Abyss Knight

Chapter 801

"Lao Tzu is a reckless knight. People who dare to run wild in front of me have never appeared." the fierce Knight shouted. He waved his thick arms and drew powerful arcs in the air to express his dissatisfaction.

"You boy, I don\'t like you very much. Get out of here right away." the broken Knight roared and stretched out his hand to push kukas\'s shoulder.

Zhang Yu\'s high body sat on a special chair, like a hill. But the broken Knight turned a blind eye and just pushed kukas to let him leave.

"What are you talking about? Are you talking about me? Is your head being squeezed silly by a meat ball?" kukas sat down on Mount Tai. Driven by the knight, he didn\'t move.

"You\'re provoking a great arrogant knight." the rough looking Knight suddenly stopped his movement, stood up and looked down at kukas\'s head and said: "I know who you are. You are the ash Knight kukas and one of the only three freedom knights in the Golden Lion order. But I am not afraid of you. In my eyes, you are no different from the dead."

"Someone asked you to deal with me? Or is this your personal behavior?" kukas took a sip of the wine. He didn\'t think the knight came here just to flirt with the priestess in front of him.

The experience of the long years has changed his mind a lot. If he put it in the past, he would never think so much. Instead, he would wave his fist very directly and burst each other\'s head. That\'s all.

"As a broken knight, I don\'t need anyone to question." the broken Knight snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, "I don\'t care about your identity. What I want to say now is to leave here right away."

"Then let\'s go." he crushed the cup in his hand, and kukas whispered a strange smile.

"Kukas, we must have a good talk." the priestess on one side didn\'t seem to notice the arrogant knight. She just stood up as before and wanted to leave here with kukas: "without anyone\'s interruption."

"Woman, sit here for me. You are mine now." the broken Knight sneered and reached out to grab the priestess\'s shoulder.

"Leave." as soon as the broken Knight raised his hand and grabbed the priestess\'s shoulder, at least hundreds of knights stood up and shouted, "leave here now, or we will kill you in the name of knights."

Hundreds of knights sent out a trace of killing breath. Although these killing breath was not much, it aroused the suppressed madness in the heart of the broken knight.

"Kill me in the name of a knight? What do you think you are? Get away from me." the broken Knight roared in a low voice. His big hand paused a little, and then continued to grasp the shoulder of the priestess.

A crazy power suddenly filled the whole tavern. Under the twisting power, all the Knights here noticed the abnormality.

Some Knights roared, grabbed their weapons, jumped up, opened their mouths and roared. Some people had red eyes and could kill at any time.

The patterns on the wall released a lot of golden light, which shone on the knights, and soon restored the spirit of some knights to normal.

A knight carried a killing golden dagger in his hand. The golden dagger was only three feet long and was painted with exquisite patterns. The infinite divine light emitted from the golden dagger turned into light bands, hovered in the air like a poisonous snake, and then locked the broken knight.

"The majesty of the throne priest does not allow anyone to blaspheme. If you dare to move again, I will let you completely disappear from the world." the knight holding the golden dagger roared in a low voice.

The other knights followed, shouting, "the dignity of the throne priest cannot be desecrated, death or surrender." these Knights roared loudly. None of them drew out a golden dagger to kill the arrogant knight. They didn\'t consider whether killing a knight here would cause unnecessary trouble.

Killing Jinge is very powerful and can even kill rank 10 ordinary professionals. But the arrogant Knight doesn\'t care too much. However, he has a trace of fear when he sees hundreds of knights carrying killing Jinge out. Hundreds of killing Jinge, not to mention a rank 9 knight, is a rank 12 knight. Under the attack of hundreds of killing Jinge, Injured or even falling.

"Don\'t you want to live?" the broken Knight snorted coldly. His palm was only three or five inches away from the priestess: that is, the shoulder of the throne priest.

"Humble and dirty creature, you are not qualified to touch the great throne priest." the killing Jinge in the knight\'s hand emits an infinite divine light, which distorts and forms a vague divine shadow behind the knight.

Although it was only a ghost shadow and vague, it still exuded a trace of divine power after it emerged. The divine power came and enveloped the earth, which made all the knights in the whole tavern feel abnormal depression.

