Abyss Knight

Chapter 799

Charge, the bald Knight charged again. However, although his riding speed was not slow, he did not catch up with the front team.

Because after charging for a distance, he found a single Knight fighting with some four armed armor men in the middle of the passage. Instead of jumping over like the others, he urged the Golden Lion and killed the armored man directly.

Hands interlaced, the power of overlaying the ground is fully exerted. The appearance of broken illusory chains is a kind of brilliance evolved after his understanding of overlaying seal has reached a certain degree.

Of course, this kind of brilliance is not just an ornament. After emerging, it shows a power similar to the rules, and at least enhances the power of floor printing three times. However, to emerge these chains, he not only needs to spend a lot of fighting spirit, which leads to the turbulence of fighting space, but also, more importantly, urging those illusory chains will even consume his source of life.

The consumption of the source of life is extremely cautious for ordinary professionals. They will consume the source of life only when they use the secret method to quickly repair their bodies. Generally, they would rather spend a lot of time fighting with the enemy than consume the source of life to enhance the power of the secret method.

Because the origin of life is too important for a professional. If the source of life in the body is exhausted, even if your soul and spiritual power are strong again, then all these things will begin to age because of the dissipation of the source power. There is no way to stop this aging. Even if the body is changed, there will be no possibility of change.

Of course, professionals often lose their lives when they are about to run out of life sources. Only a few professionals consume a lot of life sources because of the fierce battle. As a result, even after they lose their lives, they will slowly fall and have no ability to grow again.

Kukas so recklessly used the original power of life to urge all the power of overlaying land seal, but it was because of the support of the original power of plane. With the blessing of the face source power, the life source consumed can be restored to its peak with one thought.

The ground seal intertwined with the incomplete chain wound around the four armed armor man, but in an instant, it was squeezed into meat sauce by him. The next moment, a vision of Bai Sen appeared behind him, and the body of the armor man disappeared.

"Go!" a dull noise came from his throat, glanced at the wounded knight, and he continued to charge ahead. The knight took a few deep breaths, but it was a secret method to urge him. He spent part of his life, recovered his injury in an instant, and then followed kukas and charged again.

forward! forward! forward!

Kukas moved on without any pause. Along the way, he saw many Knights fighting with some armor men, and whenever this time, he would stop and shoot those armor men. As a result, his speed became more and more slow.

It turned out that from the surrounding meat wall, strong armor people kept jumping out. As the passage continued to spread, even six armed and eight armed armor men jumped out to block it.

These armor men are extremely strong and can defeat hundreds of knights alone.

Every time one of them appears, hundreds of knights will fall.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Kukas\'s eyes turned red, and he was full of murderous spirit, which evolved into countless killing virtual shadows around him. Ghosts cry and wolves howl in the virtual shadow, in which the virtual shadows of countless creatures killed by him rise and fall and roar.

I don\'t know how long it took to kill. The passage in front is divided into three, one of which is obviously thrown out when the White Knight fell, and the other two passages are already in the meat ball fortress.

From these passages, countless armor men rushed out to fight with the knights, and at the junction of these three places, the Knights\' bodies piled up all over the ground.

At these three intersections, a space thousands of feet in size was blown out by the fighting of the Knights. The Knights charged again and again, but they were resisted by the armored men.

For every armor man killed, two or even three armor men rushed up.

"Kill!" without any hesitation, kukas rushed up with red eyes like other knights.

His hands crossed, and two huge siege hammers appeared in his hands again. The knight\'s secret method flows, and the Golden Lion under him roars in pain.

The next moment, the three heads of the Golden Lion melted into a viscous liquid along his feet and began to spread. However, in a breathing time, the head and part of the chest and shoulders of the Golden Lion turned into armor and attached to kukas, while kukas\'s lower body was integrated into the body of the golden lion, forming the form that the upper body was a man and the lower body was a fierce beast.

Two huge siege hammers waved, rushed to the front and smashed the armor men madly.

This time, he just urged the normal power of the overlaid seal to be blessed on the double hammer. These two siege hammers are the treasures of the plane that he temporarily spent a lot of the original strength of the plane.

