Abyss Knight

Chapter 804

The fiercely burning soul fragments shrink rapidly. Every time a soul fragment disappears, the living vision will change that day. Kukas can only vaguely sense this change. As for the content of the change, he is not at all clear.

Although he was deliberately blocked, at this moment, his mind could not control the burning soul fragments. Therefore, I can only watch the soul fragments burn and disappear without a trace.

Lost the soul fragment, the whole fighting armor broke. The broken pieces of armor did not dissipate in the air as before, but rolled back in the air and directly integrated into the bone burial place.

The gold treasure supported by fighting armor also began to collapse. Mountains collapse, palaces collapse, and broken gold treasures turn into a torrent of gold under the mysterious force, and drill into the natural vision: the land of buried bones.

The gold treasure fell in the place where the bones were buried, and suddenly formed broken mountain temples. At the beginning, these mountain temples still maintained the shape of gold treasures, but with the passage of time, they slowly absorbed a lot of white bones, and then formed white bone mountain temples. The changes are wonderful.

When the gold treasure collapsed and merged into the place where the bones were buried, the earth collapsed, and those who lost their soul fragments shivered slightly, and then turned into a streamer and fell directly into the cracked earth.

The cracked earth healed, and the white bones and empty Cang wood in the bone buried land suddenly soared several feet. Countless strange streamers flowed from the white bones and trees, but they filled the whole earth and empty space in just a few moments.

These strange streamers outlined a huge six pointed star Dharma array in the bone burial place. The Dharma array rotated, and a white bone bead emerged from the center of the Dharma array.

At the moment when the white bone beads appeared, a branch on the white bone empty cangmu suddenly fell off, and then, like a lightning bolt, instantly drilled into the white bone beads.

Lightning and thunder, hurricane twist, and some fuzzy light masses appear directly next to Bai Sen\'s bone beads.

When the bone beads turned, the huge six pointed star array began to shrink slowly. I don\'t know how long later, the six pointed star array that occupied the whole bone burial place completely shrank into the bone beads.

Completely absorbed the six pointed star\'s bone beads, jumped in the air, and then directly integrated into kukas\'s mind and disappeared.

The next moment, a large amount of information directly appeared in his mind.

"I see." after feeling the information, kukas grinned: "it should have changed."

When the mind turns, the natural vision collapses and dissipates. The next moment, a bone bead crossed the void and appeared directly on the earth outside.

The bone beads fell, like a meteorite falling from the sky, hitting the earth heavily.

In a series of roars, the earth cracked, and a burning gas armor slowly suspended from thousands of feet deep pits.

At the foot of the fighting armor is a rotating gold treasure, and behind it is a twisted natural vision. His eyes flickered and a fierce light was exposed.

It turned out that after the just change, there was a vision that day: the white bone and empty cangmu in the bone burial place turned into a projection, and then copied the projection of the bone burial place and directly integrated into the fighting armor. From now on, kukas\'s fighting armor also has the ability to use natural visions.

Inner joy, couldn\'t help roaring a few times. A fierce beast heard his roar and rushed towards him across the mountains and rivers. Want to swallow him and grow yourself.

"Broken!" his mind turned, and the fighting armor with the vision of the buried bone place stretched out his hand fiercely, urging the power of covering the ground to catch the fierce beast hundreds of feet tall.

Dozens of broken chains emerged out of thin air and wound around the fierce beast. The next moment, those chains pierced the fierce God\'s body.

Chain piercing, void twisting. However, in an instant, the fierce beast with the size of hundreds of feet suddenly contracted, and then the power printed on the ground was forcibly torn into dozens of meat pieces of different sizes and scattered in the void.

The natural vision behind the fighting armor turned, rolled the blood and flesh of the fierce beast and disappeared. At the same time, in the natural vision in kukas\'s body, the flesh and blood of the fierce beast appeared out of thin air, and then expanded the vision power.

"Good means, I like it." kukas was moved, but he had an understanding.

The heart felt something, and a vague idea arose. He wants to take this fighting armor to the front line and quickly expand his bone burial place by killing the armor man. But the idea appeared only for a moment, and he threw it aside again. In his opinion, understanding the rules of heaven and earth is the most important for him at present.

After forcibly suppressing this tempting idea, kukas withdrew most of his mind, then controlled the ship and continued to work in a boring and boring stable space.

