Abyss Knight

Chapter 802

"Is it just a simple devil?" kukas grabbed the priestess by the neck and held her up in the air with one hand. "Do you still want to kill me?"

"Yes, demons like you can\'t be redeemed at all." the priestess grabbed kukas\'s arm with both hands, but her eyes fell into the black smoke constantly drilling out of him: "I baptized you with the ancient scriptures of the goddess, but you still can\'t repent."

"Just because of this? Let the ancient Scripture be baptized forever!" kukas growled in a low voice and threw the priestess aside again. Let her delicate body hit the wall heavily. And he himself turned and went back to his room.

As time passed, the Golden Lion Knights set out again, but this time kukas did not follow them out to kill, because a controller of the war fortress called him before setting out.

"I hear you have the rescue and construction method of Thrace." the man in power is like a twisted fog. His voice sounded very harsh, like the sound of glass rubbing.

"Yes, is there a problem? Are you Thracian?" kukas asked, looking at the twisted fog on the seat in front of him with his head tilted.

"Three years ago, all the Thracians under the control of the abyss alliance were extinct." the fog controller said without delay: "the Danu Protoss and the deep sea giants completely exterminated the Thracian. Well, we need the rescue and construction method of Thrace."

"Oh! I believe the people of the abyss alliance must have this construction method. At least the people of the Danu Protoss know the construction method of that thing." kukas had some doubts, but after he said his doubts, he suddenly understood. Unfortunately, the words had been said.

"Really? They say they don\'t have that technology, and in this world, only you have the rescue and construction technology of Thrace." the fog rolled, and the voice didn\'t change because of kukas\'s words.

"I\'m willing to contribute," kukas replied after a little thought.

"The alliance will try its best to build Thrace rescue, and you will become the first person in power of the first Thrace rescue." the fog suddenly stopped rolling and flew out a golden scroll from the middle of the fog. The scroll was opened and a lot of magic words were written on it. These magic words are all the agreements between kukas and the abyss alliance. As long as the alliance lasts, the agreement on this scroll will not expire. Of course, no one can violate the above conventions, because those conventions are written under the infinite rule.

After reading the scroll contract in detail, kukas wrote his name on it. After he wrote his name, he quickly condensed the memory crystal about the rescue and construction method of Cyrus.

"Do you want to build it yourself or let the alliance build it and send it to you?" the fog swirled and the glass rubbed, making a harsh sound.

"Is there a difference?"

"If you make it yourself, you can prevent some people from placing special things in Thrace rescue. And if I\'m not wrong, the most important part of Thrace rescue is actually a special energy core. You can modify your ship, and even build it into a war fortress if you have enough resources."

"War fortress?"

"Yes, a war fortress that completely belongs to you. You can even use it to form your Legion. Become a power holder like me."

"It takes too much time," kukas shook his head. He didn\'t agree with the man in power.

"Yes, it\'s a long time, but if a war fortress completely controlled by yourself appears, I\'m afraid no force in the world dares to take action against you." the fog ruler paused a little and then continued: "The war fortresses controlled by the abyss alliance are all on this boundary line. You have a war fortress, and all people\'s schemes and tricks against you will be nothingness."

"Very tempting suggestion, so tell me, what do the deep-sea giants and Danu Protoss want from me? The control of the green skin? Or the control of the burning plane?"

"Endless green skin support. They need too many green skins, and the keepsake you gave them before to summon the green skin has a limited number." the fog ruler said in an extremely serious tone.

"The projection of the burning black flag can summon three billion green skins every day." kukas frowned slightly. You know, although there are more and more green skins in his burning plane, there are also more and more green skins in demand in the abyss alliance.

He originally wanted to expand the burning plane, but the people of the abyss alliance hoped that his burning plane could be raised to the first level, so as to make the green skins born inside more powerful.

Therefore, he had to accumulate strength to prepare for the evolution of the burning plane, so as to reduce the output of some green skins to a certain extent.

"Three billion green skins look a lot, but there are too many gaps for these two races," said the foggy power in a low voice. "They are doing some experiments."

