Abyss Knight

Chapter 803

"Eternal plane." kukas was puzzled when he saw a void collapse tens of millions of miles and a base plane emerged.

The breath from the newly emerging plane made him feel very familiar. So he quickly identified the origin of the face.

Although he wondered why the eternal plane appeared here as a base, the movement of his hand kept on. Instead, his mind turned and ejected a beam of light nearly 100 feet thick from his bow, hitting the broken void thousands of miles in size.

The light beam hits the void and splits, forming dozens of smaller light beams scattered to hundreds of thousands of miles of the broken void.

Under the impact of the light beam, the broken space began to stabilize. More ships around released the same light beam and hit the broken void, quickly stabilizing the broken void.

Dozens of war fortresses also spewed out countless light beams, and the void within tens of millions of miles at a time was soon given by a large number of light beams.

Although the void is still turbulent with the level fluctuation, this will not happen in the future as long as kukas and their ship release three or five days of beam stability.

A huge gap suddenly opened in a war fortress. From this huge gap, a silver gray ball came out.

The ball is not big, but it is only relative to the war fortress. Compared with the ships controlled by kukas, the ball is really a behemoth.

The ball thousands of miles in size emits boundless divine light. The whole ball is made of divine materials.

Endless divine lights interweave in the air to form an illusory chain. These chains swayed like tentacles of octopus in the air. And every time those chains shake, millions of miles of broken space around them solidifies.

The huge silver ball moved quickly and soon appeared above the eternal plane that had just emerged.

The eternal plane is millions of miles in size. The silver ball is suspended on it and looks extremely small. If there were no special magic props to observe where the situation was, kukas would not have found it at all.

After the silver ball fell on the huge plane, the chains around the ball stretched out like poisonous snakes, and then penetrated into the plane.

Under the puncture of the chain, this top thirteen level plane has no ability to resist at all. At one time, thousands of chains pierced in, and then countless words fell from the chains, forming strange patterns and branded on the surface.

However, in just half a magic time, the whole plane was wrapped by the patterns formed by those words. The plane wrapped in silver patterns looks like a huge silver egg floating quietly in the air from a distance.

Thousands of miles of silver balls disappeared with the emergence of those words, and finally completely followed the crowd. There was no trace on the magic screen of the ship.

After the whole eternal plane was wrapped in patterns made of silver characters, a war fortress sent out a huge roar. In the roar that spread through thousands of miles of emptiness, the war fortress was divided.

The huge gun barrel fell off, and there were countless forbidden Dharma arrays on it, emitting dazzling light. It is radiant, and the gun barrels are combined with each other to form a round column thousands of miles thick and thin.

The war fortress was still falling off rapidly, and large pieces of structure fell down, and then all attached to the post.

In a short magic time, a war fortress was completely broken down, and all structures were attached to the columns composed of gun barrels.

Finally, the whole eternal plane is wrapped by the decomposed fortress.

A large number of professionals broke through the void and brought infinite materials to the newly formed column to quickly build various facilities.

"Why does the eternal plane appear here?" kukas thought for a long time, and then connected with the fog power in the war fortress through magic communication.

"The eternal plane? You mean this base! It was originally prepared to build this empty fortress. There\'s nothing unexpected."

"Since it is used to build a void fortress, why send a large number of professionals to compete for this position? Countless legends and gods fall inside, and countless ordinary high-level professionals fall inside." kukas leaned back in his chair and looked at the image in front of him and said in a deep voice: "I have fought inside. I always thought it was very important to the alliance."

"Yes, every plane like the eternal plane is extremely precious, and the degree of precious is no less than a war fortress." the fog rolled. Although he despised kukas\'s questioning in his heart, he had to explain in detail for mutual cooperation: "In order to prepare for the plane base, the alliance and the gate of heaven divided a total of 13 million top planes. Through the war in the plane, a large number of professionals fell. Their soul fragments will be reincarnated and reborn in these planes. At the same time, their power after falling will be absorbed by the plane and then strengthen the whole plane."

"Most of those fallen legends and gods are unwilling to continue to live. Their years of life are too long, so long that they have no motivation to live."

"In such a plane war, which side has the advantage, the last plane will be controlled by which side."

