Abyss Knight

Chapter 800

The silver silk thread integrated into the Black Cross began to weave silver patterns on the cross. These silver patterns are simple in structure, but extremely exquisite. At a glance, it feels very mysterious.

The silver patterns spread continuously. After consuming hundreds of thousands of soul fragments, some simple silver patterns finally spread all over the whole black cross. After these silver patterns wound the whole cross, they hid themselves. It just left black scratches of different depths on the cross.

The cross revolved and imprinted obliquely on kukas\'s chest again according to his heart. As soon as it was branded on it, kukas felt that his strength and fighting spirit were about twice as high as that at the beginning. More importantly, when he goes to the battlefield in the future, he will be more blessed by the golden flag. To some extent, his defense and survivability have also improved a lot.

With the evolution of the black cross, new information has been released. According to the tips of those messages, kukas even directly mobilized his fighting spirit to release some powerful single magic. The power of these single magic surpasses the tenth order and can instantly kill those six armed armor men. It can even directly hurt those eight armed armor men.

Moreover, the promotion of the black cross makes it more powerful in absorbing soul fragments. In this way, he can accumulate soul fragments faster.

You know, when he was fighting in the meat ball, many souls of armored people escaped, and at least half of them disappeared into the meat ball. This time, the absorption capacity of the black cross will be greatly strengthened, which will make the souls who do not need to lose a lot less.

After dealing with the black cross, kukas turned his attention to his natural vision: the land of buried bones.

When his mind entered the bone burial place, he found that the area of the bone burial place had unconsciously expanded to thousands of feet.

The white bone peak in the central area is towering. There is a white bone pool on the top of the mountain, and there is the white bone empty cangmu in the pool. Endless breath of resentment and silence wandered around here. From time to time, white bone creatures revived, and then turned into white bones again through cruel struggle. The most powerful one will set foot in the white bone pool, and then be melted by the strange water inside, and become the nourishment for the white bone empty cangmu.

A large number of runes appeared on a leaf on the white bone empty Cang wood. According to kukas\'s estimation, a large number of Rune large leaves appeared, which will be fully mature. At that time, he can pick the leaves to obtain the possible rule fragments or the virtual shadow of rule fragments.

A large number of bones and various magic props were absorbed by the bone burial place. These things should have been left on the ground and ignored. However, under the action of the white bone empty cangmu, a large number of magic props were forcibly absorbed, and then evolved into the magic materials missing in the bone burial place through the empty cangmu itself.

It is precisely because of this characteristic of white bone empty Cang wood that the bone burial place of kukas will grow so fast. Otherwise, no matter how many corpses his bone burial place devours, it will only increase the smell of resentment, but it will not increase the area of the bone burial place.

Kukas was very excited by the unexpected growth of the bone burial place. After repeatedly determining the efficacy of the white bone empty Cang wood, he withdrew from his natural vision with a strange smile.

"But you don\'t have to worry about precious magic materials anymore. As long as there are enough professional bodies, their magic props will be transformed by empty cangmu, so as to form all kinds of materials needed for natural vision. It can be regarded as an extremely powerful effect."

A series of thoughts came to his mind. After a long time, he calmed down.

After checking the natural vision, he had nothing else to do. He just sat quietly in the room, communicating the twelve fighting armor and thinking about his own knowledge, so as to improve his strength. He knows that his cultivation talent is not so good. Therefore, he can make progress only by making efforts beyond ordinary people.

Day by day, in this narrow space, kukas didn\'t go anywhere at all. He just sat quietly in bed and worked hard to improve his strength.

Of course, in this war fortress, there is actually a place for professionals to relax. But kukas was too lazy to go, that\'s all.

Decades passed, and the mark on the black cross once again sent him the signal of war.

When he gathered this time, he found that the figures of the Knights he remembered last time had long disappeared. Instead, there were a large number of strange knights.

Charge, Knight charge, endless Knights charge like a tide towards the meat ball in the distance.

In this charge, kukas found that at least three or five huge war fortresses released professionals who constantly attacked the meat ball.

Under the strong attack of three or five war fortresses, the meat ball was hit holes of different sizes.