"Ten billion." kukas took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "this is my limit."

"With every breath time in the burning plane, billions of green skins are born."

"But at least half of the green skins died as soon as they were born. One percent of the rest can go around the altar."

Before kukas finished his words, the fog ruler on one side interrupted his words: "the rescue core of Thrace, if you rely on yourself alone, you will never be able to really make it. And this core will only spread out in the whole alliance. They chose you. Similarly, I hope you can repay them."

"All green skins produced by a magic in the burning plane."

"You\'re fucking crazy. If I can\'t provide enough green skin to the alliance, I\'m afraid I\'ll be killed. Do you want me to die?" kukas was furious, slapped the table fiercely, stood up from his chair and roared loudly: "Damn it, how many green skins are produced in a magic time? Do you know how many green skins are? All those green skins are drilled out. One mouthful of saliva from each green skin can drown the deep-sea giant and the Danu Protoss."

"A green skin of a transmitting altar. Every breath time, that transmitting altar can transmit hundreds of thousands of green skin." kukas said in a deep voice, "or 10 billion green skin."

"Ten thousand transfer altars."

"You\'re fucking crazy, two."

"Ten thousand."


"Only the alliance can provide the building materials for Thrace\'s rescue core, and no one else can do it. With that thing, no one can threaten you anymore, even if your burning plane is destroyed."

In this way, the two fought and persisted with each other. Finally, after arguing about three magic hours, kukas paid the price of 1000 transmission altars as the real core material for Thrace\'s rescue.

After the terms were settled, kukas left the man in power\'s room.

There are magic puppets outside to show him the way. These magic puppets are specially made. They don\'t have any logic ability. They just mechanically follow the orders of the authorities. They don\'t worry about any accidents at all.

Under the leadership of this special magic puppet, kukas bypassed dozens of channels of different sizes and finally appeared in a huge space.

Here, hundreds of thousands of powerful alchemists are busy. They are all busy building the real core of Thrace\'s rescue.

The arrival of kukas did not attract the attention of these alchemists.

He sat on a stone pillar and silently watched the busy alchemists. At least hundreds of busy alchemists here exuded the breath of legend.

The real core of Thrace\'s rescue is a thing with endless energy. With a real core, you won\'t worry about the supplement of energy. Because this thing can directly mobilize some special energy in the endless void to use in a special way. That special energy can be said to be endless in the endless void. As long as the endless void There is also a plane in the, so this core can endlessly extract special forces from the void.

Of course, those special forces are not the original forces in the plane, but the strange forces generated by the combination of the waves emitted by the plane and the endless void.

This kind of power has only been used on a large scale by Thracians in extremely ancient times. However, with the end and extinction of each era and the lack of a large number of magic materials, the use of this strange power is becoming smaller and smaller.

Hundreds of thousands of alchemists made the core of Thrace\'s rescue. After kukas appeared here, it took almost a year to make it.

For more than a year, he has been silently paying attention to what happened in front of him.

A large number of magic instruments make huge metal materials into small objects of different sizes, and then use those small objects to make huge magic instruments again.

So repeatedly, until a blue ball the size of an adult\'s head appeared, the work of hundreds of thousands of alchemists came to an end.

The blue ball actually represents Thrace\'s rescue. Without this thing, even if the other parts of Thrace\'s rescue are perfect, it can not be regarded as a real Thrace\'s rescue fundamentally.

Only when the blue ball representing endless energy is embedded in the core of the ship can it become the of Thrace\'s rescue, even if it is placed in an extremely ordinary weapon or building.

The blue ball was branded by kukas at the first moment when it was made. It became the only master of Thrace\'s rescue. Without his will, this thing would not release any power, just like an ordinary blue glass ball.

With the real core of the ship, the alchemists began to make the hull again by secret method. The hull was very similar to some ships sailing in the sea. The only difference was that there were only three special masts built by secret method on the ship.

On the mast, hang the sail. These sails are not for driving, but to extract some dark forces from the void, so as to store those forces for ship flight.