"Oh! You\'ve been transferred to the throne priest. No wonder I feel that there\'s something I hate about you." kukas\'s voice suddenly sounded, which was very abrupt, breaking the heavy breath condensed by the broken knight and those unknown knights.

"What\'s the specialty of the throne priest? I have an enemy. She is also the throne priest. I\'ll kill her." kukas smiled grimly when he touched his bald head.

"Are you talking about the first priest on the throne? Her strength is much stronger than you now. Well, she has reached the tenth level." the priestess tilted her head, put her arm around kukas and said, "and there is no hatred between you. It\'s just a dispute of spirit."

"Ha ha! You\'re very talkative. Well, the dispute between us is enough to make one party fall. How about level 10? Now I can kill level 10 easily." kukas snorted coldly. Although he fought in the endless empty war fortress for more than ten years, his killing methods in all aspects have been greatly improved.

And since he owned the black cross alone, he found that there was a small piece of special void material in the black cross. The void material grows slowly under the nourishment of his fighting spirit and endless soul fragments. In the end, it will even make his black cross form a void treasure or even a void prop.

Although the black cross has not yet grown into the lowest level of vanity treasures, some of its powers are no less than the 13 burning black flags mastered by kukas.

You know, although the 13 burning black flags he mastered are plane props, because of his own strength, he has just played one tenth of the power of the plane props.

One tenth of the power of a level prop can kill a level 10 professional alone, but it\'s easy. Now, in addition to the black cross that has played a little bit of vanity treasure power, it\'s no problem for him to kill a level 10 professional.

Of course, not every black cross contains fragments of void materials. Only those who exchange the black cross into their own will contain a fragment of void material.

Only those professionals who continue to kill in the war fortress will know this secret. As for those who left as soon as they exchanged the black cross, they would not know. Although they also contain fragments of void materials, those materials will dissipate slowly if they are not nourished by a large number of soul fragments in a certain time. Finally, the cross is nothing more than a thing comparable to a plane prop.

"You can talk nonsense." the broken Knight snorted coldly, but took his hand back.

"I\'m old enough to be your grandfather. Pay attention to me. Well, is there a problem?" kukas snorted coldly, and a fierce light came out of his eyes.

"Thousands of years, only achieved level 9." the arrogant Knight snorted coldly: "is it worth showing off such an achievement?"

"I achieved the Ninth level step by step. It\'s not like those so-called top talents who piled up the level with countless treasures. Killing you is just between hands." the fierce light in kukas\'s eyes became stronger and stronger, and a trace of killing intention was released uncontrollably from his body. Although the killing intention was only a tiny bit, it broke the killing breath gathered by hundreds of knights not far away in the moment of emergence. Even the ghost shadow condensed by the divine light is unreal and distorted under the impact of his killing intention, and there are signs of destruction at any time.

The murderous spirit leaked, and all the knights in the whole tavern were frightened. Some Knights even broke out fighting spirit directly, gathered secret skills and were ready to fight at any time.

All this is because kukas\'s murderous spirit is so powerful that it subconsciously releases a trace of fighting spirit, surpassing the murderous spirit gathered by hundreds of knights. Some knights are even interested in kukas\' murderous spirit, want to get a trace of murderous spirit, and then use secret methods to gather together to form a powerful killing treasure.

Gein\'s murderous spirit is too pure, and the degree of purity even exceeds most dark magic materials.

"You\'re threatening me." the broken Knight stared at kukas\'s eyes with an ugly face. Facing the real murderous spirit, he was not as afraid as others: "You just live a little longer than me and kill a little more creatures. If I had as much time as you, a look in your eyes today would break your soul and have no chance of reincarnation."

"Are you sure you\'re not joking?" kukas smiled strangely, his eyes were fierce, and his eyes fell on the broken Knight: "you can\'t help me if you give you 30000 eyes someday."

"We can try." the broken knight took a few deep breaths, and then recovered his calm face.

"There\'s no need to try anything. What I want to tell you is that if you don\'t leave here right away, I\'ll definitely blow your head in the next fortress war." kukas took a deep breath and muttered: "You will look down on my long experience. Now you say you want to rely on years to kill me. Do you really have that ability? Young man! Don\'t rely on your talent to be rampant here. If you put it in the eternal position, you will be the first one I kill."