These two plane treasures have only one characteristic, that is, tearing. With the support of massive potential plane sources, the tearing characteristics of the two siege hammers have reached the limit. With each hammer, the ordinary armor man will be torn into pieces in an instant, and the soul contained in the body will emerge, and then be absorbed by the cross branded on the chest.

When the war hammer was waved, the four armed armor man\'s sword collided with his double hammer. Baoguang burst, forcibly crushed the other party\'s battle, and even cracked the next half of the other party\'s armor.

One armor man after another fell under his double hammer. Even if a six armed armor man came out to stop him, he was strongly killed. In the face of those six armed armor men, he is only trying his best to urge the power of land cover seal and spend some life source. The original power of life consumed will be restored in an instant under his thought.

When the siege hammer flies, every breath time, the white cold light turned into a natural vision will come out from behind, and then sweep away the bodies on the ground.

Killing, a halo blessing on him, but it is because some Knights do not hesitate to spend a lot of fighting spirit to bless him with some auxiliary halos.

A series of auxiliary auras such as rapid recovery, strong kill, heavy hit, endless endurance and never fatigue are all blessed on him.

Under the influence of those auras, kukas\'s killing became more and more fierce.

Killing rose, and even his own bodies were swept away in the land of buried bones. In the end, the vision of the bone burial place was directly suspended behind him. As soon as the body appeared in front of him, it would be swallowed up by the bone burial place in an instant. Even the props and weapons on those corpses were absorbed by him.

The bone burial place absorbs a large number of corpses, magic props and even plane treasures on these corpses. Under the action of the white bone and empty cangmu in the vision, these things are all transformed into strength and filled into the bone burial place, making the bone burial place more powerful.

The two siege hammers were stained with too much blood and scarlet fog wrapped around them, but they greatly improved the power of the two siege hammers.

The gold treasure turned under his feet, and the endless ash fighting spirit was continuously instilled into him. Under the circulation of the secret method, he quickly healed all the wounds on his body. There was a natural vision behind him: the place where the bones were buried evolved into a fog, then turned and swept away the bodies hundreds of feet around.

The fighting space was turbulent because of the continuous mobilization of fighting spirit, but these turbulence had just occurred, and then it was comforted and calmed by his plane origin.

It is also relying on the continuous repair and calming of the original power of the plane that makes him fight at the front line and kill like crazy.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Kukas killed red eyes. In the end, he even forgot time and everything. He just hacked the armor man in front of him. The Knights behind him changed from one group to another. At first, the knights with black crosses, but later, they were replaced by knights with bloody roses. Finally, it was replaced by knights with logos such as thunder and thorns.

There was a gold war flag more than a foot high on his head. The gold war flag was damaged and the flagpole could break at any time. But because kukas is still alive, the golden flag is firmly suspended on his head, providing him with all kinds of auxiliary effects.

The Knights behind them disappeared and were replaced by casters in cloaks. These casters are not much worse than the knights in killing, and even more cruel and bloody than the knights in some ways.

The fire burned wantonly in the channel composed of blood and flesh. The wall of the meat ball was constantly expanded, and large pieces of yellow meat fell to the ground. Before it turned into pus, it was swept away by kukas\'s buried bone. At this time, the place where he buried his bones could take the initiative to take away all the flesh and blood within thousands of feet.

An eight armed armor man was smashed by kukas\'s heavy hammer. He blew kukas\'s head hundreds of times, but he died in the end. Because he has no endless source of planes to support.

After exploding the eight armed armor man, the number of armor people blocking in front of kukas decreased significantly.

But kukas didn\'t know all this, because after he killed the eight armed armor man, the oblique cross branded on his chest flashed a black light, and then forced him away from the inside of the meat ball.

The next moment, kukas, who fell into a crazy state, was transferred to a narrow metal space.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" although the position changed, kukas, who was at the peak, didn\'t notice it at all. He just waved the hammer mechanically and hit the metal wall heavily, making a huge roar.

As like as two peas of gold, the golden light is coming out of the pattern on the wall. They emerged from the wall and shone on kukas, cleaning up the bloody smell wrapped around him.

A large amount of golden light integrated into his body, and then washed his soul, making his violent power gradually calm down.

After seven or eight magic hours, kukas regained consciousness.