Of course, this measure is actually just a preventive measure. It is a special prop set to prevent special accidents in the core and can not provide power for the ship in a short time.

The hull is very long. There are three huge gun barrels dozens of feet thick at the bow and stern. According to kukas\'s calculation, the beams of light emitted from these gun barrels can make a half step legend or half god flustered or even injured.

On both sides of the ship\'s side, there are 60 huge gun barrels. Although these gun tubes can not be compared with those in the bow and stern, they are also twenty or thirty feet thick and thin. The thick gun barrel emits beams of light, which can easily kill all professionals below level 12.

The whole ship is hundreds of feet long, and a large number of defense prohibitions and Dharma arrays are carved on the hull. Even some attack arrays comparable to legendary powers have been carved on them. However, due to the limitation of some special materials, some legendary spells can\'t be released at all.

The whole ship is made of strange magic materials. It can evolve by itself through the addition of some special materials. In the end, it can even evolve into a fortress, a fortress like a war fortress.

The control of the ship was very simple and operated completely according to kukas\'s will. After the fog ruler customized some special magic puppets according to his requirements, the rescue of the newly baked Thrace set sail and began to join the fortress war. But this time, it\'s not necessary for kukas to control the ship to impact the huge meat ball. He only needs to break part of the defense of the meat ball.

There are black cross marks on the side and bow of the ship. However, this brand only absorbs the soul, and does not provide the role of enhancing strength.

"Reverse cross!" kukas named the ship and incorporated it into the battle sequence of his war fortress.

The first time he sailed a ship, it didn\'t take him long to get used to it. In the captain\'s control room, there is a huge crystal ball. Through the crystal ball, kukas, as the captain, can instantly control the ship and make all kinds of actions.

The gun barrel can not only release thick beams, but also change a beam into dozens of smaller beams.

A large number of armor men evaporated instantly under the gun barrel on the side of the ship. Only armor men with more than eight arms can resist the bombardment of those gun barrels, but that kind of resistance can only resist dozens of times. No matter how many, even eight armed armor men will fall under the continuous bombardment of the gun barrel if they can\'t escape.

There is magic communication in the huge war fortress, which can contact kukas\'s ships. Through the connection in the war fortress, kukas manipulated his ship and carried out crazy slaughter.

With his participation, many meat ball fortresses were destroyed. Countless armor men had just rushed out of their fortress and were also killed by him. Sometimes, he even controlled the ship and sniped those armor men with twelve levels of power. Although such sniping did not succeed several times, his name spread on a large scale within the border guards.

This situation lasted until the second year, when the second ship appeared, his attention was greatly reduced.

In the following days, there were more and more ships around the war fortress, but although these later ships also had extremely strong power, none of them could be compared with kukas\'s ship potential.

On the one hand, their ships cannot evolve, on the other hand, it is because the driving core of their ships is not the core of the real Thrace rescue, but some imitations.

Although these imitations can also provide a large amount of energy for the needs of ships, their energy is only stored before. After consumption, there is no way to recover by itself, let alone infinite energy.

More and more ships appeared, which greatly improved the process of war. According to the fog power owner, in fact, such ships should have appeared tens of millions of years ago, but for some interests and some experiments, the senior level of the alliance has delayed the plan until today.

Kukas had no reaction to such news. He simply manipulated the ship, killed one high-level armor man after another, and then got something he wanted.

Steel walls are suspended in the endless void. These steel walls take the plane as the base and extend continuously in the endless void, outlining an extremely huge defense line in the void.

At first, kukas thought that these steel walls were used to defend against the impact of armored people, but with more and more buildings connected to those steel walls, he suddenly realized that the people of the abyss alliance wanted to build an unprecedented huge fortress in the endless void.

Yes, a fortress that stretches for millions of miles, an unprecedented fortress with millions of planes as its base.

Countless professionals shuttle among them. Almost every day, some new buildings appear.

However, the huge fortress did not surprise him most. What surprised him was the planes that served as bases.

In his perception, those planes of millions or even tens of millions of miles are all the top planes in the 13th order. Among those planes, he saw an extremely familiar plane.