Kukas was stunned for a moment. He didn\'t know what to say or what to do. He just sat in his chair silently, and one thought after another flashed in his head.

For a long time, he said hoarsely, "it turns out that we ordinary professionals are just a kind of building materials."

"Yes, but don\'t feel suffocated. In order to build a void fortress, even gods and legends must be used as building materials and cast a void fortress a little bit." the fog billowed, and the hoarse voice was a little low: "In order to make the plane truly become the base, each melting silver ball represents that thousands of legends and gods are permanently imprisoned. Their bodies are integrated into the whole plane barrier. Their souls are entangled by the plane. There is no chance of reincarnation. They can only be isolated in a strange space, waiting for spiritual collapse and become a blank spirit The soul. "

"What does this void fortress do?" kukas lit a characteristic silver smoke and took a hard breath.

"War may be something else, and I don\'t know. I\'m afraid few people in the whole alliance know what the real use of this thing is."

While talking, tens of millions of demons flew out of the remaining fortresses. A large number of demons sent out the smell of the abyss. They gathered together and suddenly burst into pieces.

The magic blood scattered and the magic bone broke, all of which were stained on the base at the bottom of the column.

Magic blood and bones were absorbed by the base, and then a large number of legends entered it. After these tens of millions of demons were completely integrated into the base, alchemists began to build other facilities around the base with secret methods.

Three days passed by. After looking at the increasingly swollen column, kukas knew that it would not be long before the column would be covered by infinite buildings. Finally, it was connected with buildings in other places.

While building those buildings, demons kept appearing. Their flesh and blood became adhesive materials and were added to every part of the fortress.

"Crazy, everyone is crazy." kukas finally took a look at the eternal plane wrapped by countless buildings and disappeared, and then controlled the ship to leave here. Because another void collapsed in the distance and a new plane base appeared, he had to stabilize the void.

As the days passed, kukas was busy stabilizing the broken voids, and then watched each powerful plane be used as a base and permanently embedded into a large number of magical material buildings.

Such days repeated for a long time, which made him feel extremely boring and boring. However, when he wanted to end this life and re-enter the war, the fighting armor in the eternal plane suddenly had a new harvest.

Of course, we have to talk about the planes that act as bases here.

Although those planes have become the base of the void fortress, the creatures in them still do not die. On the contrary, because of the construction of the void fortress, a lot of energy is injected into these bases and planes, so as to make these planes more powerful.

The powerful plane in turn feeds back some of the buildings of the void fortress, forming a perfect cycle.

Of course, this perfect cycle is based on the real core of the rescue of more than 1000 Thrace.

When the abyss alliance decided to build the real core of Thrace\'s rescue, it did its best to build more than 1000 cores. These cores are larger than the cores in the kukas ship, and the power they can provide at the same time is much stronger. According to the news kukas received from the fog authority, each of the cores produced by the alliance Tens of thousands of times stronger than kukas\'s.

The core of his ship was only made of leftover materials.

Every energy core with endless power, the energy provided by each breathing time is equivalent to the original energy of all planes of a zero order plane.

More than a thousand energy cores provide infinite energy all the time, instill it into each plane base, and then feed it back to other buildings through the plane base.

Of course, the whole void fortress is not a single way to provide energy. In kukas\'s understanding, the alchemists are still making another energy core.

This new energy core is something that alchemists recreated after some energy cores of ancient times and the energy cores of Thrace\'s rescue and.

This energy core is formed by directly extracting the power in nothingness through special means. It is said that the energy provided by this way is no less than the energy generated by Thrace\'s rescue.

The fighting armor in the eternal plane had a harvest, and kukas did not hesitate to devote most of his mind to one of the fighting armor.

After returning to the eternal plane in disguise, kukas found that there was no crazy killing each other in this plane. There were only scenes of ordinary professionals fighting with some monsters.

Because of the infusion of a lot of energy, the energy in the eternal plane acting as the base is extremely abundant. With the increase of the original power of the plane, the creatures in the plane began to develop at a high speed.

A large number of monsters and even fierce beasts, like rabbits, began to multiply rapidly.

Countless professionals are scattered in this more powerful plane through the transmission altar. Their purpose is to hunt and kill all kinds of monsters and fierce beasts, make themselves stronger, and complete the tasks assigned to them by the abyss alliance.