During this period, the armor men began a crazy attack on the Empty Fortress being built. The abyss alliance also mobilized a large number of professionals to garrison around the void fortress and firmly resist the attacks of those armor men.

With a fighting armor to control the ship, kukas\'s body stepped into the void, fought in the void and began crazy killing like other knights.

The blood stained robe and endless killing not only did not break his spirit, but his spirit became more and more sober with the slow growth of his natural vision.

Some of the negative emotions were absorbed by the white bones and empty cangmu in the natural vision. The other part is all vented through the power of the master and his own vent.

The construction speed of the void fortress slowed down. Almost every time a building was built, millions of professionals fell into the endless void.

Around the void fortress, the alchemists built huge forts and level portals.

The fort roared, instantly tore the void within tens of millions of miles, twisted countless armor people, and even exploded some small meat balls.

The portal professionals poured out like a tide, and then quickly found their position under the mechanical guidance of the magic puppet, and then sniped the armor people who rushed through the artillery under the leadership of some half-step legends and demigods.

You know, although the artillery fire is powerful, it takes at least dozens of magic hours for each attack to carry out the next attack. Of course, such an attack does not mean that it has to be stopped because of lack of energy, but because the barrel can\'t bear the power. It must be repaired or replaced by alchemists before the next attack can be carried out.

Blue blood sprinkles the sky. In this endless void, the war shows no sign of ending.

What makes kukas wonder is that no matter how fierce the war here is, even if the armor attack even blew up some newly built Empty Fortress Buildings, there are no legends and gods.

Here, when you can see legends and gods, you can feel the breath of these top professionals only when you build on the plane base, and then it will fall and dissipate soon.

The natural vision behind him is big enough. A large number of flesh and blood were forcibly transformed into special magic materials by the white bone empty cangmu, and then cast in the natural vision.

The green skins in the burning planes consume more and more. In order to produce more green skins here, the abyss alliance forcibly extracted tens of thousands of plane sources and embedded them in the burning planes, and then greatly expanded the burning plane area by consuming the power of these plane sources.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, more and more legends and gods went to the burning plane for treatment. Almost every breath time, thousands of legends and gods come here. After they had treated their injuries, they did not have a short-term cultivation and perception here as before, but left in a hurry.

Kukas, who was caught in the killing, felt the madness of the war, coupled with some vague hints given to him by the fog power holder. After thinking for some time, the bald evil man finally decided to mobilize the remaining fighting armor and directly return to the level of knowledge for learning. The fighting armor that can use the natural vision was transferred to the front line by him to kill and collect bodies here, so as to speed up the growth of the natural vision.

"Kukas, someone is looking for you." on this day, when kukas was resting, a projection appeared in front of him. This virtual shadow is the half step legend of the woman I haven\'t seen for many days.

"Are you looking for me?" kukas tilted his head and looked at the concave convex body in front of him, but wondered why the other party appeared here. But then I thought that there was no hunting top talent in the eternal plane, so it was not a special thing to find him.

"Yes. I\'m glad to see you again. Well, let me guess whether your ship is still under your control?" half step legend tilted his head and stared at kukas curiously with a smile.

"What do you mean by this?" kukas felt a little bad from each other\'s words.

"It\'s not interesting. I just want to serve on your ship. Well, what do you think of being your crew?" banbu legend smiled softly. The smell from her was much stronger than that from other banbu legends.

"Escape the call of the abyss alliance?"

"No, I just want to survive. I haven\'t lived enough and don\'t want to die." banbu legend smiled softly, but there was no smile in her eyes.

"You can\'t live with your strength. Just come to me?" kukas sneered and didn\'t believe each other\'s words.

"No way, who let you have a ship that will never lack energy? Such a ship saved many powerful races in those years. Now it should be extremely easy to save me alone."

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about." kukas shook his head, but he didn\'t believe each other\'s words.

"I don\'t know what I\'m talking about. My friends told me that I can survive here." the female half step legend looked at kukas with a serious face: "maybe we can leave here and explore elsewhere. Look for some empty treasures and empty props, and then survive in the unknown disaster. What do you think?"

"It\'s impossible." kukas touched the oblique cross on his chest. This thing can evolve into a real vanity treasure or even a vanity prop. With this, he doesn\'t want other vanity treasures. You know, even legends and gods, most still use plane treasures as weapons, and a few use plane props as weapons. As for vanity treasures and vanity props, I have never heard of anyone owning them.