"Eternal plane? Ridiculous. I once mixed in the eternal plane. But I didn\'t see how you were." the broken knight was young, but he refused to admit defeat.

"Young man, no matter how strong your strength is, you just like impulse. If you knew you were in the eternal position, you would be wiped out." kukas snorted coldly, but he was too lazy to continue to talk to each other: "I don\'t talk nonsense to you, I just want to tell you, you\'d better not provoke me, don\'t provoke my ash Knight kukas."


The broken Knight wanted to say more, but kukas turned and walked away. The priestess took his arm and walked with him, saying all kinds of words to persuade people to be good, hoping to get him out of sin.

However, kukas did not think he was guilty, so the other party\'s words were a waste to him. But he knew he couldn\'t get rid of the priestess.

"Don\'t follow me anymore, or I\'ll find someone to turn you around." kukas muttered impatiently when he came to a spare room.

"If my flesh and body can free you from sin, let me offer it!" the priestess heard kukas say this for the first time. She blinked her big golden eyes and said softly, "you are the exception."

"Do you mean that your flesh and body will only be open to me? Ha ha, interesting. Well, let me think! Well, if your flesh and body can satisfy me, I can\'t say I will listen to your advice." leaning against the wall, kukas looked at the blonde priest unscrupulously. When he returned from the war, he had not had time to toss around with those women. If you can toss with each other, it is also a good choice.

"It\'s a sin for you to have such a thought." the priestess stepped forward and touched kukas\'s lower abdomen with her towering chest. "I just want to get you out of sin."

"You are contaminated with sin, but do you want me to be contaminated with sin and become one of you?" kukas snorted coldly, grabbed the priestess\'s neck and said in a deep voice: "leave here, or use your body to advise me."

Silver rays appeared in the eyes of the priestess. These silver rays intertwined with each other and formed a silver nine pointed star Dharma array in her eyes.

The array rotates slowly, and some images appear in it. If you look carefully, you will find that those images are some of kukas\'s past experiences.

These pictures are constantly flowing, and soon emerge to the scene that kukas has just been born into the world. Then the picture continued to flow, but at this time, the picture burst, and two golden blood gushed out of the priestess\'s eyes.

"Well!" the priestess murmured, clasped her head tightly in her hands and groaned bitterly.

The golden blood slid down her cheeks and finally fell to the ground. The patterns on the surrounding walls showed a halo. The halo flowed, and the thick and thin golden beams of arms were instilled into the priestess\'s head to quickly heal her injury.

"You are a demon, a demon climbing out of the abyss." the priestess screamed, "no one can wash your sins. I will kill you and make you disappear from the world."

The priestess crossed her hands, grabbed two slender awls with gold and silver from her head and pierced kukas\'s chest.

Kukas felt extremely strong danger when the awl was punctured. The two slender awls even exceeded the dangerous feeling brought to him by those ten armed armor men.

"Go away!" kukas yelled, pushing his hands out, but he pushed the blonde priest down heavily on the wall.

The powerful impact force made the priestess weak and paralyzed on the ground, and a trace of golden blood flowed out of her mouth.

"You can\'t be redeemed. In fact, I should have known for a long time. Only the devil climbing out of the bottom of the endless abyss can have such a deep sin. No one can redeem you, so why don\'t you let me kill you? As long as you die, the world will become more pure." the priestess closed her eyes, and two blood still flowed out of her eyes. The golden beam still shone on her head, even forming a golden circle behind her head, but even so, her injury still didn\'t get better.

"Tell me, what did you see?" kukas didn\'t ask the other party about killing himself, but came forward, pressed the blonde priestess on the wall and asked her about what had just happened. He was afraid that the other party would see that he came here from another world. At that time, the abyss alliance will abandon him, even kill him directly, or serve as experimental materials to be studied by some crazy doctors, economists and scholars.

"I see some chains wrapped around you and climbing up in a dark abyss. Yes, it\'s an endless abyss. You must be a demon imprisoned somewhere." the spirit of the priestess seemed a little trance.

Some ancient scriptures came out of her heart. These ancient scriptures made runes one by one, and then wound around kukas.

Every Scripture imprinted on him made him feel severe pain. A trace of black smoke came out of him under the imprint of the Scripture. Those black smoke were neither the smell of killing, nor the smell of blood and cursed, but the essence of a breath that had never been seen or heard.