Before and after the knights rushed to the meat ball, the three or five war fortresses also stopped bombing with great tacit understanding. Obviously, the powers of the war fortress want to get something from that meat ball. Otherwise, there is no need for them to let the Knights charge, thus wasting unnecessary lives.

Killing, there is no stopping killing. This time, a large number of casters and other types of professionals followed kukas, and their Knights stormed the huge meatball fortress.

A large number of spell casters took out some seals to madly seal the passage of the meat ball. Special professionals who are good at planting plants planted some strange vines on those seals.

Vines devour flesh and blood, grow and bear some red fruits, which weaken the power of the whole meat ball a little.

There are special professionals to guard the vines and kill the armor people who jump out of the meat wall. The red fruits they harvest are delivered to the professionals in their hands, so as to quickly recover their own injuries.

Kukas didn\'t know this. He just followed the reminder of the black cross on his chest and kept killing people down the channel.

A large number of armor men fell in his hands, but more armor men appeared to stop them.

Some half step legends and demigods also joined the war. They opened the way ahead and killed stronger armor men.

When the professionals around kukas changed batch after batch, a series of explosions suddenly sounded inside the meat ball.

With the explosion, the marks on the red eyed professionals flashed, and then they were forcibly transmitted out of here in an instant.

Kukas felt that he was the last person to be sent away. When he left, he saw hundreds of demigods and legends surrounded by a yellow light rushing out of the meat ball. Behind them, countless thick tentacles waved after them.

Those tentacles were so strong that they caught a demigod, but they forced the demigod to burst in a few moments.

The demigod was pinched and exploded, and the power in his body was frantically vented. Those power vented, through the gap of his tentacles, hit the surrounding meat wall, and instantly tore the meat wall into pieces.

He returned to the metal room again. After he was completely awake, he realized the strength of those tentacles. It can crush a demigod in just a few moments. I\'m afraid only legends and gods can do the power.

As the days passed, kukas participated in the fortress war more and more frequently. And every war is different from the place where we fought before.

Sometimes they surround a meat ball with three or five war fortresses, and sometimes they need a war fortress to resist three or five meat balls.

At the most dangerous time, even the armor man rushed into the war fortress where he was. The endless armor men waved their swords and tore the metal walls, almost exploding the whole war fortress.

If not for the sudden emergence of thousands of gods with supreme power from the depths of the fortress, kukas\'s black cross border Legion would be completely destroyed.

After wars, kukas felt numb. After each war, he no longer drilled in his room as before, but went to some pubs in the fortress to relax.

Here, there are magic potions made by alchemists to relax the spirit, as well as wonderful girls and some noble female spell casters.

Through heterosexual psychotropic drugs, kukas released the pressure in his heart. And these pressures are not completely solved by the teachers. In order not to make himself crazy, he can only do so.

The members of the Golden Lion order changed from one group to another, and most of the Knights fell in the fortress wars again and again. Only a few of them have accumulated enough soul fragments to leave the border Corps.

Like kukas, there are a very few people who have accumulated enough soul fragments, but they do not choose to leave the frontier fortress, but choose to stay here and hone their means through killing.

Tavern 54, District 38, is a place where hundreds of knights mingle with each other. It is also a tavern frequented by kukas. The tavern here is so big that it can accommodate thousands of people to drink and relax here at one time. There are many vacant houses around the tavern, in which knights can rest and relax temporarily.

It was the end of another fortress killing. Kukas came here after calming his mind for three or five days in his room. If nothing happens, he will stay here until the next war begins.

There are seven or eight huge platforms in the tavern. With the blessing of some special magic marks, some girls and handsome teenagers dance or perform all kinds of performances here, so as to relax the Knights around.

These are not only the relaxation methods of knights, but also by taking some strange drugs to relieve the deepest psychological pressure. And those drugs, except for a small part of fees, are all provided free of charge by the alliance. Of course, taking drugs will not reduce their strength, but will purify their spirit a little bit and make his mind more pure.

Kukas sat in a corner, silently drinking a bucket of time flowing wine. This wine has a great effect on the physical strength of knights, even comparable to the blood of legendary dragons. This kind of wine is also one of the few things that can be bought with soul fragments in the tavern.