"Let me be your crew, and I can do anything for you. Well, for example, a fighting armor to liberate you." half a step legend turned his eyes and smiled softly, "even warm your bed. What do you think?"

"Are you crazy? Who sent you to me? The deep sea giant? Or the Danu Protoss?" kukas sneered. "I don\'t know what else you want. I\'ve provided a lot of green skins."

"I have nothing to do with these people you said. I\'m just a professional walking alone in the endless void. I yearn for a peaceful life, but I can\'t get such a life. I heard that you are qualified to permanently escape from the war, so I want to be attached to you and then escape from the war. Of course, it\'s a kind to be sheltered by your ship Good choice. "

"I\'m practicing my natural vision. If you want to leave the war, I can ask someone to help you. If you want to be my crew, you must fully obey my orders. Tell me, which one do you want?"

"The latter one. As I said, I don\'t want to die yet. Even if I become your crew and still in the war, I will recognize it."

"I don\'t know why you chose me. But what I want to tell you is, don\'t use me. Or have only some ideas about the ship." kukas thought for a long time and decided to agree to the request of the half step legend.

"All follow your orders." the virtual shadow of banbu legend began to solidify. It was obvious that she was using a secret method to transfer her body here.

"Maybe we can find your friends. I remember some of your friends were imprisoned in exile."

"You don\'t have to worry about this." kukas shook his head. He didn\'t want to look for the imprisoned blonde general and female doctor aimlessly. You know, the endless void is so big that even legends and gods, even the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven, can\'t walk through the endless void.

In the endless void, it is extremely difficult to find a specific plane.

Decided to let banbu legend become his own crew, kukas soon opened some permissions to the other party to let the other party control the ship, thus freeing a fighting armor to learn all kinds of knowledge in the knowledge level.

The construction of the void fortress has gradually improved. I don\'t know how many hundreds of millions of miles of void fortress have been built after nearly a thousand years.

In the past thousand years, countless high-level professionals have fallen. During this period, kukas\'s body was destroyed many times. Even under the killing of some powerful armor men, even the unused natural vision contained in the soul has been destroyed several times.

After the completion of the void fortress, light beams burst out of tens of thousands of miles of thick and thin gun barrels. Where the light beam goes, the void collapses, and the void within tens of millions of miles completely turns into nothingness. Both the plane and the meat ball are evaporated in an instant.

The beam of light does not know how many hundreds of millions of miles to spread. Where it goes, nothing can stop it, even for a moment.

The fortress moved and the void collapsed thousands of miles from the edge. After dozens of magic hours in the past, the broken void will slowly recover as before.

When the fortress moves alone, the infinite armor people are wiped out in an instant. Under the broken void, even the soul can\'t escape.

A meat ball tried to stop it, but before it rushed to the fortress, it was crushed by the power wave emitted by the Empty Fortress itself.

A small meat ball with holes emerged from the broken big meat ball and was captured by the huge void fortress.

The huge void fortress presents an irregular thirteen awn star as a whole. There are more than 100 levels. In each layer, there are thousands of small layers of different sizes.

Kukas wanted to step on the Empty Fortress, but he couldn\'t get permission. As for other professionals, they are not qualified to enter them.

When the war was over, the Border Defense Corps disbanded after the first beam of light from the void fortress. Most professionals return to their respective planes through plane portals attached to the surrounding nether fortress.

When kukas left, he met the broken knight and the priestess who had clashed with him.

In front of the portal thousands of feet in size, the broken Knight mocked the priestess with a proud face, while the priestess stood quietly and let the other party mock.

When the broken Knight saw kukas, he disdained his lips. He swept kukas with an extremely contemptuous look, and then said coldly, "the powerful ash knight was still so powerful, but the weak and arrogant knight in the past has become a half step legend."

"Do you want to die?" kukas narrowed his eyes, and a fierce light burst out of his eyes. The woman standing behind him snorted and stepped forward, sending out a boundless breath. The overwhelming super arrogant Knight suppressed it.

"Do you want to challenge a half step legend?" the broken Knight roared, also emitting his own breath to compete with the female half step legend behind kukas.

Although his momentum is strong, compared with the female half step legend, his momentum is like the gap between infants and adults.