After the scarlet light in his eyes disappeared, the golden light on the wall seemed to feel and soon disappeared.

The small metal space suddenly changed. Some simple items turned out from the floor and walls and soon filled the whole room.

"Have you come back? I thought there was no end." kukas smiled nervously when he saw the familiar layout in the room.

He turned around the room for dozens of times, finally immersed his mind in the crystal wall and entered the illusory space formed by magic power through secret methods.

However, after he entered the space, he found that there was no one here. As like as two peas, they did not have any traces of a knight.

"All dead? Well, save suffering." after his head was awake, kukas looked at all his experiences in the meat ball like looking at other people\'s memory crystal. In his opinion, perhaps he was the only one left among the Knights of the Golden Lion knights.

Exiting the illusory space of magic condensation, kukas sat on the bed and began to check his harvest during this period of time.

His first attention was the black cross branded on his chest. At this time, he found that there was an incomplete golden pattern on the black cross branded on his chest. And the golden pattern accompanied his mind, either hidden or emerging.

Through the information in the black cross, he knew that the incomplete golden pattern represented his number of killings.

It turned out that after he killed several armor men, some secret functions in the black cross would be turned on.

With each complete swallowing of the soul of an armor man, the incomplete pattern increases. This pattern looks very simple, but it needs tens of thousands of complete souls to grow into a complete pattern. And this complete soul is the soul of the armor man he killed alone.

Of course, this golden pattern is not only a sign of the number of killings, but also a place to store the killing methods of those armor men. As long as the killing methods of those armor men are not repeated, their methods will be forcibly extracted from their souls by the cross and stored for the owner to see.

In addition to the expression of the golden pattern on the cross, kukas\'s greatest harvest is the large number of soul fragments stored in it.

In his black cross, there are at least hundreds of thousands of soul fragments. These soul fragments are not only the evidence for him to exchange various secrets and materials within the alliance, but also the evidence for him to leave the war fortress.

According to the regulations of the league, each professional can leave the knights, the black cross border Legion and return to a safe position as long as he has millions of soul fragments. Where, they don\'t have to obey any compulsory recruitment. As long as they like, no one can force them to join the war again.

Millions of soul fragments can also be exchanged for the black cross and make the black cross their own props.

One side is freedom, freedom from endless killing, and the other side is a powerful magic prop that can grow unlimited. Similarly, most professionals choose freedom without hesitation. They don\'t want to continue to hang out on the battlefield, because they know that they can accumulate millions of soul fragments at a price they don\'t want to try again.

Hundreds of thousands of soul fragments, for ordinary knights, they need to fight three or five fortress wars to accumulate. But kukas only used it once.

The easily obtained soul fragments made him not feel precious at all. Therefore, he did not accumulate his soul fragments like other knights, but decided to consume them to expand his strength.

There are many choices to expand your strength: you can exchange various magic props and even killing weapons with the alliance, various killing secrets, practice secrets, and a large number of magic materials.

Of course, you can also choose to let the black cross absorb the soul, so as to make the auxiliary ability of the black cross more powerful.

Kukas does not lack knowledge at present, because he has tens of thousands of years to study in the aspect of knowledge. Although there is a lack of many magical materials for casting the natural vision: the land of buried bones. But he found that the materials he wanted to continue to ascend the bone burial place were extremely precious. Hundreds of thousands of pieces of soul just let him get a small amount of divine materials. Some more precious magic materials can\'t be exchanged at all. The rare amount of magic materials has little effect on the promotion of his bone burial place.

After several thoughts, he finally chose to let the black cross devour those soul fragments, so as to enhance the power of the cross.

Hundreds of thousands of soul fragments were absorbed by the black cross in just a few breaths.

The black cross fell off kukas and hung three feet in front of him.

Dark light emanated from it. Those faint lights pierced into the void, and then dragged out silver threads from it.

Those silver silk threads looked very ordinary without any power fluctuation, but at the moment of their emergence, the text chain wrapped around kukas\'s soul suddenly trembled violently.

A large number of green tadpole like words flew out of the chain, then appeared near the black cross and quickly integrated into the silver silk thread.

After washing some green tadpole words, some of the silver silk thread was integrated into the black cross, while others were integrated into the soul of kukas.