aspect, so as to let himself get the joy of victory on the other hand.

"Mad dog." kukas spat. Put away the burning black flag and said coldly, "you are qualified to live in the Empty Fortress, but I believe you will never be qualified to control such a ship like me."

While talking, he took the woman\'s half step legend and entered the ship with him.

When the mind turns, the ship turns into a streamer, which directly breaks the void. The next moment, it disappears in front of everyone.

After he left, the broken Knight cursed wildly, but even if his body could move, he didn\'t dare to follow kukas\'s route and kill him.

The curse of the broken Knight made other professionals laugh. Some people stretched out their hands to point out the arrogant knight and ridiculed his cowardice.

The cavalry of destruction mocked and even threatened to kill. But no professional is afraid of him. Because these professionals climbed out of the sea of corpses and blood, they don\'t care about death for a long time.

Kukas controlled the ship and made hundreds of empty jumps along the way. After spending several days, he finally arrived at his destination.

"Dead and empty!"

The name was told to kukas by the fog ruler, because there was almost no plane in this void. Even if you encounter a plane, that plane is dead, and there is no sign of any living creature.

Nevertheless, there are still a large number of creatures in this dead void. These creatures are not the strong ones born in any plane, but the void monsters born by the void itself.

These void monsters control the turbulent flow of space and walk wantonly in this void. They devour all creatures that can be sensed. Even some noodles are their food. In the absence of food, they devour the same species or empty turbulence or even empty fragments.

The extremely tenacious vitality makes this dead and empty land ruled by these ferocious empty monsters.

As soon as kukas and his team appeared in the void, which was full of endless silence, they were attacked by dozens of void monsters thousands of feet in size.

Some of these empty monsters are like sharks in the sea, some are like crocodiles, and some are like creatures running on the earth.

Although their shapes are strange, they have a common feature, that is, they are ferocious and extremely powerful.

The gun barrel at the bow of the ship spewed out a hot light beam, which twisted the surrounding void like a python swallowing the sky, and pierced a void monster like an eagle.

The empty monster made a harsh hiss, which even penetrated the ship\'s defense and instilled it directly into kukas\'s ears.

The monster shook its wings and the void around it was broken. Then dozens of spatial turbulence drilled out of the broken void and collided with the light beam.

"Roar!" a shark swayed its tail, and its body hundreds of feet across the void, appeared directly on the side of the ship, opened its mouth and bit down.

Fortunately, there were more gun barrels on the side chord of the ship, and light beams sprayed out, hitting the shark monster heavily.

The beam of light that could kill the 12th level professional hit the shark monster, but it just made it somersault, and there was not a drop of blood on it.

Even kukas saw the shark monster open its mouth and swallow the magic beam as it rolled.

"The void monster here is really strong." kukas took a deep breath and looked at the other void monster in the distance, raising a trace of worry in his heart.

"The void monsters everywhere are very powerful. But the void monsters here have grown up a little longer. Well, they have reached the power of half step legend and half god. It\'s very difficult to deal with." the female half step legend frowned slightly: "what about the people who contact you?"

"It\'s still a little distance away. The first thing we need to solve is these empty monsters." kukas shook his head and controlled the gun barrel of the ship to eject more beams.

Beams of light tore through the void like lightning and hit the void monsters.

These empty monsters charged frantically from all directions, trying to tear the ship, and even swallowed it as a snack.

A crab like void monster was hit by three ship bow guns in a row. The huge impact force broke the void around it, making the crab nearly a thousand feet in size roll over and over, and there was no way to control the void turbulence attack around.

Seizing this opportunity, kukas turned the ship fiercely and made one side of the ship aim at the crab like void monster.

Dozens of thick gun barrels spewed out fighting spirit and magic beams at the same time. In an instant, they all hit the huge crab.

A series of explosions broke the crab and scattered large pieces of meat into the void.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, broken bones emerged, and the blood with a strong smell scattered into the void, which directly eroded the void. It made a strange noise, as if it was going to erode the endless void into a huge pit.

Dozens of void monsters abandoned kukas\'s ship, then rushed to the broken crab void monster and began to eat crazily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, kukas quickly controlled the ship and continued to fly away.

The bow gun roared and blew out a huge collapse space ahead, and then the ship went in under his control.

The void was broken. As soon as the ship drilled out of the void, the legend lost his voice and shouted, "it\'s impossible!"

"What\'s the matter?" kukas didn\'t notice why the half step legend was frightened. He was quickly checking the magic instruments in the ship. Because after drilling out of the void, he found that most of the magic instruments on the ship were confused and there was no way to provide him with correct data.