These professionals are all beings who have just been promoted to level 8. In addition to these professionals who have just been promoted to the eighth level, there are a large number of indigenous people\'s livelihood in this level.

These aborigines are the descendants of professionals who have fooled around here over the years. The descendants of these professionals, for some reason, cannot leave here with their parents. Can only reproduce and grow in this face.

Perhaps because of the high-order plane, or because of a lot of energy infusion, the aborigines here are extremely powerful. As soon as they were born, they had the third-order power of the ordinary plane. Most of them have magical power. Even a few people have the power of magic and fighting spirit at the same time.

Of course, those aborigines who have both magic and fighting power are captured by some professionals as research materials.

When his mind fell into the fighting armor, kukas laughed excitedly. Because one of his fighting armor just realized a fragment of plane rules.

A plane regular fragment. Although the rules contained in the fragment are extremely rare, it is a regular fragment after all. Few rules still provide him with a lot of insight.

A large number of feelings made him unable to deal with it for a time. However, with another fighting armor, it is extremely easy for him to completely control those feelings.

Of course, the benefits of the harvest of rule fragments are not just those intellectual insights. Another advantage is that he can use a secret method to inlay this rule fragment into his natural vision: the land of buried bones.

The integration of rule fragments into the natural vision can not only greatly grow his natural vision, but also fundamentally improve his power.

If natural visions of the same degree confront each other, if one natural vision integrates rule fragments and the other does not integrate, the final winner must be the natural vision integrated with rule fragments, even if the rule fragments are very rubbish.

I have to introduce rules and rule fragments in detail here.

You know, in the endless void, there are void rules; In the empty plane, there are plane rules.

However, no matter which rule, it is extremely important for professionals. The knowledge contained in the rules alone is enough to drive all professionals crazy.

A few rules also have some characteristics, such as gravity, flame, ice, death and so on.

In ancient legends, the clergy of those gods were completely forged with complete rules with characteristics.

Most of the rules have no characteristics, but contain all kinds of knowledge of plane and void and ancient falling beings. Most professionals are quite satisfied with their knowledge.

Kukas\'s thirst for knowledge is not high. What he wants is a complete rule, a rule with the characteristics of death. But this is just an idea. He believes that if such a complete rule can be condensed when he becomes a legend, it will be quite good.

Regular fragments are entrenched in the soul fragments in his fighting armor, showing an irregular fragment crystal suspended quietly in it.

This regular fragment is suspended, and from time to time, words are directly branded in his soul. A large number of words burst out in an instant, making the soul fragments tremble, and there is the possibility of breaking at any time.

Fortunately, at this time, kukas mobilized more attention and wound the surging words in time, which avoided the collapse of a fighting armor.

While dealing with the knowledge emerging from rule fragments, we explore the characteristics of the rule fragments.

Kukas was very disappointed with the result of secret detection. Because that rule fragment does not contain any characteristics.

"Into the bone burial ground." kukas made the final decision after the area of regular fragments was reduced by about twice.

Although after the fragments of rules are integrated into the natural vision, they have no ability to release the knowledge contained therein. But kukas didn\'t care. All he wants is to mature his natural vision as soon as possible.

Only when the natural vision matures as soon as possible, his strength will be greatly improved. Although the current knowledge and perception is also very powerful for his help, it is still a little worse than the vision.

The mind turned, and the soul fragments contained in the soul trembled slightly. Then, the vision of the buried bone emerged from behind the fighting armor.

The vision turned and the gold treasure was forcibly hooked out.

The gold treasure emerged and held up the bone burial place. The regular fragments flew out of the soul fragments of kukas and were ready to fall into the bone burial place.

But as soon as the rule fragment emerged, it began to collapse quickly.

Frightened, kukas immediately wrapped the rule fragment with the soul fragment, which stopped the collapse of the rule fragment. Although the period was just a moment, the fragments of the rules were reduced by more than a third out of thin air.

"Damn it." he cursed in a low voice, but he didn\'t dare to delay too much. His mind turned and urged the soul fragments to be directly put into the place where the bones were buried.

This contains some regular soul fragments. As soon as they fall into the natural vision, they emit a large number of soul flames. The whole soul fragment began to burn violently.