A glass of wine went down, but kukas couldn\'t taste it. He drank a little too much and didn\'t use his fighting spirit to clean up the wine gas in his body, so he was a little drunk. Most of the Knights here, like him, don\'t use fighting spirit to clean up the alcohol in their bodies.

After a glass of wine, kukas looked at the girls swaying on the platform. These girls have special magic marks. Those magic marks can resist the killing smell emitted by many knights. Otherwise, these girls who are low-level professionals have no ability to store here. They will be forced into madness and even die directly by the strong smell of killing.

"May the great goddess of eternal night protect you and make your heart pure and peaceful." a female priest appeared next to kukas.

The female priest has a light golden shawl and curly hair. Her big round eyes match her round face. She looks like a lovely doll.

She was wearing a priest\'s robe with gold and silver edges, with a palm wide ribbon around her waist, and some designs about the goddess of eternal night were embroidered on her two sleeves. Polar long skirt, through the edge of the long skirt, you can see each other\'s barefoot. In her foot ring, there is a Silver Anklet.

The slender neck is hung with a small colorful GEM PENDANT, which emits a trace of magic light. The divine light shines, making the priestess look very holy.

"Why are you here again? Why don\'t you pray to your God and let her protect you or us?" kukas knew who came when he heard the voice. He didn\'t lift his head, but drank with his head down.

"The gods have asked me to save you who are in sin." the priestess made a courtesy to kukas and sat down in the chair opposite him. The way the priestess sat was very strange. She didn\'t sit there as upright as ordinary people, nor did she curl up on the chair like some women, but sat cross legged, motionless, like a statue.

"I didn\'t fall into sin. It\'s the world that falls into sin." kukas shrugged his shoulders and whispered a strange smile: "I told you, I will never believe in the so-called goddess of the night. I believe in myself, and I kukas is the most powerful. You should believe in me."

"Blasphemy. Can blasphemy satisfy you? Wake up! You have been blinded by sin and can\'t see the truth of the world. Believe me, look back. Only by washing away your own sin can you comfort your heart."

"We have nothing to say. Don\'t forget that you wanted to kill me." kukas sneered. He was actually very familiar with the holy priestess in front of him.

He met this priestess when he went to the Arctic ice sheet. At that time, her spirit was a little abnormal. Later, they clashed because of their interests on the barren grassland. Although they met again in the following days, there was no intersection in the end.

But unexpectedly, after becoming the ninth order and stepping into the war fortress in the endless void, they met again. And still in a war fortress.

Whenever he thought of this, kukas felt that he should not have come to this tavern to drink. In that way, he would never meet the priestess again. But since he met the priestess here, he couldn\'t help coming here every time. All he wanted to do was talk to the priestess. After all, they were familiar with it.

"I was dead then. The relationship between people at that time and you has nothing to do with me now. I just represent the great night goddess to save you from sin."

"No, in this endless void, only I am kind and only I am pure. Do you have the heart to say that you have fallen into sin and drag me into heaven?" kukas tilted his head and smiled: "in fact, there is really nothing to say between us."

"No, kukas, as a great priest, I have enough duty to free you from sin."

"They need your help more than I do."

"Your sin is the deepest. I must save you first."

In this way, they talked to each other one by one, and the time passed little by little. The priestess still sat there quietly, and kukas drank a bucket of wine.

"Hey, beautiful woman, I don\'t know how you came to this tavern, but I know that I need the help of others more than the boy in front of me. Look, my hands are covered with blood, the depths of my soul are all ugly sins, and my body is also covered with dirty blood. Beautiful woman, only you can save me. With your plump body, with you That little mouth. All this is what I, a sinner, desire. "A drunken and hazy Knight sat next to kukas and the priestess, then slapped the table and shouted.

"This son has never heard of the throne priest, otherwise he would never be such a fool."

"Shit throne priest, this is the gathering place of knights. How did she get in as a priest? Didn\'t she let us play?" a knight just came down from the battlefield and was easily irritable. He heard that someone was shocked by the identity of the priestess, so he became quite dissatisfied.