Abyss Knight

Chapter 798

Kill! His hands were stained with blood. Only dead bodies were everywhere and the space was turbulent.

Kill! The evil spirit soared into the sky, only killing the dark sky, the sun and the moon.

Kill! There is no end to the war. Only the blood stained channel is killed, and resentment is intertwined.

For every armor man who falls into the hands of kukas, the oblique cross branded on him absorbs their souls. However, about half of the souls absorbed and the soul fragments cut out at this time disappeared out of thin air, but they were scattered to other knights in varying numbers. Because the Knights also hurt the armor.

Under the action of the black cross, everything is appropriately distributed according to the contribution. It will not give anything in return because someone does less.

forward! forward! Without any stop, kukas just moved forward, followed the passage of the white knight, and kept moving forward.

The healing speed of the channel in front is faster and faster, in order not to be closed here, but also in order not to let the companions behind hurt themselves. They frantically released their fighting spirit and attacked all obstacles in front of them.


The fighting awl formed by the Knights charged was smashed, and a armor man with four arms waved a huge war knife and ruthlessly broke the fighting awl.

Kukas, who rushed to the front, suffered the most powerful impact. The four accounted for him, cut him alternately, instantly tore his fighting defense, broke his flesh and blood, cut him off from the golden lion, fell heavily on the ground and couldn\'t stand up.

Flesh and blood turned out, revealing white bones. Some bones were even cut off by the opponent\'s sword.

A giant beast rode on him and continued to run ahead.

The golden lion in front saw that his master had been cut down. With a cry, he opened his mouth and tore at the four armed armor man.

"I\'m going to kill you. Roar!" roared, and the fighting spirit was wildly vented from the body. The strong fighting spirit hit the flesh wall and made a violent explosion. With the help of the rebound force generated by the outbreak of fighting spirit, kukas turned into a streamer and instantly appeared on the head of the golden lion.

His hands fell, the void within a few feet contracted fiercely, and he carried infinite power to suppress the four armed armor man.

"Invader! Die!" was the first time kukas had heard the armor people speak.

"Get down, Lao Tzu." the secret law was circulated, and the injury on the body recovered quickly with the naked eye.

When the power of the ground cover seal is exerted, the surrounding void is constantly squeezed together, and illusory chains emerge from the compressed void. Although these chains are incomplete, as soon as they emerge, they emit the breath of surpassing the Ninth level and even reaching the peak of the tenth level.

The broken unreal chains intertwined with each other and twined around the four armed armor man in an instant. As soon as these chains were wound on it, the power of ground seal was completely released. Along the chain, a brain infusion into the armor body.

"Boom!" the dull explosion sounded. The next moment, the armor man\'s body shrank fiercely. But his four swords were still waving.

The saber curved in the air and cut on those illusory and incomplete chains, making a harsh collision sound.

The chain was cut off, but kukas\'s hands also pierced his chest.

"There is no difference between invaders and defenders, there is only life and death." kukas growled and tried to tear the armor man\'s body apart with both hands.

The knights in the back immediately crossed their bodies and rushed to the front. Those knights were not cold-blooded, but they clearly knew that the speed of the knights in the front charge had slowed down. The fighting awl formed by the charge was broken. If it could not be formed in time, the Knights behind them would lose more.

Charge, charge, charge without any hesitation. The more Knights join the charge, the greater their power. Only in this way will they have a greater chance of surviving.

All the knights could do was to release a fighting spirit to attack the four armed armor man when charging.

"No, this is our home. Now we have come back from the star world to take back what we have lost. You will be driven into the abyss." the armor man roared, and the fishy yellow liquid flowed out of his chest, eroding kukas\'s hands.

"Dead!" the four armed armor man roared. He lost his sword, turned to hold kukas firmly, and then hit kukas\' head with his head.

"Roar! Get out!" kukas roared. When the four armed armor man hugged him, he felt an extremely strong danger from each other. The dangerous excitement made him feel as if he was going to lose his life at any time.

The powerful ashes are released crazily, constantly instilled into the armor man\'s body, melting each other\'s internal organs.

A series of secret operations, some repair the body, some increase their own strength, and tear the other party\'s body hard.

Click! Click!

The bones of kukas were forcibly broken by the four armed armor man. At the same time, his hands penetrated each other\'s body, then tore left and right, and tore his chest and abdomen.

"I can\'t die. The great mother will revive me again. At that time, I\'ll eat you." the armor man roared, opened his mouth, bit kukas\'s ear and chewed hard.

"If you want to eat me, I\'ll eat you first." kukas smiled grimly, shook his huge head and hit the armor man again and again. Several times in a row, he smashed the other party\'s head, but he also lost an ear. Step forward and break each other\'s head.

He reached out and touched his head. The secret method worked, and the incomplete ears grew out quickly. Not far away, the Golden Lion swayed his head and tail and rushed to him. There were also wounds on his body, which were cut by the four armed armor man when he waved his sword.

The mind turned and released the natural vision. The cold light of Bai Sen turns and rolls up the broken corpses on the ground, allowing the natural vision to be absorbed in the bone burial place, so as to achieve the supreme power.

Stepping on the golden lion, kukas urged the horse to run again. However, at this time, he did not urge himself to fight and release the knight\'s secret method to join the charge. But decided to rush to the front and kill those who stopped.